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Messages - Mad Max

Pages: 1 ... 9899100 101102 ... 251
You're probably right. Finding competent jazz musicians to play with is very difficult.

The Flood / Re: Airports suck
« on: January 23, 2015, 02:34:17 PM »
Chilling in airports is one of my favorite things. I love people-watching and wandering about the airport.

Serious / Re: Can animals have rights?
« on: January 23, 2015, 02:22:33 PM »
I think most living beings deserve not to be tortured, killed, beaten, etc and you should be punished if you do.

Serious / Re: Official State of the [only] Union [that matters] thread
« on: January 23, 2015, 02:21:26 PM »
Also, you can live ANYWHERE in the United States for $8 an hour.
No, incorrect. My rent is $1050/mo. Even if I didn't pay taxes, I would barely have enough to keep my roof over my head at $8/hr. That's not to mention food, utilities, car, cell phone, and other expenses.

Stop making shit up.

Not everyone lives in your crazy little fantasy world.

Absolutely correct. You don't need utilities, a car, a cell phone, most other expenses or even a place to rent.
I don't need running water, heat, a car to get to work, a phone to call my friends, family, work? I don't need a place to live?

Please just stop.

No, you don't NEED those things to LIVE. Sorry, I don't just stop because you get proven wrong. Walk to a dang pond with a bucket. My point is you're going to live, you're just going to have to not be dependent on others.
Sorry, this isn't the fucking 1400's. I'm not going to build a tiny shack and attempt to survive. This is 2015 with all the comfort and amenities I desire. We don't need to hunt for our food anymore, the grocery store exists. We don't need to make our own clothes, we can buy those, too. I'm not going to walk 20 miles to and from work, so I drive because we have cars.

Maybe barely surviving works for you, but certainly not for me.

It's pretty silly that you say all this shit about not needing any of these things, yet here you are on the fucking internet.

Since this isn't the past we better just make slaves of employers?
What does that even mean? How do I make my employer a slave?
It doesn't work like that. Live within your means and support yourself.
I do.
You have to actually work for those comforts instead of expecting them to be handed too you.
Yes, that's called "a job."
I'm hardly "barely surviving." I worked hard to where I am to live comfortably, and I didn't steal from anyone to get there.
..and I didn't work hard? I stole things from people to get where I am?

You also don't need the internet, and I can actually afford it on my own. My possessions are irrelevant. You make an employer a slave when you raise the minimum wage by forcing them to pay something they never agreed to pay.

Then you're living, which goes against your claim that you can't live on $8 an hour.

Or providing for yourself. No one owes you a job, nor is one required to survive.

You are advocating for theft...
Do you realize what a dysfunctional society we would live in if nobody had real fucking jobs? We can't all be farmers and blacksmiths and shit. We already did that...hundreds of years ago.

You realize there's plenty of fantastic jobs out there, or you can always start your own business.
No, you can't have a business, because something something theft and other bullshit you made up

Serious / Re: Official State of the [only] Union [that matters] thread
« on: January 23, 2015, 02:14:58 PM »
Also, you can live ANYWHERE in the United States for $8 an hour.
No, incorrect. My rent is $1050/mo. Even if I didn't pay taxes, I would barely have enough to keep my roof over my head at $8/hr. That's not to mention food, utilities, car, cell phone, and other expenses.

Stop making shit up.

Not everyone lives in your crazy little fantasy world.

Absolutely correct. You don't need utilities, a car, a cell phone, most other expenses or even a place to rent.
I don't need running water, heat, a car to get to work, a phone to call my friends, family, work? I don't need a place to live?

Please just stop.

No, you don't NEED those things to LIVE. Sorry, I don't just stop because you get proven wrong. Walk to a dang pond with a bucket. My point is you're going to live, you're just going to have to not be dependent on others.
Sorry, this isn't the fucking 1400's. I'm not going to build a tiny shack and attempt to survive. This is 2015 with all the comfort and amenities I desire. We don't need to hunt for our food anymore, the grocery store exists. We don't need to make our own clothes, we can buy those, too. I'm not going to walk 20 miles to and from work, so I drive because we have cars.

Maybe barely surviving works for you, but certainly not for me.

It's pretty silly that you say all this shit about not needing any of these things, yet here you are on the fucking internet.

Since this isn't the past we better just make slaves of employers?
What does that even mean? How do I make my employer a slave?
It doesn't work like that. Live within your means and support yourself.
I do.
You have to actually work for those comforts instead of expecting them to be handed too you.
Yes, that's called "a job."
I'm hardly "barely surviving." I worked hard to where I am to live comfortably, and I didn't steal from anyone to get there.
..and I didn't work hard? I stole things from people to get where I am?

You also don't need the internet, and I can actually afford it on my own. My possessions are irrelevant. You make an employer a slave when you raise the minimum wage by forcing them to pay something they never agreed to pay.

Then you're living, which goes against your claim that you can't live on $8 an hour.

Or providing for yourself. No one owes you a job, nor is one required to survive.

You are advocating for theft...
Do you realize what a dysfunctional society we would live in if nobody had real fucking jobs? We can't all be farmers and blacksmiths and shit. We already did that...hundreds of years ago.

Serious / Re: Official State of the [only] Union [that matters] thread
« on: January 23, 2015, 02:06:48 PM »
Also, you can live ANYWHERE in the United States for $8 an hour.
No, incorrect. My rent is $1050/mo. Even if I didn't pay taxes, I would barely have enough to keep my roof over my head at $8/hr. That's not to mention food, utilities, car, cell phone, and other expenses.

Stop making shit up.

Not everyone lives in your crazy little fantasy world.

Absolutely correct. You don't need utilities, a car, a cell phone, most other expenses or even a place to rent.
I don't need running water, heat, a car to get to work, a phone to call my friends, family, work? I don't need a place to live?

Please just stop.

No, you don't NEED those things to LIVE. Sorry, I don't just stop because you get proven wrong. Walk to a dang pond with a bucket. My point is you're going to live, you're just going to have to not be dependent on others.
Sorry, this isn't the fucking 1400's. I'm not going to build a tiny shack and attempt to survive. This is 2015 with all the comfort and amenities I desire. We don't need to hunt for our food anymore, the grocery store exists. We don't need to make our own clothes, we can buy those, too. I'm not going to walk 20 miles to and from work, so I drive because we have cars.

Maybe barely surviving works for you, but certainly not for me.

It's pretty silly that you say all this shit about not needing any of these things, yet here you are on the fucking internet.

Since this isn't the past we better just make slaves of employers?
What does that even mean? How do I make my employer a slave?
It doesn't work like that. Live within your means and support yourself.
I do.
You have to actually work for those comforts instead of expecting them to be handed too you.
Yes, that's called "a job."
I'm hardly "barely surviving." I worked hard to where I am to live comfortably, and I didn't steal from anyone to get there.
..and I didn't work hard? I stole things from people to get where I am?

Serious / Re: Official State of the [only] Union [that matters] thread
« on: January 23, 2015, 01:59:20 PM »
Also, you can live ANYWHERE in the United States for $8 an hour.
No, incorrect. My rent is $1050/mo. Even if I didn't pay taxes, I would barely have enough to keep my roof over my head at $8/hr. That's not to mention food, utilities, car, cell phone, and other expenses.

Stop making shit up.

Not everyone lives in your crazy little fantasy world.

Absolutely correct. You don't need utilities, a car, a cell phone, most other expenses or even a place to rent.
I don't need running water, heat, a car to get to work, a phone to call my friends, family, work? I don't need a place to live?

Please just stop.

No, you don't NEED those things to LIVE. Sorry, I don't just stop because you get proven wrong. Walk to a dang pond with a bucket. My point is you're going to live, you're just going to have to not be dependent on others.
Sorry, this isn't the fucking 1400's. I'm not going to build a tiny shack and attempt to survive. This is 2015 with all the comfort and amenities I desire. We don't need to hunt for our food anymore, the grocery store exists. We don't need to make our own clothes, we can buy those, too. I'm not going to walk 20 miles to and from work, so I drive because we have cars.

Maybe barely surviving works for you, but certainly not for me.

It's pretty silly that you say all this shit about not needing any of these things, yet here you are on the fucking internet.

Serious / Re: Official State of the [only] Union [that matters] thread
« on: January 23, 2015, 01:53:29 PM »
Also, you can live ANYWHERE in the United States for $8 an hour.
No, incorrect. My rent is $1050/mo. Even if I didn't pay taxes, I would barely have enough to keep my roof over my head at $8/hr. That's not to mention food, utilities, car, cell phone, and other expenses.

Stop making shit up.

Not everyone lives in your crazy little fantasy world.

Absolutely correct. You don't need utilities, a car, a cell phone, most other expenses or even a place to rent.
I don't need running water, heat, a car to get to work, a phone to call my friends, family, work? I don't need a place to live?

Please just stop.

Serious / Re: Official State of the [only] Union [that matters] thread
« on: January 23, 2015, 01:42:57 PM »
Also, you can live ANYWHERE in the United States for $8 an hour.
No, incorrect. My rent is $1050/mo. Even if I didn't pay taxes, I would barely have enough to keep my roof over my head at $8/hr. That's not to mention food, utilities, car, cell phone, and other expenses.

Stop making shit up.

Not everyone lives in your crazy little fantasy world.
While I agree with you, I'm not sure you can use your rent as a metric.
It's true that it's not fair to use my rent as an example, but Cam is saying you can live ANYWHERE in the US on $8, which simply isn't true.

Maybe some shitty parts of the midwest you can, but you can rule out pretty much any major metro area.

Serious / Re: Official State of the [only] Union [that matters] thread
« on: January 23, 2015, 01:34:45 PM »
Also, you can live ANYWHERE in the United States for $8 an hour.
No, incorrect. My rent is $1050/mo. Even if I didn't pay taxes, I would barely have enough to keep my roof over my head at $8/hr. That's not to mention food, utilities, car, cell phone, and other expenses.

Stop making shit up.

Not everyone lives in your crazy little fantasy world.

Serious / Re: California rapper faces 25 years to life for his lyrics
« on: January 23, 2015, 01:19:23 PM »
I read rapper as raper first and 25 years made more sense.

25 years for a song is BS.
Literally any time for song lyrics is BS.

Serious / Re: California rapper faces 25 years to life for his lyrics
« on: January 23, 2015, 12:47:43 PM »
How exactly do you find someone guilty of something they wrote in song lyrics?

The Flood / It's pizza day at work today!
« on: January 23, 2015, 11:07:33 AM »

What are you doing since it's Friday?

Serious / Re: Official State of the [only] Union [that matters] thread
« on: January 23, 2015, 10:57:38 AM »
Regarding the unnecessary multitude of SotU responses, did any of them actually address what Obama spoke of? Yeah, we heard about bread bag shoes and shit, but...aren't they supposed to be responding to what the SotU was about?

Serious / Re: Are you a threat to the government?
« on: January 23, 2015, 10:01:46 AM »
I wish I was influential enough to be, but alas I am not.

Serious / Re: Are you a threat to the government?
« on: January 23, 2015, 10:01:20 AM »
No, because I don't have radical beliefs.
Aren't you a socialist?
Even if he was, that's hardly a radical belief.

Serious / Re: Mother outraged at "satanic symbol" on school bus
« on: January 23, 2015, 09:59:56 AM »
What if the God you fear is Satan himself?
I've always wondered this. Wouldn't it be just like something Satan would do - trick you into believing he's something good when he isn't?

Serious / Re: Bakery refuses to make anti-gay cake; legal action ensues
« on: January 23, 2015, 09:59:00 AM »
You're one of the idiots that was just fine by forcing a person to make a cake for a homosexual couple, you better be fine with this woman being forced to make this cake.
Where did I say that?

The Flood / Re: Your favorite rapper?
« on: January 23, 2015, 01:11:03 AM »
I'm more about that older hip hop.




Serious / Re: Mother outraged at "satanic symbol" on school bus
« on: January 23, 2015, 12:56:45 AM »
People are offended by BASIC FUCKING GEOMETRIC SHAPES now?

I quit.

Serious / Re: Mother outraged at "satanic symbol" on school bus
« on: January 23, 2015, 12:53:42 AM »
And a God that needs to be feared, isn't loving.
You need to feel fear every once in a while to truly appreciate the love.
Sounds like every abusive relationship I've ever heard of.

The Flood / Re: So I dialed 911 for a friend who lied to me.
« on: January 23, 2015, 12:51:39 AM »
What a glorious waste or resources. I would never talk to this person again.

The Flood / Re: Let's be honest here
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:43:57 PM »

Go away, child.

The Flood / Re: Slash
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:38:14 PM »

Serious / Re: King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia Dead
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:29:24 PM »
>younger brother


The Flood / Re: If you share a depression story you're unethical
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:14:27 PM »
It's fun watching what this forum does when their opinions are threatened.

Locking the thread, ignoring the issue altogether, insulting, banning the discussing, etc.

It'll certainly be the death of this forum. The actions Cheat and the mods are taking to destroy Serious and revitalize the Flood are horrendous and will ultimately lead to its down fall.
literally nobody cares

A controversial political opinion = Fine
'Lets kill all the gays' = Not for the serious board

I haven't actually kicked any of your threads out of serious for a while now, so this just seems like you being contrary for the sake of it.
But why couldn't we have a discussion on it? I could certainly make some arguments for that.

Good for you. Go do it in your own thread in The Flood. Sexuality threads, outside of legality for marriage and such, go there anyway now.
For the next two weeks. The way the staff handles this forum is going to bring it to its collapse.
So fucking leave and stop being a whiny bitch.

Take Inglorious98 with you.

The Flood / Re: If you share a depression story you're unethical
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:10:40 PM »
How is this even fun for you?

Reported for derailing

Serious / Re: Did you know that Wal-mart really isn't all that bad?
« on: January 22, 2015, 06:01:34 PM »
I mean, that's nice and all, but if they need to have an annual food drive for their employees, something is very wrong.

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