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Messages - nosejob

Pages: 1 ... 474849 5051 ... 68
Gaming / Re: MCC Halo 1v1 Tournament (Game On!)
« on: April 25, 2015, 03:10:21 PM »
I'm dropping out.

H2 Mag1k (xbl friend) will be replacing CK

Gaming / Re: There is no Marcus Fenix Collection
« on: April 25, 2015, 03:04:44 PM »
Yay. The third is the best but gears 1 seems nearly unplayable after 2/3. It's hideous, sound is gross, so much input lag, etc. If this is true which is most likely is, I'm hyped to do some 1v1s on clocktower and gridlock.
Hopefully its less than $60

Gaming / Re: MCC Halo 1v1 Tournament (Game On!)
« on: April 24, 2015, 06:23:23 PM »

Gaming / Re: Screw DICE
« on: April 24, 2015, 05:21:42 PM »
I honestly blame EA still. Indie devs take longer to make games because they are not on any publishers clock. They can put any of their ideas without worry about a release date.
>Early access cancer plaguing the indie scene over the past few years
That's kind of true but there have still been tons of amazing indie games in the past few years.

Gaming / Re: Steam has paid mods now
« on: April 24, 2015, 05:19:54 PM »

all the same


Gaming / Re: Screw DICE
« on: April 24, 2015, 05:17:04 PM »
I honestly blame EA still. Indie devs take longer to make games because they are not on any publishers clock. They can put any of their ideas without worry about a release date.

Gaming / Re: MCC Halo 1v1 Tournament (Game On!)
« on: April 24, 2015, 03:15:39 PM »
Just signed up on challonge. BTB_Bill is the user.

Gaming / Re: Steam has paid mods now
« on: April 24, 2015, 07:58:15 AM »
Retarded. Whichever one of you said they should just have a donate option, Y35.

Gaming / Re: MCC Halo 1v1 Tournament (Game On!)
« on: April 24, 2015, 07:45:35 AM »
I'm still in.

What's your gamertag m8?

BTB Bill
Did you sign up for challonge? I invited a PSU, not if its you though xD

Gaming / Re: MCC Halo 1v1 Tournament
« on: April 23, 2015, 07:24:02 PM »
I'm still in.

What's your gamertag m8?

Gaming / Re: MCC Halo 1v1 Tournament (Game On!)
« on: April 23, 2015, 07:22:59 PM »
To sign up:
Make account on
Tell me your username
I'll invite you to the tournament
Accept through the invitation (you'll see the invite in your notifications)

Sorry for the hassle, but it's the best way to keep everything organized.

Gaming / Re: MCC Halo 1v1 Tournament (Game On!)
« on: April 23, 2015, 07:21:33 PM »
Let the games begin! Sign up on the website now and we can get going.

Gaming / Re: MCC Halo 1v1 Tournament
« on: April 21, 2015, 09:26:46 PM »
I'll update everything and set up the bracket tomorrow night and we can get playing. I'll probably be getting 2 more peeps so we have 8.

Gaming / Re: Greninja Amiibo available for preorder
« on: April 19, 2015, 07:40:35 AM »
They're cool but all the ones I want won't be in stock for years.

Gaming / Re: So Mewtwo is out
« on: April 19, 2015, 07:35:45 AM »
Good thing Greninja is my main then.

But yeah, I was upset that you landed those on me ::)
didn't you say you were gonna have a 3DS tourney?

after the wii u one ends, of course
if it ever does
I did, but I don't know if I want to anymore after seeing how lazy people are in the Wii U one.
Shut up, I'm not lazy!

Gaming / Re: MCC Halo 1v1 Tournament
« on: April 18, 2015, 11:56:11 PM »
Guys if you could post your gamertag that'd be nice. I put our usernames to the left, GT to the right. Make sure to add everyone so setting up games can be easier.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Battlefront 1 and 2 map?
« on: April 18, 2015, 11:40:32 PM »

it was like a forest
and there was a lot of water

Gaming / Re: MCC Halo 1v1 Tournament
« on: April 18, 2015, 09:36:25 PM »

And exactly when will the tournament start?
I'll set it up on and similar to the Smash tourneys on here, we'll go through the bracket and people will play their games whenever they can. As for when I set the bracket up, Monday or Tuesday.

Gaming / Re: Win 3 months of PS+ (US only)
« on: April 18, 2015, 09:33:36 PM »

Gaming / Re: MCC Halo 1v1 Tournament
« on: April 18, 2015, 08:07:45 AM »

Gaming / Re: Aw shit Dice what the fuck are you doing
« on: April 18, 2015, 08:06:49 AM »
Wow. I literally won't get this game now.

Gaming / Re: Guitar Hero Live trailer
« on: April 16, 2015, 09:32:18 PM »
Lol this is awful. Rock Band 4 has a much better attitude and feel.

Gaming / Re: So this guy decided to trash-talk me after a game of MCC
« on: April 16, 2015, 09:28:43 PM »
>calling the smiths gay

Gaming / Re: PLay Battlefront first with EA Access
« on: April 16, 2015, 09:26:06 PM »
I mean, I have EA access so yay but I wish gaming these days would be less of a clusterfuck.

Gaming / Re: Neverwinter?
« on: April 16, 2015, 09:22:47 PM »
It's no horrible.

Gaming / Re: TFW fast internet
« on: April 16, 2015, 08:58:11 PM »
50 up and 10 down
based london fibre optic is great
im worried that when i move to my university halls the internet there will be slow. i try not to think about it, it stresses me out
From my experience most universities actually have pretty good internet because they know how many people need to use it for homework and whatnot.

Gaming / Re: TFW fast internet
« on: April 16, 2015, 08:49:09 PM »
35 down 6 up

Gaming / Re: Everybody on MKX Online is a bitch
« on: April 16, 2015, 08:48:11 PM »
Smash Bros. online is pretty bad too.

>Opponent chooses fighter with a spammable projectile
>Camps on the opposite side of the stage spamming projectiles for the entirety of the match

Complete cancer.
Its fun to destroy people who do that shit.

Gaming / Re: MCC Halo 1v1 Tournament
« on: April 16, 2015, 05:36:22 PM »

I'd like to set up the bracket Saturday, let me know if you're playing.

I'll probably be getting some xbl friends to join in too.

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