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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 114115116 117118 ... 173
The Flood / Re: Why the fuck can't I stop watching the Walking Pleb?
« on: February 24, 2015, 04:12:00 PM »
I thought the show was about following an adult group still stuck in high school drama circles wandering the landscape, just with zombies added

The Flood / Re: We are all pretty on the inside.
« on: February 24, 2015, 04:09:45 PM »
If this is a reference to something, I sure as fuck don't get it

The Flood / Re: Man it's good to be back
« on: February 24, 2015, 02:43:17 PM »
Recommend some anime movies please

My favorites are Fat Man and Little Boy, but probably the best is Two Nukes: Not Enough

Serious / Re: What ISIS really wants, and why it must be destroyed
« on: February 24, 2015, 02:41:38 PM »
Here's what we do. Lead them to think we mean to invade this Dabiq place, talk it up, make it look big. When they amass in order to defend we drop an ICBM on them.

Gg no re.

k perhaps a nuke is a bit much, just drone them to kingdom come.

"1v1 me, dabiq, infantry only"
"5 kill streak; nuke inbound."

>there are people who think isis shouldn't be destroyed

And one of those people is Obama, a massive blubbering vagina in office

Yeah, well actions speak louder than words and he really loves dragging his heels about ISIS
>says Obama doesn't want to destroy ISIS
>gets proven wrong
>"b-b-but he isn't infomring is of all the black ops going on and I'm too stupid to watch the news and hear about all the air strikes on ISIS by the US military"

Kindly escort yourself out of the Serious forum.

WOW Obama gave a lil' speech here and there on ISIS, IT MUST MEAN HE'S DOING SOMETHING, RIGHT? Oh wait, he's playing golf while people, AMERICANS, are getting beheaded, and innocents are being burned alive. Yeah, he really wants to dismantle ISIS while he's continually apologizing to the world for the US and never calling them Islamic Extremists

inb4 you say you were trolling

Obama didn't fly with the airstrikes, did he? Because the Jordanian leader did. Obama is a true pussy who apologizes for the West and sympathizes with ISIS.

Trolling? What's that?

Obama isn't a qualified airforce pilot, that might have something to do with it.

And really, you've done this so many times before that if you aren't trolling I'll make one of the monitors eat my hat.

You don't have to be qualified to take a backseat in an F-15, or join the cargo bay of an AC-130

Mr. P pls

So what would be the point of him going along then? It would be a meaningless PR stunt and immediately make the plane a 'SHOOT THIS FUCKING PLANE' tier target for all of ISIS. So aside from it risking obummer's own hide, it endangers the service personnel unnecessarily <.<

lol, don't worry I don't actually have a hat. And I don't think we have any monitors anymore >_>
But really though, I can't give dustbin shit for trolling/shitposting in serious and let other people do it without a friendly warning.

That's why you only tell them afterwards. And it'd be a cool PR stunt nonetheless


Serious / Re: What ISIS really wants, and why it must be destroyed
« on: February 24, 2015, 02:28:35 PM »
Here's what we do. Lead them to think we mean to invade this Dabiq place, talk it up, make it look big. When they amass in order to defend we drop an ICBM on them.

Gg no re.

k perhaps a nuke is a bit much, just drone them to kingdom come.

"1v1 me, dabiq, infantry only"
"5 kill streak; nuke inbound."

>there are people who think isis shouldn't be destroyed

And one of those people is Obama, a massive blubbering vagina in office

Yeah, well actions speak louder than words and he really loves dragging his heels about ISIS
>says Obama doesn't want to destroy ISIS
>gets proven wrong
>"b-b-but he isn't infomring is of all the black ops going on and I'm too stupid to watch the news and hear about all the air strikes on ISIS by the US military"

Kindly escort yourself out of the Serious forum.

WOW Obama gave a lil' speech here and there on ISIS, IT MUST MEAN HE'S DOING SOMETHING, RIGHT? Oh wait, he's playing golf while people, AMERICANS, are getting beheaded, and innocents are being burned alive. Yeah, he really wants to dismantle ISIS while he's continually apologizing to the world for the US and never calling them Islamic Extremists

inb4 you say you were trolling

Obama didn't fly with the airstrikes, did he? Because the Jordanian leader did. Obama is a true pussy who apologizes for the West and sympathizes with ISIS.

Trolling? What's that?

Obama isn't a qualified airforce pilot, that might have something to do with it.

And really, you've done this so many times before that if you aren't trolling I'll make one of the monitors eat my hat.

You don't have to be qualified to take a backseat in an F-15, or join the cargo bay of an AC-130

Mr. P pls

Serious / Re: Lesbian parents start sex change for their 8 year old boy
« on: February 24, 2015, 02:27:06 PM »
What, they think the actions of a child at such a young age denote that they have gender dysphoria? This isn't ignorance of gender identity - this is an issue about consenting to these procedures. Also, a good question is how did these psychiatrists come to the conclusion of gender dysphoria? These parents started this idea of their kid having a gender identity issue at the age of 3, 3. What the hell does a kid know at 3? They all say and do things they don't mean or have wild imaginations. How can this be appropriate when at such a young age children are prone to doing such things? He's 8 and can't understand these ramifications. Like I said, once he reaches an age where he can fully comprehend everything behind this and still feels a need to begin change, then so be it. But not at such a young age.

Also, don't straw man me with a loaded question like that. Whether or not this actually "improves" his life is up for debate. Don't make it out that I'm trying to impede on his well being, I'm only advocating the choice should be his at a proper time where he can understand it fully.
Ignorance of gender identity is not an argument. You are completely ignorant on the subject, that is what you are showing me. Those psychiatrists know a hell of a lot more about the subject than you do, it is why they are in that career field. This is also an issue I have dealt with in my life. Children do behave differently when they do have actual gender dysphoria issues, even at a young age. You say kids have wild imaginations, that is very true. Kids suffering from actual gender dysphoria will show different signs though, that it is an actual issue and not just a wild imagination.

Not trying to be a bitch, but treatment for transgender individuals should not be withheld or delayed just because you think it is wrong in your world. In reality, those people need treatment as soon as they are able to receive it, just like any other medical condition. My last question was not a loaded question. You are against the child's life being improved, that is what you are saying in this thread.

And I'm asking what these signs are - it's not impossible this could be a bad call, and with something as delicate as this, it should be viewed with intense scrutiny. If you know what the signs are, then please share them, because from all that we get from the article, all they have to run with is that the kid said he was a girl at age 3 (which doesn't mean a damn thing) and likes to dress up in women's clothing (something many young boys have done and will do) and a childish threat to himself. Sorry if I'm not convinced when the reasons we're given seem flimsy. This could just be any phase of being a kid, and hence why I'm skeptical. Even more reason to be skeptical is because the child can't consent to this and if it's a false diagnosis it could be damaging. I'm erring on the side of caution because gender identity is delicate. What can he comprehend at age 8? I know my comprehension of very big world issues and long term effects was absolutely nil, as likely are his. It's just how it is at that age, and why I still am for waiting until he can have much better comprehension about the whole situation.

Noelle, please. I consider you a friend, but stop that bullshit. Nowhere have I said I'm against improving his life at all. I've clearly stated I'm for this to be something of his choice, NOT impeding on his well-being. I believe it should be under his consent. And as said, his life being improved is still a matter of debate. If there were more concrete evidence in support of his gender therapy, I would be all for it, but this case is flimsy. I also find it interesting there's no interview of the boy himself and only the parents. Just food for thought.

Serious / Re: What ISIS really wants, and why it must be destroyed
« on: February 24, 2015, 02:06:46 PM »
Here's what we do. Lead them to think we mean to invade this Dabiq place, talk it up, make it look big. When they amass in order to defend we drop an ICBM on them.

Gg no re.

k perhaps a nuke is a bit much, just drone them to kingdom come.

"1v1 me, dabiq, infantry only"
"5 kill streak; nuke inbound."

>there are people who think isis shouldn't be destroyed

And one of those people is Obama, a massive blubbering vagina in office

Yeah, well actions speak louder than words and he really loves dragging his heels about ISIS
>says Obama doesn't want to destroy ISIS
>gets proven wrong
>"b-b-but he isn't infomring is of all the black ops going on and I'm too stupid to watch the news and hear about all the air strikes on ISIS by the US military"

Kindly escort yourself out of the Serious forum.

WOW Obama gave a lil' speech here and there on ISIS, IT MUST MEAN HE'S DOING SOMETHING, RIGHT? Oh wait, he's playing golf while people, AMERICANS, are getting beheaded, and innocents are being burned alive. Yeah, he really wants to dismantle ISIS while he's continually apologizing to the world for the US and never calling them Islamic Extremists

inb4 you say you were trolling

Obama didn't fly with the airstrikes, did he? Because the Jordanian leader did. Obama is a true pussy who apologizes for the West and sympathizes with ISIS.

Trolling? What's that?

Serious / Re: Lesbian parents start sex change for their 8 year old boy
« on: February 24, 2015, 02:03:08 PM »
The article continues, but why. Holy shit, how can this actually be possible? This poor boy hasn't even hit puberty yet, how can they force him to change his gender when he likely doesn't even comprehend sexuality yet at all? This could potentially ruin his entire life and should be considered child abuse. Gender transition/change should only be allowed for an individual once they are capable of total understanding of it and are legal in age, not a whim decision because he's worn women's clothes or something. These parents are terrible people.

I have to assume you are either trolling, or are just really ignorant on the subject of gender identity.

Refer to my above posts. I don't have an issue with someone of the right age and understanding undertaking such a procedure, but this kid is 8. This is jumping the gun on something he more than likely doesn't even understand. Should I have started undergoing the same procedures because I wore my mother's heels while being a little goofy child?
Ignorant on the subject of gender identity, as I said.

What the hell are they jumping the gun on? They are giving the child hormone blockers because they expressed gender issues and have seen psychiatrists who believe this is the right treatment. Hormone blockers, they block testosterone so the child does not develop masculine features immediately. If the blockers are stopped, then they would go through puberty as they normally would. Blocking puberty is a really fucking good thing for transgender people who do not want to deal with that shit. Someone cannot be on hrt until they are thirteen I believe, and you cannot receive sexual reassignment surgery until you are eighteen. A lot of transgender people have poor quality of life because they could not start these things at a younger age, and a lot of them are in states of depression so severe that they attempt suicide, and that was me in the past as well. If you are becoming an EMT, I would assume you care about people, so why would you be against the parents and the doctors here trying to improve this child's life?

What, they think the actions of a child at such a young age denote that they have gender dysphoria? This isn't ignorance of gender identity - this is an issue about consenting to these procedures. Also, a good question is how did these psychiatrists come to the conclusion of gender dysphoria? These parents started this idea of their kid having a gender identity issue at the age of 3, 3. What the hell does a kid know at 3? They all say and do things they don't mean or have wild imaginations. How can this be appropriate when at such a young age children are prone to doing such things? He's 8 and can't understand these ramifications. Like I said, once he reaches an age where he can fully comprehend everything behind this and still feels a need to begin change, then so be it. But not at such a young age.

Also, don't straw man me with a loaded question like that. Whether or not this actually "improves" his life is up for debate. Don't make it out that I'm trying to impede on his well being, I'm only advocating the choice should be his at a proper time where he can understand it fully.

Serious / Re: Lesbian parents start sex change for their 8 year old boy
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:44:44 PM »
The article continues, but why. Holy shit, how can this actually be possible? This poor boy hasn't even hit puberty yet, how can they force him to change his gender when he likely doesn't even comprehend sexuality yet at all? This could potentially ruin his entire life and should be considered child abuse. Gender transition/change should only be allowed for an individual once they are capable of total understanding of it and are legal in age, not a whim decision because he's worn women's clothes or something. These parents are terrible people.

I have to assume you are either trolling, or are just really ignorant on the subject of gender identity.

Refer to my above posts. I don't have an issue with someone of the right age and understanding undertaking such a procedure, but this kid is 8. This is jumping the gun on something he more than likely doesn't even understand. Should I have started undergoing the same procedures because I wore my mother's heels while being a little goofy child?

The Flood / Re: Witnessed a Police shooting...
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:42:35 PM »

Either those cops can't shoot, are sadists or that's one tough knife-wielding nigga

Can't tell if srs

The Flood / Re: Witnessed a Police shooting...
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:42:18 PM »
Damn. Shooting him did seem right in this situation, but 4 times?! That seem like a bit much to me. What happened to cops using tasers?
Cops are trained to shoot to kill.
Shoot to stop actually.  Stop the life-threatening crime that the target individual is committing.  Once the individual stops (and the threat is no longer present) then they are trained/obligated to cease fire, assess the situation, restrain the threat and render aid (in a reasonable and safe manner).  Killing the subject can be the outcome, but it is not the goal.
Right, and by "stop" you should mean "kill." A citizen can legally sue a cop for bodily injury if the person shot were to survive, which is why cops are trained to use their gun only if their life or someone else's life is in danger.

My dad's a cop, in fact, that's how I know this.

I think shoot to neutralize is a better term. The threat is stopped and either the perp is wounded or dead, but you don't know which he'll be after you're done neutralizing him. If it was shoot to kill, they'd make sure he's dead, but that's not the case, is it?
They do make sure, that's why they shoot 3-4 times and then clear the area and mark it with "POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS." If the person miraculously survived being shot 3-4 times, I'm not sure what they do after that so I can't help you there.

They call EMS and send an ambulance to the scene to treat the person shot.

The Flood / Re: Anybody want a Subway giftcard?
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:36:53 PM »
subway costs like £5 i could buy it myself
mhmm steak and cheese sub
same fucking thing bro

Give me spicy italian with peppercinis and chipotle sauce and olives and avocado and shit

Serious / Re: What ISIS really wants, and why it must be destroyed
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:35:50 PM »
Here's what we do. Lead them to think we mean to invade this Dabiq place, talk it up, make it look big. When they amass in order to defend we drop an ICBM on them.

Gg no re.

k perhaps a nuke is a bit much, just drone them to kingdom come.

"1v1 me, dabiq, infantry only"
"5 kill streak; nuke inbound."

>there are people who think isis shouldn't be destroyed

And one of those people is Obama, a massive blubbering vagina in office

Yeah, well actions speak louder than words and he really loves dragging his heels about ISIS
>says Obama doesn't want to destroy ISIS
>gets proven wrong
>"b-b-but he isn't infomring is of all the black ops going on and I'm too stupid to watch the news and hear about all the air strikes on ISIS by the US military"

Kindly escort yourself out of the Serious forum.

WOW Obama gave a lil' speech here and there on ISIS, IT MUST MEAN HE'S DOING SOMETHING, RIGHT? Oh wait, he's playing golf while people, AMERICANS, are getting beheaded, and innocents are being burned alive. Yeah, he really wants to dismantle ISIS while he's continually apologizing to the world for the US and never calling them Islamic Extremists

The Flood / Re: Anybody want a Subway giftcard?
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:30:31 PM »

The Flood / Re: Witnessed a Police shooting...
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:25:59 PM »
I still think 4 shots is excessive. Ive read what you guys have said about protecting lives and shit.

Fatsby pls, you wouldn't know how to protect a life if a Muslim was threatening to behead ur mum on the corner and ya had a gun in your hand
I'm not a cop I don't have to abide by an oath or that kind of bs


The Flood / Re: I got another cute pic /^3^\
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:24:35 PM »


Gaming / Re: Battlefield Hardline
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:23:04 PM »
Hardline looks like shit and I won't be buying it, ever. I'll wait until BF5

« on: February 24, 2015, 01:16:24 PM »
Ten bucks it sucks

The Flood / Re: Witnessed a Police shooting...
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:08:22 PM »
Damn. Shooting him did seem right in this situation, but 4 times?! That seem like a bit much to me. What happened to cops using tasers?
Cops are trained to shoot to kill.
Shoot to stop actually.  Stop the life-threatening crime that the target individual is committing.  Once the individual stops (and the threat is no longer present) then they are trained/obligated to cease fire, assess the situation, restrain the threat and render aid (in a reasonable and safe manner).  Killing the subject can be the outcome, but it is not the goal.
Right, and by "stop" you should mean "kill." A citizen can legally sue a cop for bodily injury if the person shot were to survive, which is why cops are trained to use their gun only if their life or someone else's life is in danger.

My dad's a cop, in fact, that's how I know this.

I think shoot to neutralize is a better term. The threat is stopped and either the perp is wounded or dead, but you don't know which he'll be after you're done neutralizing him. If it was shoot to kill, they'd make sure he's dead, but that's not the case, is it?

The Flood / Re: Witnessed a Police shooting...
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:05:55 PM »
I still think 4 shots is excessive. Ive read what you guys have said about protecting lives and shit.

Fatsby pls, you wouldn't know how to protect a life if a Muslim was threatening to behead ur mum on the corner and ya had a gun in your hand

The Flood / Re: Are any of you actually racist?
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:00:15 PM »
No, niggers are people too

The Flood / Re: Have you ever cried while jerking off?
« on: February 24, 2015, 12:59:37 PM »
Yes, all the guilt and shame of materbating got to me while I knew Jesus was frowning upon me stroking my member. I couldn't take it, I burst into tears, but I continued fapping because it was one of the best fap sessions I ever had

Serious / Re: Lesbian parents start sex change for their 8 year old boy
« on: February 24, 2015, 12:53:22 PM »
how can they force him to change his gender when he likely doesn't even comprehend sexuality yet at all?
1. They're hormone blockers. It's not a sex change operation or HRT treatment. They're not "changing his gender", it's simply postponing the development of masculine features.
2. "Force"? The kid has been diagnosed with GID by a psychiatrist and has spent pretty much his entire life identifying as a girl, even to the point of threatening with genital mutilation. If anything, these parents gave in to him.
This could potentially ruin his entire life
Or, probably more likely, this could improve his entire life and not force the kid into a very likely depression and struggles with his identity for the rest of his life.
and should be considered child abuse.
Gender transition/change should only be allowed for an individual once they are capable of total understanding of it and are legal in age,
Again, this isn't gender transitioning or change.
not a whim decision because he's worn women's clothes or something.
Yeah, I can see how a child being diagnosed with GID by a professional and spending more than half his life wanting to be a girl to the point of coming close to cutting his own genitals off is totally a "whim decision". Really?
These parents are terrible people.
I'd argue the opposite, actually.

This is all assuming he even knows what the hell getting a sex change entails. He's not an individual that can consent nor is he of the age to be able to comprehend any of this fully. This is wrong, it doesn't matter how you try to spin it. At that age kids do and say many things they either don't mean or change their minds on later (everyone wants to be a firefighter or police man at that age basically), and I know I personally also did weird things like wear my mother's high heels (given not because I felt I was a girl, but because I found them weird and odd to walk in). Should my parents have gone out and started gender therapy once they saw this? No, it was me being a weird little kid, so why are these parents doing the same? This isn't something that should be forced. This should only be allowed once the person comes to an age where they can understand the ramifications of this and being 8 years old is definitely NOT that age. I'm appalled by how many here agree with their choice despite the fact it's overriding this child's life and he cannot comprehend it himself. You people scare me. "It's for your own good, trust me!"

Take this comment for example,

"My son who is now all boy used to like to wear my shoes & clothes when he was a preschooler. He also like to play with baby dolls & use his pretend kitchen. I guess if I were these parents I would have ran out to buy him girl clothing & tell everyone he thought he was a girl. Sorry. I agree with supporting a teen or pre-teen, but these women are cruel."

These women ARE cruel to this child. This could easily be a phase he's having and not gender dysphoria, but nah, they'd rather skirt that idea and go for hormone treatment and prepare to set this kid up for something that may not even be true. All while he legally doesn't understand it.

Serious / Re: What ISIS really wants, and why it must be destroyed
« on: February 24, 2015, 12:43:10 PM »
Here's what we do. Lead them to think we mean to invade this Dabiq place, talk it up, make it look big. When they amass in order to defend we drop an ICBM on them.

Gg no re.

k perhaps a nuke is a bit much, just drone them to kingdom come.

"1v1 me, dabiq, infantry only"
"5 kill streak; nuke inbound."

>there are people who think isis shouldn't be destroyed

And one of those people is Obama, a massive blubbering vagina in office

Yeah, well actions speak louder than words and he really loves dragging his heels about ISIS

Serious / Re: How do we prevent gerrymandering?
« on: February 24, 2015, 12:42:29 PM »
You don't

We hopefully wait for a modern day Julius Caesar to take office and get rid of the Republic for an empire, because the Roman Republic suffered the same things we're dealing with today


I can't wait for the collapse, I can finally shoot people in "self defense" during the anarchy chaos
I'm sure you'll be one of the people who hypes it up, only to get shot during a drive by.

Wow, that's mean

Serious / Re: Lesbian parents start sex change for their 8 year old boy
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:14:05 AM »
First of all:
UPDATED: 06:04 EST, 30 September 2011

And the article just says the kid will start hormone blockers to delay puberty.

1, I said idc if it's old. It has a potentially good debate about ages of consent for something so major.

2, yes, skirt the issue by brushing it off with just some hormone blockers. Yeah, those aren't a big deal, they only block your body's natural hormonal development.

The Flood / Re: I drank a fifth of vodka
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:11:42 AM »
ITT: people don't know their Eminem lyrics

Sorry I'm not wigger enough to listen to cRAP
Have you never turned on a radio since 1999?
Not all of us listen to top 40 pop stations.
Oh, you're so cool.



I meant one of these

Shit son, I wish I hat a cassete player... or even an 8-track...

Cassette adapters are relatively cheap, you could buy one pretty easy

The Flood / Re: Happen to anyone else?
« on: February 24, 2015, 12:48:52 AM »
you think that's great

you should try drinking something when you have cotton mouth

holy shit

Or tripping balls

Serious / Lesbian parents start sex change for their 8 year old boy
« on: February 24, 2015, 12:46:08 AM »
Don't care if this is old but OMFG WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK:

The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl last night defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young.

Thomas Lobel, who now calls himself Tammy, is undergoing controversial hormone blocking treatment in Berkeley, California to stop him going through puberty as a boy.

But Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel warn that children with gender identity disorder forced to postpone transitioning could face a higher risk of suicide.

The mothers say that one of the first things Thomas told them when he learned sign language aged three - because of a speech impediment - was, 'I am a girl'.

At age seven, after threatening genital mutilation on himself, psychiatrists diagnosed Thomas with gender identity disorder. By the age of eight, he began transitioning.

This summer, he started taking hormone-blocking drugs, which will stop him from experiencing puberty.

The hormone-suppressant, implanted in his upper left arm, will postpone the 11-year-old developing broad shoulders, deep voice and facial hair.

The couple faced intense criticism from friends and family as a result, Ms Moreno told MailOnline.

'Everybody was angry with us. "How could you be doing this? You might be ruining his whole life!"

Citing a statistic from the Youth Suicide Prevention Program, Ms Moreno noted over 50 per cent of transgender youth will have had at least one suicide attempt by their 20th birthday.

The article continues, but why. Holy shit, how can this actually be possible? This poor boy hasn't even hit puberty yet, how can they force him to change his gender when he likely doesn't even comprehend sexuality yet at all? This could potentially ruin his entire life and should be considered child abuse. Gender transition/change should only be allowed for an individual once they are capable of total understanding of it and are legal in age, not a whim decision because he's worn women's clothes or something. These parents are terrible people.


Pages: 1 ... 114115116 117118 ... 173