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Messages - aREALgod

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Gaming / Re: Dark Souls is easily one of the best games of all time.
« on: December 07, 2015, 02:21:49 AM »
"People shouldn't break laws LOL"
They shouldn't. And if they do, it's their fault.

Just like if you invade someone, it's your fault.
You don't have to play offline. I played through more than half the game online and was only invaded twice - both times because I willfully made the choice to chance an invasion. You have no excuses whatsoever.
I'm sorry you were invaded twice. That shouldn't have happened to you. It wasn't your fault.

It was, though, because I completely lowered the barriers against invasion. The first time I died to the invader, and the second time I won. Both invasions were due to a personal choice of completely allowing people to invade my world - had I not, there was 100% no chance of invasion. Nobody was to blame but myself for invasion, because I opened my only barriers to hostiles 100%.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls is easily one of the best games of all time.
« on: December 07, 2015, 02:17:15 AM »
Blaming others for your ineptitude? That's quite the skirt for accepting responsibility. You can literally make the choice to NEVER allow anybody to invade you. If you fail to make that choice and STILL blame others, you're fucking stupid.
I shouldn't have to play offline. People should just not be cunts.

"People shouldn't break laws LOL"

You don't have to play offline. I played through more than half the game online and was only invaded twice - both times because I willfully made the choice to chance an invasion (I've never invaded anybody, either). You have no excuses whatsoever.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls is easily one of the best games of all time.
« on: December 07, 2015, 02:11:55 AM »
Nowhere close to what I said. If you bothered to advance in the game, you'd know what I'm talking about. It's literally a choice to allow invasion or not. The only times I chanced being invaded is when I sought an ally in a boss fight, and never outside of that. You can play through the game solo just fine without others attacking you.

But I guess if you choose to remain ignorant or outright stupid of this fact, that's nobody's fault but your own.
Or people could just not be dickheads and never invade people. It's their fault.

Blaming others for your ineptitude? That's quite the skirt for accepting responsibility. You can literally make the choice to NEVER allow anybody to invade you. If you fail to make that choice and STILL blame others, you're fucking stupid.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls is easily one of the best games of all time.
« on: December 07, 2015, 02:08:36 AM »
I praise it because it rejects the easy way out and goes against the grain.

I praise it because video games cost so much money to make, and when you see games like Call of Duty and how much money they make, it makes the temptation that much more to take the easy way out, lest you lose that money.

I praise it because the entire point of the industry is to push the current boundaries and trends, and to express your creative ingenuity in the form of pixels, music, and voices. Not to grow complacent and offer the same thing with a slightly different light.
i still don't personally find that very impressive or praiseworthy, because it's nothing new

That's a pretty piss poor argument considering pretty much EVERYTHING is just a copy paste of things before

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls is easily one of the best games of all time.
« on: December 07, 2015, 02:01:30 AM »
You can literally avoid it entirely. It's up to the player whether or not they want to allow the chance if they want to be invaded or not - and if you choose to allow that chance, it's ENTIRELY your fault. You have zero excuses.
"Rape is your fault. Never go out in public."


Nowhere close to what I said. If you bothered to advance in the game, you'd know what I'm talking about. It's literally a choice to allow invasion or not. The only times I chanced being invaded is when I sought an ally in a boss fight, and never outside of that. You can play through the game solo just fine without others attacking you.

But I guess if you choose to remain ignorant or outright stupid of this fact, that's nobody's fault but your own.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls is easily one of the best games of all time.
« on: December 07, 2015, 01:57:16 AM »
LOL you never even reached a point where players could "fuck you over for minding your own business".
Doesn't matter. I know that's what you can do in the game, and I loathe the very concept.

You can literally avoid it entirely. It's up to the player whether or not they want to allow the chance if they want to be invaded or not - and if you choose to allow that chance, it's ENTIRELY your fault. You have zero excuses.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls is easily one of the best games of all time.
« on: December 07, 2015, 01:51:15 AM »
Dark Souls has inspired many developers. It's really one of the best games ever made.

Nobody cares about the opinion of some guy who couldn't beat the tutorial.
I refused to beat the tutorial, because the game was just that much of an insult.
You just suck at Dark Souls. What's the big deal?
I suck at tolerating a game that allows you to fuck over other players who are just minding their own business.

LOL you never even reached a point where players could "fuck you over for minding your own business". You literally have nothing worthy to say about the game. You just bitch about it because you got butthurt at the tutorial.

But how does it taste?

The Flood / Re: Pizza
« on: December 07, 2015, 01:21:53 AM »

The fuck are you, boring?

The Flood / Pizza
« on: December 07, 2015, 12:47:41 AM »
What's your favorite kind of custom pizza? Does it have a lot of meat? A lot of cheeze? BBQ sauce? Vegetarian (lol pussy)? Hearty sauce? Thick crust? Cheese stuffed crust? WHAT KIND OF PIZZA DO YOU LIKE?

Anyways I've grown an obsession for getting chicken and bacon (or mushroom) topped pizza with extra alfredo sauce. Mmmmmmm, fucking GODDAMN it's amazing. What do you guys prefer? Don't be boring plz

The Flood / Re: Am I The Only One Who Thinks Vaginas Are Disgusting
« on: December 06, 2015, 07:15:51 PM »
Vaginas are beautiful, though

The Flood / Re: Most painful moment of your life? Surgery/Accidents etc
« on: December 06, 2015, 07:06:05 PM »
I was in a pretty bad car accident some years ago. I was traveling 50mph down a two lane road approaching an intersection. This intersection was a two way stop, not a four way, and I had no stop sign to stop at. Some lady on the right hand side started impatiently creeping out into the right lane, despite seeing me clearly coming down the road. I see this and try to anticipate her stupidity by moving the left hand side of my lane and getting ready to maneuver as best as possible. Well, it didn't pay off. Right as I beginning passing her, she floors on the gas too early and clips my right hand side, veering my car almost entirely sideways and onto the sidewalk. I collided with a street lamp just behind the driver's side door, ricochet off and spin a couple more times before finally stopping in the middle of both lanes on the road. I lost consciousness when I hit the lamp, but my injuries were pretty extensive-

Basilar skull fracture with a large laceration running from the back of my ear running up to my left temple.
Several fractured ribs that caused a flail chest and a pneumothorax. Thankfully, it never became a tension pneumothorax.
Dislocated left shoulder with a compound fracture of the collar bone and hairline fracture on my ulna.
An iliac crest pelvic fracture on the left side with shortening, left femoral head fracture, sprang ankle, and a moderately sized avulsion on my left calf.
A ruptured spleen with internal hemorrhaging that presented with some abdominal rigidity and multiple bruised organs.
Other cuts n bruises etc.

The lady who caused the accident was uninjured.
...Until you got out of the hospital right?

seriously though, fucking hell that's bad <.<

Until I got out? LOL nah, just until I came out of the week long medically induced coma.

Yeah turns out street poles are STRONK

The Flood / Re: Most painful moment of your life? Surgery/Accidents etc
« on: December 06, 2015, 06:56:05 PM »
I was in a pretty bad car accident some years ago. I was traveling 50mph down a two lane road approaching an intersection. This intersection was a two way stop, not a four way, and I had no stop sign to stop at. Some lady on the right hand side started impatiently creeping out into the right lane, despite seeing me clearly coming down the road. I see this and try to anticipate her stupidity by moving the left hand side of my lane and getting ready to maneuver as best as possible. Well, it didn't pay off. Right as I beginning passing her, she floors on the gas too early and clips my right hand side, veering my car almost entirely sideways and onto the sidewalk. I collided with a street lamp just behind the driver's side door, ricochet off and spin a couple more times before finally stopping in the middle of both lanes on the road. I lost consciousness when I hit the lamp, but my injuries were pretty extensive-

Basilar skull fracture with a large laceration running from the back of my ear running up to my left temple.
Several fractured ribs that caused a flail chest and a pneumothorax. Thankfully, it never became a tension pneumothorax.
Dislocated left shoulder with a compound fracture of the collar bone and hairline fracture on my ulna.
An iliac crest pelvic fracture on the left side with shortening, left femoral head fracture, sprang ankle, and a moderately sized avulsion on my left calf.
A ruptured spleen with internal hemorrhaging that presented with some abdominal rigidity and multiple bruised organs.
Other cuts n bruises etc.

The lady who caused the accident was uninjured.

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: December 06, 2015, 03:05:29 PM »

2001 is leagues ahead of Interstellar

Everything in Interstellar feels tacked on

"Feels" tacked on

Yeah great evidence you got there you fucking retard

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: December 06, 2015, 02:56:13 PM »
2001 is leagues ahead of Interstellar


The Flood / Re: Evanescence is a good band
« on: December 06, 2015, 02:54:07 PM »
Blink 182 is good, too

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: December 06, 2015, 02:15:07 PM »
Sorry, I don't watch movies. I only watch Films.

Shut up

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: December 06, 2015, 02:13:32 PM »
chris nolan has to be the most overrated director of ALL TIME, though
i will say that

Nolan has talent far above your comprehensive abilities

The Flood / Re: Daily Reminder
« on: December 06, 2015, 02:10:38 PM »
This is clearly bait and if you fall for it you're more retarded than 2001 fanboys

Gaming / Re: 2015's biggest turd/dissapointment?
« on: December 06, 2015, 11:28:27 AM »
Battlefront. It's a stab right into my childhood, man

The Flood / Re: Who drinks soda vs water
« on: December 06, 2015, 02:34:57 AM »
i drink soda everyday, i have a real addiction to it. I like seriously start having withdrawals if I go too long without it

that being said i'm fairly sure i have the kidney's of an 80 year old man

i also like never drink water, if i don't have any soda i just drink milk

God fucking damn, enjoy your diabetes

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4, what to expect?
« on: December 05, 2015, 11:06:26 PM »
fo4 is better overall. f3 did a few things better though.
i think that's kinda funny

for as much praise as the fallout series tends to get here, no one seems to like the games all that much

i mean, a 6/10 isn't a great score--especially if it's better than the last installment
bethesda just isnt the right studio to develop fallout games. FO1 and FO2 were really really good, people these days just dont like isometric gameplay. New Vegas was one of the best RPGs of the new millenium. bethesdas fallout titles are just OK and the other titles in the series are very obscure/dont really matter, aside from maybe tactics.

Isometric gameplay is boring, that's why

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4, what to expect?
« on: December 05, 2015, 11:05:17 PM »
6/10 LOL you're fucking crazy. It's easily a 9/10 and the amount of people sucked into the game prove you wrong
People sink hours into it because it's deliberately spread out to make you play longer. If we're going by that logic, games like Call of Duty are 9/10's too.

How is that? The game is FILLED with content, which is the exact opposite of Cock of Duty
I'm just going on what you said and how it sucks people in games. You'll have to provide more clarity than that.

I'm talking about the single player. Why bring up CoD? The single player for CoD has been shit since after the first Modern Warfare game and super short each time with little content. Fallout is vast and has a lot to do

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4, what to expect?
« on: December 05, 2015, 10:57:21 PM »
6/10 LOL you're fucking crazy. It's easily a 9/10 and the amount of people sucked into the game prove you wrong
People sink hours into it because it's deliberately spread out to make you play longer. If we're going by that logic, games like Call of Duty are 9/10's too.

How is that? The game is FILLED with content, which is the exact opposite of Cock of Duty

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4, what to expect?
« on: December 05, 2015, 09:50:49 PM »
expect a gorgeous game world with a more dynamic combat system than 3 or NV. unfortunately the writing is poor, there isn't much in the way of actual choice, the game is riddled with skyrim-esque "KILL. LOOT. RETURN" quests, characters dont seem to remember who you are after meeting them, companions mostly suck ass (shouts out to curie, hancock, and nick valentine tho y'alls my ride or die niggas), legendary enemies are no longer unique or overtly intimidating and spawn randomly, SPECIAL checks in dialogue are gone, perception is nerfed into the ground/worthless compared to its vast usefulness in the previous FO games, and the game world is really very shallow. there is lots of information about the world floating around that you can obtain through terminals/ambient dialogue from NPCs and such, but you cant really act on that information in 90/100 scenarios. there are maybe 2 "intelligent" super mutants in the game and one of them is a complete asshole who is impossible to use as a companion due to his intense dislike of most things players do. the new character like/dislike system is horribly implemented compared to New Vegas. role playing really only extends as far as your character's combat archetype is concerned and since they removed the level cap & revamped the perk system you easily become a jack of all trades once you get some levels under your belt. while the combat is a SERIOUS improvement over the previous 2 gamebryo FO games, they really bethesda'd it up so the usual "kite bullet sponge enemy and throw all of your resources at it" strategy is still the go-to. 

the ant farm system is pretty neat but somewhat limited, but thats forgivable. weapon and armor crafting is a solid but limited addition as well.

overall its a solid 6/10. skyrim 2: nuclear boogaloo.

6/10 LOL you're fucking crazy. It's easily a 9/10 and the amount of people sucked into the game prove you wrong

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4, what to expect?
« on: December 05, 2015, 09:48:26 PM »
It's a great mix of RPG and shooter, don't let the naysayers deceive you. It has PLENTY of RPG elements that effect everything, and blends down into even the shooter elements.
Dumbing down of skills
No weapon/armor degradation
No Karma
Choices with no middle. Either good or bad, no in-between

It's a good game. But it's the least RPG-ish Fallout to date.

So? It's still an RPG, and a fantastic one at that

If by that you mean high quality content and critical analysis, then yes, I am #midgeposting

Yes, thank you

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4, what to expect?
« on: December 05, 2015, 09:47:47 PM »
I feel like Vault 95 would be better if Bethesda didn't make it painfully obvious what happened there.

They're not very good at subtle story telling.

Also, why do the Brotherhood now all of the sudden randomly speak Latin?

Is Vault 95 the

Drug addict one?

You can read about chem shipments to the place at Valt Tech HQ near Diamond City

Gaming / Re: Fallout 4, what to expect?
« on: December 05, 2015, 09:46:44 PM »
It's a great mix of RPG and shooter, don't let the naysayers deceive you. It has PLENTY of RPG elements that effect everything, and blends down into even the shooter elements.
Dumbing down of skills
No weapon/armor degradation
No Karma
Choices with no middle. Either good or bad, no in-between

It's a good game. But it's the least RPG-ish Fallout to date.

So? It's still an RPG, and a fantastic one at that

If by that you mean high quality content and critical analysis, then yes, I am #midgeposting

Serious / Re: Stabbing in London
« on: December 05, 2015, 08:20:44 PM »
Man, this shit is just like the movies

The Flood / Re: i can kind of see the appeal of the foot fetish
« on: December 05, 2015, 08:18:23 PM »

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