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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 222324 2526 ... 173
Gaming / Re: Fallout 4, what to expect?
« on: December 05, 2015, 08:14:17 PM »
It's a great mix of RPG and shooter, don't let the naysayers deceive you. It has PLENTY of RPG elements that effect everything, and blends down into even the shooter elements.
Dumbing down of skills
No weapon/armor degradation
No Karma
Choices with no middle. Either good or bad, no in-between

It's a good game. But it's the least RPG-ish Fallout to date.

So? It's still an RPG, and a fantastic one at that

The Flood / Re: suicide bombing at a beach-side hotel in honolulu, hawaii
« on: December 05, 2015, 08:13:33 PM »
bomber is reported as having yelled "aloha akbar" before detonating his explosive vest

This post gave me diarrhea

Serious / Re: The San Bernadino shooters used 30 round magazines.
« on: December 05, 2015, 08:12:40 PM »

What an insightful response debunking my entire argument. That'll teach me to bring common sense and facts into this debate.

Listen, I've argued this for years. I'm tired of it. My answer is no. I will not trade Liberty for someone else's perceived security. It's not going to happen.

Want to solve the murder problem? Fix the cultures the breed violence. I, and the Millions of other legal gun owners do not cause violence. We do not murder or steal. We merely want to be left alone to and not have the government punish us because some hood rat decided to shoot up a drug dealer on the corner.

You can scream, bitch, and moan for more gun control; but it'll do jack and shit. Thugs are going to thug, peddlers are going to peddlers, and busta's going to get busted. It's as simple as that. Be that with guns, knives, or fucking spears. You fix that culture of crime, you fix the violence.

So, like I said, No.

You can make all the comparisons to other countries you want, but you're comparing Apples to fucking grape fruit. Belgium is not a good comparison. Belgium is a homogeneous country. The United States is not. There will ALWAYS be more friction in a place where many cultures come together than a place where there is one defined culture.
Gun control is becoming an even hotter topic with increasing amounts of politicians openly supporting it, including the woman who is likely going to be a presidential nominee soon. While the number of privately owned guns is obviously still on the rise, gun ownership is on the decline while the number of people supporting gun regulations has been increasing. Next year, there will be more people dying by guns than by vehicles in your country, which is not even close to being rivaled by any other developed country. Gun free zones are becoming more prevalent and increasing amounts of better and more recent research is supporting the benefits of gun control measures. Mass shootings have been becoming more frequent and they sway the public opinion quite a bit. You can say "no, I'm not ever going to let this happen, don't you tread on me" all you want. Albeit slowly and gradually, this is happening. Your country will almost definitely but slowly shift towards stricter gun control.

As for your other points: Legal gun owners are not perfect. They commit crimes just like the rest of us. It's also been demonstrated that the easy and legal access to guns directly fuels the illegal market, making it cheaper, easier, faster and less risky for criminals to get their hands on firearms. People don't just care about the millions of "good law abiding gun owners". They care about the broader implications that such a system holds. Also, substitution mechanisms when guns are taken out of the equation have often been found to be minimal and significantly less effective.

I also never compared the US to my own country, nor have I ever advocated a direct implementation of a European style gun control system in the US. No one in the right mind would think that it'd work.

And Belgium quite literally is a country made up out of several groups of people from different backgrounds and nations. We're a bunch of Frenchies, Dutchmen and Germans crammed together in a single country with 6 different governments, 3 official national languages and over a million foreigners living here (which is a lot for a country as small as this one). It's not as diverse as the US, but there are far more homogeneous countries in the EU if you want to make this comparison.

Who cares what you have to say, you don't even live in the US

« on: December 05, 2015, 08:06:07 PM »
This post gave me AIDS

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4, what to expect?
« on: December 05, 2015, 08:05:26 PM »
It's a great mix of RPG and shooter, don't let the naysayers deceive you. It has PLENTY of RPG elements that effect everything, and blends down into even the shooter elements.

The Flood / Re: i can kind of see the appeal of the foot fetish
« on: December 05, 2015, 07:47:41 PM »
Ass n feet fetish are the best, especially when combined mmmmmmm

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect is the best sci fi RPG
« on: December 05, 2015, 04:13:17 PM »
Mass Effect was really good.
Mass Effect 2 wasn't bad, but all the daddy issues got old real quick.
Mass Effect 3 was a failed abortion that Bioware was too scared to use a coat hanger for.

ME3 was great. Let me guess, you're gonna label the WHOLE game bad because of the ending. Fucking retard.
No, it wasn't just the ending.  It was all the bullshit during the game.

The whole game was good.
Excpet it wasn't.  I was a downgrade in a lot of ways.  I'll agree gameplay was alright, but still needed tweaking.
Like being able to put my fucking weapons away.

LOL you're upset over an insignificant detail? ME3 was a great game. I didn't see any real downgrades worthy of noting.
And I am pissed about the lack of holstering because there was no reason to take it out of the game.  Just like how they took out the holographic elemental indicators for weapons.  This game needless took things out, like Mordin's voice actor, for no valid reason whatsoever.

>Took out Mordin's voice actor

The fuck are you even on about, Mordin was voiced the same
No he wasn't.  Micheal Beattie was never contacted to voice Mordin in ME3 for, again, no reason.  He doesn't even know why.

I literally saw no difference

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect is the best sci fi RPG
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:47:43 PM »
Mass Effect was really good.
Mass Effect 2 wasn't bad, but all the daddy issues got old real quick.
Mass Effect 3 was a failed abortion that Bioware was too scared to use a coat hanger for.

ME3 was great. Let me guess, you're gonna label the WHOLE game bad because of the ending. Fucking retard.
No, it wasn't just the ending.  It was all the bullshit during the game.

The whole game was good.
Excpet it wasn't.  I was a downgrade in a lot of ways.  I'll agree gameplay was alright, but still needed tweaking.
Like being able to put my fucking weapons away.

LOL you're upset over an insignificant detail? ME3 was a great game. I didn't see any real downgrades worthy of noting.
And I am pissed about the lack of holstering because there was no reason to take it out of the game.  Just like how they took out the holographic elemental indicators for weapons.  This game needless took things out, like Mordin's voice actor, for no valid reason whatsoever.

>Took out Mordin's voice actor

The fuck are you even on about, Mordin was voiced the same

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect is the best sci fi RPG
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:42:00 PM »
Mass Effect was really good.
Mass Effect 2 wasn't bad, but all the daddy issues got old real quick.
Mass Effect 3 was a failed abortion that Bioware was too scared to use a coat hanger for.

ME3 was great. Let me guess, you're gonna label the WHOLE game bad because of the ending. Fucking retard.
No, it wasn't just the ending.  It was all the bullshit during the game.

The whole game was good.
Excpet it wasn't.  I was a downgrade in a lot of ways.  I'll agree gameplay was alright, but still needed tweaking.
Like being able to put my fucking weapons away.

LOL you're upset over an insignificant detail? ME3 was a great game. I didn't see any real downgrades worthy of noting.
Besides becoming less of an RPG and more of a corridor action shooter

Wrong, but okay

Gaming / Re: Getting a PS4
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:38:27 PM »
anything can be manipulated

especially over the internet

So then neither of us are right.

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect is the best sci fi RPG
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:37:26 PM »
Mass Effect was really good.
Mass Effect 2 wasn't bad, but all the daddy issues got old real quick.
Mass Effect 3 was a failed abortion that Bioware was too scared to use a coat hanger for.

ME3 was great. Let me guess, you're gonna label the WHOLE game bad because of the ending. Fucking retard.
No, it wasn't just the ending.  It was all the bullshit during the game.

The whole game was good.
Excpet it wasn't.  I was a downgrade in a lot of ways.  I'll agree gameplay was alright, but still needed tweaking.
Like being able to put my fucking weapons away.

LOL you're upset over an insignificant detail? ME3 was a great game. I didn't see any real downgrades worthy of noting.

Gaming / Re: Getting a PS4
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:35:24 PM »

Fuck off, the X1 and PS4 are basically PCs now anyway
Which is a pretty good reason to get a PC

LOL no. Consoles are cheaper and for the same thing, if not better
I mean, yeah, if you want games that barely run on them.

A cheap-ish PC outperforms both consoles.

>Barely run

LOL. Thanks for confirming you don't know what you're talking about. I've yet to have a game on PS4 that "barely runs". They all run just fine.
I have a PS4 and an Xbone.

Games dropping below 30fps and running below 1080p for many games (and even dropping below 30fps when the games aren't even 1080p either) (keep in mind that it's 2015, too) is what I'd class as barely running.

They're pathetically underpowered.

What kind of stupid fucking games are you buying? NONE of my games drop below 60fps and there's NOTHING wrong with running a slight amount below 1080p.
There aren't that many games that are 60fps. It's still 30fps for most games.

TLoUR didn't even hold a stable 60fps. It also lowered other asset quality to get 60fps.
Tomb Raider DE didn't hold a stable 60fps on PS4. Runs at 30fps on Xbone.
TW3 drops below 30fps a lot on both consoles.
Fallout 4 drops below 30fps a lot on both consoles.
lol AC Unity
Rainbow 6 Siege drops below 60fps on both consoles. It runs at 30fps when playing against the AI instead of players.
Just Cause 3 drops below 30fps on both consoles
Halo 5 only keeps a stable 60fps at the sacrifice of other things.

I could go on.

Too bad none of these are true.

Yikes you're retarded. Literally all of them are true.

Except they're not and you have no proof of that. Fucking asshole, who's the retard now?
My proof is that I've owned an Xbox One for a year now, and every game has its crutch. Whether it has "dynamic resolution scaling", fps capped at 30, sub-1080p resolution, or just flat out bad texturing or lack of anti-aliasing. The hardware has really been struggling since the consoles debuted, and its only gotten worse. but here's a video anyhow, of a budget computer running outdated hardware. It's playing Fallout 4 at consistently better framerate and higher graphical settings than either of the consoles.

Videos can be manipulated. I'm not watching that
Alright then don't try to argue with someone if you aren't willing to, uh, argue.

This isn't arguing, it's a debate. How about presenting evidence that can't be manipulated to confirm your own biases?

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect is the best sci fi RPG
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:33:38 PM »
Mass Effect was really good.
Mass Effect 2 wasn't bad, but all the daddy issues got old real quick.
Mass Effect 3 was a failed abortion that Bioware was too scared to use a coat hanger for.

ME3 was great. Let me guess, you're gonna label the WHOLE game bad because of the ending. Fucking retard.
No, it wasn't just the ending.  It was all the bullshit during the game.

The whole game was good.

The Flood / Re: That time you farted really loud in the third grade?
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:23:44 PM »
This is a shit post

Gaming / Re: Getting a PS4
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:23:12 PM »

Fuck off, the X1 and PS4 are basically PCs now anyway
Which is a pretty good reason to get a PC

LOL no. Consoles are cheaper and for the same thing, if not better
I mean, yeah, if you want games that barely run on them.

A cheap-ish PC outperforms both consoles.

>Barely run

LOL. Thanks for confirming you don't know what you're talking about. I've yet to have a game on PS4 that "barely runs". They all run just fine.
I have a PS4 and an Xbone.

Games dropping below 30fps and running below 1080p for many games (and even dropping below 30fps when the games aren't even 1080p either) (keep in mind that it's 2015, too) is what I'd class as barely running.

They're pathetically underpowered.

What kind of stupid fucking games are you buying? NONE of my games drop below 60fps and there's NOTHING wrong with running a slight amount below 1080p.
There aren't that many games that are 60fps. It's still 30fps for most games.

TLoUR didn't even hold a stable 60fps. It also lowered other asset quality to get 60fps.
Tomb Raider DE didn't hold a stable 60fps on PS4. Runs at 30fps on Xbone.
TW3 drops below 30fps a lot on both consoles.
Fallout 4 drops below 30fps a lot on both consoles.
lol AC Unity
Rainbow 6 Siege drops below 60fps on both consoles. It runs at 30fps when playing against the AI instead of players.
Just Cause 3 drops below 30fps on both consoles
Halo 5 only keeps a stable 60fps at the sacrifice of other things.

I could go on.

Too bad none of these are true.

Yikes you're retarded. Literally all of them are true.

Except they're not and you have no proof of that. Fucking asshole, who's the retard now?
My proof is that I've owned an Xbox One for a year now, and every game has its crutch. Whether it has "dynamic resolution scaling", fps capped at 30, sub-1080p resolution, or just flat out bad texturing or lack of anti-aliasing. The hardware has really been struggling since the consoles debuted, and its only gotten worse. but here's a video anyhow, of a budget computer running outdated hardware. It's playing Fallout 4 at consistently better framerate and higher graphical settings than either of the consoles.

Videos can be manipulated. I'm not watching that

Gaming / Re: Getting a PS4
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:22:18 PM »
no i'm actually gay for nosejob and lemon

for insulting you

You're just a confused faggot

Gaming / Re: Getting a PS4
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:19:41 PM »
midget gets me rock hard

I always knew you were gay for me

Gaming / Re: Getting a PS4
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:12:03 PM »

Fuck off, the X1 and PS4 are basically PCs now anyway
Which is a pretty good reason to get a PC

LOL no. Consoles are cheaper and for the same thing, if not better
I mean, yeah, if you want games that barely run on them.

A cheap-ish PC outperforms both consoles.

>Barely run

LOL. Thanks for confirming you don't know what you're talking about. I've yet to have a game on PS4 that "barely runs". They all run just fine.
I have a PS4 and an Xbone.

Games dropping below 30fps and running below 1080p for many games (and even dropping below 30fps when the games aren't even 1080p either) (keep in mind that it's 2015, too) is what I'd class as barely running.

They're pathetically underpowered.

What kind of stupid fucking games are you buying? NONE of my games drop below 60fps and there's NOTHING wrong with running a slight amount below 1080p.
There aren't that many games that are 60fps. It's still 30fps for most games.

TLoUR didn't even hold a stable 60fps. It also lowered other asset quality to get 60fps.
Tomb Raider DE didn't hold a stable 60fps on PS4. Runs at 30fps on Xbone.
TW3 drops below 30fps a lot on both consoles.
Fallout 4 drops below 30fps a lot on both consoles.
lol AC Unity
Rainbow 6 Siege drops below 60fps on both consoles. It runs at 30fps when playing against the AI instead of players.
Just Cause 3 drops below 30fps on both consoles
Halo 5 only keeps a stable 60fps at the sacrifice of other things.

I could go on.

Too bad none of these are true.

Yikes you're retarded. Literally all of them are true.

Except they're not and you have no proof of that. Fucking asshole, who's the retard now?

Gaming / Re: Chris Carney (Bungie Dev) died in a car crash
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:06:45 PM »
Good, maybe the devs will higher someone actually talented to take his place now

Gaming / Re: Getting a PS4
« on: December 05, 2015, 12:01:26 PM »
stay dumb midget

Back to personal insults because you're unable to prove me wrong? Looks like I win again

Serious / Re: The San Bernadino shooters used 30 round magazines.
« on: December 05, 2015, 11:57:03 AM »
It's a joke. Liberals really think "gun free zones" will do something, and yet with some of the tightest gun restrictions in the country, these guys still shot up a place with modified weapons.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Nothing proves it more than this.
That last comment of yours makes me wonder if you are being sarcastic or not.

I'm not. "Gun free zones" and weapon restrictions are fucking retarded

Except the sand niggers that did this are Saudis, and ISIS doesn't operate in that area.
Read the article. They pledged allegiance to isis on facebook.
That doesn't make them soldiers of the Islamic State.

I pledged allegiance to the US every day in high school, but if I went and shot up someone we hate it wouldn't make me a soldier of the US.

It's not the same as having a tactical insertion, these guys came of their own accord, and performed a crime o. Their own, and merely gave credit to IS.

It's an isolated incident.

This is what liberals and deniers will say, but wait until the body count climbs. You'll change your tune then.

Gaming / Re: Getting a PS4
« on: December 05, 2015, 11:49:06 AM »
Fuck off, the X1 and PS4 are basically PCs now anyway
Which is a pretty good reason to get a PC

LOL no. Consoles are cheaper and for the same thing, if not better
I mean, yeah, if you want games that barely run on them.

A cheap-ish PC outperforms both consoles.

>Barely run

LOL. Thanks for confirming you don't know what you're talking about. I've yet to have a game on PS4 that "barely runs". They all run just fine.
I have a PS4 and an Xbone.

Games dropping below 30fps and running below 1080p for many games (and even dropping below 30fps when the games aren't even 1080p either) (keep in mind that it's 2015, too) is what I'd class as barely running.

They're pathetically underpowered.

What kind of stupid fucking games are you buying? NONE of my games drop below 60fps and there's NOTHING wrong with running a slight amount below 1080p.
There aren't that many games that are 60fps. It's still 30fps for most games.

TLoUR didn't even hold a stable 60fps. It also lowered other asset quality to get 60fps.
Tomb Raider DE didn't hold a stable 60fps on PS4. Runs at 30fps on Xbone.
TW3 drops below 30fps a lot on both consoles.
Fallout 4 drops below 30fps a lot on both consoles.
lol AC Unity
Rainbow 6 Siege drops below 60fps on both consoles. It runs at 30fps when playing against the AI instead of players.
Just Cause 3 drops below 30fps on both consoles
Halo 5 only keeps a stable 60fps at the sacrifice of other things.

I could go on.

Too bad none of these are true.

Gaming / Re: Getting a PS4
« on: December 05, 2015, 11:48:28 AM »
TLoU: Remastered is a must have. I got a PS4 just to experience that game and was NOT disappointed. 10/10 game.

Buy Alien: Isolation, Fallout 4, and whatever other good games that are out right now

BF4 is still a sack of shit though don't buy it, maybe GTAV since it also looks pretty good on next gen

Probably gonna get TLoU. It looks pretty decent. I forgot about Alien Isolation.

Already have Fallout 4, Battlefield 4 and GTA V on my xbox, so I won't be buying them again. I play all 3 a lot.

Decent? DECENT? It's a PHENOMENAL game, decent is such a poor word to describe. I suppose you'll see what I mean when you play through it. The game never gets easier, it only picks up and up and up. 

Gaming / Re: Getting a PS4
« on: December 05, 2015, 11:23:49 AM »
Fuck off, the X1 and PS4 are basically PCs now anyway
Which is a pretty good reason to get a PC

LOL no. Consoles are cheaper and for the same thing, if not better
I mean, yeah, if you want games that barely run on them.

A cheap-ish PC outperforms both consoles.

>Barely run

LOL. Thanks for confirming you don't know what you're talking about. I've yet to have a game on PS4 that "barely runs". They all run just fine.
I have a PS4 and an Xbone.

Games dropping below 30fps and running below 1080p for many games (and even dropping below 30fps when the games aren't even 1080p either) (keep in mind that it's 2015, too) is what I'd class as barely running.

They're pathetically underpowered.

What kind of stupid fucking games are you buying? NONE of my games drop below 60fps and there's NOTHING wrong with running a slight amount below 1080p.

Serious / Re: The San Bernadino shooters used 30 round magazines.
« on: December 05, 2015, 11:22:40 AM »
It's a joke. Liberals really think "gun free zones" will do something, and yet with some of the tightest gun restrictions in the country, these guys still shot up a place with modified weapons.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Nothing proves it more than this.

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect is the best sci fi RPG
« on: December 05, 2015, 11:18:44 AM »
Mass Effect was really good.
Mass Effect 2 wasn't bad, but all the daddy issues got old real quick.
Mass Effect 3 was a failed abortion that Bioware was too scared to use a coat hanger for.

ME3 was great. Let me guess, you're gonna label the WHOLE game bad because of the ending. Fucking retard.

Gaming / Re: Getting a PS4
« on: December 05, 2015, 11:15:35 AM »
Fuck off, the X1 and PS4 are basically PCs now anyway
Which is a pretty good reason to get a PC

LOL no. Consoles are cheaper and for the same thing, if not better
I mean, yeah, if you want games that barely run on them.

A cheap-ish PC outperforms both consoles.

>Barely run

LOL. Thanks for confirming you don't know what you're talking about. I've yet to have a game on PS4 that "barely runs". They all run just fine.

Gaming / Re: Getting a PS4
« on: December 05, 2015, 11:11:02 AM »
Fuck off, the X1 and PS4 are basically PCs now anyway
Which is a pretty good reason to get a PC

LOL no. Consoles are cheaper and for the same thing, if not better

Gaming / Re: Getting a PS4
« on: December 05, 2015, 10:55:42 AM »
why not save the money and just get a pc?

Really no need to own an x1 and a ps4.

Sure, blowout your wallet just to have better graphics and no friends to play with.

Fuck off, the X1 and PS4 are basically PCs now anyway

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