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Messages - aREALgod

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The Flood / Re: ITT: CP
« on: March 02, 2015, 08:36:36 PM »

The Flood / Re: ITT: CP
« on: March 02, 2015, 08:07:24 PM »
dude, why the fuck do you come on here to shove your homophobia down our throats? does it get you off or something, you sick fuck?


Sex outside of marriage is a sin

So don't do it you Satan loving fuck

Where did I say I was going to do that?

Getting in a relationship = sex outside of marriage

Abstaining from having a relationship is the only way.

The Flood / Re: ITT: CP
« on: March 02, 2015, 08:04:29 PM »
dude, why the fuck do you come on here to shove your homophobia down our throats? does it get you off or something, you sick fuck?


Sex outside of marriage is a sin

So don't do it you Satan loving fuck

The Flood / Re: ITT: CP
« on: March 02, 2015, 08:01:41 PM »
Waiting on my single to get finished, I'll hopefully be in a relationship with this girl I'm talking to,
and I'm still working at my job. Good things :D

Sex outside of marriage is a sin

The Flood / Re: Guys, have you watched the news recently?
« on: March 02, 2015, 07:56:00 PM »
But I've already seen this copy pasta!

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 02, 2015, 07:01:21 PM »

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:39:25 PM »
but it's a shame that this essentially means many parents will be forced to give up their children's right to bodily autonomy.
That's the stupidest fucking thing you've ever said.

Your right to bodily autonomy doesn't extend to acting as a conduit for (deadly) illnesses.

>Implying not getting a vaccination instantly means contracting a deadly illness

No, but the chances of contracting one rises exponentially.


I've got a better picture with scary numbers and sources if it makes you feel better.

"b-but muh pro choice"

are you going to address anything or are you just going to continue to fling ebid yamyam arrows at me?

What's there to address? You linked some fancy dumb numbers that haven't refuted what I've said.
"hurr dueghfuer theyre just dumb numbers hurgh"

No, it wasn't meant to be a refutation, I'm merely addressing your vacuous point. Yeah, no shit you're probably not going to catch a deadly disease the minute you don't get a vaccination. But the chances of you catching something later on in life that is more often than not, completely and effortlessly curable is astronomical.

>HUUUUURRRR DURR u cud git sik latUr in lif SO WE SHUD furc peepul to get an PREOCEDUR agist DUR WIL LOL

You could get hit by a car on the sidewalk, should we force people to where airbags all over their bodies when walking down a sidewalk?
That's not even a relevant analogy.

You cannot contract deadly diseases from coming into contact with a vehicle. My child won't get infected from coming into contact with your vehicle because you never passed your MOT. Not to mention there are myriad laws in place to ensure the safety of vehicles anyway, given the relevant context. You know, like vehicular damage.

Where the fuck on the autism spectrum do you fall under? You have to actually be Kinder tier to come up with a comparison like that.

Except it's perfectly relevant and completely within the same context: to prevent injury or illness. Duh, use your comprehensive skills

>Using Kinder as an insult

Now I know I have you beat when you try to resort to calling me "kinder" or autistic. You're just mad you can't prove me wrong.
Yeah, but it's not fucking necessary to plaster a car with airbags all over the interior of the car. We already have fucking safety procedures for vehicles in place that work perfectly fine. Viral pathogens however, are a bit more complicated because it only takes a couple people to break the heard immunity and infect those who genuinely cannot take vaccinations due to medical conditions. MUH PERSOWNAHL BULEEFS isn't a valid excuse because it can potentially infringe the safety of other people with actual common sense. Like I said, it's more anti choice to keep vaccinations optional than it is pro choice.

Turn your fucking brain on.

Dude, calm down your stupid levels, I know it's a hard concept to understand people's rights shouldn't be infringed but come ON

I'm not talking about plastering airbags all over a car, I'm talking about someone walking on the sidewalk wearing them. How about you turn on your brain and learn to read?
>"you missed the point of my retarded analogy. THIS is what my retarded analogy was trying to convey"

Look, I personally don't care if you were trying to tell me that we should use airbags as our primary means of transportation. The point is that you're misunderstanding me and Meta due to these blithely ignorant delusions of free will and personal freedom. It's not freedom. At all. Grab a juicebox, and reread what we're trying to tell you.
If you can't comprehend my point then that's not my problem.
Takes two to tango.

Twerk it bby
fuk off gook

I find that offensive

I think you mean

Dead gook

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:38:11 PM »
but it's a shame that this essentially means many parents will be forced to give up their children's right to bodily autonomy.
That's the stupidest fucking thing you've ever said.

Your right to bodily autonomy doesn't extend to acting as a conduit for (deadly) illnesses.

>Implying not getting a vaccination instantly means contracting a deadly illness

No, but the chances of contracting one rises exponentially.


I've got a better picture with scary numbers and sources if it makes you feel better.

"b-but muh pro choice"

are you going to address anything or are you just going to continue to fling ebid yamyam arrows at me?

What's there to address? You linked some fancy dumb numbers that haven't refuted what I've said.
"hurr dueghfuer theyre just dumb numbers hurgh"

No, it wasn't meant to be a refutation, I'm merely addressing your vacuous point. Yeah, no shit you're probably not going to catch a deadly disease the minute you don't get a vaccination. But the chances of you catching something later on in life that is more often than not, completely and effortlessly curable is astronomical.

>HUUUUURRRR DURR u cud git sik latUr in lif SO WE SHUD furc peepul to get an PREOCEDUR agist DUR WIL LOL

You could get hit by a car on the sidewalk, should we force people to where airbags all over their bodies when walking down a sidewalk?
That's not even a relevant analogy.

You cannot contract deadly diseases from coming into contact with a vehicle. My child won't get infected from coming into contact with your vehicle because you never passed your MOT. Not to mention there are myriad laws in place to ensure the safety of vehicles anyway, given the relevant context. You know, like vehicular damage.

Where the fuck on the autism spectrum do you fall under? You have to actually be Kinder tier to come up with a comparison like that.

Except it's perfectly relevant and completely within the same context: to prevent injury or illness. Duh, use your comprehensive skills

>Using Kinder as an insult

Now I know I have you beat when you try to resort to calling me "kinder" or autistic. You're just mad you can't prove me wrong.
Yeah, but it's not fucking necessary to plaster a car with airbags all over the interior of the car. We already have fucking safety procedures for vehicles in place that work perfectly fine. Viral pathogens however, are a bit more complicated because it only takes a couple people to break the heard immunity and infect those who genuinely cannot take vaccinations due to medical conditions. MUH PERSOWNAHL BULEEFS isn't a valid excuse because it can potentially infringe the safety of other people with actual common sense. Like I said, it's more anti choice to keep vaccinations optional than it is pro choice.

Turn your fucking brain on.

Dude, calm down your stupid levels, I know it's a hard concept to understand people's rights shouldn't be infringed but come ON

I'm not talking about plastering airbags all over a car, I'm talking about someone walking on the sidewalk wearing them. How about you turn on your brain and learn to read?
>"you missed the point of my retarded analogy. THIS is what my retarded analogy was trying to convey"

Look, I personally don't care if you were trying to tell me that we should use airbags as our primary means of transportation. The point is that you're misunderstanding me and Meta due to these blithely ignorant delusions of free will and personal freedom. It's not freedom. At all. Grab a juicebox, and reread what we're trying to tell you.
If you can't comprehend my point then that's not my problem.
Takes two to tango.

Twerk it bby

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:36:23 PM »
but it's a shame that this essentially means many parents will be forced to give up their children's right to bodily autonomy.
That's the stupidest fucking thing you've ever said.

Your right to bodily autonomy doesn't extend to acting as a conduit for (deadly) illnesses.

>Implying not getting a vaccination instantly means contracting a deadly illness

No, but the chances of contracting one rises exponentially.


I've got a better picture with scary numbers and sources if it makes you feel better.

"b-but muh pro choice"

are you going to address anything or are you just going to continue to fling ebid yamyam arrows at me?

What's there to address? You linked some fancy dumb numbers that haven't refuted what I've said.
"hurr dueghfuer theyre just dumb numbers hurgh"

No, it wasn't meant to be a refutation, I'm merely addressing your vacuous point. Yeah, no shit you're probably not going to catch a deadly disease the minute you don't get a vaccination. But the chances of you catching something later on in life that is more often than not, completely and effortlessly curable is astronomical.

>HUUUUURRRR DURR u cud git sik latUr in lif SO WE SHUD furc peepul to get an PREOCEDUR agist DUR WIL LOL

You could get hit by a car on the sidewalk, should we force people to where airbags all over their bodies when walking down a sidewalk?
That's not even a relevant analogy.

You cannot contract deadly diseases from coming into contact with a vehicle. My child won't get infected from coming into contact with your vehicle because you never passed your MOT. Not to mention there are myriad laws in place to ensure the safety of vehicles anyway, given the relevant context. You know, like vehicular damage.

Where the fuck on the autism spectrum do you fall under? You have to actually be Kinder tier to come up with a comparison like that.

Except it's perfectly relevant and completely within the same context: to prevent injury or illness. Duh, use your comprehensive skills

>Using Kinder as an insult

Now I know I have you beat when you try to resort to calling me "kinder" or autistic. You're just mad you can't prove me wrong.
Yeah, but it's not fucking necessary to plaster a car with airbags all over the interior of the car. We already have fucking safety procedures for vehicles in place that work perfectly fine. Viral pathogens however, are a bit more complicated because it only takes a couple people to break the heard immunity and infect those who genuinely cannot take vaccinations due to medical conditions. MUH PERSOWNAHL BULEEFS isn't a valid excuse because it can potentially infringe the safety of other people with actual common sense. Like I said, it's more anti choice to keep vaccinations optional than it is pro choice.

Turn your fucking brain on.

Dude, calm down your stupid levels, I know it's a hard concept to understand people's rights shouldn't be infringed but come ON

I'm not talking about plastering airbags all over a car, I'm talking about someone walking on the sidewalk wearing them. How about you turn on your brain and learn to read?
>"you missed the point of my retarded analogy. THIS is what my retarded analogy was trying to convey"

Look, I personally don't care if you were trying to tell me that we should use airbags as our primary means of transportation. The point is that you're misunderstanding me and Meta due to these blithely ignorant delusions of free will and personal freedom. It's not freedom. At all. Grab a juicebox, and reread what we're trying to tell you.
If you can't comprehend my point then that's not my problem. Just don't force your delusions of a "caring" government on the rest of us

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:33:20 PM »
Nope, if you contract it and die, then that's nature's way of telling you that you deserved to die. Only the strongest survive.
I thought you might be trolling; thanks for the confirmation.


So because I hold a different set of views from you I'm trolling?

I thought you would have caught on sooner looool

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:30:26 PM »
And yet still none of this refutes my claims. Yes, let's implement something even more tyrannical and drastic. Good job, retard

I'm using straw logic to demonstrate how your own straw logic is just that--straw logic.

Getting a vaccine because you could get a preventable illness is qualitatively different to strapping airbags to yourself because you could get hit by a car and you fucking know it.

Except its not, because both are intended to prevent injury or illness. Checkmate.
>shitposting in serious

Stop interrupting this quality conversation

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:29:34 PM »
Until you get hit by a car on the sidewalk, then you'll wish you had the airbags, wouldn't you?
Not unless I end up brain-damaged and somehow think that would've been worth the pay-off.

Let me ask you this: it's 1853 in England, do you support compulsory vaccines against smallpox?

Nope, if you contract it and die, then that's nature's way of telling you that you deserved to die. Only the strongest survive.

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:28:37 PM »
but it's a shame that this essentially means many parents will be forced to give up their children's right to bodily autonomy.
That's the stupidest fucking thing you've ever said.

Your right to bodily autonomy doesn't extend to acting as a conduit for (deadly) illnesses.

>Implying not getting a vaccination instantly means contracting a deadly illness

No, but the chances of contracting one rises exponentially.


I've got a better picture with scary numbers and sources if it makes you feel better.

"b-but muh pro choice"

are you going to address anything or are you just going to continue to fling ebid yamyam arrows at me?

What's there to address? You linked some fancy dumb numbers that haven't refuted what I've said.
"hurr dueghfuer theyre just dumb numbers hurgh"

No, it wasn't meant to be a refutation, I'm merely addressing your vacuous point. Yeah, no shit you're probably not going to catch a deadly disease the minute you don't get a vaccination. But the chances of you catching something later on in life that is more often than not, completely and effortlessly curable is astronomical.

>HUUUUURRRR DURR u cud git sik latUr in lif SO WE SHUD furc peepul to get an PREOCEDUR agist DUR WIL LOL

You could get hit by a car on the sidewalk, should we force people to where airbags all over their bodies when walking down a sidewalk?
That's not even a relevant analogy.

You cannot contract deadly diseases from coming into contact with a vehicle. My child won't get infected from coming into contact with your vehicle because you never passed your MOT. Not to mention there are myriad laws in place to ensure the safety of vehicles anyway, given the relevant context. You know, like vehicular damage.

Where the fuck on the autism spectrum do you fall under? You have to actually be Kinder tier to come up with a comparison like that.

Except it's perfectly relevant and completely within the same context: to prevent injury or illness. Duh, use your comprehensive skills

>Using Kinder as an insult

Now I know I have you beat when you try to resort to calling me "kinder" or autistic. You're just mad you can't prove me wrong.
Yeah, but it's not fucking necessary to plaster a car with airbags all over the interior of the car. We already have fucking safety procedures for vehicles in place that work perfectly fine. Viral pathogens however, are a bit more complicated because it only takes a couple people to break the heard immunity and infect those who genuinely cannot take vaccinations due to medical conditions. MUH PERSOWNAHL BULEEFS isn't a valid excuse because it can potentially infringe the safety of other people with actual common sense. Like I said, it's more anti choice to keep vaccinations optional than it is pro choice.

Turn your fucking brain on.

Dude, calm down your stupid levels, I know it's a hard concept to understand people's rights shouldn't be infringed but come ON

I'm not talking about plastering airbags all over a car, I'm talking about someone walking on the sidewalk wearing them. How about you turn on your brain and learn to read?

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:25:27 PM »
Except its not, because both are intended to prevent injury or illness. Checkmate.
Did you just completely ignore the whole security-to-inconvenience ratio I mentioned earlier? If anybody's not refuting claims here, it is you.

People have the right to their own beliefs, which will obviously result in their exercise of their own liberty and autonomy, but you have no right to your own facts. Beliefs based on obvious untruths aren't worth entertaining, at all, and I'll lose no sleep over it.

Until you get hit by a car on the sidewalk, then you'll wish you had the airbags, wouldn't you?

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:20:26 PM »
And yet still none of this refutes my claims. Yes, let's implement something even more tyrannical and drastic. Good job, retard

I'm using straw logic to demonstrate how your own straw logic is just that--straw logic.

Getting a vaccine because you could get a preventable illness is qualitatively different to strapping airbags to yourself because you could get hit by a car and you fucking know it.

Except its not, because both are intended to prevent injury or illness. Checkmate.

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:19:28 PM »
but it's a shame that this essentially means many parents will be forced to give up their children's right to bodily autonomy.
That's the stupidest fucking thing you've ever said.

Your right to bodily autonomy doesn't extend to acting as a conduit for (deadly) illnesses.

>Implying not getting a vaccination instantly means contracting a deadly illness

No, but the chances of contracting one rises exponentially.


I've got a better picture with scary numbers and sources if it makes you feel better.

"b-but muh pro choice"

are you going to address anything or are you just going to continue to fling ebid yamyam arrows at me?

What's there to address? You linked some fancy dumb numbers that haven't refuted what I've said.
"hurr dueghfuer theyre just dumb numbers hurgh"

No, it wasn't meant to be a refutation, I'm merely addressing your vacuous point. Yeah, no shit you're probably not going to catch a deadly disease the minute you don't get a vaccination. But the chances of you catching something later on in life that is more often than not, completely and effortlessly curable is astronomical.

>HUUUUURRRR DURR u cud git sik latUr in lif SO WE SHUD furc peepul to get an PREOCEDUR agist DUR WIL LOL

You could get hit by a car on the sidewalk, should we force people to where airbags all over their bodies when walking down a sidewalk?
That's not even a relevant analogy.

You cannot contract deadly diseases from coming into contact with a vehicle. My child won't get infected from coming into contact with your vehicle because you never passed your MOT. Not to mention there are myriad laws in place to ensure the safety of vehicles anyway, given the relevant context. You know, like vehicular damage.

Where the fuck on the autism spectrum do you fall under? You have to actually be Kinder tier to come up with a comparison like that.

Except it's perfectly relevant and completely within the same context: to prevent injury or illness. Duh, use your comprehensive skills

>Using Kinder as an insult

Now I know I have you beat when you try to resort to calling me "kinder" or autistic. You're just mad you can't prove me wrong.

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:17:06 PM »
You could get hit by a car on the sidewalk, should we force people to where airbags all over their bodies when walking down a sidewalk?
There's quite a clear security:inconvenience ratio which vaccines obviously fulfil and your harebrained responses don't.

Hell, let's use your own logic and justify something reprehensible. There's a higher chance of you dying from a preventable illness if you don't get vaccinated, so if your parents or you refuse a vaccine a government agent might as well take you out back and shoot you in the back of the skull.

Do me a favour and think before you speak.

And yet still none of this refutes my claims. Yes, let's implement something even more tyrannical and drastic. Good job, retard

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:11:23 PM »
but it's a shame that this essentially means many parents will be forced to give up their children's right to bodily autonomy.
That's the stupidest fucking thing you've ever said.

Your right to bodily autonomy doesn't extend to acting as a conduit for (deadly) illnesses.

>Implying not getting a vaccination instantly means contracting a deadly illness

No, but the chances of contracting one rises exponentially.


I've got a better picture with scary numbers and sources if it makes you feel better.

"b-but muh pro choice"

are you going to address anything or are you just going to continue to fling ebid yamyam arrows at me?

What's there to address? You linked some fancy dumb numbers that haven't refuted what I've said.
"hurr dueghfuer theyre just dumb numbers hurgh"

No, it wasn't meant to be a refutation, I'm merely addressing your vacuous point. Yeah, no shit you're probably not going to catch a deadly disease the minute you don't get a vaccination. But the chances of you catching something later on in life that is more often than not, completely and effortlessly curable is astronomical.

>HUUUUURRRR DURR u cud git sik latUr in lif SO WE SHUD furc peepul to get an PREOCEDUR agist DUR WIL LOL

You could get hit by a car on the sidewalk, should we force people to where airbags all over their bodies when walking down a sidewalk?

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:03:24 PM »
but it's a shame that this essentially means many parents will be forced to give up their children's right to bodily autonomy.
That's the stupidest fucking thing you've ever said.

Your right to bodily autonomy doesn't extend to acting as a conduit for (deadly) illnesses.

>Implying not getting a vaccination instantly means contracting a deadly illness

No, but the chances of contracting one rises exponentially.


I've got a better picture with scary numbers and sources if it makes you feel better.

"b-but muh pro choice"

are you going to address anything or are you just going to continue to fling ebid yamyam arrows at me?

What's there to address? You linked some fancy dumb numbers that haven't refuted what I've said.

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:01:39 PM »
but it's a shame that this essentially means many parents will be forced to give up their children's right to bodily autonomy.
That's the stupidest fucking thing you've ever said.

Your right to bodily autonomy doesn't extend to acting as a conduit for (deadly) illnesses.

>Implying not getting a vaccination instantly means contracting a deadly illness

No, but the chances of contracting one rises exponentially.


I've got a better picture with scary numbers and sources if it makes you feel better.

"b-but muh pro choice"


The Flood / Re: Hey SoCal people
« on: March 02, 2015, 06:00:49 PM »
Newport Beach checking in. It's rainin' sideways.


Also no its not Max you silly tard, it's now nice and sunny with clouds adrift. It was pouring down like all hell last night though

Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 02, 2015, 05:59:30 PM »
but it's a shame that this essentially means many parents will be forced to give up their children's right to bodily autonomy.
That's the stupidest fucking thing you've ever said.

Your right to bodily autonomy doesn't extend to acting as a conduit for (deadly) illnesses.

>Implying not getting a vaccination instantly means contracting a deadly illness

No, but the chances of contracting one rises exponentially.


Serious / Re: CA expected to pass vaccination law
« on: March 02, 2015, 05:53:48 PM »
but it's a shame that this essentially means many parents will be forced to give up their children's right to bodily autonomy.
That's the stupidest fucking thing you've ever said.

Your right to bodily autonomy doesn't extend to acting as a conduit for (deadly) illnesses.

>Implying not getting a vaccination instantly means contracting a deadly illness

The Flood / Re: Attention all STEM majors
« on: March 02, 2015, 05:51:40 PM »
STEM's all that matters. I have a degree but people treat me like I didn't even go to college because it was liberal arts. Yeah, it really feels like I didn't even go to college at all.

Well no shit, liberal arts is a joke. You shouldn't have wasted time at college and let people who want REAL education go there instead. But no, you took up one of the slots. Typical entitled liberal arts brat

Lol get the fuck outta here.

I enjoyed my college life for 4 years. Thoss experiences are worth more than a STEM job to me

Oh yeah, because its more important to enjoy 4 years as opposed to STEM letting you enjoy THE REST OF YOUR LIFE

Yep for me it is.

You're gonna hate yourself for that in the future, faggot

The Flood / Re: Attention all STEM majors
« on: March 02, 2015, 05:45:39 PM »
STEM's all that matters. I have a degree but people treat me like I didn't even go to college because it was liberal arts. Yeah, it really feels like I didn't even go to college at all.

Well no shit, liberal arts is a joke. You shouldn't have wasted time at college and let people who want REAL education go there instead. But no, you took up one of the slots. Typical entitled liberal arts brat

Lol get the fuck outta here.

I enjoyed my college life for 4 years. Thoss experiences are worth more than a STEM job to me

Oh yeah, because its more important to enjoy 4 years as opposed to STEM letting you enjoy THE REST OF YOUR LIFE

This feels oddly similar to a youtube comment chain I'm currently trolling in. Apparently atheists get upset when you tell them God made them wrong just to send them to Hell lol
you're telling them god made them retarded lol

You should see this comment chain, it's too good. I don't know how they haven't picked up on my trolling yet, this is too easy.


It's youtube.

LC pls

Don't downplay my youtube fun :(

This feels oddly similar to a youtube comment chain I'm currently trolling in. Apparently atheists get upset when you tell them God made them wrong just to send them to Hell lol
Link plix

Original comment - "I'm an atheist in a Christian family. I'm always like "How the fuck can you believe this shit?!"

Commence trolling. My replies are in bold. This is still an ongoing thing, lol, I just replied to him again shortly before pasting this.

>God made you wrong for a reason. Enjoy Hell, sinner

>so god created him, just to send him to eternal damnation? Thats disgusting. You sir, are delusional.

>And I suppose you want to join him. Maybe God made you better, but if you don't change your path of life you'll be right there in Hell with him

>take your preaching elsewhere. Sucks you are wasting your whole life being close minded. Goodbye sir.

>lol, just means more elbow space in Heaven for me. A shame you choose damnation.

>Midget, you sir are an asshole. I am a former Christian who renounced his faith after a four month period of searching. The hypocrisy of Christians (as you have so kindly demonstrated) is one of the major reasons I renounced my faith. The other major reason is that I found no scientific evidence for creationism or god in general, but I found loads of evidence for evolutionism and the Big Bang. That's a discussion for another time though.

>@Brunette Those who willingly choose to go to Hell have no sympathy from me, unlike those who are damned from birth.

>@Midget HEY, fuck off.

>That would imply masturbation, which is a sin that sends you to Hell. Stop trying to make me sin, you atheist scum. You're already going to Hell, don't try to drag me down with you.

>Lolololol seriously dude? Seriously? Ok, maybe this is more up your alley... You are a fundamentalist fucking scum piece of garbage. gtfo.

>@Midget What audacity you have to believe that you will be one of the 144,000 who will be allowed into heaven . With all that language you are throwing around at the creators creations I don't think you will make the cut...oh poo I think I may have just made you start searching for the verse that says only 144,000 will enter heaven HAVE FUN!

>The only fundamentals I see is how you're fundamentally sending yourself to Hell. But that's not my problem. It's funny how mad you get when I tell you the truth. If you don't want to burn in Hell then why deny God?

>I've already made the cut. Believing in God is enough, but you pathetically don't realize that and denounce His name. I know your name won't be on that list, and that's a fact. Enjoy Hell.

>Shut the fuck up already you worthless piece of shit. You're giving your entire God damn religion a bad name.

>How am I, exactly? I'm only telling the truth as God Himself has said it. Unless you change your path of sin you're going to Hell. But that truth hurts, doesn't it? Sinner

>@Midget You need evidence. Sufficient evidence. The bible is not a piece of evidence.

>You're portraying Christianity as a religion where the only thing whose followers do is condemn non believers. The truth is that this is the only life we have and you're doing a shitty ass job of making yours worth something.

>The Bible is a material thing, therefore it is.

>I'm not condemning you, God is. I'm just letting you know He's condemning you.

>Oh really. Saying "you're going to hell" and "you're a sinner" is NOT condemnation? You sir are a fucking retard.

>Condemnation? So what. Much worse, what this Midget asshat is doing is behaving "condescendingly".
She thinks you are below or beneath her. That you are less of a person because you are going to hell, and how dare you for not believing in the mindless shit that clutters up her thoughts and slowly wastes her life away in some weird sort of slow-motion self-imposed slavery.
Oh you poor pitiful sinner. Such a lowly state! - hahahaha.
Just tell her, "Satan doesn't punish people for enjoying their lives, he REWARDS them in heaven!

>That's God telling me to tell you that you're damned. Don't hate the messenger. But yeah, you're going to Hell, and I tried to help you. Yet you deny help and deny God, therefore Hell is your final resting place. It must suck to live the life of a sinner knowing that when you die you're going to suffer for all eternity, lol

>People who believe in God and going to Heaven ARE better than others, it's just a fact. The truth is painful for people to hear though, so I'm not surprised there's so much hostility directed towards me. If you even tried to turn some of that hostility into worshiping God you might be saved, but today's generation thinks its COOL to go to Hell. Oh well, you'll regret it when you get there. It just means more room in Heaven for me

>@Midget Hey, nice of you to butt-in on our conversation!
You say "It's a fact." - I think you need to look up the definition of that word again.
What is YOUR definition of the word "fact?"

>Look it up yourself. I'm not going to hold your hand and tell you what it is if you don't know already. But the meaning of the word "fact" doesn't change just because you don't like what it connotates. And the facts are God worshippers are better than atheist scum and going to Heaven.

>First off, how the fuck is calling me a sinner and saying I'm going to hell helping me? Second, if believers really are better than non believers, then a fucking child rapist who believes in God is better than an atheist that has selflessly served others all of their lives? If that's truly what you fucking Christians believe, then I'm glad I'm no longer Christian because I wouldn't want to be associated with such a fucked up belief system.

>It's helping you by letting you know you're going down a path of sin and the hard truth is always best. And yes, a child rapist who believes in God is better than an atheist, as long as the rapist asks for forgiveness (unlike the dirty atheist who denies God altogether). Even if the rapist didn't ask for forgiveness they're better than atheists, because denying God is worse than rape on every level. So, sinner, are you going to repent?

Serious / Re: Missouri officials sue their own residents.
« on: March 02, 2015, 04:06:18 PM »
>Free Thought Project

The Flood / Re: Attention all STEM majors
« on: March 02, 2015, 03:58:23 PM »
This STEM circlejerk is going to kill the demand for STEM majors in a decade or two, you know.
Just like nursing.


The Flood / Re: Attention all STEM majors
« on: March 02, 2015, 03:42:07 PM »
This STEM circlejerk is going to kill the demand for STEM majors in a decade or two, you know.

lolk you're just mad the rest of society is making something significant of themselves while you do liberal artsy fartsy shit
that feel when I am pursuing a STEM major regardless

I just recognize that worshiping them like they're the next coming of Jesus is dumb af

If you're not STEM you should kill yourself though

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