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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 162163164 165166 ... 173
They play music, what's to discuss?

The Flood / Re: How many of you are pregnant?
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:45:03 AM »
Fuck kids

Isn't that Zenmaster's job?

The Flood / Re: McDonald's open 24/7 on Thanksgiving and Xmas!
« on: November 20, 2014, 12:50:47 AM »
Get over it, I've worked every holiday, every single holiday, for the past 10 years and I'm fine. get used to it and you'll be set for the future, and if you volunteer, you'll be showing the initiative, and getting points towards a referral from the boss... something you can put down on your resume when you kick that place and job to the curb.

>Hey guys, because I whimped out and worked on holidays you should too!

« on: November 19, 2014, 06:00:10 PM »
"Hurr durr, let me insult people because I didn't use common sense"

Grow up.
This'll just turn into him flaming people baselessly, can we get a lock?
He's posted in the proper thread.

Says the guy who began the hostility...
How is making a general statement in response to someone flipping out because they don't bother to look twice before posting, hostility?

I'd ask you to explain your reasoning, but you're just trying to start something yourself.
He told Simseo to "Fuck Off", hardly non hostile.
So get off your high horse before you fall off.

You called him an idiot, that's not being hostile? And then think he's started it? You have too high an opinion of yourself.
Hey, hey. Let's all just chill. It's okay now.

Fuck, I was just loading my weapons and calling all my gun toting pals

« on: November 19, 2014, 05:57:56 PM »
"Hurr durr, let me insult people because I didn't use common sense"

Grow up.
This'll just turn into him flaming people baselessly, can we get a lock?
He's posted in the proper thread.

Says the guy who began the hostility...
How is making a general statement in response to someone flipping out because they don't bother to look twice before posting, hostility?

I'd ask you to explain your reasoning, but you're just trying to start something yourself.
He told Simseo to "Fuck Off", hardly non hostile.
So get off your high horse before you fall off.

You called him an idiot, that's not being hostile? And then think he's started it? You have too high an opinion of yourself.

The Flood / Re: Why people have foot fetishes
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:41:28 PM »
So because I have a foot fetish I don't like the rest of a woman's body?

« on: November 19, 2014, 05:40:19 PM »
"Hurr durr, let me insult people because I didn't use common sense"

Grow up.
This'll just turn into him flaming people baselessly, can we get a lock?
He's posted in the proper thread.

Says the guy who began the hostility...

The Flood / Re: Wouldn't this be crazy?
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:39:03 PM »
Sucking dick isn't gay

« on: November 19, 2014, 05:37:26 PM »
Fucking entitled brat

The Flood / Re: Breathing is bad
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:35:02 PM »
Why do you put such a slew on feminists? They're for equal rights for everyone! They represent women AND men!

The Flood / Re: Where the slightly overweight white boys at?
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:31:03 PM »
Mickie D's, prolly. Gotta' put on all that fat for winter hibernation

The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:31:04 PM »
Why else would he constantly wear a uniform if not to just get hand outs because it can be expected many people respect servicemen?
This just... this makes me laugh. Why else would someone who is actually in the military wear their uniform to a place like that? For the same damn reason, because they think everyone has to respect them and they know idiots will pay for their food.

I doubt you laughed, and I don't view people paying for servicemen's food as idiots. They do it out of respect. Who cares how much they're paid, its a kind deed either way. If you think that's stupid then all I get is that you're a negative person with a negative attitude.
You are the one being negative. You keep talking about respect and how paying for the meal is a kind deed, yet you guys keep shitting all over this person, just because people were respecting him and doing a kind deed by paying for his meal. If they only gave him respect because they thought he was in the military, then that is a problem with our society. Military members do not just deserve respect because of their job. They can earn respect like every other person. A lot of people in the military are total cunt bags. People treating military members (not service members, it is not a service) like they are above everyone else is so fucking backwards. They are not above anyone, and do not just immediately deserve respect for literally no reason. I respect the person, not their job.

LOL, way to turn this around. The reason we're shitting on this guy is because he's using a ploy to get free food from people by being dishonest.
Which is pretty smart on his part, taking advantage of the stupid people. Haha just for that he earns my respect lol

Him being dishonest earned your respect? Wow. No wonder I'm sick of people in this country.
Kiyo's a bong, yo. A potato bonger to be more exact.

A potato peasant? That explains it

The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:14:16 PM »
And sorry Noelle, but since you came from the chair force, you don't have much room to talk. It might've been "just a job" for you, but you were also in the least labor intensive (and least dangerous) branch of the military. The Air Force also gets the best pay and benefits.

I'd like to see you say what you've said to a Marine and see if you don't get clocked in the face. FYI, Marines have it the hardest AND they get the worst pay/benefits.
You guys seem to have very, very little knowledge of the military. You have no fucking idea what I did in the military. Try calling it the Chair Force all you want, it makes you look ignorant, I had a very labor intensive and demanding job. Also in the military, your primary assigned job, is not your only job.

Every branch works on the same payscale. You are paid by your rank, no matter what branch you are in. Stop trying to act like you know what you are talking about when you clearly do not. The Air Force is just as demanding as any other branch, you have got to be fucking kidding me. There are quite a few office type jobs in the Air Force, and in every other branch, the military does not operate without those. Guess what I did in the military, Nuka? I worked in vehicle maintenance, working on a team to maintain and repair the bases's 700+ vehicle fleet. I also worked in exercises for weeks straight in 100+ degree weather, and I also helped with real world emergencies, such as getting large pumps ready and onto a C-17 to be sent to New York to help clear the water out after Hurricane Sandy. So you can go ahead and stop trying to shit on me and acting like you know anything about what I have done.

I have experience with the military, so you guys think that experience means nothing just because I am actually logical and know that people in the military do not just deserve respect for no reason. Every branch gets paid the same, every branch gets the same benefits. Benefits such as full medical/dental coverage, tuition assistance, housing, food, 30 days of vacation guaranteed annually. Some branches, such as the Navy, have more of an advantage if you are wishing to travel and live by the coast, but that is a perk of that branch, not a benefit.

>Typical chair force whine


The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:10:43 PM »
Why else would he constantly wear a uniform if not to just get hand outs because it can be expected many people respect servicemen?
This just... this makes me laugh. Why else would someone who is actually in the military wear their uniform to a place like that? For the same damn reason, because they think everyone has to respect them and they know idiots will pay for their food.

I doubt you laughed, and I don't view people paying for servicemen's food as idiots. They do it out of respect. Who cares how much they're paid, its a kind deed either way. If you think that's stupid then all I get is that you're a negative person with a negative attitude.
You are the one being negative. You keep talking about respect and how paying for the meal is a kind deed, yet you guys keep shitting all over this person, just because people were respecting him and doing a kind deed by paying for his meal. If they only gave him respect because they thought he was in the military, then that is a problem with our society. Military members do not just deserve respect because of their job. They can earn respect like every other person. A lot of people in the military are total cunt bags. People treating military members (not service members, it is not a service) like they are above everyone else is so fucking backwards. They are not above anyone, and do not just immediately deserve respect for literally no reason. I respect the person, not their job.

LOL, way to turn this around. The reason we're shitting on this guy is because he's using a ploy to get free food from people by being dishonest.
Which is pretty smart on his part, taking advantage of the stupid people. Haha just for that he earns my respect lol

Him being dishonest earned your respect? Wow. No wonder I'm sick of people in this country.

The Flood / Re: The new "normal" Barbie
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:03:37 PM »
Can't wait to see the "Got pregnant, dropped out of high school" line of dolls

I wake up every day and choose to be straight, do YOU?

The Flood / Re: Did you guys know that B-Wings were used in World War I?
« on: November 19, 2014, 03:49:05 PM »
And in 1936 the Germans developed the AT-ST walker.

That mismatched perspective, though...

Dude, that's an old B&W photo, you can't dispute that. It's pretty rock solid evidence.
The shadows don't even match up...  :-\

The cameras were crappy back then, problem solved

The Flood / Re: I wanna lick Natalie Dormer's feet
« on: November 19, 2014, 03:46:30 PM »
That side shave isn't doing anything for her, but she does maintain a near perfect 5stars on wikifeet. Good choice, Jim.

WIKIFEET, is this an actual thing?!

The Flood / Re: Did you guys know that B-Wings were used in World War I?
« on: November 19, 2014, 03:45:33 PM »
And in 1936 the Germans developed the AT-ST walker.

That mismatched perspective, though...

Dude, that's an old B&W photo, you can't dispute that. It's pretty rock solid evidence.

The Flood / Re: >tfw dustin's been banned like 7 times
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:54:14 AM »
I want my Noble Legendary rank back from old

The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 01:07:24 AM »
Why else would he constantly wear a uniform if not to just get hand outs because it can be expected many people respect servicemen?
This just... this makes me laugh. Why else would someone who is actually in the military wear their uniform to a place like that? For the same damn reason, because they think everyone has to respect them and they know idiots will pay for their food.

I doubt you laughed, and I don't view people paying for servicemen's food as idiots. They do it out of respect. Who cares how much they're paid, its a kind deed either way. If you think that's stupid then all I get is that you're a negative person with a negative attitude.
You are the one being negative. You keep talking about respect and how paying for the meal is a kind deed, yet you guys keep shitting all over this person, just because people were respecting him and doing a kind deed by paying for his meal. If they only gave him respect because they thought he was in the military, then that is a problem with our society. Military members do not just deserve respect because of their job. They can earn respect like every other person. A lot of people in the military are total cunt bags. People treating military members (not service members, it is not a service) like they are above everyone else is so fucking backwards. They are not above anyone, and do not just immediately deserve respect for literally no reason. I respect the person, not their job.

LOL, way to turn this around. The reason we're shitting on this guy is because he's using a ploy to get free food from people by being dishonest. Do you not fucking understand that, like Mad Max doesn't seem to? Sure, there are dirt bags in the military, but out of my own personal experience most that I've met have been more deserving of respect than some stupid random stranger. Just by that, most service people have already earned my respect, but non military still have to earn it and (usually) suck at doing that.

The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:57:47 AM »
Why else would he constantly wear a uniform if not to just get hand outs because it can be expected many people respect servicemen?
This just... this makes me laugh. Why else would someone who is actually in the military wear their uniform to a place like that? For the same damn reason, because they think everyone has to respect them and they know idiots will pay for their food.

I doubt you laughed, and I don't view people paying for servicemen's food as idiots. They do it out of respect. Who cares how much they're paid, its a kind deed either way. If you think that's stupid then all I get is that you're a negative person with a negative attitude.

The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:51:07 AM »
Wearing a military uniform in public is a felony? I know impersonating a police officer is, but I don't see the harm in dressing as a military member.

Dick move, absolutely. But I don't think it needs to be a felony.

Impersonating an officer in uniform is worse. But its only illegal if you are wearing insignias or trying to use that status to get on a base or something like that.

In this case, he got free food.
Better lock him up for getting free food under false pretenses. We'd better lock up all those "homeless" and "disabled" people who beg for money, then hop into their car at the end of the day and drive home, too.

You just sound negative all the time.
Because this is stupid shit to get arrested for. He didn't infringe upon anyone's rights or well-being. He didn't steal anything. He didn't hurt anyone. I don't see why it's a problem.

So you would be ok with someone ripping you off for free food when they didn't need the money?
You thought you did a good deed, and it turns out that it was a ruse? This is like being a con man.
Except the people who bought him food did it under their own power, presumably with no pressure from faux-military dude. If having someone buy you a cheeseburger without you saying anything to them is a con...I don't even know...

He deserved being arrested, he was impersonating a serviceman so people would pay for his food. You know how con men like to work, right? Trapping people and getting them to pay for something themselves. Doesn't matter if they paid its still a con.
How was this trapping someone to do something for him, though? He was sitting in a booth, and people bought him food...

You clearly don't understand the concept.
I understand what you're trying to say, but the "con" is still lacking a certain stimulus. He's not pushing people to do something for him. He's not leading them on. He's just sitting in a booth. It's the other people who decide to buy him food.

Now, if he comes into the restaurant all disheveled and telling people he's a needy veteran in order to get free food - that's shitty. Not worthy of arrest, though.

What, does he have to walk in and practically let on that he's ripping people off? Subtly works best and he was getting away with it. Why else would he constantly wear a uniform if not to just get hand outs because it can be expected many people respect servicemen?
Because it's their choice to give him hand outs, under no influence of his own.

>Still not getting the concept.

K, guess I'm done. I feel like I'm talking to a wall.

The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:47:33 AM »
Wearing a military uniform in public is a felony? I know impersonating a police officer is, but I don't see the harm in dressing as a military member.

Dick move, absolutely. But I don't think it needs to be a felony.

Impersonating an officer in uniform is worse. But its only illegal if you are wearing insignias or trying to use that status to get on a base or something like that.

In this case, he got free food.
Better lock him up for getting free food under false pretenses. We'd better lock up all those "homeless" and "disabled" people who beg for money, then hop into their car at the end of the day and drive home, too.

You just sound negative all the time.
Because this is stupid shit to get arrested for. He didn't infringe upon anyone's rights or well-being. He didn't steal anything. He didn't hurt anyone. I don't see why it's a problem.

So you would be ok with someone ripping you off for free food when they didn't need the money?
You thought you did a good deed, and it turns out that it was a ruse? This is like being a con man.
Except the people who bought him food did it under their own power, presumably with no pressure from faux-military dude. If having someone buy you a cheeseburger without you saying anything to them is a con...I don't even know...

He deserved being arrested, he was impersonating a serviceman so people would pay for his food. You know how con men like to work, right? Trapping people and getting them to pay for something themselves. Doesn't matter if they paid its still a con.
How was this trapping someone to do something for him, though? He was sitting in a booth, and people bought him food...

You clearly don't understand the concept.
I understand what you're trying to say, but the "con" is still lacking a certain stimulus. He's not pushing people to do something for him. He's not leading them on. He's just sitting in a booth. It's the other people who decide to buy him food.

Now, if he comes into the restaurant all disheveled and telling people he's a needy veteran in order to get free food - that's shitty. Not worthy of arrest, though.

What, does he have to walk in and practically let on that he's ripping people off? Subtly works best and he was getting away with it. Why else would he constantly wear a uniform if not to just get hand outs because it can be expected many people respect servicemen?

The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:43:02 AM »
Wearing a military uniform in public is a felony? I know impersonating a police officer is, but I don't see the harm in dressing as a military member.

Dick move, absolutely. But I don't think it needs to be a felony.

Impersonating an officer in uniform is worse. But its only illegal if you are wearing insignias or trying to use that status to get on a base or something like that.

In this case, he got free food.
Better lock him up for getting free food under false pretenses. We'd better lock up all those "homeless" and "disabled" people who beg for money, then hop into their car at the end of the day and drive home, too.

You just sound negative all the time.
Because this is stupid shit to get arrested for. He didn't infringe upon anyone's rights or well-being. He didn't steal anything. He didn't hurt anyone. I don't see why it's a problem.

So you would be ok with someone ripping you off for free food when they didn't need the money?
You thought you did a good deed, and it turns out that it was a ruse? This is like being a con man.
Except the people who bought him food did it under their own power, presumably with no pressure from faux-military dude. If having someone buy you a cheeseburger without you saying anything to them is a con...I don't even know...

He deserved being arrested, he was impersonating a serviceman so people would pay for his food. You know how con men like to work, right? Trapping people and getting them to pay for something themselves. Doesn't matter if they paid its still a con.
How was this trapping someone to do something for him, though? He was sitting in a booth, and people bought him food...

You clearly don't understand the concept.

The Flood / Re: I don't understand clubs
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:42:27 AM »
>Slutty women
>Booze to mix with the drugs
>Loud music so nobody has to hear that one whiner
>Awkward dancing but no fucks given cuz drugs
>Slutty women

Whats not to like?

The Flood / Re: ITT: My opinion of you
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:40:50 AM »

The Flood / Re: Military Impersonator got arrested at Chili's.
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:39:36 AM »
Wearing a military uniform in public is a felony? I know impersonating a police officer is, but I don't see the harm in dressing as a military member.

Dick move, absolutely. But I don't think it needs to be a felony.

Impersonating an officer in uniform is worse. But its only illegal if you are wearing insignias or trying to use that status to get on a base or something like that.

In this case, he got free food.
Better lock him up for getting free food under false pretenses. We'd better lock up all those "homeless" and "disabled" people who beg for money, then hop into their car at the end of the day and drive home, too.

You just sound negative all the time.
Because this is stupid shit to get arrested for. He didn't infringe upon anyone's rights or well-being. He didn't steal anything. He didn't hurt anyone. I don't see why it's a problem.

So you would be ok with someone ripping you off for free food when they didn't need the money?
You thought you did a good deed, and it turns out that it was a ruse? This is like being a con man.
Except the people who bought him food did it under their own power, presumably with no pressure from faux-military dude. If having someone buy you a cheeseburger without you saying anything to them is a con...I don't even know...

He deserved being arrested, he was impersonating a serviceman so people would pay for his food. You know how con men like to work, right? Trapping people and getting them to pay for something themselves. Doesn't matter if they paid its still a con.

The Flood / Re: Well, Flood
« on: November 17, 2014, 05:12:38 PM »
This sandwich doesn't have cheese on it

Was there a bomb in there?

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