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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1234 56 ... 173
« on: November 16, 2016, 02:44:40 AM »
Aw man I'm at work

Serious / Re: Mike Pence facing his own emails scandal
« on: November 16, 2016, 12:32:11 AM »
Let's not pretend that handing in a redacted email is anywhere near the same as dodging a subpoena, destroying evidence in an FBI investigation, using a private server to avoid FOIA requests, and doing it all to cover up your connections to bankers to whom you tell your "private positions" to.

This. Pence is a saint standing next to Clinton

Not his fault that people like YOU are behaving in a way detrimental to this country
Right, and I hope we continue for the next four years. Whatever you hate the most, I want it to happen. BURN IT DOWN.

Please be consumed by the flames




WHAT A GREAT GUY, LET'S ALL GIVE HIM A PAT ON THE BACK while this does fuck all to change people's behavior

Not his fault that people like YOU are behaving in a way detrimental to this country

Ready to point out every failure and oppose every policy that I see as anti-American? Sure. But I believe in the USA, and that we'll survive him.
And that's where we differ. I don't even want America to survive this.

You really need to get hit by a bus. That kind of sentiment is so unbelievably stupid there are no words to adequately describe the depth of idiocy it reaches

Serious / Re: Trump's conflicts of interest
« on: November 14, 2016, 09:34:37 PM »
>The guardian

Serious / Re: Sep7agon's favorite television host weighs in on you-know-who
« on: November 14, 2016, 06:45:32 PM »
You're so petty

The Flood / Re: Got into an argument over Trump with my father
« on: November 13, 2016, 11:06:02 PM »
Trump saved your life and you're upset?

Gaming / Re: Skyrim Remastered looks like dogshit
« on: November 13, 2016, 12:51:37 PM »
Skyrim Remastered is amazing I love it

I wonder if they vamped the difficulty up too, because the game is playing harder than Dark Souls
Lmao you're trash if you think Skyrim is hard

It is hard, I'm not some pussy that plays it on easy
Might be your build too. If you're deliberately handicaping yourself or sticking to one playstyle, rather than a min/max kinda thing, then hats off to you.

I'm already restricting myself to certain combat dynamics - if I get low on health, I don't just pull up my items screen and drink a billion potions to stay alive. It seems weird to freeze time and suddenly "drink" all that in a split second, so I've taken to only using healing spells and having to retreat a distance from combat to actually drink potions, kinda like estus flasks in Dark Souls. If I start combat without a shield, I never equip it, since it also seems odd for it to just "appear" in the middle of a fight. All that and other details etc

On top of that, I'm going to download some combat enhancement mods - better enemy AI, no health recharge, and a difficulty modifier making the game even tougher. Like I said, I'm no milk drinker

Gaming / Re: Skyrim Remastered looks like dogshit
« on: November 13, 2016, 01:56:22 AM »
Skyrim Remastered is amazing I love it

I wonder if they vamped the difficulty up too, because the game is playing harder than Dark Souls
Lmao you're trash if you think Skyrim is hard

It is hard, I'm not some pussy that plays it on easy

I'd been saying to people irl all along: if it were Warren instead of Clinton, she would've done waaay better. I would actually love to see her run next election.
Warren doesn't actually give a fuck. She only cares about that dank money she gets paid by bloodsucking labor unions. Same bullshit as Clinton, just more low key.
LOL dude just fuck off, you obviously have some misogynistic inner work to do

labor unions are a good thing, and every single politician should support them

You gotta get better troll material, this whole "le fug da patriarcy LOL" speel is getting pretty boring.

And for the record, women are inferior to men. Men are stronger, faster, more intelligent, better at multi-tasking, more logical, more hygienic, more EVERYTHING than women. A women's soul purpose is to fart out babies and keep the huMAN race going.

Gaming / Re: Skyrim Remastered looks like dogshit
« on: November 11, 2016, 02:43:15 PM »
lmao midget sucks at video games

At least I get through the tutorials

Gaming / Re: Skyrim Remastered looks like dogshit
« on: November 11, 2016, 01:12:32 PM »
Skyrim Remastered is amazing I love it

I wonder if they vamped the difficulty up too, because the game is playing harder than Dark Souls

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 11, 2016, 11:39:40 AM »
The fact is that Hillary aligns with everything wrong with American government and Trump aligns with everything wrong with American society.  It's debatable which one is more important in a time like this.
no it isnt, society is far more important right now

everyones thinking is completely backwards
Tell that to almost all of middle America that lost their jobs because everything is turning to robots for manufacturing and other things slowly putting Americans/advanced nations out of jobs. The issue is after NAFTA was passed to help speed it up (it wasn't going to stay in America even without that), the government never helped these people find jobs, leaving them struggling. Though the Middle Class has slowly started getting fucked over in the 80's when Reagan came into office.

Pair that with constant corporate greed, and Washington being run by said corporations, and you'll have pretty pissed off people.

Social issues are important to you. To me. To our entire generation. Our generation however hasn't been in the workforce for 20 years, living stable lives, having stable wages, and living in stable homes, only to have it suddenly ripped away from you, and suddenly things go to shit for you. Shit where you're working two jobs now instead of one, working twice as many hours for the same wages you made 20 years ago when only having one job. The Great Recession people call it. For a LOT of Americans in the world, that recession is a DEpression. One that isn't getting any better for them.

The economy is what matters to these people, because social issues won't matter when they get evicted, or when they can't afford healthcare for their kids, or not be able to send them to college, or not be able to provide for their families like they used to be able to. Social issues won't be a priority to them because it's not having the direct impact on their lives, waking up every morning staring them in the face, knowing they can't do anything to fix their situation, and knowing they used to have a life not so long ago where they were the face of what the Middle Class was.

So you should really put yourself in the other sides shoe and see how the hell they're dealing with THEIR lives, before you unequivocally, without any shadow of a doubt, say social issues are more important than anything else. I feel we should all do that, on both sides, Democrat, Republican, whatever, instead of instantly blaming the other side for suddenly not agreeing 100% with what you feel, and what you think.
nope, ending the institution of misogyny is way more imperative

le trol responz XD

The Flood / Re: Thank you, Service members, for standing on that wall
« on: November 11, 2016, 11:30:44 AM »
Guys help I cant decide, do I reheat some sausage stew for lunch when I get home or do I go out to ihop got some free pancakes? On one hand, it means I get to save the sausage for tomorrow. On the other hand, it means going home, changing, preferably showering too, then driving back out the way I just came from.

Get free pancakes, why not? Put your service time to some good use!

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 10, 2016, 03:03:25 PM »
>they can

Lmao, ok, maybe if we were a middle eastern shithole like where you're from, yeah, we'd get some Gestapo shit. Keep it up though, I'm glad your nigger self isn't living here as you claim. You're such a hateful fucking hypocrite it's hilarious.

You finally show your true colors, fucking bitch ass Uncle Tom motherfucker. There's no place for you in this new America. Continue sucking white dick thinking they'll show you favor.

Not only are you an Uncle Tom, but you're hilariously ignorant of politics. Republicans have been wanting to tear down all the advancements we've made under Obama. They want to overturn Roe v Wade. They can now.

I don't even know why I'm arguing, I don't have to. All I have to do is let things run their course and you'll see the terrible mistake you've made.

Like you're any better, you white hating piece of shit hypocrite. Go back to sandland where you belong, America's finally giving you the treatment you deserve.
America is becoming a fascist shithole, and everybody's going to suffer as a result. White included.

But sure, just keep proving how Trump and Trump supporters are racist.

Blatant hypocrisy, after all the shit you spout about niggers
Those are jokes dumbass. I'm not an actual racist like you.
Oh suddenly I'm an actual racist and you are holier than tho, lmao

Serious / Re: Still down/exhausted about the election?
« on: November 10, 2016, 11:28:43 AM »
I'm not a racist, either. You're the racist. Maybe if your people came to the West and wanted to assimilate, you wouldn't get this treatment.

"haha dumb libs".

But what if you are tho

Serious / Re: Still down/exhausted about the election?
« on: November 10, 2016, 10:17:26 AM »
I get to lose my healthcare and federal rights but hey haha let's just laugh about it

Yeah sure, because that's so guaranteed

What are checks and balances?

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 10, 2016, 10:11:03 AM »
>they can

Lmao, ok, maybe if we were a middle eastern shithole like where you're from, yeah, we'd get some Gestapo shit. Keep it up though, I'm glad your nigger self isn't living here as you claim. You're such a hateful fucking hypocrite it's hilarious.

You finally show your true colors, fucking bitch ass Uncle Tom motherfucker. There's no place for you in this new America. Continue sucking white dick thinking they'll show you favor.

Not only are you an Uncle Tom, but you're hilariously ignorant of politics. Republicans have been wanting to tear down all the advancements we've made under Obama. They want to overturn Roe v Wade. They can now.

I don't even know why I'm arguing, I don't have to. All I have to do is let things run their course and you'll see the terrible mistake you've made.

Like you're any better, you white hating piece of shit hypocrite. Go back to sandland where you belong, America's finally giving you the treatment you deserve.
America is becoming a fascist shithole, and everybody's going to suffer as a result. White included.

But sure, just keep proving how Trump and Trump supporters are racist.

Blatant hypocrisy, after all the shit you spout about niggers

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 09, 2016, 03:56:03 PM »
SecondClass' denial is pure gold

The Flood / Re: Les Deplorables
« on: November 09, 2016, 03:39:06 PM »

Not even a day in and the mudslimes are auto-deporting. Trump really is gonna MAGA, isn't he?

I guess they finally realized their violent, disgusting religion won't be tolerated in a modern, civilized country anymore. I'm glad they're deporting themselves, they can go back to fuckistan and try to unfuck their own countries rather than fuck with ours

The Flood / Re: what a disgusting fucked up society
« on: November 09, 2016, 02:56:50 PM »
The fact you liberals are reacting so poorly to the election and even considering violence and defiance just goes to show how immature all of you really are. Not to mention the over reactions I see on my feed -

>hurrr if you voted for trump youre not my friend, defriend me
>hurrr if you voted for trump you better explain why you hate gays, muslims, mexicans
>hurrr trump is going to kill everyone
>hurrr i fear for my family, trump's kill squads are gonna kick in my doors cuz im mexican/gay/muslim

The fear mongering and propaganda that the left has swept throughout the country is sickening. If anything this election shows we the people are the problem getting at one another's throats, not our wonderful new leader or his horribly corrupt rival

Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump (Official)
« on: November 09, 2016, 02:32:47 AM »
Trump is going to return this country to greatness. Hillary must be sweating bullets right now

Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump (Official)
« on: November 09, 2016, 01:52:44 AM »


Serious / Re: President Elect Donald J Trump
« on: November 08, 2016, 11:25:28 PM »

Libbies getting Parkinsons.

Whaaaaaambulance service will be in high demand tonight

Serious / Re: Election Day 2016 Megathread (Trump Set to Win)
« on: November 08, 2016, 11:06:39 PM »
Pot has been legalized in California and Massachusetts.
I figured as much.

Figures California would be dumb enough to legalize marijuana without thought to the now legal consequences

Serious / Re: Election Day 2016 Megathread (Trump Set to Win)
« on: November 08, 2016, 11:04:09 PM »
I congratulate Trump on his fair win.
Do you call preying on the utter stupidity of the electorate fair? I don't.

There was no rigging, so yes. It's fair that he managed to take this populist rural vote and overwhelm the urban areas.

>denying clear evidence of voter fraud

Yeah okay whatever.

Also how funny, CNN reporting people are even crying at Clinton HQ LOOOOOOOL

Sour babies, the libbie tears are already flowing

You were warned twice, but I'm in a nice mood.

Cut the shit and act like an adult, or you'll be out of here.

I made no personal attack wtf rigged

Serious / Re: Election Day 2016 Megathread (Trump Set to Win)
« on: November 08, 2016, 10:58:46 PM »
I congratulate Trump on his fair win.
Do you call preying on the utter stupidity of the electorate fair? I don't.

There was no rigging, so yes. It's fair that he managed to take this populist rural vote and overwhelm the urban areas.

>denying clear evidence of voter fraud

Yeah okay whatever.

Also how funny, CNN reporting people are even crying at Clinton HQ LOOOOOOOL

Sour babies, the libbie tears are already flowing

Serious / Re: Election Day 2016 Megathread (Trump Set to Win)
« on: November 08, 2016, 10:54:25 PM »
People who are concerned about Trump. I bet you'll vote for him in 4 years.
I'd sooner skin my pets alive.

He's gonna do good work, believe me

Serious / Re: Election Day 2016 Megathread (Trump Winning 178-131)
« on: November 08, 2016, 10:19:01 PM »
Here's a fun prospect: My oldest Internet friend (10+ years) could get fucking deported because he identifies as a Muslim.
Good, one less threat in America
Kill yourself.

Icy ban me before I say something worse.

Don't blame me, blame your friend for identifying with a hyper violent religion that's responsible for the deaths of millions
Yo, chill out. Last warning.

You too, Verb.

Stay on topic and avoid the insults. Simmer down, folks.

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