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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 202122 2324 ... 173
Serious / Re: Another thread about suicide
« on: December 13, 2015, 01:09:49 PM »
LOL You people

Seems like half of Sep7agon is currently depressed while the other half was depressed at some point already in their lives

The Flood / Re: Are we really doing this?
« on: December 13, 2015, 01:03:57 PM »
It's gonna be shit.

Anyone getting hyped is setting themselves up for the mother of all disappointments.

What leads you to believe this?

The Flood / Re: Are we really doing this?
« on: December 13, 2015, 01:03:22 PM »
You're watching it every day of the week? Tf is wrong with you nigger?
>no friends, well I guess the group I'm going with are kinda?
>heartbroken twice in two months
>seeing this movie is the only thing that will make me happy
>it is pure escapism, it will be good
>I want to see it at least five times opening week to have something to do

>Heartbroken twice in two months FUCKING LOL

You don't know what heartbreak is, bub

Serious / Re: I went to Church today.
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:40:49 PM »
How long are you going to fake this whole believing in God thing?
Oh don't be such a dick.

But if I don't use it I'm gonna lose it!

Serious / Re: I went to Church today.
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:39:33 PM »
How long are you going to fake this whole believing in God thing?

Serious / Re: "Islamic extremism is created by the U.S."
« on: December 12, 2015, 10:03:42 PM »
Extreme Islam can't melt steel beams

This is serious, at least try to be serious. I'll let you off with a warning though, because you have vagina and I like vaginas

Now you know how I feel when I had a perfect diet over the weekend but get meal break on the ambulance and the only food joints around are fast food

HAHAHAHA fuck you you stupid faggot, that's what you get for being a dumbass and not moderating volume. Fucking reap what you sow

The Flood / Re: Christmas Trees
« on: December 12, 2015, 04:10:42 PM »
We don't set one up any more, my parents stopped when my siblings and I hit our teens.

Fucking murder your parents

Serious / Re: The large minority: Islam and terrorism.
« on: December 12, 2015, 02:35:53 PM »
I'm not doing the whole quote argument today. Yes, the perception of moderates in the middle east is largely unfounded, but we can't ignore trends of improvement -- we need to acknowledge and celebrate them. I don't know your background or why you allow your hatred for Muslims to warp your opinions so drastically, but it's very disingenuous to represent this article as anything but a display of progress in the middle east.
I don't think Challenger, or I, for that matter are ignoring the positive trends. Long-term optimism is fine, and justified by the evidence. Our concern is this narrative of current optimism with the state of religion in the Middle East, which encourages complacency towards something as fundamental as incompatible values.

Whose complacency, though? We've been at war with extremists for 14 years, ISIS is the most talked about issue in western countries, the most popular presidential candidate is outwardly racist and hostile to Muslims, and anti-Muslim sentiment is on the rise. Hell, a trending joke on this site is to pretend to hate Arabs and Muslims. There is really no complacency in arguing for less hateful rhetoric.

Or maybe the world is finally waking up to the dangers of Islam and Muslims

The Flood / Re: I'm starving to death
« on: December 12, 2015, 12:22:08 PM »
Good, don't pussy out

The Flood / Re: I successfully made a cheese fondue!
« on: December 12, 2015, 11:55:30 AM »
Who fucking cares

This is EXACTLY what "moderate" Muslims want, though. They want us to think that they're all friendly and nice so we let down our guard as they continue to pour in through our borders, and take advantage of our open arms and commit Jihad. This is what idiots don't realize about these guys - they're all radicals in wait.
You must not know the difference between a moderate and an extremist.

Do you not notice the quotes around the word moderate? Aren't you fucking observational

Serious / Re: The large minority: Islam and terrorism.
« on: December 12, 2015, 11:47:28 AM »
Why are you also ignoring the rest of the article which explicitly details the trend, across the board, for less support of extremism and suicide bombing?

Those are pretty negligible numbers.

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 12, 2015, 11:38:03 AM »
Right, okay, might as well make some half-assed non-effort post to at least point out how fuckin' stupid this all is.

-Saying that people who don't hate Islam are ignorant is just hilariously ironic. The area had been war-torn and plagued by foreign invasions for decades, it's probably not gonna be the pinnacle of stability.
>"They've been murdering each other for centuries, so it's okay if they continue to murder others now. It's just how it's been, you shouldn't expect anything less GOSH you're sooooo oppressive against culture!!"
And literally the same as
>"His parents beat him as a kid, so it isn't HIS fault he beat and murdered his wife!"

-"Handouts"? What, like, literally the shittiest land available at the time, and then being moved off of it again once oil was discovered on it? There's a reason that native americans are now pretty much the smallest minority in the world and, hint hint, it's not because of their culture. Might have something to do with systematic genocide over a couple centuries, though.
>Waaaaaah my ancestors were oppressed, lemme drink and do drugs all day rather than make something of myself waaaaah I'm so oppressed waaaah still getting free state entitlements waaaaaaaah

Also, "systematic genocide over a couple centuries" LOL. The Manifest Destiny only lasted like 20 years and was in no way a genocide.

-And yet again, you miss the point as to how India became so poor-off. As a hint, Gandhi wasn't praised because India was doing fantastic at the time.
>"It's okay they have a shitty culture, it's how they've been for a while. You can't blame them for their Cast System and filthiness and expect standards!! How DARE you!!"

-Seriously, do you not understand what Colonialism was? Because I'm pretty much 100% certain that you don't understand what Colonialism was.
Same bullshit excuse etc

-Guess we should probably condemn the scandinavian countries and their glorification of viking culture, too, huh? After all, death metal bands like Mayhem encourage violence, black magic, and the burning of churches. Oh, and we should probably get rid of those evil violent video games too, huh?

Pfffffff HAHAHAHAHA you clearly don't understand the Metal scene at all if you're even thinking of equating it with nigger/"thug" culture. Same with violent video games.

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 11, 2015, 09:45:16 AM »
Even though this is just another xenophobic bait thread by Midget there is a grain of truth to it in the sense that cultural relativism is fucking cancer.

How is this a bait thread? This is in Serious

Gaming / Re: "MAC Rounds in Halo can't generate that much energy though"
« on: December 11, 2015, 01:26:41 AM »

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 11, 2015, 01:22:57 AM »
How is it that I've never seen you post anything of value on this site?

What are you talking about? I only post high quality, critical, analytical material, something this site desperately needs

Serious / Re: Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 10, 2015, 10:13:56 PM »
gr8 b8 midge
He's not baiting or wrong.
Cultural relativism is shit.

It's something I don't understand. It shouldn't be tolerated, but it is, even if the culture we're tolerating is doing damage.

Serious / Why does the West have such a hard time
« on: December 10, 2015, 10:01:46 PM »
Why does the West and civilized society have such a hard time admitting that some cultures are just objectively bad and should NOT be tolerated?

Some examples:

-Islam/Muslims. If it's not obvious why, you're pretty ignorant of world events.
-Native Americans/Indians. Manifest Destiny was probably the best thing that happened for these guys, but even with state entitlements and handouts these dipshits have an even WORSE culture now.
-Indians from India. Literally fuck everything about that shithole. I'm not surprised most of the stupid Indian fucks that move here work in 7-11, but even that is too good for them.
-Any African culture. Nothing good comes out of Africa. Just Ebola, AIDS, genocide, and a perfect example of what shit culture is like.
-Black/nigger culture. The whole "gangsta" and "thug life" deal is stupid and encourages stupidity and crime. And now they think they can whine about oppression when they're fucking apes.

Another example:


How is that a bad thing at all? These poor assholes are living in the stone age, I think it'd be a fucking blessing to them to be modernized. Their culture is shit. They live in shitty little huts and probably do stupid barbaric rituals.

So why does the West have such a hard time with this? Some cultures are just SHIT, but we're afraid to admit it because offending some overly sensitive liberals somewhere.

Gaming / Re: Video games are for little kids
« on: December 10, 2015, 11:39:01 AM »
>Getting this upset over some dude's opinion

Seems like YOU'RE the cuck. Anyway this guy is funny af

This is EXACTLY what "moderate" Muslims want, though. They want us to think that they're all friendly and nice so we let down our guard as they continue to pour in through our borders, and take advantage of our open arms and commit Jihad. This is what idiots don't realize about these guys - they're all radicals in wait.

Serious / Re: Shilling for San Bernardino
« on: December 08, 2015, 11:46:48 AM »
>Hurrr why did they handcuff his body LOL

That's just police protocol. This guy's an idiot looking for any small excuse.

Why can't we just send these shit-tier people back to their shit-tier countries?


The Flood / Re: Why don't Americans know what an electric kettle is
« on: December 08, 2015, 11:31:15 AM »
This thread is beyond salvaging.
This thread hasn't devolved into the argument of rape consent


Rape is one of the most powerful tools by the Patriarchy to keep women oppressed and weak while keeping men strong and in control

The Flood / Re: Think I didn't cook my chicken throroughly fml
« on: December 08, 2015, 01:27:45 AM »
Why do you have a dead junkie as your avatar?

I'm a Pisces , I'm emotional and cry about everything.

You make Pisces look bad. I'm a Pisces but I don't act like a little bitch

The Flood / Re: Since getting to university, I've spent £170 a week
« on: December 08, 2015, 01:04:15 AM »
Meta is proof that weed makes you smarter

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls is easily one of the best games of all time.
« on: December 07, 2015, 11:23:07 AM »

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls is easily one of the best games of all time.
« on: December 07, 2015, 11:00:22 AM »
A lot of what verb says is just blatantly wrong because he hasn't even played the game past the tutorial.
There is no way, no how to justify non-consensual invasions. I don't care how they work.
good thing their aren't any non-consensual invasions then huh
"Rape is consensual."

ok solonoid

You really have gone full retard. You've been absolutely proven wrong on multiple times on this and you STILL insist on "LOL NO THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS I DON'T CONSENT LOL"

You have no ability to even argue on the mechanics here, considering you left the tutorial incomplete like a little bitch. The game kicked your ass before you even had a chance to experience the possibility of other players and you're clearly asshurt about it. That, or you insist on repeating the same broken argument over so much you'd make an autistic child's redundant habits look completely normal by comparison. Your tactic here is literally bring every down to your level and "beat" them by persistent stupidity.

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