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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 747576 7778 ... 173
The Flood / Re: Music that gets you "right there".
« on: May 07, 2015, 09:13:58 PM »

You really do know how to pick 'em

> non-credible fearmongering tinfoil rhetoric

this is serious, not the flood.

nice clickbait title too holy fuck dude. are you like 12?
Wtf did you even watch the video? Jeez dude I simply put a truthful title
"according to CIA"

no, according to one cook who used to work for the CIA. i did watch the video. this is a bunch of buzzword posturing with nothing credible backing it up. ill believe it when i see quality sources.
>CIA "cook" (why the hell is he a cook? He's given no reason to be taken as a cook)
>"Nothing credible"
>Actual statistics and global finances

Sure, continue with your denial. The deniers are the ones who will be hit hardest when the economy fails.
if you're really gobbling up all the shit this dude is feeding you, you're exactly as stupid as i thought you were.

"Gobbling" up? The dude has presented legitimate evidence of a pending crisis, I wouldn't imagine taking heed to his warnings is a bad thing. You deniers will be in for a shock.
yeah thats what the anti-vaccers and 9/11 truthers said too.

ill be just fine :)

Except both those groups are idiots and easily proven wrong. There's a large basis of evidence pointing towards a pending economic crisis, unlike the absurd claims of "truthers".

> non-credible fearmongering tinfoil rhetoric

this is serious, not the flood.

nice clickbait title too holy fuck dude. are you like 12?
Wtf did you even watch the video? Jeez dude I simply put a truthful title
"according to CIA"

no, according to one cook who used to work for the CIA. i did watch the video. this is a bunch of buzzword posturing with nothing credible backing it up. ill believe it when i see quality sources.
>CIA "cook" (why the hell is he a cook? He's given no reason to be taken as a cook)
>"Nothing credible"
>Actual statistics and global finances

Sure, continue with your denial. The deniers are the ones who will be hit hardest when the economy fails.
if you're really gobbling up all the shit this dude is feeding you, you're exactly as stupid as i thought you were.

"Gobbling" up? The dude has presented legitimate evidence of a pending crisis, I wouldn't imagine taking heed to his warnings is a bad thing. You deniers will be in for a shock.

oh wait this is even better. theres no evidence that project prophecy ever existed or that this guy ever worked for the CIA. lmao. get this shit off this board.

Of course there's no evidence, it's the goddamn CIA. Same with him. You think the CIA would be so transparent?

> non-credible fearmongering tinfoil rhetoric

this is serious, not the flood.

nice clickbait title too holy fuck dude. are you like 12?
Wtf did you even watch the video? Jeez dude I simply put a truthful title
"according to CIA"

no, according to one cook who used to work for the CIA. i did watch the video. this is a bunch of buzzword posturing with nothing credible backing it up. ill believe it when i see quality sources.
>CIA "cook" (why the hell is he a cook? He's given no reason to be taken as a cook)
>"Nothing credible"
>Actual statistics and global finances

Sure, continue with your denial. The deniers are the ones who will be hit hardest when the economy fails.

> non-credible fearmongering tinfoil rhetoric

this is serious, not the flood.

nice clickbait title too holy fuck dude. are you like 12?
Wtf did you even watch the video? Jeez dude I simply put a truthful title

The Flood / Re: sep7 private groups info leaked!!
« on: May 06, 2015, 11:04:43 PM »
Private groups will be the death of this place
nah that will only happen when I leave

Shutup, Elegiac

The Flood / Re: sep7 private groups info leaked!!
« on: May 06, 2015, 10:29:32 PM »
Private groups will be the death of this place

I can see another Great Depression, but not this bullshit apocalypse fear bait.


It's also slightly interesting how the chap is simultaneously selling a book on this shit, no way this could be scaremongering at all.

I was kinda expecting some denial when I made this thread... a pending collapse that would effect everyone's lives is not an easy thing to digest, but all the evidence is there. All the statistics point towards it and point to how much worse everything is right now in comparison to the Great Depression of 1929.

Also, he's not selling the book, he's giving it out for free.
Oh right, well I stand corrected on that then.

So far the editing of the video seems really dodgy, this guy is having sentences stitched together. That's not helping the scepticism <.<

The only editing I see is when they switch from one subtopic to another, like he had more details but they decided to give summaries more than in depth explanations. I don't exactly know what you're talking about
It's very subtle, he says a word and it's edited into the next word.
Not just topic switches, but stitching <.<

He is making a good argument mind you, it's just not something I'd believe out of hand immediately <.<

Guess I'll watch it again later to see if I notice that

I can see another Great Depression, but not this bullshit apocalypse fear bait.


It's also slightly interesting how the chap is simultaneously selling a book on this shit, no way this could be scaremongering at all.

I was kinda expecting some denial when I made this thread... a pending collapse that would effect everyone's lives is not an easy thing to digest, but all the evidence is there. All the statistics point towards it and point to how much worse everything is right now in comparison to the Great Depression of 1929.

Also, he's not selling the book, he's giving it out for free.
Oh right, well I stand corrected on that then.

So far the editing of the video seems really dodgy, this guy is having sentences stitched together. That's not helping the scepticism <.<

The only editing I see is when they switch from one subtopic to another, like he had more details but they decided to give summaries more than in depth explanations. I don't exactly know what you're talking about

I can see another Great Depression, but not this bullshit apocalypse fear bait.


It's also slightly interesting how the chap is simultaneously selling a book on this shit, no way this could be scaremongering at all.

I was kinda expecting some denial when I made this thread... a pending collapse that would effect everyone's lives is not an easy thing to digest, but all the evidence is there. All the statistics point towards it and point to how much worse everything is right now in comparison to the Great Depression of 1929.

Also, he's not selling the book, he's giving it out for free.

The Flood / Re: Slash is now homeless for saying "nigger" at work
« on: May 06, 2015, 09:43:48 PM »
But he's not banned?

An economic collapse is inevitable, according to a CIA financial analyst:

So, are you guys ready for the ensuing anarchy, chaos, poverty, starvation, and war? The intro of the video seems a little conspiracy ish, but once it gets into the interview with the CIA analyst it's good. I recommend watching, because things are gonna take a mighty big turn sometime in the next decade. Time to start prepping, gonna' buy me some MREs and guns n' ammo

Edit - I should have also mentioned the analyst is the author of the book called "The Death of Money". Jim Rickards

The Flood / Re: Survival scenario poll
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:41:59 PM »
Wait for the numbness and embrace death

Enjoy the extreme pain you'll feel before the numbness hits, you quitter

The Flood / Re: Survival scenario poll
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:39:52 PM »
I'd try and see if I could finish masturbating before my hand freezes fast...

Your hand freezes to your dick and while you're jacking it your rip your dick skin right off

The Flood / Re: your avatar
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:26:19 PM »
It's a picture of me that I took a few years ago.


Literally nobody gives a shit and nobody wants to see your ass
I'm sorry.

Good, your apology is accepted, but only if you change your avatar to something else
I will not.

Then go fuck yourself
Did it.

Ew faggot

The Flood / Re: Who was the greatest tyrant in history?
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:18:55 PM »
Barack Obama

The Flood / Re: Come to this thread to be enlightened
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:17:51 PM »
Dude Jaden Smith got some of that black edumacatin

The Flood / Re: >he thinks daenerys will win the Iron Throne
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:10:53 PM »
>Caring this much about a shitty television show

The Flood / Re: Survival scenario poll
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:01:28 PM »
Walk, it's simple science. Running will decrease the temperature further and make you colder as well as run your energy out, leaving you more dangerously susceptible to becoming lethargic, tired, altered, and prone to falling asleep - which if you do while hypothermic or near hypothermia, is almost guaranteed to be your eternal sleep. Walking will keep your energy and will not drop your temperature, giving you more of a chance to make it back.

« on: May 06, 2015, 06:47:14 PM »
This song is played wayyyyyyy too much on the radio, just like Vance - Riptide

The Flood / Re: your avatar
« on: May 06, 2015, 06:41:02 PM »
It's a picture of me that I took a few years ago.


Literally nobody gives a shit and nobody wants to see your ass
I'm sorry.

Good, your apology is accepted, but only if you change your avatar to something else
I will not.

Then go fuck yourself

The Flood / Re: What if the world was taken over by furries
« on: May 06, 2015, 06:40:14 PM »
Well, it would lead to a bunch of crazy fucking going on, so join. Yiff yiff.

Yiff yourself

The Flood / Re: What if the world was taken over by furries
« on: May 06, 2015, 06:36:31 PM »
Nuke the world

The Flood / Re: your avatar
« on: May 06, 2015, 06:33:26 PM »
It's a picture of me that I took a few years ago.


Literally nobody gives a shit and nobody wants to see your ass
I'm sorry.

Good, your apology is accepted, but only if you change your avatar to something else

Please don't vote, you clearly don't have enough brain power to make well educated voting decisions.
*comma splice
Grammar Nazi*

The Flood / Re: So if I were beheaded by al-Qaeda....
« on: May 06, 2015, 06:24:33 PM »

The Flood / Re: your avatar
« on: May 06, 2015, 06:22:44 PM »
It's a picture of me that I took a few years ago.


Literally nobody gives a shit and nobody wants to see your ass

Can we discus how awesome Bernie Sanders is?  He doesn't care if you're republican or democrat, if you're shilling for corporations and wasting taxpayer dollars, he will rat you out on the floor.  In public.
Cool. Now let's talk about how he hates constitutional gun ownership, wants to raise corporate taxes, and voted to reauthorize the Violence Against Women act.

Please don't vote, you clearly don't have enough brain power to make well educated voting decisions.

The Flood / Re: Drinking alone today
« on: May 06, 2015, 05:44:31 PM »
are you ugly?
I've been told I'm not.

They don't want to hurt your feelings

The fuck does this have to do with you?
Everything is about Elegiac. He's kind of a big deal.

But he has a micropenis


Do the world some justice and kill yourself
lol, what a bunch of sad little assholes

Cyber bullying isn't real

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