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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 171819 2021 ... 173
The Flood / Re: I wish someone would love me
« on: January 29, 2016, 12:17:55 AM »
Maybe drop the gimmick and show an ounce of humanity, then?

What gimmick? And I'm not hollow

The Flood / I wish someone would love me
« on: January 29, 2016, 12:13:44 AM »

Gaming / Re: Star Wars Battlefront DLC announced
« on: January 28, 2016, 10:47:51 PM »
>Shilling this hard


>Shilling this hard

What's wrong with my name?

Gaming / Re: Star Wars Battlefront DLC announced
« on: January 28, 2016, 10:44:36 PM »
Why do people continue to put up with EA?

I don't know man. All of those free DLC packs, bug fixes, and balance changes are pretty aggravating.

>Shilling this hard
>being midge

Lick my balls

Gaming / Re: Star Wars Battlefront DLC announced
« on: January 28, 2016, 10:34:20 PM »
Why do people continue to put up with EA?

I don't know man. All of those free DLC packs, bug fixes, and balance changes are pretty aggravating.

>Shilling this hard

The Flood / Re: At a dilemma
« on: January 28, 2016, 12:34:26 PM »
Just become an EMT like me, and people will love you (Except for nurses, doctors, paramedics, basically anybody in the higher "echelons" of EMS who will blame you for everything even if it's not your fault etc)

Gaming / Re: Star Wars Battlefront DLC announced
« on: January 28, 2016, 10:54:55 AM »
Wow, they nerfed Scan Pulse to fucking oblivion, and now it's pretty much useless. Some of the Star Cards they nerfed were doing just fine.

And no A-Wing nerf either? Bunch of idiots. At least the Homing Shot and "Doesn't Lose"-44 got nerfed some.

Gaming / Re: Star Wars Battlefront DLC announced
« on: January 26, 2016, 11:45:36 AM »
>Things that should have already been in the game

The Flood / Re: Captain! Main power failing!
« on: January 26, 2016, 02:37:04 AM »
Burn the niggers for emergency fuel

The Flood / Re: How are you going to celebrate Black History Month?
« on: January 21, 2016, 05:14:43 PM »
Niggers have no history outside of slavery and being savages

It's a stupid book. Just summarize how and why it's dumb and overrated.

The Flood / Re: IYHO, what is this he best Sci Fi movie of all time?
« on: January 21, 2016, 05:10:46 PM »
Wow, I don't get why you guys are even saying 2001. Interstellar does everything that movie does and does it better.

A couple other greats include Aliens, Starship Troopers, and a good handful of others here people have already mentioned

The Flood / Re: So if like 20 people were pissing on you at once
« on: January 21, 2016, 05:04:18 PM »
Did you just get done watching Japanese porn?

Serious / Re: God I really hate Clinton
« on: January 21, 2016, 04:57:11 PM »
nothing but name alone

Ya know, besides the time she spent volunteering for political campaigns and congressional officials during her younger years, along with her experience as First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the United States, State Senator for 8 years, and  Secretary of State for 4 years.

But sure, let's elect the guy with zero political experience and throw him into the office of the most powerful world leader.

Because it'd be so much smarter to elect a known corrupt political official. God you're insufferable. I bet you'd vote for her if she outright admitted to all her corruption

Gaming / Re: Strategic Butt Coverings - Tropes vs Women in Video Games
« on: January 21, 2016, 02:49:34 PM »
Only some retard feminist con artist like Anita could ever take such a non-issue and spin it into a stupidly big deal

The Flood / Re: users who try to be funny but always fail
« on: January 21, 2016, 02:38:39 PM »
It's a tie between rocket man and elegiac for the least funny people

Serious / Re: Bernie supporters.
« on: January 21, 2016, 12:35:07 AM »
Does Midget even count?
He's legit dumb but he turns it up to 11 when he's here, because one certain user still takes his bait.
I've always thought he was just a troll, and I'm not sure why he's allowed on Serious.

I mean his name is literally "Niggerbot 9000" so I thought that was enough of a giveaway.

Midget knows how to just barely skirt around the rules so he can be his usual midget self bet never get bannu'd.

It's all dancing on technicalities.

Frankly, I'm offended at being called a troll. As per usual, having a dissenting opinion is now "troll-worthy". It's like you guys don't even try anymore.

Oh, and my name is irrelevant to my posting prowess

Serious / Re: The Above Average Effect
« on: January 20, 2016, 02:25:59 AM »
This thread just affirms to me my superiority over all of you. If you think yourself average, then you ARE average. If you hold yourself to a higher standard, then you stand above the rest (as I do above you people).

Serious / Re: Batshit insane liquor laws
« on: January 20, 2016, 12:07:01 AM »
Verbatim in this thread:

"I'm an unhappy and depressed piece of fuck, and if you're not miserable like me, you're wrong"

Never has there been so much truth to the saying "misery loves company", in regards to verbatim. It shows a severe lack of emotional and intellectual maturity.

Serious / Re: Batshit insane liquor laws
« on: January 18, 2016, 07:00:12 PM »
Not high enough, tbh.

Excise taxes should be raised, like, 2000%.

Just tax drinkers and smokers into oblivion.
Yeah, this definitely won't create a black market and make criminals rich resulting in a huge increase in violence across the country.
Yeah but fuck people who drink.

100,000,000,000% excise tax now.

Why are you allowed to post in Serious when you say stupid shit like this?

The Flood / Re: monthly reminder that you all should kill yourselves
« on: January 16, 2016, 03:52:19 AM »
My favorite monthly event

Idk, hopefully soon though. His books are shit and highly overrated.

Gaming / Re: Video Games, consent, and you.
« on: January 15, 2016, 01:10:06 PM »
I'm pretty sure this thread is an example that Verbatim has severe autism.

The Flood / Re: 10 Cloverfield Lane trailer (possible Cloverfield sequel)
« on: January 15, 2016, 12:25:47 PM »
Not what I was expecting. Not found footage either, looks meh just based on the trailer.

Though, I always wanted to know more about Cloverfield lore, assuming it even is a sequel.
The found footage phase was kind of gimmicky anyway 2bh.

Found footage movies can be good if they don't fuck everything up or ruin suspense or whatever other dumb mistakes they always make
The fact that a guy would keep hold of a camera and continuously film everything during a disaster ruins suspension from the get go.

And the fact that a camcorder battery would last several days.

And he somehow managed to get hold of a camera with filming quality that rivals a film production crew.

Really, the whole premise of a found footage film is pretty retarded.

If we're talking about crap like Cloverfield, yes. But if it's a premise more like The Blair Witch Project, it works much better. There's no real active disaster happening to kill the feeling of some moron standing there with a camera. ALTHOUGH I can see it more feasible now because people loooooove to film shit they see with their cell phones a lot more rather than help in crisis moments.

The Flood / Re: 10 Cloverfield Lane trailer (possible Cloverfield sequel)
« on: January 15, 2016, 12:19:13 PM »
Not what I was expecting. Not found footage either, looks meh just based on the trailer.

Though, I always wanted to know more about Cloverfield lore, assuming it even is a sequel.
The found footage phase was kind of gimmicky anyway 2bh.

Found footage movies can be good if they don't fuck everything up or ruin suspense or whatever other dumb mistakes they always make

The Flood / Re: I ate In-N-Out
« on: January 15, 2016, 12:15:48 PM »
Animal Fries are my life

Serious / Re: Making a Murderer
« on: January 15, 2016, 02:44:55 AM »
With the insane amount of "coincidences" between Avery and the Manitowoc police, it boggles my mind how he was found guilty. Well maybe not, given the amount of unfair media attention that already branded him a murderer before the trial began. Also Kratz is a sniveling, weasel piece of shit. Fuck that guy.

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