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Messages - aREALgod

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Gaming / Re: I feel like the only one who legitimately thinks...
« on: May 03, 2015, 09:36:39 AM »
I'm just expecting it to be a massive shitty flop like Halo 4 was. Any Halo game past the third is non-canon to me with how stupid they've become.

You really are delusional enough to think that the lack of a reply means you win
is that what i said?

"he didnt even reply to my last post"
It was massively implied you dolt

yeah i got wrecked so hard, he didn't even respond to my last post

You really are delusional enough to think that the lack of a reply means you win, despite the fact nobody wants to deal with your retardation any further. He proved you wrong on all counts.

lol Verbatim got rekt by Meta.

Also Russel Brand's face alone makes me want to punch him

Nice Tool poster.

Yeah it's metal af

The Flood / Re: Nigga pissing on a Ferrari, literally
« on: May 02, 2015, 09:13:51 PM »
It's fine, that wyatt mann was oppressing those poor niggers with his status, and they appropriately retaliated against his racism

Serious / Re: No, we still can't trust Iran
« on: May 02, 2015, 08:39:00 PM »
Well, then what solution do you propose then? Getting into a war with Iran? LOL

I'm not saying that we should be trusting Iran, but aside from diplomacy the only two options are either accepting a nuclear Iran or going to war against Iran.

The media in Iran is very powerful, and they have to live up to their whole "Axis of Resistance" thing as well to some extent, hence the backing of terrorist organizations and constant chanting of "Death to America".

So that's your counter argument about Iran? Is that they just have a reputation to keep up? LOL you're fucking pathetic. HURRRR GUYS THEY'RE TOTALLY NOT SRS LOL ITS JUST REP
Appeasing to their local population so they don't start an uprising against them? Yeah. That's the primary motivator for their Axis of Resistance crap they spew out.
Except the evidence against that retarded argument is huge, as demonstrated by Meta's post with numerous links. If it was just Iran playing a bluff for some cool points they wouldn't be doing all that shit. Try again, retard. Do you have any evidence for your claims? I can answer that for you: NOPE
None of my claims are even against what Meta's saying. He's saying the what, and I'm saying the why.

Except you have literally zero evidence of the why
You got any better ideas of why then? Finding the why of things is always theoretical.
Maybe because they're actually serious? God you're retarded
They're obviously serious about backing terrorist organizations and proxies. But why are they doing it in the first place then?
Because they're evil scumbags
Lol. Nice try there. Nobody has ever done anything like that before just because of "muh evulz". There's always an underlying reason and thinking otherwise is dehumanizing and false.

Except you have literally no evidence to support such a retarded claim. Some people really are just evil, and Iran does it because they do hate America and Israel

Torturing/executing PoWs happens because the group torturing the PoWs because they want to instill fear into the opposing army and cause them to panic or desert.

Serial killers kill because they get joy from killing people.

9/11 happened because al-Qaeda wanted to drag the US into an extremely costly war.

And yes, Iran really does hate the US and Israel. But they're doing it because they're trying to appease their local population. It's the same reason that North Korea hates the US and South Korea so much. They want to distract their populace from the dire economic conditions and harsh social conditions they have to endure. Saying that Iran hates the US and Israel simply because Iran is "muh evul" is a retarded claim to make.

Not to mention that there isn't a single person ruling Iran, but it's rather a small group of people exercising total control. Same goes for North Korea. Ayatollah Khamenei is a puppet of the real rulers in the same way that Kim Jong-Un is a puppet of the real rulers.

You still have literally zero evidence of this, you're just spewing out bullshit from your mouth. Get real facts before you start sounding like an idiot.
Links to every article, news article, and pages I've read all pointing towards this conclusion I've reached? Why should I do that when you haven't said anything to counter my arguments other than "hur muh evidence" and "hur muh evulz"? Again, saying that people do things solely for "muh evulz" is uninformed since everyone wants some form of reward for their actions whether it's money, power, or happiness.

The burden of proof is on you to show why you're right, I'm not going to do your research for you.

Gaming / Re: Little Devil Inside
« on: May 02, 2015, 08:25:30 PM »

Serious / Re: No, we still can't trust Iran
« on: May 02, 2015, 08:16:59 PM »
Well, then what solution do you propose then? Getting into a war with Iran? LOL

I'm not saying that we should be trusting Iran, but aside from diplomacy the only two options are either accepting a nuclear Iran or going to war against Iran.

The media in Iran is very powerful, and they have to live up to their whole "Axis of Resistance" thing as well to some extent, hence the backing of terrorist organizations and constant chanting of "Death to America".

So that's your counter argument about Iran? Is that they just have a reputation to keep up? LOL you're fucking pathetic. HURRRR GUYS THEY'RE TOTALLY NOT SRS LOL ITS JUST REP
Appeasing to their local population so they don't start an uprising against them? Yeah. That's the primary motivator for their Axis of Resistance crap they spew out.
Except the evidence against that retarded argument is huge, as demonstrated by Meta's post with numerous links. If it was just Iran playing a bluff for some cool points they wouldn't be doing all that shit. Try again, retard. Do you have any evidence for your claims? I can answer that for you: NOPE
None of my claims are even against what Meta's saying. He's saying the what, and I'm saying the why.

Except you have literally zero evidence of the why
You got any better ideas of why then? Finding the why of things is always theoretical.
Maybe because they're actually serious? God you're retarded
They're obviously serious about backing terrorist organizations and proxies. But why are they doing it in the first place then?
Because they're evil scumbags
Lol. Nice try there. Nobody has ever done anything like that before just because of "muh evulz". There's always an underlying reason and thinking otherwise is dehumanizing and false.

Except you have literally no evidence to support such a retarded claim. Some people really are just evil, and Iran does it because they do hate America and Israel

Torturing/executing PoWs happens because the group torturing the PoWs because they want to instill fear into the opposing army and cause them to panic or desert.

Serial killers kill because they get joy from killing people.

9/11 happened because al-Qaeda wanted to drag the US into an extremely costly war.

And yes, Iran really does hate the US and Israel. But they're doing it because they're trying to appease their local population. It's the same reason that North Korea hates the US and South Korea so much. They want to distract their populace from the dire economic conditions and harsh social conditions they have to endure. Saying that Iran hates the US and Israel simply because Iran is "muh evul" is a retarded claim to make.

Not to mention that there isn't a single person ruling Iran, but it's rather a small group of people exercising total control. Same goes for North Korea. Ayatollah Khamenei is a puppet of the real rulers in the same way that Kim Jong-Un is a puppet of the real rulers.

You still have literally zero evidence of this, you're just spewing out bullshit from your mouth. Get real facts before you start sounding like an idiot.

The Flood / Re: Have you ever felt hornier post-fap?
« on: May 02, 2015, 08:10:32 PM »
Jim has mad potential man. Some of the biggest slayers I know of didn't start getting girls until ages 19/20/21
So I have a 2 and a half year window to become a pussy slayer
Start now bro. There are things you can do to become a pussy slayer, it'd be a long post which I can get around to later if you'd like

He needs to go outside first

Serious / Re: No, we still can't trust Iran
« on: May 02, 2015, 08:07:31 PM »
Well, then what solution do you propose then? Getting into a war with Iran? LOL

I'm not saying that we should be trusting Iran, but aside from diplomacy the only two options are either accepting a nuclear Iran or going to war against Iran.

The media in Iran is very powerful, and they have to live up to their whole "Axis of Resistance" thing as well to some extent, hence the backing of terrorist organizations and constant chanting of "Death to America".

So that's your counter argument about Iran? Is that they just have a reputation to keep up? LOL you're fucking pathetic. HURRRR GUYS THEY'RE TOTALLY NOT SRS LOL ITS JUST REP
Appeasing to their local population so they don't start an uprising against them? Yeah. That's the primary motivator for their Axis of Resistance crap they spew out.
Except the evidence against that retarded argument is huge, as demonstrated by Meta's post with numerous links. If it was just Iran playing a bluff for some cool points they wouldn't be doing all that shit. Try again, retard. Do you have any evidence for your claims? I can answer that for you: NOPE
None of my claims are even against what Meta's saying. He's saying the what, and I'm saying the why.

Except you have literally zero evidence of the why
You got any better ideas of why then? Finding the why of things is always theoretical.
Maybe because they're actually serious? God you're retarded
They're obviously serious about backing terrorist organizations and proxies. But why are they doing it in the first place then?
Because they're evil scumbags
Lol. Nice try there. Nobody has ever done anything like that before just because of "muh evulz". There's always an underlying reason and thinking otherwise is dehumanizing and false.

Except you have literally no evidence to support such a retarded claim. Some people really are just evil, and Iran does it because they do hate America and Israel

Serious / Re: No, we still can't trust Iran
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:57:20 PM »
Well, then what solution do you propose then? Getting into a war with Iran? LOL

I'm not saying that we should be trusting Iran, but aside from diplomacy the only two options are either accepting a nuclear Iran or going to war against Iran.

The media in Iran is very powerful, and they have to live up to their whole "Axis of Resistance" thing as well to some extent, hence the backing of terrorist organizations and constant chanting of "Death to America".

So that's your counter argument about Iran? Is that they just have a reputation to keep up? LOL you're fucking pathetic. HURRRR GUYS THEY'RE TOTALLY NOT SRS LOL ITS JUST REP
Appeasing to their local population so they don't start an uprising against them? Yeah. That's the primary motivator for their Axis of Resistance crap they spew out.
Except the evidence against that retarded argument is huge, as demonstrated by Meta's post with numerous links. If it was just Iran playing a bluff for some cool points they wouldn't be doing all that shit. Try again, retard. Do you have any evidence for your claims? I can answer that for you: NOPE
None of my claims are even against what Meta's saying. He's saying the what, and I'm saying the why.

Except you have literally zero evidence of the why
You got any better ideas of why then? Finding the why of things is always theoretical.
Maybe because they're actually serious? God you're retarded
They're obviously serious about backing terrorist organizations and proxies. But why are they doing it in the first place then?
Because they're evil scumbags

Serious / Re: No, we still can't trust Iran
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:55:28 PM »
Well, then what solution do you propose then? Getting into a war with Iran? LOL

I'm not saying that we should be trusting Iran, but aside from diplomacy the only two options are either accepting a nuclear Iran or going to war against Iran.

The media in Iran is very powerful, and they have to live up to their whole "Axis of Resistance" thing as well to some extent, hence the backing of terrorist organizations and constant chanting of "Death to America".

So that's your counter argument about Iran? Is that they just have a reputation to keep up? LOL you're fucking pathetic. HURRRR GUYS THEY'RE TOTALLY NOT SRS LOL ITS JUST REP
Appeasing to their local population so they don't start an uprising against them? Yeah. That's the primary motivator for their Axis of Resistance crap they spew out.
Except the evidence against that retarded argument is huge, as demonstrated by Meta's post with numerous links. If it was just Iran playing a bluff for some cool points they wouldn't be doing all that shit. Try again, retard. Do you have any evidence for your claims? I can answer that for you: NOPE
None of my claims are even against what Meta's saying. He's saying the what, and I'm saying the why.

Except you have literally zero evidence of the why
You got any better ideas of why then? Finding the why of things is always theoretical.
Maybe because they're actually serious? God you're retarded

Serious / Re: No, we still can't trust Iran
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:51:51 PM »
Well, then what solution do you propose then? Getting into a war with Iran? LOL

I'm not saying that we should be trusting Iran, but aside from diplomacy the only two options are either accepting a nuclear Iran or going to war against Iran.

The media in Iran is very powerful, and they have to live up to their whole "Axis of Resistance" thing as well to some extent, hence the backing of terrorist organizations and constant chanting of "Death to America".

So that's your counter argument about Iran? Is that they just have a reputation to keep up? LOL you're fucking pathetic. HURRRR GUYS THEY'RE TOTALLY NOT SRS LOL ITS JUST REP
Appeasing to their local population so they don't start an uprising against them? Yeah. That's the primary motivator for their Axis of Resistance crap they spew out.
Except the evidence against that retarded argument is huge, as demonstrated by Meta's post with numerous links. If it was just Iran playing a bluff for some cool points they wouldn't be doing all that shit. Try again, retard. Do you have any evidence for your claims? I can answer that for you: NOPE
None of my claims are even against what Meta's saying. He's saying the what, and I'm saying the why.

Except you have literally zero evidence of the why

The Flood / Re: Have you ever felt hornier post-fap?
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:50:24 PM »
Overly touching a women will get you further with her than not touching her at all. BE BOLD. You're a man and she is a woman. she was born to be submissive to you and deep down she absolutely loves it (fuck off feminists) women love when a man chases after what he wants, if you would've asked to put your arm around her I guarantee her vagina would've dried up instantly.

Story of me: when I was on a date with a girl I eventually went in for a kiss. she turned her head and I felt like I got socked in the stomach with that rejection. But I kept my cool and tried again later, same thing. she didn't say anything just deflected the kiss. Well the third try(lmao) she kissed me back and we had a crazy passion fueled make out session on some bleachers at the fair. It blew my mind

Inb4 jive is a rapist. stfu

Moral of the story: be sexually aggressive in chasing what you want and she will love you for it. I'm not saying be an asshole about it though. Also if she vocalizes her disapproval pretty seriously it's a no go

This is what I've been saying all along, "no" just means "try harder"

The Flood / Re: Prove to me that the Illuminati isn't real
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:48:00 PM »
Prove to me that they are real
I'm not the one with the burden of proof here.

Yes you are, I just asked you for proof. Therefore the burden is on you
No, I'm asking the forum for proof that they're not. And you just tried to derail the original topic by asking for proof that they are. So the burden of proof is still on you.

When you ask for people to prove you wrong on something, you must first lay out the evidence that such something exists in the first place. So I'm still waiting for you to show that the Illuminati exists

Serious / Re: No, we still can't trust Iran
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:46:44 PM »
Well, then what solution do you propose then? Getting into a war with Iran? LOL

I'm not saying that we should be trusting Iran, but aside from diplomacy the only two options are either accepting a nuclear Iran or going to war against Iran.

The media in Iran is very powerful, and they have to live up to their whole "Axis of Resistance" thing as well to some extent, hence the backing of terrorist organizations and constant chanting of "Death to America".

So that's your counter argument about Iran? Is that they just have a reputation to keep up? LOL you're fucking pathetic. HURRRR GUYS THEY'RE TOTALLY NOT SRS LOL ITS JUST REP
Appeasing to their local population so they don't start an uprising against them? Yeah. That's the primary motivator for their Axis of Resistance crap they spew out.
Except the evidence against that retarded argument is huge, as demonstrated by Meta's post with numerous links. If it was just Iran playing a bluff for some cool points they wouldn't be doing all that shit. Try again, retard. Do you have any evidence for your claims? I can answer that for you: NOPE

The Flood / Re: Prove to me that the Illuminati isn't real
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:42:51 PM »
Prove to me that they are real
I'm not the one with the burden of proof here.

Yes you are, I just asked you for proof. Therefore the burden is on you

Serious / Re: No, we still can't trust Iran
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:42:22 PM »
Well, then what solution do you propose then? Getting into a war with Iran? LOL

I'm not saying that we should be trusting Iran, but aside from diplomacy the only two options are either accepting a nuclear Iran or going to war against Iran.

The media in Iran is very powerful, and they have to live up to their whole "Axis of Resistance" thing as well to some extent, hence the backing of terrorist organizations and constant chanting of "Death to America".

So that's your counter argument about Iran? Is that they just have a reputation to keep up? LOL you're fucking pathetic. HURRRR GUYS THEY'RE TOTALLY NOT SRS LOL ITS JUST REP

The Flood / Re: Prove to me that the Illuminati isn't real
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:39:25 PM »
Prove to me that they are real

Brain dead means you're dead and there's no coming back, so take 'em off life support. The body may still be functioning because of artificial means or help from the hospital, but the brain is no longer alive.

At least you'll have your hand
very true, I can also jerk off in my roommates' empty rooms because they're unlocked ;)

Just don't let them shine a UV light in there when you're done

The Flood / Re: Have you ever felt hornier post-fap?
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:31:51 PM »
I can barely get hard anymore...I think my dick has given up because it knows I'll never get any.
I can turn you into a pussy slaying stud man but I don't want to put the effort into compiling a huge thread because it seems like you don't even want it that bad.
I went on a date with a 26 year old tonight. Coffee then Avengers 2, I put my arm around her on the first date during the movie because I haven't even done that in so long. It probably messed up my chances with her but I wanted even that so bad, lol. God, I'm desperate for even any type of affection. It would be nice to see her again even though it was kind of awkward, I'm not going to text her for a few days though.

I have two things working against me though when it comes to any woman:

My lack of experience. One of tried to meet online judged me for being a 23 year virgin and said they wanted someone more experienced.

And the fact that I don't have a real job and doing the work of a 16 year old at a department store. Both of those things are making it that much harder for me.

Sounds like you go for shallow ladies

At least you'll have your hand

Another thread gets destroyed by Verbatim's autism, what a surprise

Serious / Re: Dealing with Depression
« on: May 02, 2015, 06:45:59 PM »
Hmm. No wonder nobody talks much about being a sad sack of potatoes. Oh behold that serious demenor and discussion, Meta.

I'll take the bait to all the people saying it's as easy as 1 2 3.

The only way I can describe being depressed, is that it feels like another entity. It feels like a virus. It feels like something that sits in you. You can even be aware of it. You can be happy, and sad, and then as soon as those moments fade, you return to it.

It's a weight. And no matter how well you do, I, personally, don't think you can ever get rid of it once you've had it. "It," just hides in a corner, in a dark space and waits for more fuel. More strain, more pain. And it just...makes you feel down. You look at everything and you get tired of it. You get tired of yourself and you get tired of waking up every day.

And eventually, you start to hit a tipping point. You seem to fall into a neutral zone. You're not happy. You're not sad. Everything goes a shade of gray. This is a false sense of security. You'll feel like your head is perfectly clear. You can think perfectly straight in the absence of any real lasting feelings. And eventually, since you can think so clearly, you'll ask why bother living in this inconsequential state of grey?

And then you get the only answer that makes sense. Death. It's the only thing that has meaning, any colour to it.

It's not as easy as 1 2 3 because depression, isn't being unhappy. Depression starts, from being unhappy. Afer that, happy, sad, angry?

It all means nothing.
Keep thinking like that and it will mean nothing

Gaming / Re: Fact: Halo is for boys. Destiny is for MEN.
« on: May 02, 2015, 11:21:32 AM »
kill yourself

Serious / Re: Dealing with Depression
« on: May 02, 2015, 11:00:12 AM »
Ya know, since people keep perpetuating this idea that Depression is hard to overcome, the more that depressed people with struggle with it. Our society has become so ingrained with telling them that it really does make it hard, when its actually pretty simple and easy to get out of.

The Flood / Re: Has anyone seen one of those public disgrace pornos?
« on: April 30, 2015, 09:16:33 PM »
Have you seen the one where they tie the woman's hand behind her back and spit on her, poop in the toilet, stick her face in the poo, stick a plunger on her head, and rhythmically bound her ass while dunking her head???


that's hawt

Drugs are literally the best thing you can do for yourself

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