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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 121122123 124125 ... 173
The Flood / Re: The plague of Manspreading
« on: January 21, 2015, 01:26:22 PM »
“I had them add the dude part,” he said, “because I think, ‘Dude, really?’ "

Oddly enough that's exactly what I think of this "issue".

« on: January 21, 2015, 12:42:41 PM »

Daily reminder that Hackson went full George Lucas.

It hurts... it fucking hurts

The Flood / Re: FireFighter Horror Stories. *Not For The Faint of Heart*
« on: January 21, 2015, 12:16:26 PM »
During my ambulance ride alongs for my EMT course I got called out to a few car accidents and injuries. Nothing too serious really, one was a pile-up on the freeway but only minor injuries. Thoroughly surprising, especially since there were a few totaled cars. The worst calls medical wise was for an elderly lady in nursing home who had bilateral femur fractures and a possible dislocated or broken hip. She had fallen in a weird way and one of her legs was crossed over the other, god only knows how, but you could see the broken femur bulging beneath the skin. We used an air splint and had to splint her in that position. It was bad for her because she already had a slew of medical problems, like osteoperosis, neuropathy, atrial fibrillation, etc, and we found out just a week earlier she had a surgery for her back to place a metal rod in. All in all, she would likely be crippled for the reminder of her life, and she was already in her 80s. Second worst, medical wise, was a CVA (cerebral vascular attack). All signs and symptoms of a stroke, just like the book. We ran oxygen via non-rebreather mask at 15lpm and went Code 3 to the nearest stroke center.

For the hospital clinicals I didn't see jack shit, which was very odd in my case since we were placed at UCI Trauma Center in SoCal, one of the busiest trauma centers in the area. Out of my 10 hour stay there, I only received one patient, and that was at the end of the day. Traffic collision, an elderly Hispanic male who didn't speak English. I was in charge of getting his BP and log rolling him. The only immediate visible injuries were a laceration on his nose. When we log rolled him, what we didn't know until he was scanned was that he had an iliac crest pelvic fracture, and we'd unknowingly rolled him on the side with the fracture. Poor fellow. It wasn't an entirely boring day, I did get to see someone in the psych ward being weird, got to help out with a lumbar puncture procedure, and witness a ketamine trip for a dude who needed a cast for his broken wrist. That was freaking hilarious

Some of my classmates saw some crazy things though. Two of 'em got a call where some poor fuck had a forklift fall on him and it pushed his abdominal organs into his chest. Another had 3 guys rolled in with 90% 3rd degree burns, and the only place he said he didn't see burned were their socks on their feet. They were screaming to die.

Also, speaking of irresponsible driving since it's your first half of your post, I was one of the first on scene to a high speed crash in my neighborhood. Some kids decided to drive their fancy BMW at 70+ mph on the street below our house, lost control, and crashed. I grabbed my gear and was driven down by the family to help out and lemme' tell you, these kids are some of the luckiest fuckers I ever seen. They ALL walked away, after clipping a parked car, jumping onto the sidewalk, clipping a tree (which collapsed and fell), missed a house, continued on the sidewalk between said house and a very thick tree (which would have killed them if they hit it) with only a space of a couple meters, hit a small boulder (that was thrown about 30 feet into a parked Toyota, totaling it), and finally came to rest on their side on the sidewalk next to the Toyota. The driver was hysterical and crying, a kid around 16 or 17 or so. His two friends were fine - one had a small laceration on his hand, and the other complained of minor head/neck pain so the medics c-spined him when they arrived. All in all, they are lucky to be alive AND quite relatively uninjured for a crash like that. It was loud enough it sounded like it happened in our backyard.

Craaaaaazy stuff.

Serious / Re: Soldier Worship.
« on: January 21, 2015, 11:24:15 AM »
American Sniper was a great movie and Mr. Kyle was an outstanding American. God bless his soul for his heroic service to protecting American ideals and saving countless soldiers from insurgents.
Somebody sounds upset. Keep shitting on people who actually have a pair of balls while you hide behind a computer screen
You're right Kinder. People like him should grow a pair and kill someone. After all killing someone is like killing an AI in a video game. Really Kinder. Are you really that sadistic where you think taking someones life is the same as standing up for yourself? The whole term for grow a pair" means the person should stand up for them self or take action for something. That term should never be used for taking someones life. I would rather be a ball-less person than a killer.
These "somebodies" are radicals that have declared religious warfare on the west and have committed atrocities in Asia, Africa, European, and North America. One less dead radical is one less chance it will end up killing dozens, hundreds, even thousands. So continue to think of these sick people as not worthy of being killed, in fact I'll buy you a plane ticket so you can move to a country like Pakistan; I'm sure you as an American would be met with great hospitality!
Chris Kyle wasn't fighting ISIS.

He wasn't, but do you know who he was fighting?

Warning: Very, VERY NSFW. It is not an image, but links to a very NSFW article. Click/watch at your own risk, but it is very informative.

One less of those terrible human beings is just fine in my book. Those are just their run of the mill executions, they like to rape and torture civilians, too. The more you know.
Ahhh yes the American military went to Iraq to remove terrorists from the country.

Did you even bother looking at my link, or do you always stick your head in the dirt?
yes unfortunately I did and now I can't get the sounds of the mushy beheading out of my mind.

Welcome to reality, and why these bastards are truly scum and why I DO respect those who fight them (regardless of their intentions, personal beliefs, or whatever) to keep this from (possibly, maybe even EVENTUALLY) happening on our own soil.
but we established that Chris was most likely killing civilians

How has that been established? It's a very gray area, especially since we also know that the people we fight use civilians in whatever means possible to inflict damage to our forces. This war is very similar to Vietnam in the sense it's very hard to identify the enemy concretely - they purposely blend in with the civilian crowd. This does not excuse civilian casualties and the aim should always be to avoid them, but when your enemy is always trying to act as a civilian, it will happen. And I hate it. They indoctrinate children to fight, there was a recent video of a child soldier in Syria executing two Russian spy agents who infiltrated ISIS. This is the kind of foe we are fighting, so the lines will be blurred.
We're not talking about ISIS. The people Chris was fighting were insurgents.

I wasn't talking about ISIS, I was talking about who Chris fought.

The Flood / Re: You're handed $200
« on: January 21, 2015, 05:28:09 AM »
Honestly, I'd spend it on Ruth Chris or a really nice sushi place with my closest friends.

Also, if you've never eaten at Ruth Chris, I highly recommend it. Only eaten there twice, but both times I was served, so far, the best steak I've ever had in my life. Melt in your mouth quality, literally.

The Flood / Re: Look at this perfection
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:41:55 AM »

Serious / Re: Soldier Worship.
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:40:05 AM »
American Sniper was a great movie and Mr. Kyle was an outstanding American. God bless his soul for his heroic service to protecting American ideals and saving countless soldiers from insurgents.
Somebody sounds upset. Keep shitting on people who actually have a pair of balls while you hide behind a computer screen
You're right Kinder. People like him should grow a pair and kill someone. After all killing someone is like killing an AI in a video game. Really Kinder. Are you really that sadistic where you think taking someones life is the same as standing up for yourself? The whole term for grow a pair" means the person should stand up for them self or take action for something. That term should never be used for taking someones life. I would rather be a ball-less person than a killer.
These "somebodies" are radicals that have declared religious warfare on the west and have committed atrocities in Asia, Africa, European, and North America. One less dead radical is one less chance it will end up killing dozens, hundreds, even thousands. So continue to think of these sick people as not worthy of being killed, in fact I'll buy you a plane ticket so you can move to a country like Pakistan; I'm sure you as an American would be met with great hospitality!
Chris Kyle wasn't fighting ISIS.

He wasn't, but do you know who he was fighting?

Warning: Very, VERY NSFW. It is not an image, but links to a very NSFW article. Click/watch at your own risk, but it is very informative.

One less of those terrible human beings is just fine in my book. Those are just their run of the mill executions, they like to rape and torture civilians, too. The more you know.
Ahhh yes the American military went to Iraq to remove terrorists from the country.

Did you even bother looking at my link, or do you always stick your head in the dirt?
yes unfortunately I did and now I can't get the sounds of the mushy beheading out of my mind.

Welcome to reality, and why these bastards are truly scum and why I DO respect those who fight them (regardless of their intentions, personal beliefs, or whatever) to keep this from (possibly, maybe even EVENTUALLY) happening on our own soil.
but we established that Chris was most likely killing civilians

How has that been established? It's a very gray area, especially since we also know that the people we fight use civilians in whatever means possible to inflict damage to our forces. This war is very similar to Vietnam in the sense it's very hard to identify the enemy concretely - they purposely blend in with the civilian crowd. This does not excuse civilian casualties and the aim should always be to avoid them, but when your enemy is always trying to act as a civilian, it will happen. And I hate it. They indoctrinate children to fight, there was a recent video of a child soldier in Syria executing two Russian spy agents who infiltrated ISIS. This is the kind of foe we are fighting, so the lines will be blurred.

Serious / Re: Soldier Worship.
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:30:26 AM »
American Sniper was a great movie and Mr. Kyle was an outstanding American. God bless his soul for his heroic service to protecting American ideals and saving countless soldiers from insurgents.
Somebody sounds upset. Keep shitting on people who actually have a pair of balls while you hide behind a computer screen
You're right Kinder. People like him should grow a pair and kill someone. After all killing someone is like killing an AI in a video game. Really Kinder. Are you really that sadistic where you think taking someones life is the same as standing up for yourself? The whole term for grow a pair" means the person should stand up for them self or take action for something. That term should never be used for taking someones life. I would rather be a ball-less person than a killer.
These "somebodies" are radicals that have declared religious warfare on the west and have committed atrocities in Asia, Africa, European, and North America. One less dead radical is one less chance it will end up killing dozens, hundreds, even thousands. So continue to think of these sick people as not worthy of being killed, in fact I'll buy you a plane ticket so you can move to a country like Pakistan; I'm sure you as an American would be met with great hospitality!
Chris Kyle wasn't fighting ISIS.

He wasn't, but do you know who he was fighting?

Warning: Very, VERY NSFW. It is not an image, but links to a very NSFW article. Click/watch at your own risk, but it is very informative.

One less of those terrible human beings is just fine in my book. Those are just their run of the mill executions, they like to rape and torture civilians, too. The more you know.
Ahhh yes the American military went to Iraq to remove terrorists from the country.

Did you even bother looking at my link, or do you always stick your head in the dirt?
yes unfortunately I did and now I can't get the sounds of the mushy beheading out of my mind.

Welcome to reality, and why these bastards are truly scum and why I DO respect those who fight them (regardless of their intentions, personal beliefs, or whatever) to keep this from (possibly, maybe even EVENTUALLY) happening on our own soil.

The Flood / Re: new england patriots cheated (again)
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:47:41 AM »


The Flood / Re: Friends is a drama, not a comedy
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:45:57 AM »
i never saw the appeal of friends

Neither have I. Seems like a boring and somewhat depressing show, like How I Met Your Mother.

Serious / Re: Soldier Worship.
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:42:20 AM »
American Sniper was a great movie and Mr. Kyle was an outstanding American. God bless his soul for his heroic service to protecting American ideals and saving countless soldiers from insurgents.
Somebody sounds upset. Keep shitting on people who actually have a pair of balls while you hide behind a computer screen
You're right Kinder. People like him should grow a pair and kill someone. After all killing someone is like killing an AI in a video game. Really Kinder. Are you really that sadistic where you think taking someones life is the same as standing up for yourself? The whole term for grow a pair" means the person should stand up for them self or take action for something. That term should never be used for taking someones life. I would rather be a ball-less person than a killer.
These "somebodies" are radicals that have declared religious warfare on the west and have committed atrocities in Asia, Africa, European, and North America. One less dead radical is one less chance it will end up killing dozens, hundreds, even thousands. So continue to think of these sick people as not worthy of being killed, in fact I'll buy you a plane ticket so you can move to a country like Pakistan; I'm sure you as an American would be met with great hospitality!
Chris Kyle wasn't fighting ISIS.

He wasn't, but do you know who he was fighting?

Warning: Very, VERY NSFW. It is not an image, but links to a very NSFW article. Click/watch at your own risk, but it is very informative.

One less of those terrible human beings is just fine in my book. Those are just their run of the mill executions, they like to rape and torture civilians, too. The more you know.
Ahhh yes the American military went to Iraq to remove terrorists from the country.

Did you even bother looking at my link, or do you always stick your head in the dirt?

The Flood / Re: Look at this perfection
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:36:39 AM »
Whoops, stumbled into another faggot thread.

I expected better of you
She looks like a mouse bro.


I truly hoped for better from you

The Flood / Re: Look at this perfection
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:36:12 AM »
She's Zoe Barnes, right?

Yeah she got train wrecked by Frank, in more ways than one

lol that scene was so awesome

I don't find her that hot, though. She's no Jenna Fischer.



I'm deadly serious. Look at that.

Yes I'd ravage her pussy, but only after I ravage every orifice of Kate Mara

The Flood / Re: Look at this perfection
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:31:57 AM »
Whoops, stumbled into another faggot thread.

I expected better of you

The Flood / Re: Look at this perfection
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:30:48 AM »

She's UGLY!

Confirmed homo gay faggot

The Flood / Re: Look at this perfection
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:30:11 AM »
I would easily snowball with her.

then let her take a hot dump on my chest.

I would drink her piss while she gives me a golden shower and eat my cum out of her pussy

The Flood / Re: Look at this perfection
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:25:12 AM »
She's Zoe Barnes, right?

Yeah she got train wrecked by Frank, in more ways than one

lol that scene was so awesome

I don't find her that hot, though. She's no Jenna Fischer.



The Flood / Re: Look at this perfection
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:21:11 AM »
She's Zoe Barnes, right?

Yeah she got train wrecked by Frank, in more ways than one


The Flood / Look at this perfection
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:20:01 AM »


God I wanna motorboat her titties so bad, then fuck her til she bleeds and drink her period blood out of her asshole.

If you don't agree or wouldn't do ALL of the above you have objectively bad taste and are officially a homo gay faggot.

The Flood / Re: hey guys look at this funny website
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:07:29 AM »
It's a respectable site

The Flood / Re: so how am I supposed to react to people?
« on: January 20, 2015, 10:18:51 PM »
Are you trolling or is this a serious question?

I went to a decently big high school and was kinda known. I was fine with not being super well known, I think it's better to be known only by the people who matter to you, that was enough.

The Flood / Re: Users with animal avatars
« on: January 20, 2015, 09:07:34 PM »
Cue the black people

Serious / Re: Soldier Worship.
« on: January 20, 2015, 08:49:43 PM »
American Sniper was a great movie and Mr. Kyle was an outstanding American. God bless his soul for his heroic service to protecting American ideals and saving countless soldiers from insurgents.
Somebody sounds upset. Keep shitting on people who actually have a pair of balls while you hide behind a computer screen
You're right Kinder. People like him should grow a pair and kill someone. After all killing someone is like killing an AI in a video game. Really Kinder. Are you really that sadistic where you think taking someones life is the same as standing up for yourself? The whole term for grow a pair" means the person should stand up for them self or take action for something. That term should never be used for taking someones life. I would rather be a ball-less person than a killer.
These "somebodies" are radicals that have declared religious warfare on the west and have committed atrocities in Asia, Africa, European, and North America. One less dead radical is one less chance it will end up killing dozens, hundreds, even thousands. So continue to think of these sick people as not worthy of being killed, in fact I'll buy you a plane ticket so you can move to a country like Pakistan; I'm sure you as an American would be met with great hospitality!
Chris Kyle wasn't fighting ISIS.

He wasn't, but do you know who he was fighting?

Warning: Very, VERY NSFW. It is not an image, but links to a very NSFW article. Click/watch at your own risk, but it is very informative.

One less of those terrible human beings is just fine in my book. Those are just their run of the mill executions, they like to rape and torture civilians, too. The more you know.

The Flood / Re: Are you a meninist?
« on: January 20, 2015, 08:40:06 PM »
I get the joke. It's just not funny.

But you don't enjoy anything anyway

The Flood / Re: What's one thing that all women are?
« on: January 20, 2015, 04:00:13 PM »

Breitbart is objectively shit, but that doesn't mean you ignore everything they say. Milo has been better than a lot of other mainstream journos on gg. The trick with biased outlets is sifting through the garbage.

As far as the actual topic goes. I'm sure if we just ignore ISIS they'll go away. /s
ISIS aren't the kind of people you ignore, nor will they go away if we do.

.... And the this thread took a turn off the highway. SOURCEBIASSOURCEBIASSOURCEBIAS

Serious / Re: Soldier Worship.
« on: January 20, 2015, 06:06:14 AM »
I fear that I will cringe to death watching this movie.

Why would you cringe at a true story?
Because there are many ways to portray a true story.

What would make you cringe, then?
An overly patriotic pro military USA USA USA soldier worshipping propaganda fest.

Watched it, wasn't too bad. So long as you remember you're watching a film, where the cool stuff is eccentuated and the bad stuff made to look like the other guy's fault, you're good to go.

Or if you just take it as an entirely fabricated work of fiction, it's a great film.

I'm pretty sure killing a child by drilling a hole in his head with a power drill IS the other guy's fault

Serious / Re: Soldier Worship.
« on: January 20, 2015, 05:28:36 AM »
I fear that I will cringe to death watching this movie.

Why would you cringe at a true story?
Because there are many ways to portray a true story.

What would make you cringe, then?

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