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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 323334 3536 ... 173
Serious / Re: Sociopaths and psychopaths.
« on: October 19, 2015, 01:06:12 AM »
They're unfit for society. There should be a law to eliminate sociopaths and psychopaths at birth, once detected.

What are you implying?
That you're a sociopath/psychopath. I thought that would be pretty clear. Apparently not.

I was asking so you'd give a specific answer because there's TWO options there. Which one, smartass?

Alright, I'll just add your name to the list
Thank the fucking gods.

For what?
oh I assumed it was a list of people you weren't going to respond to anymore. Which list am I on?

I have no such list, but I guess you're going to find out the one you're on eventually
threats aren't cool, bud

There's no threat anywhere you dolt. This isn't a Hollywood horror movie

Serious / Re: Sociopaths and psychopaths.
« on: October 19, 2015, 12:53:25 AM »
They're unfit for society. There should be a law to eliminate sociopaths and psychopaths at birth, once detected.

What are you implying?
That you're a sociopath/psychopath. I thought that would be pretty clear. Apparently not.

I was asking so you'd give a specific answer because there's TWO options there. Which one, smartass?

Alright, I'll just add your name to the list
Thank the fucking gods.

For what?
oh I assumed it was a list of people you weren't going to respond to anymore. Which list am I on?

I have no such list, but I guess you're going to find out the one you're on eventually

The Flood / Re: Something cute.
« on: October 18, 2015, 11:42:49 PM »
Not enough bukakke

The Flood / Re: People Who Feel Bad
« on: October 18, 2015, 11:37:58 PM »
My bitch sister has sold me a car with both startup and idle issues. Which was great until the day i bought it. Now i need to get it fixed and she is now calling it my problem.

Fucking bitch.

I see I'm not the only one with sibling issues, eh?

Serious / Re: Sociopaths and psychopaths.
« on: October 18, 2015, 11:34:12 PM »
They're unfit for society. There should be a law to eliminate sociopaths and psychopaths at birth, once detected.

What are you implying?
That you're a sociopath/psychopath. I thought that would be pretty clear. Apparently not.

I was asking so you'd give a specific answer because there's TWO options there. Which one, smartass?

Alright, I'll just add your name to the list
Thank the fucking gods.

For what?

The Flood / Re: Living in Irvine SUCKS
« on: October 18, 2015, 11:30:30 PM »

Joke's on you--I unironically like Jar Jar.
....Why am I not surprised.

He probably "likes" the newer Star Wars to seem edgy

C3PO and chewbacca are worse than jar jar



Nice try

Oh, so you admit to being objectively wrong

Yes im saying im objectively wrong

Oh okay thanks for clearing that up for me

Serious / Re: Sociopaths and psychopaths.
« on: October 18, 2015, 11:20:41 PM »
They're unfit for society. There should be a law to eliminate sociopaths and psychopaths at birth, once detected.

What are you implying?
That you're a sociopath/psychopath. I thought that would be pretty clear. Apparently not.

I was asking so you'd give a specific answer because there's TWO options there. Which one, smartass?

Alright, I'll just add your name to the list

Serious / Re: Sociopaths and psychopaths.
« on: October 18, 2015, 11:17:08 PM »
They're unfit for society. There should be a law to eliminate sociopaths and psychopaths at birth, once detected.

What are you implying?
That you're a sociopath/psychopath. I thought that would be pretty clear. Apparently not.

I was asking so you'd give a specific answer because there's TWO options there. Which one, smartass?

Serious / Re: Sociopaths and psychopaths.
« on: October 18, 2015, 11:14:56 PM »
They're unfit for society. There should be a law to eliminate sociopaths and psychopaths at birth, once detected.

What are you implying?

The Flood / Living in Irvine SUCKS
« on: October 18, 2015, 11:14:33 PM »
HOLY SHIT there's so many gooks, it's gook central of Orange County. The drivers are the worst part - half gook, half senile, and all retard. People either drive 10mph under the speed limit regularly or have zero situational awareness. I'm gonna' get an ulcer driving around here.

Joke's on you--I unironically like Jar Jar.
....Why am I not surprised.

He probably "likes" the newer Star Wars to seem edgy

C3PO and chewbacca are worse than jar jar



Nice try

Oh, so you admit to being objectively wrong

Serious / Re: I'm not surprised that Americans don't fight back
« on: October 18, 2015, 11:10:45 PM »
People don't protest on university campuses anymore, because they get pepper sprayed while sitting in a circle.

Reference to the UC Davis pepper spray? That was completely justified.
Except it wasn't. The students were doing nothing wrong, and the campus police presence did nothing but elevate the situation. Sitting in a circle isn't against the law.

It was, they were blocking police procedures to remove tents on private property and take arrested individuals off the premises. The officer who pepper sprayed them went up to every individual and told each one the potential consequences, stating that they understood if they did not move, they would be sprayed. They all said they understood, but did not move. So they got sprayed. Completely justified.

Here is the video, uncut to include the full version and not the biased media clip:


The problem is that UCD isn't private property. UCD is owned by the state - the taxpayers.

It was a violation of a code for UC Davis, the officer stated it over the loud speaker in the video. But what isn't legal is surrounding and blocking the police from leaving, so they were pepper sprayed. It was absolutely justified and had nothing to do with free speech. Surrounding cops and making demands so they can leave is a threatening action.

Downplay it all you want, but circling the police and telling them you won't let them leave is no small deal. Weep me some more blubbery liberal tears, will you?
Leaving when the cops show up would be a pretty poor form of protest, don't you think?

Um, are you brain dead? Do you lack critical thinking skills? Once they surrounded the police, it was no longer protesting, it was obstruction of police. The police were trying to leave with those they arrested and the hippie college brats blocked them. Did you even bother watching the video, or do you want to stick to a long dead narrative that's been disproved over and over?

The police were there only to specifically remove the illegally planted tents, and for nothing else. It was escalated when the two bit liberal sheep made a deal out of it all.

Your stupidity is contagious.

Joke's on you--I unironically like Jar Jar.
....Why am I not surprised.

He probably "likes" the newer Star Wars to seem edgy

C3PO and chewbacca are worse than jar jar


Serious / Re: I'm not surprised that Americans don't fight back
« on: October 18, 2015, 11:05:28 PM »
People don't protest on university campuses anymore, because they get pepper sprayed while sitting in a circle.

Reference to the UC Davis pepper spray? That was completely justified.
Except it wasn't. The students were doing nothing wrong, and the campus police presence did nothing but elevate the situation. Sitting in a circle isn't against the law.

It was, they were blocking police procedures to remove tents on private property and take arrested individuals off the premises. The officer who pepper sprayed them went up to every individual and told each one the potential consequences, stating that they understood if they did not move, they would be sprayed. They all said they understood, but did not move. So they got sprayed. Completely justified.

Here is the video, uncut to include the full version and not the biased media clip:


The problem is that UCD isn't private property. UCD is owned by the state - the taxpayers.

It was a violation of a code for UC Davis, the officer stated it over the loud speaker in the video. But what isn't legal is surrounding and blocking the police from leaving, so they were pepper sprayed. It was absolutely justified and had nothing to do with free speech. Surrounding cops and making demands so they can leave is a threatening action.

Downplay it all you want, but circling the police and telling them you won't let them leave is no small deal. Weep me some more blubbery liberal tears, will you?
Leaving when the cops show up would be a pretty poor form of protest, don't you think?

Um, are you brain dead? Do you lack critical thinking skills? Once they surrounded the police, it was no longer protesting, it was obstruction of police. The police were trying to leave with those they arrested and the hippie college brats blocked them. Did you even bother watching the video, or do you want to stick to a long dead narrative that's been disproved over and over?

The police were there only to specifically remove the illegally planted tents, and for nothing else. It was escalated when the two bit liberal sheep made a deal out of it all.

Joke's on you--I unironically like Jar Jar.
....Why am I not surprised.

He probably "likes" the newer Star Wars to seem edgy


Serious / Re: Sociopaths and psychopaths.
« on: October 18, 2015, 10:38:57 PM »
fuck off


What if I said you could be the only exception?

I woulda' kicked you because you are an annoying faggot, and that's perfectly good grounds to remove someone from the game.

Serious / Re: I'm not surprised that Americans don't fight back
« on: October 18, 2015, 09:23:27 PM »
People don't protest on university campuses anymore, because they get pepper sprayed while sitting in a circle.

Reference to the UC Davis pepper spray? That was completely justified.
Except it wasn't. The students were doing nothing wrong, and the campus police presence did nothing but elevate the situation. Sitting in a circle isn't against the law.

It was, they were blocking police procedures to remove tents on private property and take arrested individuals off the premises. The officer who pepper sprayed them went up to every individual and told each one the potential consequences, stating that they understood if they did not move, they would be sprayed. They all said they understood, but did not move. So they got sprayed. Completely justified.

Here is the video, uncut to include the full version and not the biased media clip:


The problem is that UCD isn't private property. UCD is owned by the state - the taxpayers.

It was a violation of a code for UC Davis, the officer stated it over the loud speaker in the video. But what isn't legal is surrounding and blocking the police from leaving, so they were pepper sprayed. It was absolutely justified and had nothing to do with free speech. Surrounding cops and making demands so they can leave is a threatening action.

Downplay it all you want, but circling the police and telling them you won't let them leave is no small deal. Weep me some more blubbery liberal tears, will you?

Serious / Re: I'm not surprised that Americans don't fight back
« on: October 18, 2015, 08:38:43 PM »
People don't protest on university campuses anymore, because they get pepper sprayed while sitting in a circle.

Reference to the UC Davis pepper spray? That was completely justified.
Except it wasn't. The students were doing nothing wrong, and the campus police presence did nothing but elevate the situation. Sitting in a circle isn't against the law.

It was, they were blocking police procedures to remove tents on private property and take arrested individuals off the premises. The officer who pepper sprayed them went up to every individual and told each one the potential consequences, stating that they understood if they did not move, they would be sprayed. They all said they understood, but did not move. So they got sprayed. Completely justified.

Here is the video, uncut to include the full version and not the biased media clip:


The problem is that UCD isn't private property. UCD is owned by the state - the taxpayers.

It was a violation of a code for UC Davis, the officer stated it over the loud speaker in the video. But what isn't legal is surrounding and blocking the police from leaving, so they were pepper sprayed. It was absolutely justified and had nothing to do with free speech. Surrounding cops and making demands so they can leave is a threatening action.

Serious / Re: I'm not surprised that Americans don't fight back
« on: October 18, 2015, 08:23:14 PM »
People don't protest on university campuses anymore, because they get pepper sprayed while sitting in a circle.

Reference to the UC Davis pepper spray? That was completely justified.
Except it wasn't. The students were doing nothing wrong, and the campus police presence did nothing but elevate the situation. Sitting in a circle isn't against the law.

It was, they were blocking police procedures to remove tents on private property and take arrested individuals off the premises. The officer who pepper sprayed them went up to every individual and told each one the potential consequences, stating that they understood if they did not move, they would be sprayed. They all said they understood, but did not move. So they got sprayed. Completely justified.

Here is the video, uncut to include the full version and not the biased media clip:


Gaming / Re: The worst maps you've ever played on
« on: October 18, 2015, 07:46:45 PM »
Pretty much all but two maps on the BF4 standard multiplayer maps. Dunno how the DLC maps are, but the ones shipped with the game are shit balls. BF3 had much better maps, and BF:BC2 had even better maps.

Something like this would never work with the amount of firearms on the market and already owned. Criminals sure as hell wouldn't do it, either. At this point, guns are something that will never go away for America.

Serious / Re: I'm not surprised that Americans don't fight back
« on: October 18, 2015, 07:40:10 PM »
People don't protest on university campuses anymore, because they get pepper sprayed while sitting in a circle.

Reference to the UC Davis pepper spray? That was completely justified.

Serious / Re: Do you vote?
« on: October 18, 2015, 07:10:40 PM »
The only people you should be voting for are Republicans, anyway
And here we see an example of why our government turned to shit.

Voting just because of party and not actual candidate. Good job!

Midget isn't being serious. He's just being him.

Um, what?

The whole reason this country became a shitty mess is BECAUSE of Democrats.
Careful, some people might not know you're joking

Do you say that to try and make yourself feel better about being a Democrap?

I'm not joking. Most things that have put this country and track to being a first world shit hole (soon to be 3rd world, at this rate) can be traced back to the Democrats. Don't believe me? Look it up yourself. But you won't, because you're afraid of having your precious little bubble burst.
I'm sorry

I can't take any of your opinions seriously because you think there is nothing wrong with the Mass Effect series.

But there isn't. Maybe if you didn't jump on the ME hate bandwagon like the rest of the sheep, you'd see that
To think your precious series is above any wrong doings or bad decisions is laughable. Fanboys really are a cancer on the world.

What's cancer is jumping on bandwagons without your own critical thought. Do you enjoy going with the herd?
Uh this is Serious not Gaming.

I'm not the one who brought up Mass Effect
Yeah but like

What the hell are you guys doing?

I unno

Serious / Re: Do you vote?
« on: October 18, 2015, 06:50:30 PM »
The only people you should be voting for are Republicans, anyway
And here we see an example of why our government turned to shit.

Voting just because of party and not actual candidate. Good job!

Midget isn't being serious. He's just being him.

Um, what?

The whole reason this country became a shitty mess is BECAUSE of Democrats.
Careful, some people might not know you're joking

Do you say that to try and make yourself feel better about being a Democrap?

I'm not joking. Most things that have put this country and track to being a first world shit hole (soon to be 3rd world, at this rate) can be traced back to the Democrats. Don't believe me? Look it up yourself. But you won't, because you're afraid of having your precious little bubble burst.
I'm sorry

I can't take any of your opinions seriously because you think there is nothing wrong with the Mass Effect series.

But there isn't. Maybe if you didn't jump on the ME hate bandwagon like the rest of the sheep, you'd see that
To think your precious series is above any wrong doings or bad decisions is laughable. Fanboys really are a cancer on the world.

What's cancer is jumping on bandwagons without your own critical thought. Do you enjoy going with the herd?
Uh this is Serious not Gaming.

I'm not the one who brought up Mass Effect

The Flood / Re: Worst to Top Star Wars Movie?
« on: October 18, 2015, 06:42:45 PM »
III > I > II > VI > IV >>>>>> V
How the fuck is Episode 2 better then Episode 3?
Uhhh, I didn't say it was.

You're reading the symbols wrong, apparently.

> means greater than.
< means less than.

III is the best movie in the series.
V is the worst.

Are all of your opinions this retarded? The older movies are many times better than the newer ones.

Serious / Re: Sociopaths and psychopaths.
« on: October 18, 2015, 05:39:46 PM »
This sounds like something a psychopath would say.

It sounds like something a logical person would say

Serious / Re: Sociopaths and psychopaths.
« on: October 18, 2015, 05:02:46 PM »
They don't lack emotion, though. They have an abated propensity for empathy. Empathy =/= emotion.

Same difference. They're unfeeling creatures who deserve to be liquidated from society for the safety of all.

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