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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 105106107 108109 ... 173
The Flood / Re: I did 15 push ups
« on: March 12, 2015, 12:56:18 AM »


The Flood / Re: forum members you would hang with irl
« on: March 11, 2015, 10:19:23 PM »
Right, Verb had his shot at running this into the ground and now I'll take mine. I'm not in the mood for people anymore either. I'll be your friend. But no. You don't want to be my friend. Too much baggage I am.

And most of all, if I did choose to hang round with anybody, I'd inevitably have to say adios. I'm tired of goodbyes. And, after meeting some interesting folks, I'd grow worried after seeing them in person. Half assed decent judge of character I am. I can smell the bad shit on people easy. And it worries the fuck out of me with friends.

But I'll entertain you.


-Mr Vien
- And I'm sure all the other names my scatter fucked head forgot go here

The world is what you make it. And if you make it lonely for yourself, you're gonna have a bad time.

Well guess what. Trying despite things so far, good days or bad, here I am, right here, on my own still. And that's not going to change anytime soon.

I'm too much of a fucking eccentric oddball to have any friends, wrapped up in a toxic slow burning depression. I've a sense of humor and roll easy with people. But the closer friends get to me, the more they start running risk of getting the bullshit I dish out too.

I've done 22 years on my own so far. Another few decades won't make a difference considering my family's track record.

I work best on my own. Better head. More focus. More drive. It's the way things roll.

What kind of "bullshit" do you dish out?

The Flood / Re: forum members you would hang with irl
« on: March 11, 2015, 10:08:40 PM »
Right, Verb had his shot at running this into the ground and now I'll take mine. I'm not in the mood for people anymore either. I'll be your friend. But no. You don't want to be my friend. Too much baggage I am.

And most of all, if I did choose to hang round with anybody, I'd inevitably have to say adios. I'm tired of goodbyes. And, after meeting some interesting folks, I'd grow worried after seeing them in person. Half assed decent judge of character I am. I can smell the bad shit on people easy. And it worries the fuck out of me with friends.

But I'll entertain you.


-Mr Vien
- And I'm sure all the other names my scatter fucked head forgot go here

The world is what you make it. And if you make it lonely for yourself, you're gonna have a bad time.

The Flood / Re: forum members you would hang with irl
« on: March 11, 2015, 10:05:32 PM »
oh, especially if your idea of "hanging out" is getting high or drunk
>Implying it's bad to kick back and have a drink/smoke
or you could just be sober

Or you could just as easily have a drink

The Flood / Re: forum members you would hang with irl
« on: March 11, 2015, 09:57:44 PM »
oh, especially if your idea of "hanging out" is getting high or drunk

>Implying it's bad to kick back and have a drink/smoke

The Flood / Re: forum members you would hang with irl
« on: March 11, 2015, 09:46:25 PM »
Yes it's another circle jerk thread

For me:

Officer Nasty
Jive Turkey

I could see myself  getting high as fuck with any of those peeps.

THE FUCK did you forget about me

I feel betrayed, after all we've shared

The Flood / Re: "You have been warned"
« on: March 11, 2015, 08:55:42 PM »
lol fag's banned now


The Flood / "You have been warned"
« on: March 11, 2015, 08:17:54 PM »
"You have received a warning for derailing a thread". What the fuck? What kind of bullshit is that?

Yeah, don't even link the thread either, good job mods. I have derailed no threads lol

The Flood / Re: Slavery is alive and well within the US
« on: March 11, 2015, 08:13:43 PM »
Was expecting a troll thread, and I got...... a troll thread!

But this is an honest statement. Jury Duty is tantamount to slavery because its mandatory and if you're a no show, you face imprisonment. This could actually increase slavery because if you don't show up and are arrested and somebody called to your trial ALSO fails to go and is arrested, you've started a domino effect. This system is corrupt and has loops to feed the state money. They profit off of your slavery.

The Flood / Re: Slavery is alive and well within the US
« on: March 11, 2015, 08:09:28 PM »
Um, no.

And you get paid for jury duty..

Irrelevant with the threat of going to jail for not showing up.

The Flood / Slavery is alive and well within the US
« on: March 11, 2015, 08:07:38 PM »
... and it's called JURY DUTY

Prove me wrong.

The Flood / Re: There's no more incentive to post here
« on: March 11, 2015, 08:04:33 PM »
How haven't you been hit by a bus yet?
I look both ways?

I don't know what you're trying to imply. Is the public trying to kill me or something? This is news to me. I better stay home and watch the perimeter if it's really that bad.

>Acting this retarded


The Flood / Re: There's no more incentive to post here
« on: March 11, 2015, 07:07:23 PM »
How haven't you been hit by a bus yet?

The Flood / Re: New Game of Thrones season 5 trailer
« on: March 11, 2015, 06:40:43 PM »
>The most overrated show on TV besides Walking Dead
midget stop

What? It's true

The Flood / Re: My TV has ads built into it
« on: March 11, 2015, 06:33:57 PM »
I can't wait for in the future when they'll have ads played in your conscious from a link to your brain with fancy tech

The Flood / Re: New Game of Thrones season 5 trailer
« on: March 11, 2015, 06:32:46 PM »
>The most overrated show on TV besides Walking Dead

And that's what you get when you buy goat fucker premium membership.

The Flood / Re: I did 15 push ups
« on: March 11, 2015, 06:25:53 PM »
Just did 50.

I hate myself right now.......uuuuuuugh the burn

With proper technique? Or was it just those bullshit quick pushups people think actually count?

The Flood / Re: >tfw philosophy teacher thinks suicide is cowardly
« on: March 11, 2015, 06:22:24 PM »
And, one, last word on this PSU. Take a look at the law of majority. What's the general, overall concensus in this thread? Why do you have three, four, five fucking people telling you that your statement is wrong?

Surely, either you must be a genius and you're just seeing what everybody, including trained proffessionals that deal with depression don't.

Or you're just being a stubborn wall of a person who thinks their opinion is 100% correct, 100% fact.

Think about that. But no, don't take the people's words for it because we're just people after all. Rabble forum goers. What could we possibly know about these things when we're not proffessionals?

Then I tell you this instead.

Go to any proffessional who deals with treating depressed people. Go to any person who deals with suicidal depressed people.

And ask them.

And they'll likely tell you a pretty fucking damn close story to what the vast majority of people in this thread have about what depression is, what it does, and why it shows up for people.

And if you're too lazy to pick up a phone, and call a suicide related question center, then you're a lazy fuck.

And if you talk to a proffessional and ask them questions, and listen to their answers, and still think the way you do? Then you're an ignorant fuck.

The proof is in the numbers that outnumber your opinions.

You can't disprove fucking mathematics unless you fuck up an equation.

Mathematically speaking, your opinion and views on suicide count as the number 1.

Every person in here who contradicted your views counts as a number. That makes what, 5-7, maybe 8 people? How about medical proffessionals?

Fuck that's got to be at the very, smallest possible number, 500,000 in the states.

That's on rough estimates here, 500,008 people who would tell you otherwise about your opinions.

Are you seriously fucking telling me that in 500,008 to 1 odds that you're going to be right?

If you do, then holy fuck I'll call you a professional comedian.

Actually make that two. PSU has a point, but you're not listening to him. Both of you are trying to talk over the other and not have an honest ear to the opposite side.

But yes, suicide is pretty cowardly and selfish. Sure, I can't blame 'em for being depressed, but to be a pussy and check out early is pathetic.

The Flood / Re: It's Like Climbing Night-Stairs
« on: March 09, 2015, 03:39:40 AM »
idk man

The Flood / Re: Pontiac a/c vents > everything
« on: March 09, 2015, 03:26:55 AM »

Serious / Re: Boehner's invite to Netanyahu is unconstitutional
« on: March 09, 2015, 03:20:15 AM »
Compared to Obama's unconstitutional actions, this is pretty low on the list for things to be up in arms about.

Serious / Re: Officer killed in line of duty
« on: March 09, 2015, 03:15:35 AM »
How is this newsworthy?

Right, it's only newsworthy if its a white cop shooting a nigger lol

Why do even more stupid people assume otherwise?

The Flood / Re: You know what really pisses me off?
« on: March 09, 2015, 01:56:42 AM »
You know what really pisses me off?

Shit that fishes for a second run.

And then they don't get one.

Permanent cliffhanger and an end to a series.
bane of my wife's existence right now, she's been ranting for an hour about the fact that the show we were watching, Mayo Chiki doesn't seem to have a second season, and she's almost just quitting romantic comedies over it.

>Having a wife

Man the ball and chain must wear out your ankle

The Flood / Re: Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh.
« on: March 09, 2015, 01:54:23 AM »

The Flood / Re: 'Villains' that did literally nothing wrong
« on: March 08, 2015, 09:44:42 PM »
>Objectively doesn't exist anymore
Whut r Legends?
Objectively not canon?

If you want to go full autismus maximus here, sure, the EU exists in the sense that the material can still be read and "enjoyed." It doesn't however, exist in the sense that's actually part of the lore anymore. Hence my statement that you took out of context.
Could you seriously not figure out that I called you out for putting words in my mouth, or have you yet to realize you did that?
>takes my statement out of context
>I'm the one putting words in mouths
Except, you know unless you're seriously daft, this one is pretty obviously canonically relevant.
>murders people that want him tried for being the leader of an ancient cult that used to commonly kill millions was freaking evil.
Quote me a line of dialogue in the prequels or OT where this was actually stated. And I don't mean just a "hurr durr de sif r ebil becus." I actually mean the "killing millions" part, in crystal clear exposition.
So, Palpatine could be absolved of his crimes of ordering the death of thousands of warrior-monks that were serving the Republic because some ancient feud means that the Jedi had it coming?
If it was actually canon, which it's fucking not for the millionth time.
Though past elements of the Expanded Universe have been declared non-canon as a whole, they remain a resource for future Star Wars material to reference elements of the EU, thus bringing these elements into the new continuity as canon.

Nice evasion there.

Forgot to put the line through the millions part the second time I posted that because you couldn't read it the first, my bad. Also,
>"Dis nigga seriously defending the Sith, saying they aren't bad guys?"

Oh, okay you are right. Palps just killed them all for no real reason given, which is much morally better.
>scoring a line through a sentence like a fourth grader
>not manning up and admitting you fucked up

This whole argument could've been resolved if you had just been slightly more mature and didn't try to damage control your way out of it.

Also I'm not defending anything. I'm simply questioning the moral stance of the Jedi and The Republic. Seeing as how the EU actually gave us a backstory between the Jedi and Sith (and a questionable one at that), and seeing as how it no longer exists in a canonical context, all we're given in the movies is "the sith are bad because." Which in and of itself, isn't necessarily bad since Star Wars was originally meant to be a medieval knights tale in space, until Lucas had to be a hack and whore the franchise out.

>ITT butthurt fagit got REKT is butthurt
"this happened"
"no it didn't"
"omg yes it did"


lmao, okay. isn't it prime time for browsing reddit now?

You can try to deny it all you want (if it lets you sleep any better), but the facts are you got fucking REKT.

Stay mad, pussy faggot
If what constitutes as a "rek" or whatever meme buzzword you guys are currently using right now is tantamount to repeating the same points and admitting you made a mistake, then it must be pretty easy to "rek" someone here.

Stop trying to skirt the fact you got your asshole loosened, k? You got dicked, son
Is this you projecting right now?

Yeah I'm projecting my cock right into your mouth
>being this closeted you're practically bumming Mr Tumnus

Bitch, did I say you could talk? Now swallow, it's not lady like to spit
Quoting childhood experiences with your daddy isn't going to bring him back mang.

Trying to comfort yourself in the mirror isn't very therapeutic either, bro

The Flood / Re: 'Villains' that did literally nothing wrong
« on: March 08, 2015, 09:34:59 PM »
>Objectively doesn't exist anymore
Whut r Legends?
Objectively not canon?

If you want to go full autismus maximus here, sure, the EU exists in the sense that the material can still be read and "enjoyed." It doesn't however, exist in the sense that's actually part of the lore anymore. Hence my statement that you took out of context.
Could you seriously not figure out that I called you out for putting words in my mouth, or have you yet to realize you did that?
>takes my statement out of context
>I'm the one putting words in mouths
Except, you know unless you're seriously daft, this one is pretty obviously canonically relevant.
>murders people that want him tried for being the leader of an ancient cult that used to commonly kill millions was freaking evil.
Quote me a line of dialogue in the prequels or OT where this was actually stated. And I don't mean just a "hurr durr de sif r ebil becus." I actually mean the "killing millions" part, in crystal clear exposition.
So, Palpatine could be absolved of his crimes of ordering the death of thousands of warrior-monks that were serving the Republic because some ancient feud means that the Jedi had it coming?
If it was actually canon, which it's fucking not for the millionth time.
Though past elements of the Expanded Universe have been declared non-canon as a whole, they remain a resource for future Star Wars material to reference elements of the EU, thus bringing these elements into the new continuity as canon.

Nice evasion there.

Forgot to put the line through the millions part the second time I posted that because you couldn't read it the first, my bad. Also,
>"Dis nigga seriously defending the Sith, saying they aren't bad guys?"

Oh, okay you are right. Palps just killed them all for no real reason given, which is much morally better.
>scoring a line through a sentence like a fourth grader
>not manning up and admitting you fucked up

This whole argument could've been resolved if you had just been slightly more mature and didn't try to damage control your way out of it.

Also I'm not defending anything. I'm simply questioning the moral stance of the Jedi and The Republic. Seeing as how the EU actually gave us a backstory between the Jedi and Sith (and a questionable one at that), and seeing as how it no longer exists in a canonical context, all we're given in the movies is "the sith are bad because." Which in and of itself, isn't necessarily bad since Star Wars was originally meant to be a medieval knights tale in space, until Lucas had to be a hack and whore the franchise out.

>ITT butthurt fagit got REKT is butthurt
"this happened"
"no it didn't"
"omg yes it did"


lmao, okay. isn't it prime time for browsing reddit now?

You can try to deny it all you want (if it lets you sleep any better), but the facts are you got fucking REKT.

Stay mad, pussy faggot
If what constitutes as a "rek" or whatever meme buzzword you guys are currently using right now is tantamount to repeating the same points and admitting you made a mistake, then it must be pretty easy to "rek" someone here.

Stop trying to skirt the fact you got your asshole loosened, k? You got dicked, son
Is this you projecting right now?

Yeah I'm projecting my cock right into your mouth
>being this closeted you're practically bumming Mr Tumnus

Bitch, did I say you could talk? Now swallow, it's not lady like to spit

The Flood / Re: 'Villains' that did literally nothing wrong
« on: March 08, 2015, 09:32:47 PM »
>Objectively doesn't exist anymore
Whut r Legends?
Objectively not canon?

If you want to go full autismus maximus here, sure, the EU exists in the sense that the material can still be read and "enjoyed." It doesn't however, exist in the sense that's actually part of the lore anymore. Hence my statement that you took out of context.
Could you seriously not figure out that I called you out for putting words in my mouth, or have you yet to realize you did that?
>takes my statement out of context
>I'm the one putting words in mouths
Except, you know unless you're seriously daft, this one is pretty obviously canonically relevant.
>murders people that want him tried for being the leader of an ancient cult that used to commonly kill millions was freaking evil.
Quote me a line of dialogue in the prequels or OT where this was actually stated. And I don't mean just a "hurr durr de sif r ebil becus." I actually mean the "killing millions" part, in crystal clear exposition.
So, Palpatine could be absolved of his crimes of ordering the death of thousands of warrior-monks that were serving the Republic because some ancient feud means that the Jedi had it coming?
If it was actually canon, which it's fucking not for the millionth time.
Though past elements of the Expanded Universe have been declared non-canon as a whole, they remain a resource for future Star Wars material to reference elements of the EU, thus bringing these elements into the new continuity as canon.

Nice evasion there.

Forgot to put the line through the millions part the second time I posted that because you couldn't read it the first, my bad. Also,
>"Dis nigga seriously defending the Sith, saying they aren't bad guys?"

Oh, okay you are right. Palps just killed them all for no real reason given, which is much morally better.
>scoring a line through a sentence like a fourth grader
>not manning up and admitting you fucked up

This whole argument could've been resolved if you had just been slightly more mature and didn't try to damage control your way out of it.

Also I'm not defending anything. I'm simply questioning the moral stance of the Jedi and The Republic. Seeing as how the EU actually gave us a backstory between the Jedi and Sith (and a questionable one at that), and seeing as how it no longer exists in a canonical context, all we're given in the movies is "the sith are bad because." Which in and of itself, isn't necessarily bad since Star Wars was originally meant to be a medieval knights tale in space, until Lucas had to be a hack and whore the franchise out.

>ITT butthurt fagit got REKT is butthurt
"this happened"
"no it didn't"
"omg yes it did"


lmao, okay. isn't it prime time for browsing reddit now?

You can try to deny it all you want (if it lets you sleep any better), but the facts are you got fucking REKT.

Stay mad, pussy faggot
If what constitutes as a "rek" or whatever meme buzzword you guys are currently using right now is tantamount to repeating the same points and admitting you made a mistake, then it must be pretty easy to "rek" someone here.

Stop trying to skirt the fact you got your asshole loosened, k? You got dicked, son
Is this you projecting right now?

Yeah I'm projecting my cock right into your mouth

The Flood / Re: 'Villains' that did literally nothing wrong
« on: March 08, 2015, 09:31:27 PM »
>Objectively doesn't exist anymore
Whut r Legends?
Objectively not canon?

If you want to go full autismus maximus here, sure, the EU exists in the sense that the material can still be read and "enjoyed." It doesn't however, exist in the sense that's actually part of the lore anymore. Hence my statement that you took out of context.
Could you seriously not figure out that I called you out for putting words in my mouth, or have you yet to realize you did that?
>takes my statement out of context
>I'm the one putting words in mouths
Except, you know unless you're seriously daft, this one is pretty obviously canonically relevant.
>murders people that want him tried for being the leader of an ancient cult that used to commonly kill millions was freaking evil.
Quote me a line of dialogue in the prequels or OT where this was actually stated. And I don't mean just a "hurr durr de sif r ebil becus." I actually mean the "killing millions" part, in crystal clear exposition.
So, Palpatine could be absolved of his crimes of ordering the death of thousands of warrior-monks that were serving the Republic because some ancient feud means that the Jedi had it coming?
If it was actually canon, which it's fucking not for the millionth time.
Though past elements of the Expanded Universe have been declared non-canon as a whole, they remain a resource for future Star Wars material to reference elements of the EU, thus bringing these elements into the new continuity as canon.

Nice evasion there.

Forgot to put the line through the millions part the second time I posted that because you couldn't read it the first, my bad. Also,
>"Dis nigga seriously defending the Sith, saying they aren't bad guys?"

Oh, okay you are right. Palps just killed them all for no real reason given, which is much morally better.
>scoring a line through a sentence like a fourth grader
>not manning up and admitting you fucked up

This whole argument could've been resolved if you had just been slightly more mature and didn't try to damage control your way out of it.

Also I'm not defending anything. I'm simply questioning the moral stance of the Jedi and The Republic. Seeing as how the EU actually gave us a backstory between the Jedi and Sith (and a questionable one at that), and seeing as how it no longer exists in a canonical context, all we're given in the movies is "the sith are bad because." Which in and of itself, isn't necessarily bad since Star Wars was originally meant to be a medieval knights tale in space, until Lucas had to be a hack and whore the franchise out.

>ITT butthurt fagit got REKT is butthurt
"this happened"
"no it didn't"
"omg yes it did"


lmao, okay. isn't it prime time for browsing reddit now?

You can try to deny it all you want (if it lets you sleep any better), but the facts are you got fucking REKT.

Stay mad, pussy faggot
If what constitutes as a "rek" or whatever meme buzzword you guys are currently using right now is tantamount to repeating the same points and admitting you made a mistake, then it must be pretty easy to "rek" someone here.

Stop trying to skirt the fact you got your asshole loosened, k? You got dicked, son

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