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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 165166167 168169 ... 173
The Flood / Re: After two weeks, I finally made another video
« on: November 13, 2014, 04:03:12 PM »
>not using a real gun

And I thought you were legit Russian. Pffff.
If I was in Russia, there's no doubt I'd have used a real one.


The Flood / Re: This is me today
« on: November 13, 2014, 04:02:42 PM »

The Flood / Re: After two weeks, I finally made another video
« on: November 13, 2014, 03:56:48 PM »
>not using a real gun

And I thought you were legit Russian. Pffff.

The Flood / Re: Post a picture of your bellybutton ITT
« on: November 13, 2014, 03:52:25 PM »


The Flood / Re: You know what I want for christmas?
« on: November 13, 2014, 03:22:10 PM »

The Flood / Re: Charity Thread
« on: November 13, 2014, 06:12:52 AM »
Hang on, I got this

The Flood / Re: Charity Thread
« on: November 13, 2014, 06:11:44 AM »
How do I say no without posting?!

>letting anime effect you this much

The Flood / Re: Your daily reminder.
« on: November 13, 2014, 06:05:14 AM »
Posting in dead thread

Serious / Re: U.S., China Unveil Ambitious Climate Change Goals
« on: November 13, 2014, 01:53:17 AM »
Climate change: The myth that all liberal retards still believe and fall for to this day, despite massive debunking

Sarcasm, I hope?

What? Is it so hard to believe there are people who aren't falling for the pathetic liberal climate change agenda? I'm personally surprised there aren't more catching on to the bullshit parade

Serious / Re: Awwwwwww fuck
« on: November 13, 2014, 01:31:06 AM »


Serious / Re: U.S., China Unveil Ambitious Climate Change Goals
« on: November 13, 2014, 01:17:49 AM »
Climate change: The myth that all liberal retards still believe and fall for to this day, despite massive debunking

Gaming / Re: >TFW Skyrim got GOTY over Human Revolution
« on: November 13, 2014, 01:13:35 AM »
Stay mad, Skyrim is superior in every single format

The Flood / Re: Best graphic novels you've ever read
« on: November 13, 2014, 01:12:04 AM »
None, because I'm not a fat nerd geek faggot sitting on a couch looking at cartoon bullshit all day
You're not? Lol, what a loser.

Speak for yourself

The Flood / Re: Best graphic novels you've ever read
« on: November 13, 2014, 01:10:09 AM »
None, because I'm not a fat nerd geek faggot sitting on a couch looking at cartoon bullshit all day

Gaming / Re: More Halo 5 gameplay
« on: November 13, 2014, 01:08:43 AM »
Looks like Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare with a different skin. 343i is fucking up again.
>Arena Shooter
>Equal Starts

>"Equal" starts don't mean shit
>Looks like CoD: thrusters ADS sprint etc aka Cock of shit
>wut, can't read?
"If it's not Halo 3.5 then it's CoD"

Irrelevant. Its Halo: Advanced Warcock 5, and it looks exactly like I thought. Complete shit and implementing even more CoD mechanics ever.
So it's a copy of a game that was announced in the same month?
You're literally retarded.

Just because it has new features to freshen up the arena style FPS doesn't make it CoD. That's shit logic and you know it.
>Implying games haven't been trying to copy CoD for years. Try again, retard.
>"New" features that aren't new and play like CoD (aka anything but fresh)

Your autism is so strong it hurts

But Midgy Mass Effect has ADS

no, and Mass Effect is irrelevant anyway. It's above the games of peasants like CoD and Gaylo 5

But explain this

Nowhere near the same

Gaming / Re: More Halo 5 gameplay
« on: November 13, 2014, 12:51:22 AM »
Looks like Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare with a different skin. 343i is fucking up again.
>Arena Shooter
>Equal Starts

>"Equal" starts don't mean shit
>Looks like CoD: thrusters ADS sprint etc aka Cock of shit
>wut, can't read?
So if Halo 3 was a Class Shooter you wouldn't mind?

Thrusters and sprint are not mutually exclusive to CoD

Halo 3 irrelevant.

And they are now, Gaylo 5: Call of Titanfall
You said equal starts don't mean shit for Halo 5. So should that not apply to the other Halo games as well? If equal starts don't mean shit, you're telling me that if Halo 5 was a class shooter, you wouldn't be any more upset? Or if Halo 3 was a class shooter without equal starts, that doesn't matter?

A popular game using certain gameplay mechanics does not make it mutually exclusive. Everything comes from somewhere, and in Halo's case, it's a giant ball of copy pasta, even down to its story.

And I mean from the beginning. In fact, when Halo CE came out, it was the CoD of its time. Arena Shooter fans absolutely hated it and said it was a casualized piece of shit, but I digress.

Why are you talking about equal starts? That's not the focus of this at all, please stop derailing the topic at hand. Also, you need to verify that last statement, because I never saw anyone calling Halo CE a casualized POS.

Gaming / Re: More Halo 5 gameplay
« on: November 13, 2014, 12:48:02 AM »
Looks like Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare with a different skin. 343i is fucking up again.
>Arena Shooter
>Equal Starts

>"Equal" starts don't mean shit
>Looks like CoD: thrusters ADS sprint etc aka Cock of shit
>wut, can't read?
"If it's not Halo 3.5 then it's CoD"

Irrelevant. Its Halo: Advanced Warcock 5, and it looks exactly like I thought. Complete shit and implementing even more CoD mechanics ever.
So it's a copy of a game that was announced in the same month?
You're literally retarded.

Just because it has new features to freshen up the arena style FPS doesn't make it CoD. That's shit logic and you know it.
>Implying games haven't been trying to copy CoD for years. Try again, retard.
>"New" features that aren't new and play like CoD (aka anything but fresh)

Your autism is so strong it hurts
Do you ride the short bus?

Halo 5 isn't a class based twitch shooter, it's an equal starts arena shooter that has longer kill times than a twitch shooter.

>Implying it's copying a game that was announced around the same time
>Implying it plays anything like CoD without even playing it
I wasn't aware CoD was a hip shooter.

Halo 5 having features that are similar to something in AW in no way makes it CoD, and sprint in no way makes it CoD either.
Your logic is like that of a child's.

No, are you afraid of losing your seat?

Wrong. Look at the gameplay again, it's all twitch reactions, ADS, sprint thrust bullshit. AKA Cock of duty advanced circlejerk.

Once again,
>Implying games haven't been trying to rip off CoD for years
>Implying I haven't played it

Also yes, sprint makes it CoD. Sprint does not belong in Halo and never has. My logic is the right logic, you're just in denial and blindly defending an objectively shitty game.

Gaming / Re: More Halo 5 gameplay
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:07:41 PM »
Looks like Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare with a different skin. 343i is fucking up again.
>Arena Shooter
>Equal Starts

>"Equal" starts don't mean shit
>Looks like CoD: thrusters ADS sprint etc aka Cock of shit
>wut, can't read?
"If it's not Halo 3.5 then it's CoD"

Irrelevant. Its Halo: Advanced Warcock 5, and it looks exactly like I thought. Complete shit and implementing even more CoD mechanics ever.
So it's a copy of a game that was announced in the same month?
You're literally retarded.

Just because it has new features to freshen up the arena style FPS doesn't make it CoD. That's shit logic and you know it.
>Implying games haven't been trying to copy CoD for years. Try again, retard.
>"New" features that aren't new and play like CoD (aka anything but fresh)

Your autism is so strong it hurts

But Midgy Mass Effect has ADS

no, and Mass Effect is irrelevant anyway. It's above the games of peasants like CoD and Gaylo 5

Gaming / Re: More Halo 5 gameplay
« on: November 12, 2014, 10:05:29 PM »
Looks like Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare with a different skin. 343i is fucking up again.
>Arena Shooter
>Equal Starts

>"Equal" starts don't mean shit
>Looks like CoD: thrusters ADS sprint etc aka Cock of shit
>wut, can't read?
"If it's not Halo 3.5 then it's CoD"

Irrelevant. Its Halo: Advanced Warcock 5, and it looks exactly like I thought. Complete shit and implementing even more CoD mechanics ever.
So it's a copy of a game that was announced in the same month?
You're literally retarded.

Just because it has new features to freshen up the arena style FPS doesn't make it CoD. That's shit logic and you know it.
>Implying games haven't been trying to copy CoD for years. Try again, retard.
>"New" features that aren't new and play like CoD (aka anything but fresh)

Your autism is so strong it hurts

Gaming / Re: More Halo 5 gameplay
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:58:59 PM »
Looks like Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare with a different skin. 343i is fucking up again.
>Arena Shooter
>Equal Starts

>"Equal" starts don't mean shit
>Looks like CoD: thrusters ADS sprint etc aka Cock of shit
>wut, can't read?
So if Halo 3 was a Class Shooter you wouldn't mind?

Thrusters and sprint are not mutually exclusive to CoD

Halo 3 irrelevant.

And they are now, Gaylo 5: Call of Titanfall

The Flood / Re: I'm now a food husband.
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:57:38 PM »
The only good use Nutella has is for spreading on shrooms

Gaming / Re: More Halo 5 gameplay
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:54:10 PM »
Looks like Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare with a different skin. 343i is fucking up again.
>Arena Shooter
>Equal Starts

>"Equal" starts don't mean shit
>Looks like CoD: thrusters ADS sprint etc aka Cock of shit
>wut, can't read?
"If it's not Halo 3.5 then it's CoD"

Irrelevant. Its Halo: Advanced Warcock 5, and it looks exactly like I thought. Complete shit and implementing even more CoD mechanics ever.

Gaming / Re: More Halo 5 gameplay
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:50:54 PM »
Looks like Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare with a different skin. 343i is fucking up again.
>Arena Shooter
>Equal Starts

>"Equal" starts don't mean shit
>Looks like CoD: thrusters ADS sprint etc aka Cock of shit
>wut, can't read?

The Flood / Re: This is a Classy thread for Classy people
« on: November 12, 2014, 07:05:12 PM »

The Flood / Re: This is a Classy thread for Classy people
« on: November 12, 2014, 06:53:24 PM »
*smokes cigar*


The Flood / Re: Who wants to be my bae?
« on: November 12, 2014, 06:11:00 PM »
i want you to do dirty things to me

i want you to whisper "allah save the sultanate" in my ear as you ram your sweet, limey cock up my colonial asshole

This imagery is disturbing

The Flood / Re: Leaked Emergency Ebola Broadcast
« on: November 12, 2014, 06:08:07 PM »

The Flood / Re: Your Opinion on Me.
« on: November 12, 2014, 06:01:31 PM »
I like you. I think. I'm choosing to ignore what happened this morning 'cause I was out of line.
What happened? Did you send him a bunch of money on Paypal?
Grow up.

Come on dude.

Yeah dude, come on it was funny

The Flood / Re: Your Opinion on Me.
« on: November 12, 2014, 05:59:26 PM »
I like you. I think. I'm choosing to ignore what happened this morning 'cause I was out of line.
What happened? Did you send him a bunch of money on Paypal?
Grow up.


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