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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 969798 99100 ... 173
The Flood / Re: why is she so cute bros
« on: March 27, 2015, 04:50:02 PM »
There is nothing cute about an ugly old woman

The Flood / Another reason Australia should be nuked
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:19:14 PM »

The fuck is this bullshit, super pain plants? Add one more reason to my list of why I'm never going to Australia.

Serious / Re: Ted Cruz is a serious Republican candidate
« on: March 27, 2015, 03:42:15 AM »
In his rookie year in the Senate he went behind senior Republican leadership and held a pseudo-filibuster against the ACA, and single-handedly forced a government shutdown.
I can't tell if people find that to be a good or bad thing. To someone who supports the ACA, it makes him look like a whiny child...

Accept the ACA has been a flop and turning out to be anything but affordable.

Serious / Re: "We need more guns in the US!!"
« on: March 27, 2015, 03:27:28 AM »
A 13-year-old boy in Florida fatally shot his 6-year-old brother, wounded his 16-year-old brother and then killed himself on Wednesday during an argument over food, authorities said.

I bet the gun made him do it, too

Whichever one has the biggest genocide currently going on

I wanna lynch me some niggers

The Flood / Re: >tfw when butt gases can't get reviewed
« on: March 27, 2015, 03:18:44 AM »
Holy shit I actually made this thread? I thought it was a dream
welcome to the daily life of me
I'm serious, I dreamed making this thread, but I don't remember making it before napping.
youre still asleep

You've entered the Twilight Zone

Serious / Re: Ted Cruz is a serious Republican candidate
« on: March 27, 2015, 12:24:34 AM »
It looks like he has a handful of policies I'd agree with, but at the same time the other handful I don't. But yeah, he's definitely not the joke the libbies here like to make him out to be.

doesn't like outside influence to dictate what your brain feels
Hate to break it to you m8 but your mental state is constantly being altered by outside influences. . .they sort of evolved to do that.
guess that means i should start smoking weed now huh

nope, sorry
shit logic, buddy

the whole point of hating pot-smoking is that you are VOLUNTARILY altering your state of mind
do you know what that means, or have you been smoking too much pot

This all implies that altering your state of mind is inherently bad, which would be false.

I know it's too much to ask for, but I would hope he gets buried in an unmarked grave. The man is a bastard.

>Autismos extraordinaire

Thanks for the lols, guys

Be a misogynist or misandrist and people go mad at you, be too equal, and people will be mad at you. People are never happy.

But trannies aren't people

The Flood / Re: I turn 19 tomorrow
« on: March 26, 2015, 01:32:54 AM »
If I keep up my workout at the rate I'm going, I'll look like Ryan Gosling's body type in a decently quick amount of time.

Also, don't be a loser who takes steroids. Go legit, it's be more rewarding. A couple of my friends have worked out for years and look close to the guy in the top picture - not quite there yet, but that's one of my friends goals. To look as close to a muscular Greek statue as he can while still looking good.
It is definitely rewarding, but the difference between working out naturally and working out on gear is the difference between night and day, it is definitely a game changer.

And nice bro ryan gosling is sexy, girls are gonna start telling you you're photoshopped  8)

And the difference between that is earning it or being fake. If you take steroids, you're a fake. Just don't. There's risks involved with it that you probably know about and they aren't really worth it.

Yeah, it'll take some time, months more of working out, but my buds tell me I have the best body type to start from scratch. Lean, a clean slate. So I'm stoked for the future and keeping it going.
Your ambitious attitude is actually pretty inspiring (dead srs) thanks man

No probs, you'll love yourself in the end for it too. The only (kinda) downside is how much more fucking hungry I am. I eat so much more food and just need so much more sustenance lol

As my friend likes to say, usually in an Arnold accent, EXERCISE YOUR BODY, EXERCISE YOUR MIND

The Flood / Re: I turn 19 tomorrow
« on: March 26, 2015, 01:20:26 AM »
If I keep up my workout at the rate I'm going, I'll look like Ryan Gosling's body type in a decently quick amount of time.

Also, don't be a loser who takes steroids. Go legit, it's be more rewarding. A couple of my friends have worked out for years and look close to the guy in the top picture - not quite there yet, but that's one of my friends goals. To look as close to a muscular Greek statue as he can while still looking good.
It is definitely rewarding, but the difference between working out naturally and working out on gear is the difference between night and day, it is definitely a game changer.

And nice bro ryan gosling is sexy, girls are gonna start telling you you're photoshopped  8)

And the difference between that is earning it or being fake. If you take steroids, you're a fake. Just don't. There's risks involved with it that you probably know about and they aren't really worth it.

Yeah, it'll take some time, months more of working out, but my buds tell me I have the best body type to start from scratch. Lean, a clean slate. So I'm stoked for the future and keeping it going.

The Flood / Re: I turn 19 tomorrow
« on: March 26, 2015, 01:05:53 AM »
If I keep up my workout at the rate I'm going, I'll look like Ryan Gosling's body type in a decently quick amount of time.

Also, don't be a loser who takes steroids. Go legit, it's be more rewarding. A couple of my friends have worked out for years and look close to the guy in the top picture - not quite there yet, but that's one of my friends goals. To look as close to a muscular Greek statue as he can while still looking good.

Verby made a shit post
Apocalypse confirmed.

I thought you were dead


He considers Russia a bastion of morality in spite of the fact that men stand outside metro exits handing out catalogs of prostitutes.

This is dumb. Russia definitely has its problems in terms of morality, but prostitution is not one of them.

>Being this arrogant

Verby made a shit post
Apocalypse confirmed.

I thought you were dead

The Flood / Re: The BEST Root Beer ever?
« on: March 25, 2015, 09:07:22 PM »
it has a thick head that bubbles


Serious / Re: Why I'm not a feminist (let's kill the myths, people)
« on: March 25, 2015, 04:41:59 PM »
Which is less feminism, and more individual feminists with misguided, albeit well-intended, ideas. There are feminists, such as myself, who don't subscribe to the ideals of Tumblr feminism. It's possible.

Yet just considering the damage done to feminism overall from those misguided, I could never subscribe myself under that ideology umbrella.

The Flood / Re: The object on your left..
« on: March 25, 2015, 04:40:40 PM »
HDMI cable.

Could make some sort of makeshift whip, I suppose?
If there are anything white people are good at, it's whipping the undesirables.

Anybody not white is undesirable

Serious / Re: Why I'm not a feminist (let's kill the myths, people)
« on: March 25, 2015, 04:34:17 PM »
Feminism is not the broad, all-encompassing all-ending movement you make it to be.
But I don't. It's a necessary piece of the equal rights puzzle, and that's all that I'm saying.

It isn't. Feminism ran it's course and succeeded. Now it's a game of redundancy and even damaging to current society.

Serious / Re: Why I'm not a feminist (let's kill the myths, people)
« on: March 25, 2015, 04:31:02 PM »
"If you don't support Affirmative Action, you must be a racist."
Terrible example, by the way. Affirmative action is in no way equitable to something as broad as feminism.

Anti-racism is equitable to feminism.

"If you're not an anti-racist, then you're a racist."
I think most people could say that without too many people getting angry.

But it's the exact same thing as saying that, "if you're not a feminist, you're a sexist."

Even though even I wouldn't say such a thing.
I would say, "if you're not a feminist, you're kidding yourself."

The only people who aren't feminists are people who want to subjugate women.
If you're for women's rights, you're a feminist. Period. The end.

Except you're wrong, that is false equivalency and my example was making a valid point. I am for equal rights, but I am not a feminist. Feminism is not the broad, all-encompassing all-ending movement you make it to be. You're just trying to equalize it with whatever you can because you know if you didn't, feminism would be a joke (and it is).


Serious / Re: Why I'm not a feminist (let's kill the myths, people)
« on: March 25, 2015, 03:31:25 PM »
Not being a feminist does not mean you're against women's right
That's not what I said. I said that's what it sounds like. I personally wouldn't go out of my way to say that I'm not something if I supported everything that it stands for. That's kinda fucking backwards and stupid.
Then don't even bother saying it if you know that's not what people mean in the first place. Otherwise you just come off as arrogant and an ass.

Serious / Re: Why I'm not a feminist (let's kill the myths, people)
« on: March 25, 2015, 03:24:32 PM »
That is false, feminism is more geared to women than to men.
So? I'm just saying, if you're for equal rights, you can't exclude women. You can't.

When someone says, "I'm not a feminist," to my ears, that means, "I don't support women's rights."
I know that's not what Meta means, but my point is, you shouldn't say something that you don't mean.

I'm not a feminist. I'm for equal rights.

Wow, that sounds wayyyy better.

Not being a feminist does not mean you're against women's right, don't be an arrogant jackass. "If you don't support Affirmative Action, you must be a racist."

Serious / Re: Why I'm not a feminist (let's kill the myths, people)
« on: March 25, 2015, 03:03:51 PM »
Why be a feminist when you could just be an Equal Rights activist without all the stupid feminist baggage?
Because the two are mutually inclusive, which is my argument. I'm saying if you are an "equal rights activist", you have no choice but to be a feminist. You can choose not to identify as one, but don't say that you aren't one. It doesn't make any sense.

That is false, feminism is more geared to women than to men. To deny this shows your complete arrogance and how you fall into the fold of feminists in denial trying to change the definition of feminism by claiming it to be something it isn't.

Being an equal rights activist does NOT make you a feminist. Don't bring your psuedo-bullshit into it.

I was actually excited about this game because it was a cool concept. I've always wanted a true cops and robbers-style type of game and this seemed like it would bring that experience but sadly from your review and AngryJoe's, it doesn't do that and that's a shame.

I worry for Battlefront.
It's not even cops and robbers

It's true American Hero Police Officers protecting innocents from Racist Libertarian Domestic Terrorists

Fucking shit

It's even more simple and stupid than that

It's Battlefield with a cops and robbers re-skin with shitty content. That's literally it. No thought put into making it a true cops and robbers type of game.

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