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Messages - aREALgod

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The Flood / Re: Rey mysterio dies aged 40
« on: March 24, 2015, 05:46:15 PM »


what about the iran-iraq war

that shit was basically wwi with modern equipment
when i ask my father about it he always mention that there were dead bodies everywhere. he served the whole duration, first as a tank operator then a communications officer
Oh fuck.

Did he serve for Iran or Iraq?
The invaders >.>
so how many kills did you need to get to call in a gas attack
in cod it was like 10 but iranians are subhuman so like 20

im jking bae

But why would you joke like that? It's not cool to make fun of animals like that



what about the iran-iraq war

that shit was basically wwi with modern equipment
when i ask my father about it he always mention that there were dead bodies everywhere. he served the whole duration, first as a tank operator then a communications officer
Oh fuck.

Did he serve for Iran or Iraq?
The invaders >.>
so how many kills did you need to get to call in a gas attack
in cod it was like 10 but iranians are subhuman so like 20

im jking bae

But why would you joke like that? It's not cool to make fun of animals like that

The Flood / Re: omg, this fucking headline
« on: March 24, 2015, 04:50:33 PM »
HAL's ancestors look so menacing

Serious / Re: Cruz to Announce Presidential Run Monday
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:49:15 PM »
If anybody here can vote in the Republican primaries, please vote Bush or Walker >.>
I plan on it.

Also, why do you keep up with American politics even though you live in the UK? There's nothint wrong with that, I'm just asking because people tend to not care about other country's politics.
Maybe it has something to do with the general lack of knowledge and understanding of the outside world that is rather prevalent in the US, but everyone here that I know cares about politics in a lot of different countries.

I miss American Isolationism. You fucks dragged us into two world wars, after all, I'd say the US had/has a good reason to stop giving flying fucks what happens in Europe because we used to not want to be involved, especially in those wars.

Serious / Re: Plane Crash in France - 150 dead
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:40:01 PM »
Jesus Christ.

Do we have any idea what went wrong?
Not yet. We should once they recover the aircraft's computers and publish a report.

Given the rapid descent from cruise altitude and everyone saying there's likely no survivors, my money is on a mechanical (non engine related) or o2 systems failure. The former putting the aircraft into an uncontrolled descent and the later giving the pilots hypoxia. Pilots do crazy stuff when they don't have oxygen.

Who knows, maybe they Allah Snackbarred themselves too. But anyways, I think its not a good idea for one of the police officials to outright say no need for rescue operations - even if there's a slim chance for survivors, you should take that chance.
There are rescue operations, the work is just hazardous and slow because the plane crashed in one of the least accessible areas of the Alps.

So why did they say this?

"There is no need for any rescue operations, everyone is dead," said a police officer in the town of Le Vernet, near the crash site, according to the AFP news agency.

Serious / Re: Plane Crash in France - 150 dead
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:34:42 PM »
Jesus Christ.

Do we have any idea what went wrong?
Not yet. We should once they recover the aircraft's computers and publish a report.

Given the rapid descent from cruise altitude and everyone saying there's likely no survivors, my money is on a mechanical (non engine related) or o2 systems failure. The former putting the aircraft into an uncontrolled descent and the later giving the pilots hypoxia. Pilots do crazy stuff when they don't have oxygen.

Who knows, maybe they Allah Snackbarred themselves too. But anyways, I think its not a good idea for one of the police officials to outright say no need for rescue operations - even if there's a slim chance for survivors, you should take that chance.

The Flood / Re: >Randomly matched with a person in the south of the US
« on: March 24, 2015, 01:27:53 PM »

Men's dating online or something, I think

The Flood / Re: In 500 years what will change?
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:49:52 PM »
Starting off pessimistically, we'll will be too dead to know.

I'm gambling that recent-death resuscitation will exist though, considering we can sort-of do that today.
Died of a heart attack in the last 4-6 hours? Not to worry, just ship ya off to the hospital, and they'll do some fancy electro shit on yer brain, replace yer heart, and away you go, good as new!

I'm also expecting a change in languages then, perhaps with the spawn of the digital age languages will gradually become more centralised with only local slang being remnants of what languages once were there. I mean 500 years ago we had "Ye Olde English" so who knows.

Heart death =/= brain death, and those cases of cardiac arrest are where they slowly cool the body down. The same idea goes with people who are hypothermic and in cardiac arrest - they can be revived hours after of downtime.

The Flood / Rocketman renders aid at a car crash
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:44:12 PM »
Checkmate, atheists!


They'll fold immediately and this will all be a distant memory.
I refuse to believe you have that much disdain for human life.
Nothing I've said in this thread is wrong.

To say that the loss of human life is justified because of ignorance is absolutely wrong. This is frightening to think that people are okay with politics working like this at all - this isn't just some political game, you're dealing with people's lives. That should never be pandered as a tactic.

Also, I think you'd quickly change your tune if you happened to be one of the people in any of these states being denied disaster funds.

I don't see why this is bad. Someone needs to put their foot down on these idiots.

Only a liberal like you could think this is a good thing.

"They don't agree with my views... Let's withhold valuable disaster funding that could effect many lives! Yeah, that'll teach 'em! They'll really change their minds now!"
As if "let's use public education to deny climate science that will affect everybody" is any better? How dare they get a taste of their own medicine!

>Implying education and disaster funding are on the same level of effecting people's lives directly

Yeah, let's just take their disaster funding so they die in the next natural disaster! The best medicine is the kind that kills you!
gtfo midge, get banned from Serious

By giving false information about climate change, they're setting up another generation to shill for them while making the kids scientifically illiterate at the same time. And because these kids won't believe in climate change, they'll downplay its effects and not give it the proper funding it needs, thus endangering everybody.

The end result is the same.

Lmao no

You are as delusional as Mad Max - you want people to die because of a disagreement. This is disgusting and you should absolutely be ashamed, especially since there would be many innocent lives effected. If this is how liberal politics likes to work, then liberals are fucking nuts.

A lack of education can always be fixed, but death cannot. Don't be so stupid.

Alright, if denying FEMA funding to them isn't the answer, what is?

Mad Max, I know you can be liberally retarded, but if you seriously think denying valuable funding to a cause meant to help save people's lives in the event of a disaster is a good (and apparently the ONLY) action to take, you should rethink your fucking platform. It's disgusting to think people would advocate to let others die JUST to make a point or because someone disagrees.

I don't see why this is bad. Someone needs to put their foot down on these idiots.

Only a liberal like you could think this is a good thing.

"They don't agree with my views... Let's withhold valuable disaster funding that could effect many lives! Yeah, that'll teach 'em! They'll really change their minds now!"
As if "let's use public education to deny climate science that will affect everybody" is any better? How dare they get a taste of their own medicine!

>Implying education and disaster funding are on the same level of effecting people's lives directly

Yeah, let's just take their disaster funding so they die in the next natural disaster! The best medicine is the kind that kills you!
The next natural disaster is only going to be worse because of climate change...

Yeah! Let's let innocent people die! If you want somebody to agree with you, take their disaster funding! Death is always a good motivation!

I don't see why this is bad. Someone needs to put their foot down on these idiots.

Only a liberal like you could think this is a good thing.

"They don't agree with my views... Let's withhold valuable disaster funding that could effect many lives! Yeah, that'll teach 'em! They'll really change their minds now!"
As if "let's use public education to deny climate science that will affect everybody" is any better? How dare they get a taste of their own medicine!

>Implying education and disaster funding are on the same level of effecting people's lives directly

Yeah, let's just take their disaster funding so they die in the next natural disaster! The best medicine is the kind that kills you!

I don't see why this is bad. Someone needs to put their foot down on these idiots.

Only a liberal like you could think this is a good thing.

"They don't agree with my views... Let's withhold valuable disaster funding that could effect many lives! Yeah, that'll teach 'em! They'll really change their minds now!"

Serious / Re: I have thoughts of suicide quite often.
« on: March 23, 2015, 02:39:58 PM »
There's something else important to talk about here. And it's best not to wait. Saying, "ho ho ho, pick up a phone if you feel like offing yourself" is easy to do.

Do you know how much effort it took for me to stop leaning over the rails? Even with the knowledge of what I was doing, and what it would cause, I had to fight not to let go. Because when you're essentially past the point of no return, very little can divert you.

Very little can motivate you, and everything around you de-motivates you. When I realized that if I jumped, that I'd be a selfish bastard, I didn't feel good. The only thing it made me do is to continue wanting to jump. That's what depression does at it's lowest point.

It reflects everything back at you.

And after I climbed down from the tower, it took me five days to open up to somebody. Five days of fighting with myself internally to do it.

The point is, when you can talk about how bad you're feeling, you aren't quite at the end of your rope yet. You could be close. But not quite past the point of almost no return. When you hit that point, you're not going to want to talk. You're not going to want to pick up a phone.

So that means we can talk a little bit about stalling things.

Depression, and the end result at its core, is caused by unhappiness. Even in bi-polar people. Even more so in bi-polar people because their emotions are intense. They can be fine, and then the next minute, down. Far, far down.

Unhappiness is caused by not being satisfied.

What causes not being satisfied?

Things not going your way. Stress. Stagnation.

Stagnation is the very root of unhappiness becase when something is stagnant, it is not changing. We as people, are naturally inclined to changes. A changing environment, a change of pace.

To give an example.

Part of the reason why I am so much of a mess right now, is because a huge part of my life is stagnant.

I've been cooped up into a house for roughly 5-6 months now. It's too cold outside to do anything, and I'm deprived of sunlight. My body, physically is degrading both because of winter effects of no activity, and the meds from the doc. And most importantly, I am trying to find somebody to call a friend in my vicinity.

It doesn't matter how capable I am of spending my time even if I enjoy it. The fact that I've been waking up every day to those 4 key things now for quite some time without having visible, forwards progress and only backwards, is leaving its mark on me.

So, essentially, what can potentially divert, and remove or subside depression is change.

Positive change.

It could be learning how to do something new that you enjoy. It can be traveling. It could be meeting new people you get along with.

But the key thing here is, and it's something that you have to take seriously because you have a rapidly closing window, is to pin down what you are unhappy about.

Pin down why you're dissatisfied with your life and what's in it. Find the thing that makes you unhappy, the thing that is staying negative, and then do your absolute best to reverse it.

Go to a concilor if you have to. They can help you with finding out why you're unhappy.

The problem with really finding out why you're unhappy revolves around your sub-conscious. And dealing with the sub-conscious parts of yourself are not easy to do because they're hidden.

Don't wait until you hit the point of no return. See that you're heading there and put your own brakes on first.

That is by far the best advice I have read so far. My life is currently stagnating, I feel like I'm never going to leave this city for good.

Then you have to change that and you have to find a way how. And that's not easy. Cities are designed to be traps. And here's why.

A city is so appealing to most, because of conveinence. You can find food, you can find shelter, you can find technology, and things that you enjoy like TV, easy access to water, power, food, internet. Cities are founded on the principle of ease of access.

But, in order to benifit from what you want in a city, you have to pay for it. So, in order to pay for it, you acquire a job. Which is another trap. Because you become dependant on the influx of money that the job is giving you, no matter how much, or how small.

And the bills, the costs for everything, are fine tuned well enough so that you have just barely enough to make it. Barely enough to pay for it. Now, cities aren't such a bad thing, if that's your thing. But the problem is always monetary. And that's how they trap people, because in order to function, a city needs people working.

It's a carefully executed bargain.

It's how much a person is willing to give up of their time, in order to have access to all the wonderful things they want. That's what money is, and that's what having a job is.

Now, some people save up. And they move to a new city. A fresh location. Some people get jobs that pay a lot in return for more of their time and focus, and then take vacations at the end of the year. Some people have a partner. Arguably a partner makes the world more tolerable.

But the real key here, is finding something you enjoy doing, and monetizing it.

Because personally, I don't wager you'd do well in an environment like mine.

And that's the truth. There's city life. And then there's small town/out in the boonies life.

Of course, there is the life of being rich. All doors become open to you the richer you are. But in order to be rich, you have to give a lot. Your time, your focus, your energy.

Your absolute best bet is one of two things.

Find a job that you like, in which case it is no longer a job but a hobby.

Or find a hobby that you can monetize.

The only actual way to beat the system at it's own game is to play a part of it. But do it smart. Don't aim for some shitty retail job and go hur dur money.

That's an empty life, and one of being illusioned. Find something you really enjoy, or you're really good at doing, and push it.

Or, pack your shit up and abandon it completely. Hitchhiking to a new place. But, that's not safe these days. The world's a lot meaner.

Basically, focus on what you enjoy. Find something you're good at. And then go for it.

To me, you seem like somebody who would fare better in a city.

But your life will change if you're doing something you enjoy and making money from it. And it'll change exceptionally so if you find a partner to share it with.

I see, and I know. I already found the love of my life. I just need to be with her.

She's not the love of your life if you're not with her.

Serious / Re: I have thoughts of suicide quite often.
« on: March 23, 2015, 02:38:43 PM »
Well, suicide is for the weak after all
I hope you can work out whatever's bothering you in your life.

What? Nothing is bothering me. I only stated suicide is for weak people.

Serious / Chicago is becoming the new Dretroit
« on: March 23, 2015, 12:47:38 AM »
Chicago is going down the shitter, fast. There's a lot of corruption and horrible policies being made with devastating effects going around. Unless something changes, it will become a new Detroit. The best part? It's run by democrats, just like Detroit was when it collapsed.

Serious / Re: Fines and Bails Cost
« on: March 22, 2015, 11:11:44 PM »
Taxation is oppressive - the state needs to find a new way to make money.

Absolutely agree.


The Flood / Re: Space is cool!
« on: March 22, 2015, 10:10:16 PM »
If you're against space exploration and funding you're literally against the advancement and benefit of humanity.

Serious / Re: 13 year old struck by train
« on: March 22, 2015, 09:39:15 PM »
Honestly, sounds like natural selection at work. How the hell you don't hear, feel, or see a train on the tracks regardless of headphones in is beyond me. It just means his stupidity genes won't pass on now.

The Flood / Re: Myths
« on: March 22, 2015, 04:35:04 PM »
That jet fuel melts steel beams.
I joined the damn army because of that.

There is now way drugs weren't involved in the making of this

Serious / Re: Cruz to Announce Presidential Run Monday
« on: March 22, 2015, 01:53:04 PM »
If anybody here can vote in the Republican primaries, please vote Bush or Walker >.>

> Walker

Meta, pls

>Implying there's anything wrong with Walker

The Flood / Re: Protein powder is evolving!
« on: March 22, 2015, 01:45:49 PM »
Seems legit

Serious / Re: So I have decided to end it all tonight
« on: March 22, 2015, 12:30:14 PM »
Lmao fucking beta pussy
Yeah, you were one of my least favorite users before I talked to you on Skype, but now you are one of my favorites. Oh, how knowing what a person is like behind some avatar changes your perception on them...



Serious / Re: So I have decided to end it all tonight
« on: March 22, 2015, 04:24:39 AM »

The Flood / Re: I Drove For 2 Hours AMA.
« on: March 21, 2015, 10:15:19 PM »
Is there any reason I should care?
You didn't have to be a smartass and post.

But I did, because I had a question.
And I responded to it.

Poorly, I might add. It didn't answer my question.

I never told you to care in the first place, nor did I give any hints.

Neither of those negates a reason to ask a question.

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