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Messages - aREALgod

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Literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. A strong, united Empire can defend the Towers. Ulfuric is just a racist fuck creating an unstable state and disunity in the Empire, which the Thalmor want. To say any option other than siding with the Imperials is complete childish denial.
>he thinks the Thalmor can be defeated through a unified Empire

Lol, someone doesn't know the background of the White Gold Concordat

>Implying they can't be

lol you underestimate the underdog
You do realise the Thalmor have more than the means to turn The Empire into a smouldering crater in the Earth any time they want, right?

The only reason the truce was agreed to was because The Thalmor literally couldn't be arsed pouring the time , effort and money (which they most certainly have) into buttfucking the Empire. You're out of your mind of you think they stand a snowball's chance in hell against The Thalmor, unified or otherwise.

Like Door illustrated, the only way to beat The Thalmor is via religious means. Talos is pretty much the only card up Tamreil's sleave, which the Stormcloaks recognise.

Way to exaggerate the power of the Thalmor. Please give evidence as to this sudden huge amount of force they have, I'd like to know where they earned the ability to glass Tamriel in the blink of an eye.
Dude, they have the capacity to literally undo existence. The only thing stopping them is Talos. What makes you think a slugfest war is going to do anything?

"Undo existence" lmfao all they're trying to do is mix things together, not end existence

Literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. A strong, united Empire can defend the Towers. Ulfuric is just a racist fuck creating an unstable state and disunity in the Empire, which the Thalmor want. To say any option other than siding with the Imperials is complete childish denial.
>he thinks the Thalmor can be defeated through a unified Empire

Lol, someone doesn't know the background of the White Gold Concordat

>Implying they can't be

lol you underestimate the underdog
You do realise the Thalmor have more than the means to turn The Empire into a smouldering crater in the Earth any time they want, right?

The only reason the truce was agreed to was because The Thalmor literally couldn't be arsed pouring the time , effort and money (which they most certainly have) into buttfucking the Empire. You're out of your mind of you think they stand a snowball's chance in hell against The Thalmor, unified or otherwise.

Like Door illustrated, the only way to beat The Thalmor is via religious means. Talos is pretty much the only card up Tamreil's sleave, which the Stormcloaks recognise.

Way to exaggerate the power of the Thalmor. Please give evidence as to this sudden huge amount of force they have, I'd like to know where they earned the ability to glass Tamriel in the blink of an eye.

Here's where they can draw huge numbers of troops to keep up with human reproduction. Khajit reproduce at a fast rate and are competent warriors.

If the Thalmor manage to destroy the Towers, or possibly just enough of the towers, they will be able to undo the world itself. Which is exactly what they want.

That's implying that dissolving the barriers between Oblivion and the mortal plane are a bad thing. What's so wrong with immortality?
No, stupid, they're not dissolving any barriers.

They're literally deleting everything. Including themselves.

No you idiot they're just homogenizing the mix, that's all. That's not deleting anything

Literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. A strong, united Empire can defend the Towers. Ulfuric is just a racist fuck creating an unstable state and disunity in the Empire, which the Thalmor want. To say any option other than siding with the Imperials is complete childish denial.
>he thinks the Thalmor can be defeated through a unified Empire

Lol, someone doesn't know the background of the White Gold Concordat

>Implying they can't be

lol you underestimate the underdog
You do realise the Thalmor have more than the means to turn The Empire into a smouldering crater in the Earth any time they want, right?

The only reason the truce was agreed to was because The Thalmor literally couldn't be arsed pouring the time , effort and money (which they most certainly have) into buttfucking the Empire. You're out of your mind of you think they stand a snowball's chance in hell against The Thalmor, unified or otherwise.

Like Door illustrated, the only way to beat The Thalmor is via religious means. Talos is pretty much the only card up Tamreil's sleave, which the Stormcloaks recognise.

Way to exaggerate the power of the Thalmor. Please give evidence as to this sudden huge amount of force they have, I'd like to know where they earned the ability to glass Tamriel in the blink of an eye.

Here's where they can draw huge numbers of troops to keep up with human reproduction. Khajit reproduce at a fast rate and are competent warriors.

If the Thalmor manage to destroy the Towers, or possibly just enough of the towers, they will be able to undo the world itself. Which is exactly what they want.

That's implying that dissolving the barriers between Oblivion and the mortal plane are a bad thing. What's so wrong with immortality?

The Flood / Re: New Top Gear presenters....
« on: May 04, 2015, 12:16:54 PM »
Do any of these people actually know how to drive? May, Hammond, and Richard were amazing drivers with years of experience. What kind of backgrounds do these people have?

Are you saying women can't drive? You sexist scum sucking shit bag
I'm assuming that was sarcasm. I was asking what kind of professional driving backgrounds these people have. I'm hoping that they didn't just hire some random celebrities for a show about cars.

Don't assume, because that just makes an ass out of you and me. It sounded an awful lot like you declaring that women can't drive.
I was asking about the driving backgrounds of three people, two of which were men, and you immediately assume that I was talking about the woman and on top of that women can't drive. Afterwards, you use an almost comedic insult that sounds like borderline sarcasm against me. All these assumptions you made and you say
Don't assume
I don't really know how to respond to that.

How about you don't jump to conclusions so quick and then we won't have that problem again?
But you're the one that jumped to conclusions in the first place. What I said was just taking what sounded like sarcasm as sarcasm. I wasn't sure if it was or not and that's the reason I said I was assuming that it was, so if it wasn't, you could correct me. This conversation turned hostile when it didn't need to.

Never did I at any point jump to any conclusions - you were the one making sexist remarks. Sexist people are deserving of hostile response.
I'm not sure if you're trolling or not at this point. I've known people who argue with me just for the enjoyment of my reactions. It was clear that I wasn't making sexist remarks and was instead asking about the driving careers about the three individuals in question. If you still believe that I was making sexist remarks, the I think you are looking for something to get yourself angry. If not, then you are just messing with me. Either way, I'm not going to prolong this discussion. Too much unnecessary hostility.

Yeah, go ahead and try to skirt away from responsibility.

Literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. A strong, united Empire can defend the Towers. Ulfuric is just a racist fuck creating an unstable state and disunity in the Empire, which the Thalmor want. To say any option other than siding with the Imperials is complete childish denial.
>he thinks the Thalmor can be defeated through a unified Empire

Lol, someone doesn't know the background of the White Gold Concordat

>Implying they can't be

lol you underestimate the underdog
You do realise the Thalmor have more than the means to turn The Empire into a smouldering crater in the Earth any time they want, right?

The only reason the truce was agreed to was because The Thalmor literally couldn't be arsed pouring the time , effort and money (which they most certainly have) into buttfucking the Empire. You're out of your mind of you think they stand a snowball's chance in hell against The Thalmor, unified or otherwise.

Like Door illustrated, the only way to beat The Thalmor is via religious means. Talos is pretty much the only card up Tamreil's sleave, which the Stormcloaks recognise.

Way to exaggerate the power of the Thalmor. Please give evidence as to this sudden huge amount of force they have, I'd like to know where they earned the ability to glass Tamriel in the blink of an eye.

Gaming / Re: Halo: Reach is objectively the best Halo Game
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:53:05 AM »
I agree. Multiplayer was always fun and required you to be more resourceful than the other Halo games.

Lol, how does it feel to shill for Thalmor puppets?

You're so oblivious you're playing right into their plans. They want a civil war in Skyrim and don't want the Imperials to unite it again

The Flood / Re: This is why we own concealed weapons
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:49:16 AM »
I find these arguments amusing. So much rage that often times doesn't even make any sense.
I love how being pro gun-control means I hate the US.

Quote from: FatherlyNick
I wouldn't be Russian if I tried making the US look good.


Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:42:16 AM »
LOL so Israel doesn't murder innocent civilians?
And Hamas doesn't try their damned hardest to make sure that happens?
you're right, they don't
Wow. Not only do you hold ridiculous opinions about murdering people over free speech, but you blatantly deny established facts.

Fucking mind-blowing.

I thought Kiyo was just a good Jew-hating troll not to be taken seriously?

The Flood / Re: This is why we own concealed weapons
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:40:39 AM »
Because you know, raising your voice
Because raising your voice will save somebody.

or shooting in the air is not enough to get someone's attention
And potentially killing somebody a mile away as well as giving the attacker time to draw and shoot you if they're armed.

Pointing a gun at someone would be enough to intimidate most people
The guy rushed him as he pointed his gun.

- no, you kill a man because who gives a shit - you gotta a gun so you go on a human safari.
There's this thing called "self defense". I know you Eurofags think saying shit like "just run away" isn't laughably pathetic and you consider it a viable and good option, so I'll just wait for the inevitable pacifist bullshit reply about how the criminal's life is worth more than a woman who might be a mother and is being attacked for absolutely no reason.

Enjoy the freedom of being paranoid around cops.
"I have no rebuttal, so I'll just talk about how corrupt and power hungry the cops are and chalk it up to gun ownership"

Fuck outta here trash.
Cops don't have a choice but to kill because they follow your logic exactly - no time to think because what if that guy is armed too? Better shoot before he does.
That's pure bullshit. Every situation is different and good, well trained cops deal with situations appropriately.

"My" logic is the only logic you should have when holding a firearm. It's not a toy. You don't brandish it or yell while aiming it. You give somebody a verbal warning at most and if they charge you empty that mag into his chest.

Criminals aren't out here playing games. They will end your shit and won't think twice about doing so.
What about cops killing children on playgrounds because they were playing with toy guns? Why does that shit not happen in Canada?

Did you even see the photo of the toy gun? It had no orange safety tip to identify it as a fake weapon, it looked real. Either you're really retarded or being a really good troll, or both LOL
My point is, he got killed because
a) everyone is fucking armed so what are the chances of a gun being a toy gun (in US)
Don't aim you guns at people then. I don't think you understand how this works. Somebody puts a call into the police saying there's an armed person, the police arrive ready to deal with that threat. Hindsight is 20/20.

Although I do think the way the cops handled that was disgusting. It was more a murder than anything else.

b) what would happen if this was all in Ireland?
Who the fuck cares?

The officers would probably not be as paranoid that the kid is packing heat
So you hate on America but you'll use our slang huh? LOL Shut the fuck up.

(what are the odds of a kid having a real gun in Ireland?)
Pretty high, actually. High enough for the police to think its a real gun seeing how they were told there's an armed threat.

the officer would also likely tell the kid to drop the weapon and get on the ground.
Just like most American cops do.

but what can the US cop do?
The same thing if he wasn't a racist murderer. 

Shoot or be shot because the government was smart enough to give out guns like flu vaccines? Of course he shot.
The government doesn't hand guns out. I don't what type of propaganda they show in Ireland, but you need to buy a gun.

There's no excuse for the cop to shoot that kid first thing. To park right next to him and hop out then blow him away like that as if it was a gang killing.

I don't hate America. I have friends from Argentina and Brazil, they are very good people.
The incident I'm talking about is a little child getting killed while he was playing with a toy gun on a playground. Yes the gun did not have a safety orange tip - the cop did not hesitate and blew the kids brains out.

Nice misinformation, the officer didn't "blow the kid's brains out", he fired a single shot into his stomach. Do you always twist information this badly to fit into your shitty narrative of how you think things should be?
I wouldn't be Russian if I tried making the US look good.

It's funny because Russia is a shit hole that's inferior in every way lol, except for being superior in being xenophobic and homophobic assholes of course

Literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. A strong, united Empire can defend the Towers. Ulfuric is just a racist fuck creating an unstable state and disunity in the Empire, which the Thalmor want. To say any option other than siding with the Imperials is complete childish denial.
>he thinks the Thalmor can be defeated through a unified Empire

Lol, someone doesn't know the background of the White Gold Concordat

>Implying they can't be

lol you underestimate the underdog

The Flood / Re: This is why we own concealed weapons
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:31:28 AM »
Because you know, raising your voice
Because raising your voice will save somebody.

or shooting in the air is not enough to get someone's attention
And potentially killing somebody a mile away as well as giving the attacker time to draw and shoot you if they're armed.

Pointing a gun at someone would be enough to intimidate most people
The guy rushed him as he pointed his gun.

- no, you kill a man because who gives a shit - you gotta a gun so you go on a human safari.
There's this thing called "self defense". I know you Eurofags think saying shit like "just run away" isn't laughably pathetic and you consider it a viable and good option, so I'll just wait for the inevitable pacifist bullshit reply about how the criminal's life is worth more than a woman who might be a mother and is being attacked for absolutely no reason.

Enjoy the freedom of being paranoid around cops.
"I have no rebuttal, so I'll just talk about how corrupt and power hungry the cops are and chalk it up to gun ownership"

Fuck outta here trash.
Cops don't have a choice but to kill because they follow your logic exactly - no time to think because what if that guy is armed too? Better shoot before he does.
That's pure bullshit. Every situation is different and good, well trained cops deal with situations appropriately.

"My" logic is the only logic you should have when holding a firearm. It's not a toy. You don't brandish it or yell while aiming it. You give somebody a verbal warning at most and if they charge you empty that mag into his chest.

Criminals aren't out here playing games. They will end your shit and won't think twice about doing so.
What about cops killing children on playgrounds because they were playing with toy guns? Why does that shit not happen in Canada?

Did you even see the photo of the toy gun? It had no orange safety tip to identify it as a fake weapon, it looked real. Either you're really retarded or being a really good troll, or both LOL
My point is, he got killed because
a) everyone is fucking armed so what are the chances of a gun being a toy gun (in US)
Don't aim you guns at people then. I don't think you understand how this works. Somebody puts a call into the police saying there's an armed person, the police arrive ready to deal with that threat. Hindsight is 20/20.

Although I do think the way the cops handled that was disgusting. It was more a murder than anything else.

b) what would happen if this was all in Ireland?
Who the fuck cares?

The officers would probably not be as paranoid that the kid is packing heat
So you hate on America but you'll use our slang huh? LOL Shut the fuck up.

(what are the odds of a kid having a real gun in Ireland?)
Pretty high, actually. High enough for the police to think its a real gun seeing how they were told there's an armed threat.

the officer would also likely tell the kid to drop the weapon and get on the ground.
Just like most American cops do.

but what can the US cop do?
The same thing if he wasn't a racist murderer. 

Shoot or be shot because the government was smart enough to give out guns like flu vaccines? Of course he shot.
The government doesn't hand guns out. I don't what type of propaganda they show in Ireland, but you need to buy a gun.

There's no excuse for the cop to shoot that kid first thing. To park right next to him and hop out then blow him away like that as if it was a gang killing.

I don't hate America. I have friends from Argentina and Brazil, they are very good people.
The incident I'm talking about is a little child getting killed while he was playing with a toy gun on a playground. Yes the gun did not have a safety orange tip - the cop did not hesitate and blew the kids brains out.

Nice misinformation, the officer didn't "blow the kid's brains out", he fired a single shot into his stomach. Do you always twist information this badly to fit into your shitty narrative of how you think things should be?

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:51:31 AM »
The war on free speech continues.
Nothing to do with free speech.


Pretty sure that has to do with freedom of speech.

The Thalmor are better

Terrorist sympathizer

And that's the truth

The Flood / Re: New Top Gear presenters....
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:46:40 AM »
Do any of these people actually know how to drive? May, Hammond, and Richard were amazing drivers with years of experience. What kind of backgrounds do these people have?

Are you saying women can't drive? You sexist scum sucking shit bag
I'm assuming that was sarcasm. I was asking what kind of professional driving backgrounds these people have. I'm hoping that they didn't just hire some random celebrities for a show about cars.

Don't assume, because that just makes an ass out of you and me. It sounded an awful lot like you declaring that women can't drive.
I was asking about the driving backgrounds of three people, two of which were men, and you immediately assume that I was talking about the woman and on top of that women can't drive. Afterwards, you use an almost comedic insult that sounds like borderline sarcasm against me. All these assumptions you made and you say
Don't assume
I don't really know how to respond to that.

How about you don't jump to conclusions so quick and then we won't have that problem again?
But you're the one that jumped to conclusions in the first place. What I said was just taking what sounded like sarcasm as sarcasm. I wasn't sure if it was or not and that's the reason I said I was assuming that it was, so if it wasn't, you could correct me. This conversation turned hostile when it didn't need to.

Never did I at any point jump to any conclusions - you were the one making sexist remarks. Sexist people are deserving of hostile response.

Snowden is a goddamn hero.

Releasing information about the collection of metadata I can get behind, at least then there's a degree of transparency with the NSA and the FISA court. But when you start taking asylum in Russia, don't read half the shit you put out and then let it fall into the hands of terrorists and talk about cyber warfare with China then you're a treasonous scumbag.
Meta ilu but stop shilling out for surveillance states

Gaming / Re: Your reaction to me3's ending?
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:41:59 AM »
Honestly the ending isn't really bad at all with the Extended Cut. It really makes it a good ending and it doesn't deserve so much blind, ignorant hate. It could have been better, sure, but you can thank EA for rushing them and shoving the game out the door before it was totally complete.
It's just a different colour for each ending. Your choices don't matter in the slightest.
The only ending that isn't a copy of the others is the Deny option.

And that was basically Bioware giving it's fanbase the middle finger for not liking the ending.

Can't blame 'em, especially with EA breathing down their necks. They put in the work they can and then there's a huge uproar on something they've devoted so much time and effort towards? No doubt I'd probably do the same lol

If they honestly believed that an ending that broke just about every promise they made over the last 5 years and completely negated 3 games worth of decisions was going to go over well they deserved every ounce of shit they got for it.

I see that as more of EA's fault and some poor decision making behind doors, and not completely the fault of Bioware themselves.

The Flood / Re: New Top Gear presenters....
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:40:27 AM »
Do any of these people actually know how to drive? May, Hammond, and Richard were amazing drivers with years of experience. What kind of backgrounds do these people have?

Are you saying women can't drive? You sexist scum sucking shit bag
I'm assuming that was sarcasm. I was asking what kind of professional driving backgrounds these people have. I'm hoping that they didn't just hire some random celebrities for a show about cars.

Don't assume, because that just makes an ass out of you and me. It sounded an awful lot like you declaring that women can't drive.
I was asking about the driving backgrounds of three people, two of which were men, and you immediately assume that I was talking about the woman and on top of that women can't drive. Afterwards, you use an almost comedic insult that sounds like borderline sarcasm against me. All these assumptions you made and you say
Don't assume
I don't really know how to respond to that.

How about you don't jump to conclusions so quick and then we won't have that problem again?

Literally the dumbest thing I've ever heard. A strong, united Empire can defend the Towers. Ulfuric is just a racist fuck creating an unstable state and disunity in the Empire, which the Thalmor want. To say any option other than siding with the Imperials is complete childish denial.

The Flood / Re: New Top Gear presenters....
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:35:06 AM »
Do any of these people actually know how to drive? May, Hammond, and Richard were amazing drivers with years of experience. What kind of backgrounds do these people have?

Are you saying women can't drive? You sexist scum sucking shit bag
I'm assuming that was sarcasm. I was asking what kind of professional driving backgrounds these people have. I'm hoping that they didn't just hire some random celebrities for a show about cars.

Don't assume, because that just makes an ass out of you and me. It sounded an awful lot like you declaring that women can't drive.


Is that where Das lives?

Serious / Re: Mandatory military conscription
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:32:27 AM »
I believe ALL able, body people of the age 18 should be required two years of military service. After that, they may continue, be on reserve or quit.

America takes so much pride in their military, yet it baffles me we still don't do this!
For starters it's completely unethical and incredibly stupid.
America's military is already overcrowded and overspending as it is. It's poinless, and a waste of time and money.

You're too patriotic and prideful for your own good, because it makes you think dumb shit like this.

You're just mad your military is a pussified shithole compared to ours

The Flood / Re: New Top Gear presenters....
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:31:03 AM »
Do any of these people actually know how to drive? May, Hammond, and Richard were amazing drivers with years of experience. What kind of backgrounds do these people have?

Are you saying women can't drive? You sexist scum sucking shit bag

The Flood / Re: This is why we own concealed weapons
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:09:29 AM »
Because you know, raising your voice
Because raising your voice will save somebody.

or shooting in the air is not enough to get someone's attention
And potentially killing somebody a mile away as well as giving the attacker time to draw and shoot you if they're armed.

Pointing a gun at someone would be enough to intimidate most people
The guy rushed him as he pointed his gun.

- no, you kill a man because who gives a shit - you gotta a gun so you go on a human safari.
There's this thing called "self defense". I know you Eurofags think saying shit like "just run away" isn't laughably pathetic and you consider it a viable and good option, so I'll just wait for the inevitable pacifist bullshit reply about how the criminal's life is worth more than a woman who might be a mother and is being attacked for absolutely no reason.

Enjoy the freedom of being paranoid around cops.
"I have no rebuttal, so I'll just talk about how corrupt and power hungry the cops are and chalk it up to gun ownership"

Fuck outta here trash.
Cops don't have a choice but to kill because they follow your logic exactly - no time to think because what if that guy is armed too? Better shoot before he does.
That's pure bullshit. Every situation is different and good, well trained cops deal with situations appropriately.

"My" logic is the only logic you should have when holding a firearm. It's not a toy. You don't brandish it or yell while aiming it. You give somebody a verbal warning at most and if they charge you empty that mag into his chest.

Criminals aren't out here playing games. They will end your shit and won't think twice about doing so.
What about cops killing children on playgrounds because they were playing with toy guns? Why does that shit not happen in Canada?

Did you even see the photo of the toy gun? It had no orange safety tip to identify it as a fake weapon, it looked real. Either you're really retarded or being a really good troll, or both LOL

The Flood / Re: This is why we own concealed weapons
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:04:25 AM »
Betchya a dollar it was a nigger

The Flood / Re: New Top Gear presenters....
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:02:14 AM »
Fuck the BBC. And fuck their sexual equality policy.

A woman has no place in top gear.
The other two are perfect. Never even considered then as presenters myself. Glenister is based.

You fucking misogynist pig, you're all that's wrong with the world. "A woman has no place in Top Gear" ignorant sexist fuck

The Flood / Re: New Top Gear presenters....
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:00:21 AM »
>Implying Top Gear was worth watching in the first place

The Flood / Re: Think of 12 users before entering.
« on: May 04, 2015, 08:58:54 AM »
I thought of one user's name twelve times

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