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Messages - The Lord Ruler

Pages: 1 ... 169170171 172173 ... 327
Please direct me to where I said otherwise. Oh wait.

I never said you did say otherwise.


What are you trying to say here? That just because it makes a copy it isn't theft?

Please direct me to where I said it does. Oh wait.

If I made a product and it got pirated it wouldn't matter  1) Someone pirates it, likes it, then buys it. 2) Someone pirates it, doesn't like it, and doesn't buy it just like they weren't going to anyway if piracy wasn't a thing.

So than what are you trying to say with this? It seems like trying to justify it to me.

Never said everyone. Don't put words in my mouth.

So than why did you say this?
1) Someone pirates it, likes it, then buys it
You make it out to seem that if everyone likes it, they buy it.

Well yeah, because it's 100% true, nor is it stupid.
Just take a second to think about that sentiment. "Just because it's not as important we should ignore it."

It is really stupid when you think about it.
It's absolutely an unimportant "crime" and not worth the resources it'd take to enforce it, because it's literally a non-issue and those resources can be spent on things that're worth it.

>still a crime and theft
>still should be punishable

Imagine it;
"Hello 911, there's someone at my door trying to get in and has a weapon"
"Sorry ma'am, all of our on duty officers are engaged and are currently arresting some punk kids for downloading Friday by Rebecca Black".
Headlines later that day: "Woman killed in brutal home invasion, Police arrive too late".

man i don't think you know how law enforcement works

If you're trying to make out that you've never pirated anything, then that's complete and utter bullshit and you know it and you're just playing this whole " oh look at me mr goody two shoes" act.

i never said I didn't. "Don't put words into my mouth"

How many songs have you listened to on YouTube that weren't officially uploaded? Someone call the Police! This guy has listened to an illegally uploaded song on YouTube! He deserves to be punished!

>still theft
>still should be punishable

The Flood / Re: How often do you masturbate?
« on: August 13, 2015, 11:02:27 PM »
every couple of days or so

The Flood / Re: PSA: To all drivers
« on: August 13, 2015, 10:51:47 PM »
>What other drivers on the road seem to me sometimes when I try to be a good driver


It's not that, it's that people need to learn to move.  The left lane is for passing, not going whatever the fuck speed you feel like.  If you're not going fast enough to adequately pass people in the right lane, get the fuck out of the left lane.
It's even a state fucking law here. Nobody cares though... and it infuriates me.
No shit.  I deal with it everyday on 33.  Its usually someone from Jersey cuz oh man, theyre from Joisey betta stay in the passin lane and go unda the limit.

as someone from jersey I have to say that everyone here are pretty terrible drivers.

The Flood / Re: The new transporter movie looks like shit.
« on: August 13, 2015, 10:41:56 PM »
never really like the transporter movies anyway. Honestly never even like Jason Statham either.

The Flood / Re: Whatever happened to AngryBrute?
« on: August 13, 2015, 10:38:28 PM »
probably just busy

The amount of people that have been busted for pirating is so incredibly small that it's not even worth taking note of, like, at all.
You won't get in any kind of trouble for pirating something because it isn't worth it and it isn't really even harming anyone.

But people have. And people still will. It's not harming anyone but it's still stealing. It's theft.

It isn't like theft at all either. You aren't taking anything from anyone.

It is theft though. And you are stealing.
If I made a product and it got pirated it wouldn't matter for 2 reasons. 1) Someone pirates it, likes it, then buys it.
That doesn't justify pirating it in the first place. and yeah everyone definitely buys it after finding they like it. Totes.

2) Someone pirates it, doesn't like it, and doesn't buy it just like they weren't going to anyway if piracy wasn't a thing.

and that's still stealing

You can be Mr. Justice all you want, but it isn't going to change the fact that you aren't going to get into trouble for pirating, and that nobody cares enough to enforce whilst there's real crimes being commited every day like murder and rape.

You can deny it all you want but pirating is still theft and illegal and people guilty of it should still be punished.

also LOL just because pirating and stealing isn't as terrible or heinous as murder and rape we should just ignore it? Man that's a terrible and absolute stupid thing to say.

But you won't, though. It's hardly something worth caring about.

But you will though. Plenty of people have been fined for it. Yes most people won't but people have been.

And it's worth caring about if you made product that's being pirated. It's still a crime that can and should be enforced.

I'm with BC on this one.

I don't do illegal stuff (except for pirating, but who gives a shit).

people who own the stuff your pirating and don't want you to pirate their stuff

people who, you know, would take legal action once they find out
I use a VPN when I do download, but I don't use it 24/7

And what, you think that makes you immune to legal action? You think that makes you completely anonymous?

You think the government won't know what you're doing while they're monitoring you because you use a vpn?

I really hope you don't believe this.
lol the government don't give a shit if you download some songs or movies, nor will you get into any trouble with the authorities for it

I hope you don't believe that. If we're  being  monitored than yes, you would get into a lot of trouble for it.

I'm with BC on this one.

I don't do illegal stuff (except for pirating, but who gives a shit).

people who own the stuff your pirating and don't want you to pirate their stuff

people who, you know, would take legal action once they find out
I use a VPN when I do download, but I don't use it 24/7

And what, you think that makes you immune to legal action? You think that makes you completely anonymous?

You think the government won't know what you're doing while they're monitoring you because you use a vpn?

I really hope you don't believe this.

I'm with BC on this one.

I don't do illegal stuff (except for pirating, but who gives a shit).

people who own the stuff your pirating and don't want you to pirate their stuff

people who, you know, would take legal action once they find out

The Flood / Re: My friend had sugery; 1st world problems
« on: August 13, 2015, 10:53:58 AM »
cheer up your friend

The Flood / Re: Eowyn or Arwen?
« on: August 13, 2015, 09:51:44 AM »
>picking Arwen
>picking whiny, useless bitch Arwen
>only good for being Aragorn's sex toy
>not picking superior Eowyn
>slayed a fell beast and killed the witch king
>will fight for her country no matter what anyone says
>would fight besides and even in front of Aragorn if it meant protecting him
>Arwen wouldn't

get rekt Arwen loving scrubs

The Flood / Re: Well, I tanked my A-levels
« on: August 13, 2015, 09:15:43 AM »
are b's bad in britain

The Flood / Re: Captain Phasma | new pic
« on: August 12, 2015, 10:26:19 PM »
I hope they bring back boba just so she can strong woman kill him

... Why?

because it would be like giving a cookie to someone but than kicking them in the nuts

the reaction from boba fans would amuse me

The Flood / Re: Try not to laugh challenge
« on: August 12, 2015, 08:34:03 PM »
while I thought much of that was funny, I did not laugh, smile, or grin.

The Flood / Re: Captain Phasma | new pic
« on: August 12, 2015, 08:28:23 PM »
I hope they bring back boba just so she can strong woman kill him

then fled to one of the most oppressive dictatorships of the 21st century
He fled to Russia, not America...

The Flood / Re: Which way do you face when you shower
« on: August 12, 2015, 07:19:27 PM »
Back to the shower

Septagon / Re: Easy tweak for mobile users
« on: August 12, 2015, 03:41:30 PM »
Or just select the text and press the button of whatever you want

The Flood / Re: doorposting ITT
« on: August 12, 2015, 10:48:33 AM »
tfw doorposting

The Flood / Re: Eowyn or Arwen?
« on: August 12, 2015, 10:46:19 AM »
Also lolblondes

>Japanese people

get bombed son

The Flood / Re: Eowyn or Arwen?
« on: August 12, 2015, 10:17:45 AM »
Eowyn can slay my fell beast

The Flood / Re: Captured Seal Executed, Fed To Foxes
« on: August 12, 2015, 09:41:27 AM »

Good to know I guess?

Gaming / Re: Well m8s?
« on: August 12, 2015, 09:26:34 AM »

Into the le trash

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4 leaked footage...on Pornhub
« on: August 12, 2015, 09:23:30 AM »
Hidden Camera Shows Audience Teased by Big Butt Man in Tights Live

Lol that title

The Flood / Re: today was my last day of work
« on: August 12, 2015, 12:25:57 AM »
Nice Mcblog McFaggot

I hope you McShat over the McGrill

you worked at McDonalds right?

The Flood / Re: This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 11, 2015, 11:58:17 PM »
Don't be upset; those aren't iPhones. At least, they're not legitimate ones.

Are you positive? Because if you are, I'm about to put him on full blast.
I take apart iPhones as a hobby. I've never seen one like that. The backs are nothing like the 6 or 6+. It looks most like an iPod 5th gen or an iPhone 5C, both of which are not that expensive, especially if they're bricked.

Career fucking ended

The Flood / Re: This, right here, is the shit that pisses me off
« on: August 11, 2015, 11:56:55 PM »
What makes him think more phones=better person?

The Flood / Re: Your first relationship
« on: August 11, 2015, 11:52:24 PM »
We met  when were like four and knew each other for a while until we just drifted apart.

We always liked to say we were boyfriend/girlfriend and said we would marry each other which makes me kind of sad because we just sorta stopped talking and hanging out for no reason. And I do remember her being one of my best friends.

The Flood / Re: tfw no squad
« on: August 11, 2015, 09:42:46 PM »


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