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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 272829 3031 ... 173
The Flood / Re: Why is Youtube retarded?
« on: November 15, 2015, 01:57:56 PM »
>Why show our unity and sympathy for other humans hurrrrr

You should take off the fedora before it fuses to your brain

The Flood / Re: Why does nobody understand IS?
« on: November 15, 2015, 11:38:50 AM »
This is some tasty bait

The Flood / Re: Petition to make Verbatim go back to Fuddy-duddy
« on: November 15, 2015, 01:26:32 AM »
I'm actually very interested to hear how you interpret it
I tend to agree with what I believe is the common perception of what the album is about--the beginning and end of the world.

"Storm" is very joyous and beautiful at first. The first two movements (the title movement and "Gathering Storm") make me think of a child discovering the world for the first time, enjoying the splendor of nature, meeting other people who are just as happy and as excited as you are, and just having fun.

Then things take a dark turn, of course, at the end of the second movement (Clatters Like Worry)--this is where humanity's bad side gets introduced, and I view it as the antagonist of the record. This part makes me think of just rape and murder and pillaging and all sorts of unpleasant shit. So now we have our whole world and everyone in it musically illustrated in less than twenty minutes, which I think is amazing.

"Static" makes me think of adolescence, and the angst that comes with it. At this point, a lot of people start becoming upset at all the world's atrocities, and they want to start doing something about it--even if destruction is inevitable (which I think the movement "Atomic Clock" implies). "Chart #3" (the incredibly sad movement with the violins and the distorted preachings of a woman in a church) is the realization of this inevitability, and the hopelessness that comes out of it.

"World Police and Friendly Fire," however, is probably the most important--and musically, it's my favorite movement o the record. This part is the manifestation of anger--at the world, at society, and everything else--something that adolescence tend to go through as well. This part could also be interpreted as the process of finally acting upon your anger in some way--at least, that's what the end makes me think. The song just keeps boiling and boiling, and it takes forever to reach its climax, and when it does, it's almost nightmarish--I love it.

"Sleep" is my favorite movement on the record. We've sort of delved into adulthood/old age here. Musically, this is probably the most depressing on the album, for obvious reasons. Murray Ostril's reminiscing of how Coney Island used to be gets me every time. "Monheim" is a wonderful piece, and even though it's also incredibly sad, I don't really think it sounds hopeless like "Chart #3"--especially because, towards the end, the music starts picking up a little bit, as if there's still a little hope left to be had for the world and the people in it. Or perhaps, more depressingly, old age is going to finally lead to your death--and therefore, you'll be closer to heaven.

Heaven's in the title, after all--it's probably not far out there to claim that heaven is the final destination of the album. "Antennas to Heaven," the last track, is kinda bizarre, and I'm not sure what to think of it. It's my least favorite just because of how weird it is, but there's still a few cool moments, like on "She Dreamt She Was a Bulldozer". Thematically, however, I think this part is about either having become so old, all you have left is to reminisce about stuff you did in the past, like Murray Ostril (hence all those lo-fi recordings at the beginning of the song). Alternatively, it could be about having died, and these are the sorts of things you hear when you're going to heaven. I dunno, it's a tough one to pick apart.

The world's creation, childhood, adolescence, humanity's purpose, adulthood, old age, death, and the apocalypse.

The album has an incredibly pessimistic outlook on humanity, so I'm naturally drawn to it.
The apocalyptic vibes are almost undeniable.

This and NIN's The Fragile are the only two records I'd ever give a 10/10 to.

My interpretation is the same in the sense that it's about the birth and death of something, but rather than the world as a whole, the life of an individual. This would make the end make more sense with the ambient music - growing old, and reminiscing about the life you lead and coming to peace with it all. The last two parts more or less seem to me like a peaceful passing and the journey of the soul from the body. "She Dreamt She was a Bulldozer" is one of my favorite parts, actually. Basically seems like we hold a close interpretation of the album with exception to particulars in the end.

Overall, one of my favorites that I would recommend anyone to listen to. I listen to parts of it when I can on the way to and from work.

There's enough muslims in the world that most people should and probably will realize they aren't all murderous terrorists. I think people realize that terrorism is the enemy, not islam. Unless you're Israeli.

Except terrorism and Islam go hand in hand.

The Flood / Re: Petition to make Verbatim go back to Fuddy-duddy
« on: November 14, 2015, 11:04:46 PM »
How is it possible you actually like one of my favorite albums ever


I can only imagine we interpret the record in very different ways.

I'm actually very interested to hear how you interpret it

The Flood / Re: Petition to make Verbatim go back to Fuddy-duddy
« on: November 14, 2015, 11:02:03 PM »
His new nameplate/av hurts my eyes.
you might want to get that checked out

How is it possible you actually like one of my favorite albums ever



The Flood / Re: Is Islam a violent religion?
« on: November 14, 2015, 07:14:21 PM »
An honest question is a loaded question? Okay well then let me "load" you up with some truth.

NO OTHER religious groups are committing such heinous acts of violence in this day and age, on such large scales, as Islam. You wanna know why when someone says "terrorist" they think of Muslims or Islam? Oh I fucking wonder, maybe it's because they're the largest source of terrorist acts in this time? Hmmmmmmmm
Well first off, calm down. You just seem to be angrily mashing your keyboard for whatever reason.

It's also kinda odd how you skew it to help strengthen your argument. Just look at the history of any religion and see the kinds of groups that've bred violence. Islam isn't alone in that.

Religion will always breed blind faith to the ignorant and uneducated, regardless of what belief they follow.

And before you call me some cum slut or something, I'm not for or against the whole "Islam is shit" thing, because I've changed my opinion on it more times than I'd like to admit.

It's not that difficult to see where the base of the problem is with any religion though and those who're coerced into it from birth and not made to think or question for themselves.

Edit: I'm not looking to argue forever too, because we both could I guess? But I just read 9 pages of the same stuff we're diving into and I'd just... ehhcsahch rather not, thanks <3

Well after seeing the attacks on France, yeah I'm angry. And all the other attacks, and the ongoing attacks, and the inevitable attacks in the future. I think that when people are being slaughtered by primitive savages from ONE specific religion, it's fine to get pissed off.

Also here's the thing... We're not talking about the past. Sure, 1000 years ago during the crusades, Christianity was the brutal religion of death, and was for a long time (though it should be noted Islam was too, and kind of always has been). But now in the modern day and age, Christianity isn't the source of violence on a large scale (now it's a victim of Islamic terrorism), so it's a moot point. We're talking about NOW, and right NOW Islam has happy bunches of uni-brow, black-bearded goat fuckers slaughtering innocent people in Europe brutally and torturing whoever they please in the Middle East. So when you tell me "lol Islam isn't alone, other did it in the past!" it literally means NOTHING, because we're not worried about the past. These assholes truly believe they're embroiled in a holy war, and this war amounts to one, cold-hearted, simple truth: The eradication of infidels, or the eradication of Islam. It will never end until it is cleaned off from the planet. If not, this kind of bullshit will carry on for hundreds of years, until our children's children's children grow the balls to do what needs to be done.

Gaming / Re: I'm going to play 1257AD and you should too.
« on: November 14, 2015, 07:06:18 PM »
Goddamn if only it was real. I bet knights felt badass as fuck beheading Muslim scum left and right with broadswords n shit

The Flood / Re: Is Islam a violent religion?
« on: November 14, 2015, 07:02:23 PM »
In the end, it all comes down to ignorance prevailing over individual thinking and education anyway. You can sound as edgy as you want with it but the root of the problem is always the same.

Failure to target the source? AKA Islam?

The Flood / Re: Is Islam a violent religion?
« on: November 14, 2015, 07:00:44 PM »
I have a question for those who disagree.

What other group of religious people at this time attack other people this frequently and violently? Attacks on innocent civilians solely to scare people?

LOL nobody answers, because they know what the answer is. Pussies are burying their heads in the dirt.
No one is answering because it's a loaded question, Issac Newton.

An honest question is a loaded question? Okay well then let me "load" you up with some truth.

NO OTHER religious groups are committing such heinous acts of violence in this day and age, on such large scales, as Islam. You wanna know why when someone says "terrorist" they think of Muslims or Islam? Oh I fucking wonder, maybe it's because they're the largest source of terrorist acts in this time? Hmmmmmmmm

The Flood / Re: Is Islam a violent religion?
« on: November 14, 2015, 06:54:27 PM »
I have a question for those who disagree.

What other group of religious people at this time attack other people this frequently and violently? Attacks on innocent civilians solely to scare people?

LOL nobody answers, because they know what the answer is. Pussies are burying their heads in the dirt.

Your attempts at humor hurt me physically

good thing you are a medic

There are some things even the best training cannot help

As long as you don't tell them you are Muslim you'll be fine.

Except I'm not Muslim and never will be

Your attempts at humor hurt me physically

good thing you are a medic

There are some things even the best training cannot help

The Flood / Re: How is your day?
« on: November 14, 2015, 05:33:24 PM »
A casual Saturday with no plans. Nothing exciting. Just waiting to go back to work this week and hoping for some more crazy shit on the job.

The truth hurts, doesn't it?

Nope, reading your posts hurts my eyes

Your attempts at humor hurt me physically

There's nothing retarded in exacting revenge on those deserving of it. And oh, the majority of Muslims, you say? You mean the majority that secretly rejoice in these attacks? The large percentage that believe non-believers should be killed? Your ignorance of the situation shows.
"innocent people who happen to follow the same religion deserve to be killed"

is literally what you're saying.

it's like saying all germans during ww2 were nazis.
Japanese internment camps are a good example of why it's bad to blatantly discriminate against an entire ethnic/religious group of people

Those were absolutely justified in WWII.
I'm sure the majority of Japanese Americans will disagree with you.

No shit, and they don't have to agree. But those camps were justified.
Lol get the fuck out

The truth hurts, doesn't it?

There's nothing retarded in exacting revenge on those deserving of it. And oh, the majority of Muslims, you say? You mean the majority that secretly rejoice in these attacks? The large percentage that believe non-believers should be killed? Your ignorance of the situation shows.
"innocent people who happen to follow the same religion deserve to be killed"

is literally what you're saying.

it's like saying all germans during ww2 were nazis.
Japanese internment camps are a good example of why it's bad to blatantly discriminate against an entire ethnic/religious group of people

Those were absolutely justified in WWII.
I'm sure the majority of Japanese Americans will disagree with you.

No shit, and they don't have to agree. But those camps were justified.
And what of the vast majority of the population, which was completely innocent? The ends justify the means, eh?

In the case of WWII and the Japanese fanaticism, yes.

Persecuting someone based on their race isn't justified you retard.

Given it was WWII and the radical fanaticism the Japanese felt in defense of their homeland, yes, it was perfectly justified. Maybe read up on some fucking history first to understand the tensions of those years before speaking ignorantly of the situation.

There's nothing retarded in exacting revenge on those deserving of it. And oh, the majority of Muslims, you say? You mean the majority that secretly rejoice in these attacks? The large percentage that believe non-believers should be killed? Your ignorance of the situation shows.
"innocent people who happen to follow the same religion deserve to be killed"

is literally what you're saying.

it's like saying all germans during ww2 were nazis.
Japanese internment camps are a good example of why it's bad to blatantly discriminate against an entire ethnic/religious group of people

Those were absolutely justified in WWII.
I'm sure the majority of Japanese Americans will disagree with you.

No shit, and they don't have to agree. But those camps were justified.
And what of the vast majority of the population, which was completely innocent? The ends justify the means, eh?

In the case of WWII and the Japanese fanaticism, yes.

There's nothing retarded in exacting revenge on those deserving of it. And oh, the majority of Muslims, you say? You mean the majority that secretly rejoice in these attacks? The large percentage that believe non-believers should be killed? Your ignorance of the situation shows.
"innocent people who happen to follow the same religion deserve to be killed"

is literally what you're saying.

it's like saying all germans during ww2 were nazis.
Japanese internment camps are a good example of why it's bad to blatantly discriminate against an entire ethnic/religious group of people

Those were absolutely justified in WWII.
I'm sure the majority of Japanese Americans will disagree with you.

No shit, and they don't have to agree. But those camps were justified.

There's nothing retarded in exacting revenge on those deserving of it. And oh, the majority of Muslims, you say? You mean the majority that secretly rejoice in these attacks? The large percentage that believe non-believers should be killed? Your ignorance of the situation shows.
"innocent people who happen to follow the same religion deserve to be killed"

is literally what you're saying.

it's like saying all germans during ww2 were nazis.

Where did I say that? I didn't.
You didn't outright type it, but it's what you said.

Oh, so you're putting words in my mouth. Alright.

There's nothing retarded in exacting revenge on those deserving of it. And oh, the majority of Muslims, you say? You mean the majority that secretly rejoice in these attacks? The large percentage that believe non-believers should be killed? Your ignorance of the situation shows.
"innocent people who happen to follow the same religion deserve to be killed"

is literally what you're saying.

it's like saying all germans during ww2 were nazis.
Japanese internment camps are a good example of why it's bad to blatantly discriminate against an entire ethnic/religious group of people

Those were absolutely justified in WWII.

There's nothing retarded in exacting revenge on those deserving of it. And oh, the majority of Muslims, you say? You mean the majority that secretly rejoice in these attacks? The large percentage that believe non-believers should be killed? Your ignorance of the situation shows.
"innocent people who happen to follow the same religion deserve to be killed"

is literally what you're saying.

it's like saying all germans during ww2 were nazis.

Where did I say that? I didn't.

The Flood / Re: What's the dumbest thing you've ever done?
« on: November 14, 2015, 03:28:56 PM »
Broke up with a girl who gave me blow jobs and wanted to fuck me because of Halo 5.

Boo hoo

This legitimately makes me angry, makes my blood boil. If I ever get the chance to fucking kill a Muslim piece of shit, I'll take joy in it

>coming from a guy who rides in an ambulance

Yeah.......don't answer my 911 call

Are you Muslim?

Doesn't matter.

I'd prefer someone who doesn't take joy in killing a person because of their faith to be a first responder if I'm in an emergency.

Well that's fine, Christfags are just as bad anyway.


The Flood / Re: Is ISIS the world's largest group of closeted homosexuals?
« on: November 14, 2015, 03:24:45 PM »
There's a reason they earned the nickname goat fuckers.

This legitimately makes me angry, makes my blood boil. If I ever get the chance to fucking kill a Muslim piece of shit, I'll take joy in it

>coming from a guy who rides in an ambulance

Yeah.......don't answer my 911 call

Are you Muslim?

Doesn't matter.

I'd prefer someone who doesn't take joy in killing a person because of their faith to be a first responder if I'm in an emergency.

Well that's fine, Christfags are just as bad anyway.

This legitimately makes me angry, makes my blood boil. If I ever get the chance to fucking kill a Muslim piece of shit, I'll take joy in it
Because all Muslims are terrorists, right?
Fundamental Islam IS terrorism. The only way to be a good Muslim is to be a terrorist.
God you're literally one of the most moronic users here.

>Can't prove me wrong, switches to personal attacks

You're really showing your debate skills here. Good job.
Insulting you has no relation to my capability to debate. I'm calling you a moron because I can, and you are.

ISIS barely follow their religion. They're about as Muslim as WBC are Christian.
They cherrypick whatever suits them best, and even then it straight up goes against the laws of their religion.

ISIS are extremists. Generalizing an entire religion based on the actions of a few is incredibly stupid and pathetic.

It does, though. It shows immaturity and an inability to cope with defeat, you retard.

And lol no, if you do some real research into Islam, they are following the religion spot on. We need to stop pandering this tolerance bullshit when its wrong. Islam is a barbaric religion and they're being true followers with their actions. Stop being a pussy and admit it.
All religions are barbaric, and all have extremists.

Your original post saying you'd love to kill a Muslim is incredibly childish. Going from that mind numbingly retarded post, you, for whatever reason, believe that all Muslims are terrorists and go around killing people just because.

The majority of Muslims are normal innocent people going about their life that wouldn't say boo to a goose.

There's nothing retarded in exacting revenge on those deserving of it. And oh, the majority of Muslims, you say? You mean the majority that secretly rejoice in these attacks? The large percentage that believe non-believers should be killed? Your ignorance of the situation shows.

This legitimately makes me angry, makes my blood boil. If I ever get the chance to fucking kill a Muslim piece of shit, I'll take joy in it
Because all Muslims are terrorists, right?
Fundamental Islam IS terrorism. The only way to be a good Muslim is to be a terrorist.
God you're literally one of the most moronic users here.

>Can't prove me wrong, switches to personal attacks

You're really showing your debate skills here. Good job.
Insulting you has no relation to my capability to debate. I'm calling you a moron because I can, and you are.

ISIS barely follow their religion. They're about as Muslim as WBC are Christian.
They cherrypick whatever suits them best, and even then it straight up goes against the laws of their religion.

ISIS are extremists. Generalizing an entire religion based on the actions of a few is incredibly stupid and pathetic.

It does, though. It shows immaturity and an inability to cope with defeat, you retard.

And lol no, if you do some real research into Islam, they are following the religion spot on. We need to stop pandering this tolerance bullshit when its wrong. Islam is a barbaric religion and they're being true followers with their actions. Stop being a pussy and admit it.

This legitimately makes me angry, makes my blood boil. If I ever get the chance to fucking kill a Muslim piece of shit, I'll take joy in it
Because all Muslims are terrorists, right?
Fundamental Islam IS terrorism. The only way to be a good Muslim is to be a terrorist.
God you're literally one of the most moronic users here.

>Can't prove me wrong, switches to personal attacks

You're really showing your debate skills here. Good job.

This legitimately makes me angry, makes my blood boil. If I ever get the chance to fucking kill a Muslim piece of shit, I'll take joy in it
Because all Muslims are terrorists, right?
Fundamental Islam IS terrorism. The only way to be a good Muslim is to be a terrorist.

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