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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 909192 9394 ... 173
Serious / Re: Iran - US Deal
« on: April 07, 2015, 05:16:03 PM »
" We, the German Fuhrer and Chancellor, and the British Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognizing that the question of Anglo-German relations is of the first importance for our two countries and for Europe.

We regard the agreement signed last night and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again.

We are resolved that the method of consultation shall be the method adopted to deal with any other questions that may concern our two countries, and we are determined to continue our efforts to remove possible sources of difference, and thus to contribute to assure the peace of Europe.

My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honor. I believe it is "peace for our time." Go home and get a nice quiet sleep. "

- British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, 1938, "Peace for Our Time" on return from the Munich Conference.

Serious / Re: I don't understand College "Communists."
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:48:32 PM »
I've never run into a "college communist " in any of the college campuses I've been to.

You sure this isn't more "colleges are liberal indoctrination camps" propaganda?

You've never been to any SoCal colleges or heard of them apparently. "College communists" down here are a dime a dozen. It seems like its the cool thing to be a communist moron when you're young, until you grow up and realize how stupid it is to be and support communism.
Really? This must be a very recent thing because I didn't encounter this at CSULB. There was one random dude that went on a rant about Hillary Clinton being a cunt in one of my political science classes, but that was about it. If they were out there, they weren't vocal about it.

I guess you were oblivious to them, because I see it plenty. It especially showed during one of my political science courses.

Serious / Re: John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:46:02 PM »
Anger, present an argument about why it's wrong. All you're doing is saying "you're wrong, I'm right" over and over.

Well, I am arguing with a wall. What the NSA does is a violation of 4th Amendment rights, and if you deny that you're absolutely ignorant and certainly blindly defending an illegal action.

I deny it because the NSA has to go through a court to obtain a warrant stating that there's sufficient evidence of a link to a terrorist network in order to actually see the data. This is the same process the police have to go through, with much less corroborating evidence, to do wire taps.
And you're actually going to take the government's word for it that they do that? You're just fine with the government having something with so much potential power? Information is power, and that's what they get through this. No government should be so blindly trusted with something this substantial, ever.

Serious / Re: John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:31:16 PM »
Anger, present an argument about why it's wrong. All you're doing is saying "you're wrong, I'm right" over and over.

Well, I am arguing with a wall. What the NSA does is a violation of 4th Amendment rights, and if you deny that you're absolutely ignorant and certainly blindly defending an illegal action.

I don't see what's funny, the trespassing of our rights is not a laughing matter.
It isn't, but maybe you should've complained 14 years ago.

14 years ago I was 8, so no I couldn't. It just means people are 14 years late to complaining about this crap and doing something.

Fine with me, just means less crazy sand niggers in the world lol
Fuck off

I did that when I woke up. Wait, you don't think less desert savages are a good thing? Do you support terrorism?
I'd support a terror group if their aim was to kill you, yes.

How can you kill what is already dead?
Deci get off your alt.


Didn't put a 24 hour limit to reply FUCKING LOL

Clearly you didn't read the fine print LMAO FUCKER
Nice edit

No that was always there

Serious / Re: John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden
« on: April 07, 2015, 04:12:35 AM »
Anger, present an argument about why it's wrong. All you're doing is saying "you're wrong, I'm right" over and over.

Well, I am arguing with a wall. What the NSA does is a violation of 4th Amendment rights, and if you deny that you're absolutely ignorant and certainly blindly defending an illegal action.

I don't see what's funny, the trespassing of our rights is not a laughing matter.

Fine with me, just means less crazy sand niggers in the world lol
Fuck off

I did that when I woke up. Wait, you don't think less desert savages are a good thing? Do you support terrorism?
I'd support a terror group if their aim was to kill you, yes.

How can you kill what is already dead?
Deci get off your alt.


Didn't put a 24 hour limit to reply FUCKING LOL

Clearly you didn't read the fine print LMAO FUCKER

The Flood / Re: You ever been so horny your balls are tender
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:23:47 AM »

The Flood / Re: Just finished watching "Boyhood"
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:19:33 AM »
Rocketman is passive aggressive because Satan might take his soul

This feels like a weird conspiracy theory.

I'm secretly wanting to talk crap about people but refuse to. Actually no, its making jokes and having fun.
But whatever I guess.

Whatever Satan tells you to feel better


You sound like you're succumbing to Satan. Uncertainty is weakness and Satan takes advantage of weakness

The Flood / Re: Just finished watching "Boyhood"
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:09:20 AM »
Rocketman is passive aggressive because Satan might take his soul

This feels like a weird conspiracy theory.

I'm secretly wanting to talk crap about people but refuse to. Actually no, its making jokes and having fun.
But whatever I guess.

Whatever Satan tells you to feel better

The Flood / Re: Just finished watching "Boyhood"
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:04:59 AM »
Rocketman is passive aggressive because Satan might take his soul

Serious / Re: More Assad regime war crimes (NSFW)
« on: April 07, 2015, 01:46:03 AM »

Actually the best alternative would be to just kill and nuke them all. They're all savages and the Middle East could use an example on what happens when they get out of hand with their bullshit religion.
You know, if you keep on saying that, you're gonna start genuinely believing it.

>Implying I already don't

Serious / Re: More Assad regime war crimes (NSFW)
« on: April 07, 2015, 01:24:22 AM »

Actually the best alternative would be to just kill and nuke them all. They're all savages and the Middle East could use an example on what happens when they get out of hand with their bullshit religion.

Serious / Re: I don't understand College "Communists."
« on: April 07, 2015, 01:21:17 AM »
I've never run into a "college communist " in any of the college campuses I've been to.

You sure this isn't more "colleges are liberal indoctrination camps" propaganda?

You've never been to any SoCal colleges or heard of them apparently. "College communists" down here are a dime a dozen. It seems like its the cool thing to be a communist moron when you're young, until you grow up and realize how stupid it is to be and support communism.

Also I don't see how any of it is propaganda, it's a well known fact how liberally biased colleges and universities are. To find any true neutral campuses or professors is nearly unheard of.

Serious / Re: John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden
« on: April 07, 2015, 01:10:16 AM »
Anger, present an argument about why it's wrong. All you're doing is saying "you're wrong, I'm right" over and over.

Well, I am arguing with a wall. What the NSA does is a violation of 4th Amendment rights, and if you deny that you're absolutely ignorant and certainly blindly defending an illegal action.

The Flood / Re: >hanging out with mom
« on: April 06, 2015, 05:33:17 PM »
When will you get a real taste in women?

Not a conventional answer, but cheating on one of my former girlfriends. The planning, the lying, doing things you're not supposed to be doing..

Quite exciting.

That said, it's a terrible thing to do to someone.

Yep. I'll never do it again. I felt like a real piece of trash.

Glad to hear it

Serious / Re: John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden
« on: April 06, 2015, 03:20:10 PM »
So if you know it's wrong why do you defend it?
First I say that stating its legality isn't tantamount to supporting or defending it. Then I go on to explain why I don't consider it wrong, in great detail.
But here's the thing, I am more justified. I have the Constitution on my side, you have an opinion. When it comes to something like the NSA's spying, the Constitution trumps opinion.
You've got the Constitution, huh? Apparently you don't, unless you're somehow more of a Constitutional scholar than the Supreme Court justices. Feel free to argue your opinion, but don't claim you have the legal consensus on your side. If you're just going to repeat the nonsensical "I've got the Constitution, and you have have an opinion" without any compelling argument, then save yourself the trouble.

Oh, I guess Supreme Court justices are perfect and godly and not privy to mistakes or corruption, and the common people shouldn't have a say in any matters they rule on. Face it, it's illegal and wrong and you KNOW it, there's nothing legal about what the NSA does. The Law of the Land says so, and that's more legal consensus than some corrupt justices. Throw out whatever legal loopholes you like, but manipulating the system doesn't make it right.

Serious / Re: John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden
« on: April 06, 2015, 02:29:43 PM »
I suppose if they ruled murder was legal you'd support it? I mean its the Supreme Court, they can never be wrong.

Might help to actual read the post you're responding to:
Stating its legality is in no way tantamount to saying it is right, or should exist.

And that's the thing, in your opinion.
Do you think saying "that's your opinion" somehow invalidates my statements? Of course that post was my opinion. Your post is your opinion. I'm providing far more justification for mine than you are for yours.

So if you know it's wrong why do you defend it? Let's assume you're a person of authority and one of your superiors orders you to arrest someone that you know hasn't done anything wrong and the arrest would be unfounded, would you still do it?

But here's the thing, I am more justified. I have the Constitution on my side, you have an opinion. When it comes to something like the NSA's spying, the Constitution trumps opinion.

Serious / Re: John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden
« on: April 06, 2015, 02:09:33 PM »
Except the PATRIOT Act is/was a violation of Constitutional rights no matter how you want to spin it, and it's continuation an ongoing violation of our rights. Given that, the NSA is on illegal bounds with the Constitution and it should not stand.

See, you can have a personal opinion on whether something should be legal or not, but whether the PATRIOT Act is currently legal is without question. It's been upheld by the Supreme Court. To say that what they're doing is illegal is to willfully ignore this fact. Stating its legality is in no way tantamount to saying it is right, or should exist. And the privacy issues aren't even very significant, in my opinion. I think the way they handled metadata demonstrated that they're actively trying to protect privacy. It can be argued that the FISA court is too liberal in its issuing of warrants, but that has yet to be demonstrated to any significant degree, and the point remains that as part of the contract all customers agree to upon using communication services, very little of what you transmit actually belongs to you; rather, it's the property of the carriers.

It's easy to defame this as insipid violations of privacy, yet we're more than happy to agree to this in contracts to use the latest and greatest technology. You can't stand on a soapbox and claim the sanctity of your cell phone data while demanding to have near unlimited access to channels of communication and information. Oliver's example is hardly relevant, too. It's not that the NSA is digging for dick pics, it's that they're autonomously sifting through billions of messages to connect links of terrorist information networks, taking that link to a court to be evaluated, then upon issuance of a warrant they finally have access to actually see that data. And at the end of the day, to say that the most important revelation from Snowden's leaks is the ability of the NSA to obtain communications records, something that police have been able to do through the exact same methods for decades, is to completely miss the significance of all the terrorist surveillance programs he compromised.

The same Supreme Court that ruled on the ACA? I suppose if they ruled murder was legal you'd support it? I mean its the Supreme Court, they can never be wrong.

And that's the thing, in your opinion. The seizure of private information has potential to be used in corrupt ways. They can try to run under the guise of protecting your rights and freedom and whatever bullshit, but they're still doing something illegal against the Law of the Land. Nothing is above that, not even your precious Supreme Court.

Serious / Re: John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden
« on: April 06, 2015, 01:28:47 PM »
>Video is removed
On an aside, Snowden should be seen as a hero for his actions and whistle blowing. If only people would actually seek some change to the illegal things going on.
Yeah, he should be a hero for leaking evidence of perfectly legal activities that have been known about, and reported on, since the PATRIOT Act was instituted, in addition to leaking information on active overseas surveillance programs that demonstrably aided the enemy, hindering intelligence operations and likely putting American and allied personnel at risk.

What a fucking joke.

Except the PATRIOT Act is/was a violation of Constitutional rights no matter how you want to spin it, and it's continuation an ongoing violation of our rights. Given that, the NSA is on illegal bounds with the Constitution and it should not stand.

The only joke here is people who somehow defend a clearly illegal act.

Not a conventional answer, but cheating on one of my former girlfriends. The planning, the lying, doing things you're not supposed to be doing..

Quite exciting.

That said, it's a terrible thing to do to someone.


Serious / Re: John Oliver interviews Edward Snowden
« on: April 06, 2015, 01:21:04 PM »
>Video is removed

Why am I not surprised

On an aside, Snowden should be seen as a hero for his actions and whistle blowing. If only people would actually seek some change to the illegal things going on.

Serious / Re: Poliovirus used to combat Glioblastoma
« on: April 06, 2015, 01:17:31 PM »
Dime a dozen? What's the last prominently and (cautiously) promising cancer "cure" you've heard of?

Specifically regarding viruses combating cancer? Measles, HIV, and herpes for starters.

Did they produce the same kind of promising results as this has in Phase 1?

Yes. The point is that there's really not much to discuss here. I read the article, thought it was interesting, then left the thread.

Link results then, I'm curious to see about those.

The Flood / Re: Should we ban actual racists?
« on: April 06, 2015, 09:26:22 AM »
Considered most of the humor on here is racist jokes. I doubt that's going to happen.
Hence the "actual"

But it's not racist if it's true

Serious / Re: Poliovirus used to combat Glioblastoma
« on: April 06, 2015, 09:25:18 AM »
Dime a dozen? What's the last prominently and (cautiously) promising cancer "cure" you've heard of?

Specifically regarding viruses combating cancer? Measles, HIV, and herpes for starters.

Did they produce the same kind of promising results as this has in Phase 1?

Serious / Re: Poliovirus used to combat Glioblastoma
« on: April 06, 2015, 09:11:06 AM »

C'mon, these news stories are kind of a dime a dozen. Hopeful cancer cures by using some other deadly illness or something. It's in its first stage and there are really no conclusive results. Add that to the fact that pretty much nobody here has the medical knowledge to comment on it, and this thread was going nowhere, fast.

Dime a dozen? What's the last prominently and (cautiously) promising cancer "cure" you've heard of? Yes, this is in Phase 1, but even the Phase 1 studies have the medical directors, big time global cancer doctors excited, and that's not something you hear very often at all.

Serious / Re: Poliovirus used to combat Glioblastoma
« on: April 06, 2015, 09:09:28 AM »
It's something to be cautiously optimistic over <.<

If they can refine it into a proper treatment and it works out well then that's brilliant, otherwise it's a bit of a devil's deal. You can live a few more years but you'll be crippled by polio while you are at it <_<

So far polio hasn't crippled anyone, they've genetically engineered it so that the polio can only reproduce and effect the cancer cells. This triggers the body's immune system to attack the polio and the cancer.

For the usual, rollercoasters. For more unusual, any call I get for EMT. From car accidents to nose bleeds to strokes, whatever it is, there's always some excitement and uncertainty behind the call.

Or flying a plane, or flying a glider in Hawaii.

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