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Messages - aREALgod

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The Flood / Re: Late Night Musings on Today
« on: April 14, 2015, 03:45:57 AM »
There really needs to be a Sandtrap translator where I can copy paste your walls and drop them into a box and it spits out a 3 sentence summary. Cuts out the filler and feeds the results. I'd download that app.

I've a curiosity with the internet. Been puzzling, for some time over how and why people act the way they do, and in general, thinking about people, and I put myself into the equation.

A rather interesting set of events happened today that got me thinking.

And it all added up.

It's like math, really. Except with words and ideas. Anyway. Been a long time since I've had a clear head like this.

Taking time, to enjoy it while it lasts.

People have their reasons and I have my own, and they're likely bound to change as all things do.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls is too easy
« on: April 14, 2015, 03:42:46 AM »
Or maybe you are too hard?

He's going to change his tune when he gets stuffed up the ass by smough/brogrestein.
Gang raped by the 4-6 kings if he's too slow.
And maybe molested by the bed of chaos.

And if none of these bosses do it for him, some of the lesser bosses have a chance. Every find of mine who's played dark souls has that one boss that's seemingly easy to everybody but hell incarnate, and vice versa, a boss that's hard as shit for everybody and a breeze for you.

It's all a matter of time on what snags him.

Already fought Smough and Snorestein, solo'd them as well. At first I was using the Zweihander, but it was too slow and left me vulnerable during/after attacks and I lost the first fight despite nearly killing one and severely wounding the other. So I changed my strategy and gained enough dexterity to wield the silver knight sword and upgraded it, it was much quicker and with good enough damage output to allow me to fight adequately alone. With the added mobility, I won the battle against them alone. Twas' a good battle.

I don't know about any kings or bed of chaos since I haven't gotten to those spots yet, but I suppose I'll find out when I get there. I bet they're casuls like all the rest though lolleoLOlol

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls is too easy
« on: April 14, 2015, 03:37:16 AM »

when you get used to it yeah but i sucked at first. i struggled with the Taurus demon lol, now i can pretty much breeze through the game. surprisingly enough it's the only game in recent times i can replay multiple times and have fun. i can't say that for many games tbh
taurus was easy. I was literally raped by the Capra.
really? it took me 4 tries to kill the capra demon first time round
and that was without running on the ledge and drop attacking it

LOL really? I literally killed Capra first try, didn't even know what I was walking into either
you run in to get stun locked by the dogs and then he rapes you. I hate it.

I booked it to the stairs the instant I saw him charge me. Killed the dogs up there, then proceeded to kick Capra's ass. Easy af, and I was a low level with a broad sword too
well then. I usually had to use the noise distraction spell if I wanted to rek him. He's not very flame resistant to. I can get him now on 1-2 tries but that first run was just brutal.

Spells? Huh, I don't have any spells. I've done pretty well for my first run through so far. I solo'd the Gargoyles and made the Taurus demon an hero off the side of the castle in the first 15 seconds of the fight - defeated the asylum demon with a broad sword as well, etc. So far so good, I just have to start playing it again but I've been busy with other things lol

The Flood / Re: Late Night Musings on Today
« on: April 14, 2015, 03:31:23 AM »
There really needs to be a Sandtrap translator where I can copy paste your walls and drop them into a box and it spits out a 3 sentence summary. Cuts out the filler and feeds the results. I'd download that app.

The Flood / Re: Why are there so many bullies on this site?
« on: April 14, 2015, 01:26:58 AM »
Rape yourself

The Flood / Re: Some Mexican tried to fight me at work today
« on: April 14, 2015, 12:47:55 AM »
He should be deported. Damn Mexicans are savages
The only savage is yourself

The Flood / Re: Some Mexican tried to fight me at work today
« on: April 14, 2015, 12:16:29 AM »
He should be deported. Damn Mexicans are savages

The Flood / Re: Your son tells you hes a homosexual
« on: April 14, 2015, 12:01:00 AM »
Disown him. No son of mine will be a faggot. As for my daughter, I'd be fine with it as long as she taped her lesbo sessions.

That was fucking boring

Yeah, I heard you should kill yourself

But is it true?

Is what true?

Yeah, I heard you should kill yourself

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls is too easy
« on: April 13, 2015, 06:01:05 PM »

when you get used to it yeah but i sucked at first. i struggled with the Taurus demon lol, now i can pretty much breeze through the game. surprisingly enough it's the only game in recent times i can replay multiple times and have fun. i can't say that for many games tbh
taurus was easy. I was literally raped by the Capra.
really? it took me 4 tries to kill the capra demon first time round
and that was without running on the ledge and drop attacking it

LOL really? I literally killed Capra first try, didn't even know what I was walking into either
you run in to get stun locked by the dogs and then he rapes you. I hate it.

I booked it to the stairs the instant I saw him charge me. Killed the dogs up there, then proceeded to kick Capra's ass. Easy af, and I was a low level with a broad sword too

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls is too easy
« on: April 13, 2015, 05:55:33 PM »

when you get used to it yeah but i sucked at first. i struggled with the Taurus demon lol, now i can pretty much breeze through the game. surprisingly enough it's the only game in recent times i can replay multiple times and have fun. i can't say that for many games tbh
taurus was easy. I was literally raped by the Capra.
really? it took me 4 tries to kill the capra demon first time round
and that was without running on the ledge and drop attacking it

LOL really? I literally killed Capra first try, didn't even know what I was walking into either

No, but to deny that the way they tried to cover up the scandal

There wasn't even a scandal because they didn't actually do anything. You can't have a scandal over something that never happened.
The scandal was the fact that for several weeks, at the height of an election, the administration refused to reveal that the attack was a legitimate terrorist attack, instead blaming it on a riot that went out of control as a result of some video. In reality, as Clinton says, they knew within hours that it was a coordinated terrorist attack. They feared that making it public would make the Obama administration appear incompetent and swing the election against him.

Shit, at least Nixon's guys just stole some tapes. They didn't lie about the circumstances of four dead Americans and the razing of an embassy.
Hillary Clinton's platform on government transparency:

Yeah, the context is that she's asking why the circumstances of their deaths matter, why it matters whether it was a terrorist attack or an uncoordinated riot. Well, it matters for the reasons I listed above.

And this^, for you liberal faggots making fun of Benghazi. Especially you, Mad Maximum Austism
"I don't agree with you therefor I'm going to sling insults"


This isn't about disagreement, this is about facts. And the facts are you're defending liars in government.
Dude I don't even like Hillary.

Then why defend her on the Benghazi scandal? Regardless of how old it is, as Turkey said her actions during Benghazi are a legitimate criticism against her for her running for the presidency.

No, but to deny that the way they tried to cover up the scandal

There wasn't even a scandal because they didn't actually do anything. You can't have a scandal over something that never happened.
The scandal was the fact that for several weeks, at the height of an election, the administration refused to reveal that the attack was a legitimate terrorist attack, instead blaming it on a riot that went out of control as a result of some video. In reality, as Clinton says, they knew within hours that it was a coordinated terrorist attack. They feared that making it public would make the Obama administration appear incompetent and swing the election against him.

Shit, at least Nixon's guys just stole some tapes. They didn't lie about the circumstances of four dead Americans and the razing of an embassy.
Hillary Clinton's platform on government transparency:

Yeah, the context is that she's asking why the circumstances of their deaths matter, why it matters whether it was a terrorist attack or an uncoordinated riot. Well, it matters for the reasons I listed above.

And this^, for you liberal faggots making fun of Benghazi. Especially you, Mad Maximum Austism
"I don't agree with you therefor I'm going to sling insults"


This isn't about disagreement, this is about facts. And the facts are you're defending liars in government.

No, but to deny that the way they tried to cover up the scandal

There wasn't even a scandal because they didn't actually do anything. You can't have a scandal over something that never happened.
The scandal was the fact that for several weeks, at the height of an election, the administration refused to reveal that the attack was a legitimate terrorist attack, instead blaming it on a riot that went out of control as a result of some video. In reality, as Clinton says, they knew within hours that it was a coordinated terrorist attack. They feared that making it public would make the Obama administration appear incompetent and swing the election against him.

Shit, at least Nixon's guys just stole some tapes. They didn't lie about the circumstances of four dead Americans and the razing of an embassy.
Hillary Clinton's platform on government transparency:

Yeah, the context is that she's asking why the circumstances of their deaths matter, why it matters whether it was a terrorist attack or an uncoordinated riot. Well, it matters for the reasons I listed above.

And this^, for you liberal faggots making fun of Benghazi. Especially you, Mad Maximum Austism

No, but to deny that the way they tried to cover up the scandal

There wasn't even a scandal because they didn't actually do anything. You can't have a scandal over something that never happened.

Uh, are you retarded? Benghazi happened.

The Flood / Re: Can you type without looking at your keyboard?
« on: April 13, 2015, 02:48:35 PM »
Yeah cus I'm not a retarded mongoloid

Uh yes you are

I get that she's a terrible choice but every time I hear the word Benghazi I just switch off. Beating a dead horse doesn't even cut it at this point.

Benghazi was a big deal though and not be discounted. There's no dead horsing about it
Sure, but banging on about it relentlessly after god knows how many tribunals have found no wrongdoing is dead horsing it.
It's the same crowd that has tried to overturn the ACA fifty-some times. They love dead horsing things.

ACA has good reason to be overturned, its shitty legislation and not a single republican voted for it.

I get that she's a terrible choice but every time I hear the word Benghazi I just switch off. Beating a dead horse doesn't even cut it at this point.

Benghazi was a big deal though and not be discounted. There's no dead horsing about it
Sure, but banging on about it relentlessly after god knows how many tribunals have found no wrongdoing is dead horsing it.

No Psy you don't understand. It doesn't matter if multiple government and independent reviews went through everything with a fine toothed comb.

Obama and Hillary are at fault and were the cause of everything that went wrong.

No, but to deny that the way they tried to cover up the scandal was okay is arrogance at it's finest. But for some reason people are totally fine with corrupt and purposely misleading politicians in office. It does fall upon them in the end because they were in charge and tried to brush the thing away under the rug.

Serious / Re: Top 20pc of earners pay 84pc of income tax
« on: April 13, 2015, 02:41:13 PM »
And water is wet <.<

Really though, I never got the arguments for a higher rate of tax.

If you use nice round numbers for an example

10,000 a year, 40% tax rate = 4,000
100,000 a year 40% tax rate = 40,000

Why would you want to make them pay an unfair proportion when they already pay a shitload more in tax than most peasants combined?

wsj is an anagram of sjw D:
the tax brackets i saw in macroeconomics looked fucking DREADFUL for people with 6+ digit income

no wonder so many of them evade taxes


Florida has no income tax
No wonder Florida is such a shithole

Not for me :p
Ah yes, #richpeopleproblems

Must be nice to not have to be exposed to all the shit that happens around you.

Mad Max hating on the rich? What a SURPRISE

Serious / Re: oh no...
« on: April 13, 2015, 02:31:15 PM »
>Watching first video
>Hillary appears
>Insta-close video

Have you ever thought it may be because you're walking into a breeze? The only times my eyes have ever watered like that is when there's a breeze in my direction while I'm walking and I'm trying to keep my eyes open.

The Flood / Re: Can you type without looking at your keyboard?
« on: April 13, 2015, 02:23:23 PM »
Yeah, do it all the time. I typed this without looking at the keyboard. I look at the screen like a normal person and not an fgt OP

Gaming / Dark Souls is too easy
« on: April 13, 2015, 01:57:24 PM »

The Flood / There's no fruit like it
« on: April 13, 2015, 01:55:22 PM »
Who's hungry?

Serious / Re: Cop shoots fleeing man 8 times, plants evidence
« on: April 13, 2015, 01:54:13 PM »
Not all cops are like this
But a lot are. That's the problem.

Not really.
Literally any cops with such behavior is a major problem.

That could be said for any individual in any sort of authoritative or responsible position.
Yes, it could.

It doesn't make it endemic, though.
Cops certainly seem to be problematic, and their abuse of power often results in loss of freedom, injury, or death of innocent people. Few other abuses of power result in such direct things for civilians.

There are far more good cops than bad cops. It's just that bad cops make headlines and exciting news.
Be that as it may, how good are the good cops if they aren't turning in the bad cops? The number of good cops doesn't undo the damage that bad cops do.
as I said in your thread bitching about it, the reason they don't just turn them in is because it isn't that easy, there's both a process that lasts longer than what it would take for a bad cop to go and get you killed 'in the line of duty' and shoot the guy that did it, it's also a problem when the higher ups cover for these asswipes, and the good cop gets fired for doing the right thing. The biggest reason for that is because of the increasing anti-cop stoner movement means that they have to stick together and hold out for each other rather than everyone on the force getting screwed because of a bunch of stupid pot heads are killing cops.

it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.
...but if you don't, people die.

And if you do, people also die.

Another opinion by jim to be ignored

Serious / Re: Cop shoots fleeing man 8 times, plants evidence
« on: April 13, 2015, 01:52:52 AM »
Not all cops are like this
But a lot are. That's the problem.

Not really.
Literally any cops with such behavior is a major problem.

That could be said for any individual in any sort of authoritative or responsible position.
Yes, it could.

It doesn't make it endemic, though.
Cops certainly seem to be problematic, and their abuse of power often results in loss of freedom, injury, or death of innocent people. Few other abuses of power result in such direct things for civilians.

There are far more good cops than bad cops. It's just that bad cops make headlines and exciting news.
Be that as it may, how good are the good cops if they aren't turning in the bad cops? The number of good cops doesn't undo the damage that bad cops do.

You make it sound so simple.

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