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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 252627 2829 ... 173
Gaming / Re: battlefront is getting piss reviews
« on: November 28, 2015, 08:57:09 PM »
The reason why this Battlefront game is garbage from my experience playing it over at a friend's house:

- No single player campaign. Star Wars has such a rich history (over 120k pages of Star Wars information on Wookieepedia) of different iconic characters, planets, factions, and alien races and you're telling me they couldn't come up with a campaign? It doesn't even have to be a straight copy from the movies like what Battlefront 2 tried to do. They could have came up with their own campaign or something like that. With the Frostbite engine they could have made such a beautiful looking campaign with amazing visuals and sounds that made you feel like you're actually in a movie. Nobody gives a fuck about the Battlefield campaigns and yet they still make campaigns for those games for some reason. Why not make one with Star Wars?  I honestly don't see how not having some sort of single player campaign is justifiable for a Star Wars game especially this one and what the engine is capable of.

- 20vs20 PVP is pathetic. Battlefield 4 runs on the same engine and is 32vs32 and that game came out 2 years ago so what's the problem here? There is literally no excuse to handicap the amount of players for Battlefront. 20vs20 would be cool if we were still in the prime days of the Xbox 360 and PS3 but in 2015 with much more powerful consoles with the Xbox One and PS4 this is unacceptable.

- The way the powerups work is fucking retarded and random and it almost reminds me of Halo 4's Random Ordnance Drops. Every time you pick up a powerup, you don't know what you're gonna get whether its a Thermal Imploder or Infantry Turret much like in Halo 4 how you didn't know whether a Needler or Rocket Launcher was going to spawn. And the hilarious thing is that the Imperials can pick up anti-vehicle turrets when the Rebel players only have access to Speeder Bikes on Endor. I'll get to the vehicle situation again below. Heroes shouldn't be random pickups either because people can just stay behind and wait for them to spawn. You know what would be cool? Rewarding players that are doing good with optional Hero powerups like in a certain game prior to this one but nah, that would be too stupid.

- The spawning system in this game is god awful. I haven't seen spawning this bad since Black Ops 1 multiplayer. What were they thinking by not letting the player get to choose where they want to spawn? The spawning in this game is random and getting spawn-killed was something I saw a lot of from my experience and watching videos of gameplay on Youtube.

- The equipment is a joke in this game compared to Battlefront 2 or Battlefield. In Battlefront and Battlefield you're equipment is limited and you will run out if you use them and will have to resupply your reserves in order to use them again if you didn't die.. In this Battlefront, you can just spam and spam thermal detonators and sniper rifle shots because they're on cooldowns rather than being limited. Might as well give players One Man Army and grenade launchers too while they're at it.

- In Battlefront 2 and Battlefield you have people that heal you, fix your vehicles/set up turrets, give you ammo, and give you temporary shields or damage buffs. That's why I like those games because there was variety to them and you didn't feel the same as everyone else. There's people that like to help out their team by healing them or giving them ammo. There's people that like to stay in the back and snipe the entire time and there's people who primarily use vehicles the entire time. In this Battlefront, you just run and shoot your gun until you die. Rinse/repeat. No variety in gameplay and a new player can be just as effective as a guy who's put 100 hours into the game. No skill gap whatsoever.

- The vehicles are probably some of the most disappointing vehicles I've ever driven in any game. You're only allowed 60 seconds inside an AT-AT which is outright fucking dumb. The AT-ST is like the Banshee from Reach, made of glass but does insane amount of damage to anything it touches. The Rebels ONLY ground vehicle is a Speeder Bike... a fucking Speeder Bike and is only on the Endor levels. The Rebels in BF1 and BF2 have a total of 4 ground vehicles plus in those games you can steal the enemy's vehicles if they left them idle. Can you steal vehicles in this new game? Can you repair friendly vehicles in this game? Are there vehicles where you can have multiple people inside them with different roles? LOL NOPE

- When you play the game, you see epic battles between Star Destroyers and Mon Calamari cruisers and other Rebel Alliance ships in the skybox. I thought we'd be up there fighting alongside those ships in Fighter Squadron but nah, you fight ships in some random location on the map far, far away from those capital ships. Instead those ships are part of the background and have nothing to do with the gamemode at all. Fighter Squadron should have been about destroying the enemy's capital ship while defending yours instead of just team deathmatch with TIE Fighters and X-Wings. This instantly reminded me of Halo: Reach's backgrounds on how it teases the player when you see huge, epic battles with UNSC vehicles fighting against Scarabs but you can't go over there.

- The maps with the exception of Endor are not memorable at all as they are just trenches with rocks, caves, and a occasional hangar or other manmade interior sections. It gets old to run through that same shit all the time. The only map that stood out to me is the Endor one because it looks exactly like it does from Return of the Jedi. There's way more iconic locations from the original trilogy that they could have used. What about the Death Star? Bespin? Mos Eisley? Dagobah? Yavin 4? Kashyyyk? Oh I almost forgot, the fucking $50 bullshit Season Pass will probably or probably won't have any of those planets. I appreciate the little cameos of stuff from the movies like seeing Jabba's Palace in the background of the Tatooine map. You even see the Death Star in the sky on Endor. Too bad there's no playable map there.

- I give this game credit for having multiple game modes. But the sad truth is that the game modes where most people are playing is Walker Assault, Fighter Squadron, and Supremacy. That's only 3 game modes that people care and will play the most and when you compare it to other AAA FPS games on the market right now that is laughingly bad. You will get more variety with game modes in Halo, CoD, and hell even Battlefield. This game can have 100 game modes but when most people are only playing 3 of them it feels like there is no variety at all.

I was going to buy Battlefront when the price of the game drops so I could play with friends that have the game. After spending more hours at a friend's house playing Battlefront, I will not be buying this game at all used or new. I love Star Wars and I want to like this game, I REALLY do but I just can't. This game is boring, dull, shallow, random, ridiculous, and fucking shit. DICE needs to stick with Battlefield. Battlefield 4 may not be the best Battlefield game but its still WAY better than this shitload of fuck they call "Battlefront."

There is nothing positive about this game I can say other than it has amazing visuals and phenomenal sounds.

Seeing with DICE's history with BF4 (which sucks balls, even after all the patches), Hardline, and now Battlefront, I've basically decided not to ever buy another DICE game (or at least be very, very skeptical and cautious about it).
DICE didn't develop Hardline. Visceral did.

WHATEVER it still sucked

The Flood / Re: Why Asians hate westerners
« on: November 28, 2015, 03:27:10 PM »
Yeah, I hate America for not finishing the job

The Flood / Re: Have you heard about our lord and savior, Vault-Tec?
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:38:04 PM »
He died for our sins.

We don't even know if he died, though

Gaming / Re: battlefront is getting piss reviews
« on: November 28, 2015, 02:12:49 PM »
The reason why this Battlefront game is garbage from my experience playing it over at a friend's house:

- No single player campaign. Star Wars has such a rich history (over 120k pages of Star Wars information on Wookieepedia) of different iconic characters, planets, factions, and alien races and you're telling me they couldn't come up with a campaign? It doesn't even have to be a straight copy from the movies like what Battlefront 2 tried to do. They could have came up with their own campaign or something like that. With the Frostbite engine they could have made such a beautiful looking campaign with amazing visuals and sounds that made you feel like you're actually in a movie. Nobody gives a fuck about the Battlefield campaigns and yet they still make campaigns for those games for some reason. Why not make one with Star Wars?  I honestly don't see how not having some sort of single player campaign is justifiable for a Star Wars game especially this one and what the engine is capable of.

- 20vs20 PVP is pathetic. Battlefield 4 runs on the same engine and is 32vs32 and that game came out 2 years ago so what's the problem here? There is literally no excuse to handicap the amount of players for Battlefront. 20vs20 would be cool if we were still in the prime days of the Xbox 360 and PS3 but in 2015 with much more powerful consoles with the Xbox One and PS4 this is unacceptable.

- The way the powerups work is fucking retarded and random and it almost reminds me of Halo 4's Random Ordnance Drops. Every time you pick up a powerup, you don't know what you're gonna get whether its a Thermal Imploder or Infantry Turret much like in Halo 4 how you didn't know whether a Needler or Rocket Launcher was going to spawn. And the hilarious thing is that the Imperials can pick up anti-vehicle turrets when the Rebel players only have access to Speeder Bikes on Endor. I'll get to the vehicle situation again below. Heroes shouldn't be random pickups either because people can just stay behind and wait for them to spawn. You know what would be cool? Rewarding players that are doing good with optional Hero powerups like in a certain game prior to this one but nah, that would be too stupid.

- The spawning system in this game is god awful. I haven't seen spawning this bad since Black Ops 1 multiplayer. What were they thinking by not letting the player get to choose where they want to spawn? The spawning in this game is random and getting spawn-killed was something I saw a lot of from my experience and watching videos of gameplay on Youtube.

- The equipment is a joke in this game compared to Battlefront 2 or Battlefield. In Battlefront and Battlefield you're equipment is limited and you will run out if you use them and will have to resupply your reserves in order to use them again if you didn't die.. In this Battlefront, you can just spam and spam thermal detonators and sniper rifle shots because they're on cooldowns rather than being limited. Might as well give players One Man Army and grenade launchers too while they're at it.

- In Battlefront 2 and Battlefield you have people that heal you, fix your vehicles/set up turrets, give you ammo, and give you temporary shields or damage buffs. That's why I like those games because there was variety to them and you didn't feel the same as everyone else. There's people that like to help out their team by healing them or giving them ammo. There's people that like to stay in the back and snipe the entire time and there's people who primarily use vehicles the entire time. In this Battlefront, you just run and shoot your gun until you die. Rinse/repeat. No variety in gameplay and a new player can be just as effective as a guy who's put 100 hours into the game. No skill gap whatsoever.

- The vehicles are probably some of the most disappointing vehicles I've ever driven in any game. You're only allowed 60 seconds inside an AT-AT which is outright fucking dumb. The AT-ST is like the Banshee from Reach, made of glass but does insane amount of damage to anything it touches. The Rebels ONLY ground vehicle is a Speeder Bike... a fucking Speeder Bike and is only on the Endor levels. The Rebels in BF1 and BF2 have a total of 4 ground vehicles plus in those games you can steal the enemy's vehicles if they left them idle. Can you steal vehicles in this new game? Can you repair friendly vehicles in this game? Are there vehicles where you can have multiple people inside them with different roles? LOL NOPE

- When you play the game, you see epic battles between Star Destroyers and Mon Calamari cruisers and other Rebel Alliance ships in the skybox. I thought we'd be up there fighting alongside those ships in Fighter Squadron but nah, you fight ships in some random location on the map far, far away from those capital ships. Instead those ships are part of the background and have nothing to do with the gamemode at all. Fighter Squadron should have been about destroying the enemy's capital ship while defending yours instead of just team deathmatch with TIE Fighters and X-Wings. This instantly reminded me of Halo: Reach's backgrounds on how it teases the player when you see huge, epic battles with UNSC vehicles fighting against Scarabs but you can't go over there.

- The maps with the exception of Endor are not memorable at all as they are just trenches with rocks, caves, and a occasional hangar or other manmade interior sections. It gets old to run through that same shit all the time. The only map that stood out to me is the Endor one because it looks exactly like it does from Return of the Jedi. There's way more iconic locations from the original trilogy that they could have used. What about the Death Star? Bespin? Mos Eisley? Dagobah? Yavin 4? Kashyyyk? Oh I almost forgot, the fucking $50 bullshit Season Pass will probably or probably won't have any of those planets. I appreciate the little cameos of stuff from the movies like seeing Jabba's Palace in the background of the Tatooine map. You even see the Death Star in the sky on Endor. Too bad there's no playable map there.

- I give this game credit for having multiple game modes. But the sad truth is that the game modes where most people are playing is Walker Assault, Fighter Squadron, and Supremacy. That's only 3 game modes that people care and will play the most and when you compare it to other AAA FPS games on the market right now that is laughingly bad. You will get more variety with game modes in Halo, CoD, and hell even Battlefield. This game can have 100 game modes but when most people are only playing 3 of them it feels like there is no variety at all.

I was going to buy Battlefront when the price of the game drops so I could play with friends that have the game. After spending more hours at a friend's house playing Battlefront, I will not be buying this game at all used or new. I love Star Wars and I want to like this game, I REALLY do but I just can't. This game is boring, dull, shallow, random, ridiculous, and fucking shit. DICE needs to stick with Battlefield. Battlefield 4 may not be the best Battlefield game but its still WAY better than this shitload of fuck they call "Battlefront."

There is nothing positive about this game I can say other than it has amazing visuals and phenomenal sounds.

Seeing with DICE's history with BF4 (which sucks balls, even after all the patches), Hardline, and now Battlefront, I've basically decided not to ever buy another DICE game (or at least be very, very skeptical and cautious about it).

The Flood / Re: Holy shit a dumb cunt actually did this
« on: November 28, 2015, 01:15:11 PM »
Stupid dog probably wouldn't stop barking. In moments like that, it's fine to improvise a muzzle. Good on her for being resourceful.

You wouldn't know what bait if it bit you in the face

The Flood / Re: Holy shit a dumb cunt actually did this
« on: November 28, 2015, 12:58:41 PM »
Stupid dog probably wouldn't stop barking. In moments like that, it's fine to improvise a muzzle. Good on her for being resourceful.

The Flood / Re: Woman Kills Chipotle Worker
« on: November 27, 2015, 11:20:37 PM »
I know that's why I hate you
I guess ill go kms then

Pls livestream it

The Flood / Re: What's your earliest memory?
« on: November 27, 2015, 11:12:23 PM »
Very blurry images of my life lived before this one

The Flood / Re: Woman Kills Chipotle Worker
« on: November 27, 2015, 11:07:03 PM »
TheOnion does this better

The Flood / Re: give me a good read to buy tomorrow
« on: November 26, 2015, 08:17:06 PM »
The Forever War

The Flood / Re: What is the best-written song you've ever heard?
« on: November 26, 2015, 06:51:43 PM »
Probably something by Cold Play or Blink 182

The Flood / Re: Basically, what the fuck do I do with my life
« on: November 26, 2015, 02:54:42 PM »
You think about women too much. Solve your job situation first if it's such a big deal and then worry about women

The Flood / Re: >You are over-encumbered and you cannot run.
« on: November 26, 2015, 03:18:04 AM »
Do people really just randomly grab junk in the Elder Scrolls and Fallout Games?

Junk is useless in Elder Scrolls, but dat shit so helpful in Fallout

Gaming / Re: Post gaming related things you REGRET buying
« on: November 26, 2015, 02:45:28 AM »
Battlefield 4. What a shitty waste of money.

The Flood / Re: >You are over-encumbered and you cannot run.
« on: November 26, 2015, 02:44:08 AM »
I need all these screws, man

The Flood / Re: Why do you fear death?
« on: November 26, 2015, 02:43:10 AM »
The truth is, if you don't believe in an afterlife by the time you're 20, you haven't matured as an adult.

Serious / Re: Serious is getting more Serious.
« on: November 24, 2015, 11:33:29 PM »
This is fucking stupid you fucking cuck nigger shit fucking fight me you pussy


Hate speech doesn't impede equality, cause you know... they're only fucking words.

You know you lack any substantial argument when all you can say is "Lmao"

If this country limits free speech on the sole basis that it's offensive, I'm gonna leave this cesspool. This just goes to show how overly sensitive millennials are and what entitled brats they become. A bunch of whiny pussies that can't handle a very uncensored world.

The Flood / Re: You guys have ridiculous standards
« on: November 23, 2015, 01:59:27 PM »
I'd fuck Miley Cyrus
I had a sexual dream about her

She fucked a dog

The Flood / Re: Jew Jew Abrams is going full out with the Nazi symbolism
« on: November 22, 2015, 09:24:28 PM »
>implying this is new

That's my point. The Nazi allegories have honestly been done to death in Hollywood. Pick another boogeyman to saturate the industry with, like honestly.

Why? It looks so fucking COOL

The Flood / Re: Does oral sex count as sex?
« on: November 22, 2015, 09:17:03 PM »
Yes it counts, don't let anyone tell you otherwise
exactly what a virgin would say

Too bad I'm not a virgin

The Flood / Re: Jew Jew Abrams is going full out with the Nazi symbolism
« on: November 22, 2015, 09:14:49 PM »
lol like the OT trilogy didn't already do this? Anyways Nazis had propaganda done right cuz they looked badass af

So, in other words, you're the smartest person in the world
No, I'm a dumb bag of rocks. I wish I could be smart tho :(

Well next time pay attention in school

A smart person might've taken the hint that they're wrong after all that, but then again I said someone who's smart.
Yeah, I was wrong. I thought Star Wars fans would grow up over time and admit that the prequels are infinitely superior, but I was wrong.

So, in other words, you admit to not being smart

Star Wars fans are pretty disgusting and hate-able, though.
yeah if by "star wars fan" you mean the ones who collect the novels and have their lightsaber form down
that's like saying "halo players" are the ones who argue about novel lore
I'm also talking about the ones who just can't let people who enjoy the prequels enjoy the prequels.

(because they're better)
I'm pretty sure that those are just people who understand cinema.
Well, I guess, yeah an amount of people don't really understand why and just have natural bias towards original. The prequels just have so many noticeable flaws and the only redeeming feature seems to be whether or not you are woo'd by the CG, which gets harder and harder as they age.
If they understood cinema, they'd admit the prequels were better.

The appeal of the OT is pure nostalgia--nothing more. They're complete shit, with the exception of RotJ (which is, funnily enough, the one everyone likes the least in the OT).
That sounds like a whole lot of opinions that shouldn't be thought of as fact for peeps who have studied cinema all of their life and would notice the difference tbh.
OT fans stop acting like their opinion is a fact, and I stop acting like my opinion is a fact.

that simple tbh fam
did an OT fan piss in your cheerios and proceeded to defecate on your bed sheets?
If by "an OT fan," you mean almost every single one I've ever met on the Internet, then yes. Hundreds.
For the past seven or eight years.

A smart person might've taken the hint that they're wrong after all that, but then again I said someone who's smart.

The Flood / Re: Does oral sex count as sex?
« on: November 22, 2015, 11:43:26 AM »
Yes it counts, don't let anyone tell you otherwise

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