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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 151617 1819 ... 173
The Flood / Re: Can u cook?
« on: February 21, 2016, 08:07:41 PM »

It's a skill any wife ought to have.

You're married??

The Flood / Re: Being broke sucks
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:10:40 PM »
Now I'm just imagining Max with your avatar behind his window without him realizing you're there.

I've seen Mad Max several times but he doesn't know who I am :^ )

We live in the same city for the time being :^ )

The Flood / Re: Being broke sucks
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:09:45 PM »
College degree, making $9.15. Being broke does suck, I only have $23,000.

>Only 23,000

Are you fucking serious? That's "broke" to you? Do you dumb fucks not now how to manage money?

I don't even have that amount saved up yet. Goddamn quit your whining, you're not gonna be a millionare over night.

The Flood / Re: Being broke sucks
« on: February 21, 2016, 07:07:43 PM »
Wait, you're only now getting a job? Shit that's slow

Anyways I work as an EMT on an ambulance in Orange County and parts of LA County, depending where they need us. I've seen Mad Max several times but he doesn't know who I am :^ )

The Flood / Re: Just got my first tattoo AMA me anything
« on: February 21, 2016, 05:04:50 PM »
Got plans for one, just not sure when I'm gonna get it

The Flood / Re: List of people who have to go back
« on: February 21, 2016, 02:19:00 PM »

The Flood / Re: So about Deadpool
« on: February 21, 2016, 01:42:56 PM »
There were only about two good jokes the whole movie and the stripper boobs were the best part.

« on: February 21, 2016, 01:39:29 PM »
I had a class dedicated to shooting them and any enemy air support down.

stinger / 2 black hats / scavenger / ghost / blind eye / marathon

Cue people crying 'WAAA MY HARRIER'

Get rekt fgs

Tfw used support killstreak in MW3 with EMP as end streak


Gaming / Re: Currently downloading Battlefield 4
« on: February 20, 2016, 12:08:14 PM »
Fucking imbalanced
I'm inclined to slightly agree. In terms of vehicular combat, it seems like one tank camping on an objective will fuck up your day.

That said, most imbalances seem to be failures in one team's ability to be strategic. I usually play with my two flatmates, who go Assault and Engineer while I play Support. It makes life a bit easier if you're squad is configured properly.

Also, midget has never actually provided an example of broken gameplay or bugs beyond those that were fixed two years ago. I'd take what he says with a bucket of salt.

Actually, there's a small community of guys I still play with on BF3 who I began writing a review for BF4 because they were wondering about switching games. It was/is very lengthy and I go into detail about why the game is imbalanced and shitty compared to BF3. I will copy paste some parts of it and it won't be a short read.

"Vehicle balance - Terrible. BF4 is a strongly infantry oriented experience, and in turn reflects on the fragility of most all vehicles, including tanks. You can consider air vehicles to be a death trap since on most maps with any sort of helicopter or jet, there's a Mobile AA, and boy the Mobile AA has been given a serious upgrade. It's extremely powerful and it's not uncommon to see the MVP of a Conquest match being someone who camped in the AA the entire game and never died. With Active Protection, Reactive Armor, agility, speed, and Active Radar missiles, any air vehicle within a 500 meter radius can be considered dead. Whether the AA user has 20mm or 30mm guns equipped, it doesn't really matter. If you're near, a burst from it will take you down.

 If approached by a ground threat, most users floor it backwards into the spawn where they can't be reached by enemy players. AA is very agile.) I found the AA has a maximum range of 900 meters to one km, and with zoom optics and good target leading, I was able to keep wounded vehicles from regenerating and finish them off when they got closer. Once I unlocked Active Protection I was able to more confidently stave off any aggressive aerial OR ground assault since it blocks all incoming projectiles for a short period. With Active Radar missiles you're even deadlier to aircraft. Just shoot ARM in the general direction of aircraft and it autolocks and hits it, usually before they have enough warning to deploy countermeasures. Typically they deploy too late, leaving them vulnerable to more lock on missiles. Another option is Zuni Rockets, which are rocket pods for ground attack. I've seen this tactic used by some players with AA - equip ZR and play as an IFV, at times being more effective than an IFV since the AA has returned to inflicting serious damage to infantry. I've seen more than one MVP of smaller conquest maps using AA as IFVs.

If you think you can kill a mobile AA or cripple it with a strafing run from the A-10, you're sorely mistaken. If it hasn't killed you on your approach, it definitely will on your gun run, or shortly after. The assault jets don't do nearly as much damage as they used to in BF3 and with all vehicles except for air vehicles and transports getting Active Protection, you're reduced to being more of an annoyance until AA, stingers, or other jets take you down. Jets and air vehicles are reduced to playing defensively almost the entire match due to the ridiculous power AA now has. Half the map is inaccessible because of AA range, and god forbid if AA chooses to advance. I have hardly any unlocks for the pilot seat of the AH and none for the gunner seat of the AH. They're simply nerfed to oblivion and only alive a short while before being shot down. I have almost all the unlocks for the fighter jets because I manage to live longest in those hunting other aircraft and keeping a distance from the ground, but one wrong turn means dying from AA. Assault jets are a threat when AA isn't around, but that's rare. On top of the ineffectiveness of aircraft, they take a long time to respawn as well.

The tanks and IFVs are a bit more balanced, but not by much more. Some of the really noticeable changes:

- Reactive armor does not act the same like in BF3 and instead is for keeping the vehicle from being immobilized/disabled from non-critical hits. As far as I can tell it doesn't add any extra armor or allow the ability to take more hits, but just keeps you mobile from hits. A disabled vehicle does not mean it's at 50% armor, only that they took a mobility hit. Vehicle health regenerates at anything above 10%, meaning you absolutely need to finish off a tank to keep it from healing up.
- IR smoke is not very useful. Engineers have even more AT weapons to choose from and many more lock on variants. Some give only a second lock on alarm, leading you to waste your smoke as you deploy it after it hits you, and others seem to ignore smoke altogether. The starting default AT rocket will autolock on the vehicle if fired close enough to it, causing 21 damage from any angle.
-Active Protection is a MUST. With IR smoke being ineffective, AP allows you a short window where all incoming projectiles are destroyed/blocked, including 20mm and 30mm chain guns. I personally use it as a last resort if things are FUBAR, others deploy it immediately in a tank fight to try to get an early upper hand. I have noticed if two tanks are "hugging" the AP won't work since the shell is fired "within" the protection radius. If engaged with another vehicle with AP and you lack it, you're likely going to lose. AP has a 30 second cool down period.
- Coaxial guns are less effective, but still good enough to use against infantry.
- There are AP shells, HE shells, Staff, and SABOT. HE, for some stupid reason, does massive damage to armored targets, but travels slow. SABOT does the same damage as AP from what I can tell, but only travels faster and with less drop. SABOT should wreck armored targets but is just another "average" shell. Staff don't seem to be very useful.
-Tanks no longer have 3rd seat capability, only driver and gunner. Gunners can choose their own upgrades, like IR or Thermal upgrades, an incendiary defensive measure, or zoom optics. Zoom optics is too valuable IMO to change from.
-IFVs have the standard 25mm HE rounds, APFSDS-T shells, and Canister shells. Secondary weapons include Toe missiles, Zuni Rockets, and coaxial guns. APFSDS-T shells no longer do increased damage to armor but instead are just faster, more accurate, 25mm HE rounds with less splash damage against infantry. IFVs now have 12 round magazines rather than 6, but it takes 5 or more shots to kill a single infantryman, and direct hits aren't instant kills.
-All vehicles have magazines for their main weapons. MBTs are given 5 shots before you need to retreat and wait 10 seconds PER SHOT to reload, not including the time taken to chamber the round. The same goes for IFVs, but with a cache of 36 rounds. Aircraft missiles, AA missiles, all of them have a certain amount of shots before you need to wait for them to individually reload, all 10 seconds per round or magazine, and they never stack up past the set amounts. I really dislike this feature as I have found myself using all 5 rounds in a tank battle, victorious, only to find another enemy tank engage me and I find myself defenseless with no ability to fight back and forced to retreat (even if I was previously unscathed). This is one of the dumbest decisions DICE could have made. If they're going to give you ammunition that can run out in battle, give the vehicles a realistic amount of ammo. 50 tanks shells, 200 25mm shells, etc. This still frustrates me when I play, because I sometimes get caught up in slinging out shells to hammer away enemy defenses, only to get crippled for nothing. There's no reasonable explanation behind the mechanic either, other than to nerf vehicles I suppose.
-Default vehicle controls are pretty bad, but thankfully you can change them. I changed my controls to the BF3 style and noticed an instantaneous improvement to my effectiveness. But this might be preferential.
-Tanks move much quicker and almost act weightless at times. In part, I like how they allowed tanks to drive through many more objectives and crush cars to an extent, but overall they don't feel as heavy or lumbersome in BF3 and can "sprint" in and "sprint" out in a flash. IFVs "feel" about the same as in BF3 handling, just less effective in combat. Mobile AA is the most agile armored vehicle."

This is me just covering vehicle aspects of the game and not even talking about the infantry aspects. The changes they made have made the game an imbalanced mess that's frustrating to play, being a BF veteran for years. BF4 is, after Hardline, the most casual BF game to date.

The Flood / Re: ITT: We're the Youtube comment section
« on: February 20, 2016, 03:57:34 AM »

Serious / Re: Let's Talk About Rape
« on: February 20, 2016, 03:54:20 AM »
Gotta' keep Rape Culture strong.

The Flood / Re: 5.75 gallons of fuel for 10 bucks
« on: February 20, 2016, 03:31:33 AM »
...I can get 3.039 gallons of gas for $10...


where do you live, Somalia?
Orange County, CA.

$3.29 for premium here.

>Paying for Premium

Bruh, you live in Irvine, right? So do I. Gas is 2.50 right now, the fuck is this 3 dollars plus BS?

Gaming / Re: Currently downloading Battlefield 4
« on: February 20, 2016, 03:29:55 AM »
BF4 sucks rancid donkey ass, even in it's current "better" state. Fucking imbalanced POS game.

The Flood / Re: American Sniper
« on: February 20, 2016, 03:28:50 AM »
It was good but could have been much better.

Good, ME:A will be better off without shitty writers. Anybody that flocks to Bungie is guaranteed to be a shitty writer and developer.

Gaming / Re: Hardest game you've ever played?
« on: February 14, 2016, 11:16:51 PM »
The Masturbation Game

The Flood / Re: I am the only member that is myself on these boards (edit)
« on: February 14, 2016, 09:03:02 PM »
Wrong. I'm also true to myself on here

If I ever need to feel better about myself I just come and read one of Roman's threads
Yeah...I worked an entire year part-time and only made $5,000. If that isn't a failure I don't know what is. And it finally dawned on me just how terrible that is.

You do know it's not exactly about how much money you make, right? It's about progress? You probably get paid more than me and sounds like have saved up more than me.

If I ever need to feel better about myself I just come and read one of Roman's threads

The Flood / Re: My friends are fucking idiots
« on: February 13, 2016, 01:26:45 AM »
This story is fake, you don't have friends outside sep7agon

Skyrim is wonderful in that regard.

While I was a low level, I was traveling outside of Riverwood when a dragon ambushed me, then proceeded to attack a small band of mercenaries on the road, and eventually, the town itself. I chased after it, only to find the dragon killed Alvor's dog and then, his wife. I killed it and the mercenaries ambushed me because as it turned out they were following me in an assassination contract I found on their bodies. Once the fighting was finished, Alvor came up to his wife's body and began mourning.

So, to properly honor her loss, I took anything of value from her, then brought her body to the bank of the river. First I cast away the dog, then Alvor's wife. I watched as her body drifted down the river out of sight, down a watery cascade to the great deep. I hummed sadly to myself and began my journey once more, saddened by the loss of innocent life and filled with hatred against the dragons and their barbaric attacks.

On another note, I have an axe that's enchanted to capture souls of my victims. I know it sends human victims to the Soul Cairn if used, so I use it only on enemies I particularly hate, or asshole bandits. I get a small delight knowing I banished human scum to a hellish fate for all eternity in the Cairn.

Before I played Dawnguard I assumed that Soul gems trapped the captured soul inside the actual gem. I took pride in knowing that my sword was powered by the almighty soul of a chicken

I think it still does, but using a Soul gem sends them to the Soul Cairn. At least that's how I think it works. I'm sure to always use my black soul gems that are filled with assholes. Though one time I killed a mage who was brainwashed - he'd actually been a good guy, but some asshole necromancer or some shit mind-warped him and his friends. Gotta' admit, I felt a little guilty sending a good person to the Cairn.

« on: February 12, 2016, 12:57:32 PM »
I bet he's gonna feel like a real idiot once he's standing before the judgement of GOD

The Flood / Re: Do you like Taco bell?
« on: February 12, 2016, 12:10:40 PM »
Nah. It's cheap individually, but it adds up quick. McD has bether food, and that's saying something.

You must have some sort of disorder if you really believe McDick is better than Taco Bell.

Serious / Re: Nearly Two Weeks Ago, I was Sexually Assaulted
« on: February 12, 2016, 11:47:02 AM »
>He held my hand!!! "Sexually Assaulted"

Oh come on now Midget. I know you've got a strange sense of humor and all that but show a little bit of compassion. Like, put a single tear into a cup and that'll be fine.

Fine, but only a tear. I can't afford much more than that.

I guess Icy has SOME legit reasons to be upset

Nice to see there's still a person under all that humor. Good job midget.

Don't make me take back that tear

The Flood / Re: Do you like Taco bell?
« on: February 12, 2016, 01:53:37 AM »
it's an abomination and an insult to actual mexican food


The Flood / Re: Do you like Taco bell?
« on: February 12, 2016, 01:49:08 AM »
It's Mexican food made better than actual Mexican food.

What? It's true. If you've ever had "authentic" Mexican food, it's shit. Taco Bell actually has flavor.

The Flood / Re: Do you like Taco bell?
« on: February 12, 2016, 01:45:13 AM »
It's Mexican food made better than actual Mexican food.

Skyrim is wonderful in that regard.

While I was a low level, I was traveling outside of Riverwood when a dragon ambushed me, then proceeded to attack a small band of mercenaries on the road, and eventually, the town itself. I chased after it, only to find the dragon killed Alvor's dog and then, his wife. I killed it and the mercenaries ambushed me because as it turned out they were following me in an assassination contract I found on their bodies. Once the fighting was finished, Alvor came up to his wife's body and began mourning.

So, to properly honor her loss, I took anything of value from her, then brought her body to the bank of the river. First I cast away the dog, then Alvor's wife. I watched as her body drifted down the river out of sight, down a watery cascade to the great deep. I hummed sadly to myself and began my journey once more, saddened by the loss of innocent life and filled with hatred against the dragons and their barbaric attacks.

On another note, I have an axe that's enchanted to capture souls of my victims. I know it sends human victims to the Soul Cairn if used, so I use it only on enemies I particularly hate, or asshole bandits. I get a small delight knowing I banished human scum to a hellish fate for all eternity in the Cairn.

Serious / Re: Nearly Two Weeks Ago, I was Sexually Assaulted
« on: February 11, 2016, 11:10:42 PM »
>He held my hand!!! "Sexually Assaulted"

Oh come on now Midget. I know you've got a strange sense of humor and all that but show a little bit of compassion. Like, put a single tear into a cup and that'll be fine.

Fine, but only a tear. I can't afford much more than that.

I guess Icy has SOME legit reasons to be upset

Serious / Re: Nearly Two Weeks Ago, I was Sexually Assaulted
« on: February 11, 2016, 02:18:23 PM »
>He held my hand!!! "Sexually Assaulted"

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