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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 666768 6970 ... 173
The Flood / Re: How would you feel if everything you've created...
« on: May 20, 2015, 03:43:49 PM »
Get as many women pregnant as possible. Those kids aren't my creations, after all. Someone else did it.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 03:40:53 PM »
If you were trying to help you'd stick to your guns.
"I need constant sympathy and pity"

Get a grip. Pretty much everybody on this forum is depressed and/or has been suicidal. Meta almost killed himself a few years ago. He didn't whine and cry even half as much you did, if at all.

All you do is just post these gigantic walls of text whining about your life as if you've suffered way more than every depressed person on earth put together. Fucking deal with it bro. It's not easy but it sure as he'll isn't as hard as you're making it out to be.
If midget was actually intending to help, don't you think it'd make a little more sense do do it over a PM?

So it has to be along your guidelines to be considered truly helpful?

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 01:32:57 PM »
lmao this thread

How's your chin?

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 01:31:06 PM »
You know what? Fuck it. I never came here to play ring around the fucking rosey and play fucking guessing games about who had a mask on and whether or not they were being serious or just pissing around.

I didn't come here for trivial stupid shit like this. I didn't come here to get into arguments and get involved in stupid trash and people taking things the wrong way. And most of all I didn't come here to get involved and be more open to people because apparently being more open to people makes me a fucking floodgate of negative bullshit from my difficult way of doing things and all the not cheery shit on my end.

I got along just fine and fucking dandy on my own, doing things on my own. And I came here to talk to people. Trade and swap interesting stories, listen to people of interest about their strange side of things and their particular way of life, broaden my own small perception of things.

But apparently, no.

So fuck it. Take your bullshit. Take your tripe. Take your thinly veiled insecurities or insults or whatever the fuck your kinks are that give you a raise, and do your shit and fucking choke on it.

Fucks sake, take a break. The internet is getting to you when you should know IT'S JUST THE FUCKING INTERNET. Wanna know the trick to this place? Not giving a single flying fuck about any of it.

Fuck off with your bullshit already. You're almost constantly passive aggressive doom and gloom shit and it is tiring. Take some advice and get off the internet and go try and make something of yourself. Try reallyyyyyy fucking hard, and don't give bullshit excuses like "wahhhhh i already did cities r shit wahhhh" or "nothing to do around here waahhhhh". When I hear that, I hear fucking whining. Go fucking change your life if you hate it so much. If you really want it, you'll do it, no fucking excuses. If you happen to reply to this and give me one, go FUCK yourself and fuck off. You're not the only one who's dealt with crippling depression, nor will you be the last.

Here's an interesting question then.

Why should I care? I mean, to the contrary, not one of your posts is ever serious. So why should I listen to your advice? Well, going by your history, I shouldn't.

And second. If we're all supposedly jaded internet warriors, then why would anybody care if I was bitching?

Oh, but wait. Hypocrites. That magical little word. Nobody "cares" until somebody starts speaking about how shitty they're feeling. "It's just the internet stop taking it seriously dude" only applies until somebody starts being open and talking.

Everybody's got some fake ass mask on until somebody starts talking about reality. Then the jaded internet warrior bullshit gets wiped clean.

So, go fuck yourself midge.

I don't, and I sure as fuck won't listen to your advice because you're never serious.

Sure, ignore my post and continue living a miserable, depressed life up until the moment you put the barrel of a gun to your head and your family cleans your blood and brains off the carpet and skull matter from the walls. Call me whatever you want, I have my own reasons for posting the ways I do and have stated them before. It doesn't make it a facade when I've been completely open about my habits here and why. You don't seem "built" for the internet at all, unless you quickly learn to literally think of it as a stupid, meaningless game, or a thing to burn time. That's it. Why should any of this matter when you have real life to actually worry about? Throughout my time here I've dealt with deeply personal issues, seen people die, and had my own ups and downs. I haven't mentioned them because Sep7agon is not a place to mention them and it never will be. There's too many people here who I wouldn't trust. Maybe you should start thinking of it as the same. Leave real life to the real people.

But nah, go ahead and call me a hypocrite, ignore my advice because I've offended you, or whatever. Grow the fuck up. Take it as ammunition to actually do something with yourself, get out of your depression, make a living and be happy. Or, continue as you are, and use it as ammo to blow your brains out. It's your choice. 95% posts may not be serious, but don't think for a second it means I'm not capable of making a serious post. There's a reason people are starting to get upset with your posts and it's because after a while, depressed people are a total drain. Go and change it.

I got about as far as Sure before my confidence grew exponentially and I fixed everything up. You're a miracle worker midget. You should go on tour as one of those bible thumper healers.

"Oh lord help me I'm blind!"

"Stop being blind."

You'd be a hit.

Mock me all you want, I'm actually trying to be helpful and tell you the cold, hard truth. You want a personal side to me? I've got a question for you, then. Do you know how many times I held a loaded gun to my head or my mouth, ready to squeeze the trigger? Or sat down with a knife over my wrists, with an irresistible urge to cut, to see blood start flowing?

As I said, you're not the only one who's dealt with suicidal, crippling depression. But the only way to start making progress is actually getting off your ass and trying to do something with yourself. I never fucking said it'd be easy, because it's the hardest fucking thing in the world, but you should know it's the only way. After a point in time, two options become clear: Killing yourself, or fighting your way out. The world doesn't wait for depressed people. Go and change it. Try to change it, because you and I both know how it'll end up if you don't give it a shot. The truth hurts, but the sooner you accept that the sooner you'll be ready to move forward.

But if you decide to mock this post as well, I guess I'll just go back to my usual posting style and tell you to kill yourself, faggot. I can say that I at least tried.

Na. You never say anything serious. But I will ask you some questions. You know how many times I've been up for a stroll to my town's radio tower? Up on the top there? How many times I went for a walk this past winter in the middle of the night in -20 or -30, just on the edge of a field ready to walk out?

I'd rather not talk about what's on this particular aspect of my head. But I know what you're talking about. And all I can say is that I'm a few steps ahead of your supposed advice. I'm just waiting for all my messy bits to catch up. Might take a while. Might take a while to work things out. So, kill myself, right?

You first.

You don't sound a few steps ahead with how you post.

My head's lagging a bit behind. You ever hear of the term chemobrain? That's not helping me, right now. And of course, things linger. Then again, none of this particularily matters anyway.

Naturally I'll likely have a shorter lifespan than the majority of you here. So, really, it doesn't matter how I sound. Doesn't matter how you take my posts in any sense.

Because when I go, however it is that I go, none here will know of it. And I doubt they'd show up for a funeral.

So let's not dance around semantics and pretend that you care in any sense, because you don't.

That's how it'd be if anyone here died. I could die in a car accident tomorrow and nobody here would ever know, nor would they show up to a funeral (why the fuck would they?).

But there's that supreme negative spin you like to throw on everything. I try to be helpful and you just stomp your feet and act like a child. "You're not serious! You don't really care! People don't care!"

If that's gonna be your attitude, then go step in front of a semi-truck and let EMS scrape your flesh off the asphalt. I'm done trying to help someone who refuses to help themselves.

There we go. That's the proper midge we all know and love. Good on you. Thought I'd lost you for a second there. I thought you might actually be serious.

But, obviously, I was mistaken. Done trying to help me in roughly, five or six posts are you? All tuckered out for the day? My point, proven. If you were trying to help you'd stick to your guns.

But I digress. The only one who's ever helped me, is me. And that's not going to change. I can handle myself fine, thanks. But, on that last note, take a look around you.

World's not a cheery place, wherever you look. Sticking your head in the sand and pretending it's not won't make it go away. Life is difficult.

I've just a rather morbid sense of humor about it all. Now of you pop, "not caring."

That's the normal midge I know. Suits you better.

The world is what you make it. You can choose to make it cheery or grey, there are no absolutes.

You got quite a high horse to fall from. If this is how you treat people who want to be helpful, even if minimally, then you deserve to be depressed. People don't tend to stay helpful if you're constantly going to mock them, and since that's your choice then so be it. But don't try to pretend like you know me.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:47:31 PM »
You know what? Fuck it. I never came here to play ring around the fucking rosey and play fucking guessing games about who had a mask on and whether or not they were being serious or just pissing around.

I didn't come here for trivial stupid shit like this. I didn't come here to get into arguments and get involved in stupid trash and people taking things the wrong way. And most of all I didn't come here to get involved and be more open to people because apparently being more open to people makes me a fucking floodgate of negative bullshit from my difficult way of doing things and all the not cheery shit on my end.

I got along just fine and fucking dandy on my own, doing things on my own. And I came here to talk to people. Trade and swap interesting stories, listen to people of interest about their strange side of things and their particular way of life, broaden my own small perception of things.

But apparently, no.

So fuck it. Take your bullshit. Take your tripe. Take your thinly veiled insecurities or insults or whatever the fuck your kinks are that give you a raise, and do your shit and fucking choke on it.

Fucks sake, take a break. The internet is getting to you when you should know IT'S JUST THE FUCKING INTERNET. Wanna know the trick to this place? Not giving a single flying fuck about any of it.

Fuck off with your bullshit already. You're almost constantly passive aggressive doom and gloom shit and it is tiring. Take some advice and get off the internet and go try and make something of yourself. Try reallyyyyyy fucking hard, and don't give bullshit excuses like "wahhhhh i already did cities r shit wahhhh" or "nothing to do around here waahhhhh". When I hear that, I hear fucking whining. Go fucking change your life if you hate it so much. If you really want it, you'll do it, no fucking excuses. If you happen to reply to this and give me one, go FUCK yourself and fuck off. You're not the only one who's dealt with crippling depression, nor will you be the last.

Here's an interesting question then.

Why should I care? I mean, to the contrary, not one of your posts is ever serious. So why should I listen to your advice? Well, going by your history, I shouldn't.

And second. If we're all supposedly jaded internet warriors, then why would anybody care if I was bitching?

Oh, but wait. Hypocrites. That magical little word. Nobody "cares" until somebody starts speaking about how shitty they're feeling. "It's just the internet stop taking it seriously dude" only applies until somebody starts being open and talking.

Everybody's got some fake ass mask on until somebody starts talking about reality. Then the jaded internet warrior bullshit gets wiped clean.

So, go fuck yourself midge.

I don't, and I sure as fuck won't listen to your advice because you're never serious.

Sure, ignore my post and continue living a miserable, depressed life up until the moment you put the barrel of a gun to your head and your family cleans your blood and brains off the carpet and skull matter from the walls. Call me whatever you want, I have my own reasons for posting the ways I do and have stated them before. It doesn't make it a facade when I've been completely open about my habits here and why. You don't seem "built" for the internet at all, unless you quickly learn to literally think of it as a stupid, meaningless game, or a thing to burn time. That's it. Why should any of this matter when you have real life to actually worry about? Throughout my time here I've dealt with deeply personal issues, seen people die, and had my own ups and downs. I haven't mentioned them because Sep7agon is not a place to mention them and it never will be. There's too many people here who I wouldn't trust. Maybe you should start thinking of it as the same. Leave real life to the real people.

But nah, go ahead and call me a hypocrite, ignore my advice because I've offended you, or whatever. Grow the fuck up. Take it as ammunition to actually do something with yourself, get out of your depression, make a living and be happy. Or, continue as you are, and use it as ammo to blow your brains out. It's your choice. 95% posts may not be serious, but don't think for a second it means I'm not capable of making a serious post. There's a reason people are starting to get upset with your posts and it's because after a while, depressed people are a total drain. Go and change it.

I got about as far as Sure before my confidence grew exponentially and I fixed everything up. You're a miracle worker midget. You should go on tour as one of those bible thumper healers.

"Oh lord help me I'm blind!"

"Stop being blind."

You'd be a hit.

Mock me all you want, I'm actually trying to be helpful and tell you the cold, hard truth. You want a personal side to me? I've got a question for you, then. Do you know how many times I held a loaded gun to my head or my mouth, ready to squeeze the trigger? Or sat down with a knife over my wrists, with an irresistible urge to cut, to see blood start flowing?

As I said, you're not the only one who's dealt with suicidal, crippling depression. But the only way to start making progress is actually getting off your ass and trying to do something with yourself. I never fucking said it'd be easy, because it's the hardest fucking thing in the world, but you should know it's the only way. After a point in time, two options become clear: Killing yourself, or fighting your way out. The world doesn't wait for depressed people. Go and change it. Try to change it, because you and I both know how it'll end up if you don't give it a shot. The truth hurts, but the sooner you accept that the sooner you'll be ready to move forward.

But if you decide to mock this post as well, I guess I'll just go back to my usual posting style and tell you to kill yourself, faggot. I can say that I at least tried.

Na. You never say anything serious. But I will ask you some questions. You know how many times I've been up for a stroll to my town's radio tower? Up on the top there? How many times I went for a walk this past winter in the middle of the night in -20 or -30, just on the edge of a field ready to walk out?

I'd rather not talk about what's on this particular aspect of my head. But I know what you're talking about. And all I can say is that I'm a few steps ahead of your supposed advice. I'm just waiting for all my messy bits to catch up. Might take a while. Might take a while to work things out. So, kill myself, right?

You first.

You don't sound a few steps ahead with how you post.

My head's lagging a bit behind. You ever hear of the term chemobrain? That's not helping me, right now. And of course, things linger. Then again, none of this particularily matters anyway.

Naturally I'll likely have a shorter lifespan than the majority of you here. So, really, it doesn't matter how I sound. Doesn't matter how you take my posts in any sense.

Because when I go, however it is that I go, none here will know of it. And I doubt they'd show up for a funeral.

So let's not dance around semantics and pretend that you care in any sense, because you don't.

That's how it'd be if anyone here died. I could die in a car accident tomorrow and nobody here would ever know, nor would they show up to a funeral (why the fuck would they?).

But there's that supreme negative spin you like to throw on everything. I try to be helpful and you just stomp your feet and act like a child. "You're not serious! You don't really care! People don't care!"

If that's gonna be your attitude, then go step in front of a semi-truck and let EMS scrape your flesh off the asphalt. I'm done trying to help someone who refuses to help themselves.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:36:15 PM »
You know what? Fuck it. I never came here to play ring around the fucking rosey and play fucking guessing games about who had a mask on and whether or not they were being serious or just pissing around.

I didn't come here for trivial stupid shit like this. I didn't come here to get into arguments and get involved in stupid trash and people taking things the wrong way. And most of all I didn't come here to get involved and be more open to people because apparently being more open to people makes me a fucking floodgate of negative bullshit from my difficult way of doing things and all the not cheery shit on my end.

I got along just fine and fucking dandy on my own, doing things on my own. And I came here to talk to people. Trade and swap interesting stories, listen to people of interest about their strange side of things and their particular way of life, broaden my own small perception of things.

But apparently, no.

So fuck it. Take your bullshit. Take your tripe. Take your thinly veiled insecurities or insults or whatever the fuck your kinks are that give you a raise, and do your shit and fucking choke on it.

Fucks sake, take a break. The internet is getting to you when you should know IT'S JUST THE FUCKING INTERNET. Wanna know the trick to this place? Not giving a single flying fuck about any of it.

Fuck off with your bullshit already. You're almost constantly passive aggressive doom and gloom shit and it is tiring. Take some advice and get off the internet and go try and make something of yourself. Try reallyyyyyy fucking hard, and don't give bullshit excuses like "wahhhhh i already did cities r shit wahhhh" or "nothing to do around here waahhhhh". When I hear that, I hear fucking whining. Go fucking change your life if you hate it so much. If you really want it, you'll do it, no fucking excuses. If you happen to reply to this and give me one, go FUCK yourself and fuck off. You're not the only one who's dealt with crippling depression, nor will you be the last.

Here's an interesting question then.

Why should I care? I mean, to the contrary, not one of your posts is ever serious. So why should I listen to your advice? Well, going by your history, I shouldn't.

And second. If we're all supposedly jaded internet warriors, then why would anybody care if I was bitching?

Oh, but wait. Hypocrites. That magical little word. Nobody "cares" until somebody starts speaking about how shitty they're feeling. "It's just the internet stop taking it seriously dude" only applies until somebody starts being open and talking.

Everybody's got some fake ass mask on until somebody starts talking about reality. Then the jaded internet warrior bullshit gets wiped clean.

So, go fuck yourself midge.

I don't, and I sure as fuck won't listen to your advice because you're never serious.

Sure, ignore my post and continue living a miserable, depressed life up until the moment you put the barrel of a gun to your head and your family cleans your blood and brains off the carpet and skull matter from the walls. Call me whatever you want, I have my own reasons for posting the ways I do and have stated them before. It doesn't make it a facade when I've been completely open about my habits here and why. You don't seem "built" for the internet at all, unless you quickly learn to literally think of it as a stupid, meaningless game, or a thing to burn time. That's it. Why should any of this matter when you have real life to actually worry about? Throughout my time here I've dealt with deeply personal issues, seen people die, and had my own ups and downs. I haven't mentioned them because Sep7agon is not a place to mention them and it never will be. There's too many people here who I wouldn't trust. Maybe you should start thinking of it as the same. Leave real life to the real people.

But nah, go ahead and call me a hypocrite, ignore my advice because I've offended you, or whatever. Grow the fuck up. Take it as ammunition to actually do something with yourself, get out of your depression, make a living and be happy. Or, continue as you are, and use it as ammo to blow your brains out. It's your choice. 95% posts may not be serious, but don't think for a second it means I'm not capable of making a serious post. There's a reason people are starting to get upset with your posts and it's because after a while, depressed people are a total drain. Go and change it.

I got about as far as Sure before my confidence grew exponentially and I fixed everything up. You're a miracle worker midget. You should go on tour as one of those bible thumper healers.

"Oh lord help me I'm blind!"

"Stop being blind."

You'd be a hit.

Mock me all you want, I'm actually trying to be helpful and tell you the cold, hard truth. You want a personal side to me? I've got a question for you, then. Do you know how many times I held a loaded gun to my head or my mouth, ready to squeeze the trigger? Or sat down with a knife over my wrists, with an irresistible urge to cut, to see blood start flowing?

As I said, you're not the only one who's dealt with suicidal, crippling depression. But the only way to start making progress is actually getting off your ass and trying to do something with yourself. I never fucking said it'd be easy, because it's the hardest fucking thing in the world, but you should know it's the only way. After a point in time, two options become clear: Killing yourself, or fighting your way out. The world doesn't wait for depressed people. Go and change it. Try to change it, because you and I both know how it'll end up if you don't give it a shot. The truth hurts, but the sooner you accept that the sooner you'll be ready to move forward.

But if you decide to mock this post as well, I guess I'll just go back to my usual posting style and tell you to kill yourself, faggot. I can say that I at least tried.

Na. You never say anything serious. But I will ask you some questions. You know how many times I've been up for a stroll to my town's radio tower? Up on the top there? How many times I went for a walk this past winter in the middle of the night in -20 or -30, just on the edge of a field ready to walk out?

I'd rather not talk about what's on this particular aspect of my head. But I know what you're talking about. And all I can say is that I'm a few steps ahead of your supposed advice. I'm just waiting for all my messy bits to catch up. Might take a while. Might take a while to work things out. So, kill myself, right?

You first.

You don't sound a few steps ahead with how you post.

The Flood / Re: would I be a good mod
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:29:18 PM »
D00d I would legit vote 4 you as mod

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:24:44 PM »
You know what? Fuck it. I never came here to play ring around the fucking rosey and play fucking guessing games about who had a mask on and whether or not they were being serious or just pissing around.

I didn't come here for trivial stupid shit like this. I didn't come here to get into arguments and get involved in stupid trash and people taking things the wrong way. And most of all I didn't come here to get involved and be more open to people because apparently being more open to people makes me a fucking floodgate of negative bullshit from my difficult way of doing things and all the not cheery shit on my end.

I got along just fine and fucking dandy on my own, doing things on my own. And I came here to talk to people. Trade and swap interesting stories, listen to people of interest about their strange side of things and their particular way of life, broaden my own small perception of things.

But apparently, no.

So fuck it. Take your bullshit. Take your tripe. Take your thinly veiled insecurities or insults or whatever the fuck your kinks are that give you a raise, and do your shit and fucking choke on it.

Fucks sake, take a break. The internet is getting to you when you should know IT'S JUST THE FUCKING INTERNET. Wanna know the trick to this place? Not giving a single flying fuck about any of it.

Fuck off with your bullshit already. You're almost constantly passive aggressive doom and gloom shit and it is tiring. Take some advice and get off the internet and go try and make something of yourself. Try reallyyyyyy fucking hard, and don't give bullshit excuses like "wahhhhh i already did cities r shit wahhhh" or "nothing to do around here waahhhhh". When I hear that, I hear fucking whining. Go fucking change your life if you hate it so much. If you really want it, you'll do it, no fucking excuses. If you happen to reply to this and give me one, go FUCK yourself and fuck off. You're not the only one who's dealt with crippling depression, nor will you be the last.

Here's an interesting question then.

Why should I care? I mean, to the contrary, not one of your posts is ever serious. So why should I listen to your advice? Well, going by your history, I shouldn't.

And second. If we're all supposedly jaded internet warriors, then why would anybody care if I was bitching?

Oh, but wait. Hypocrites. That magical little word. Nobody "cares" until somebody starts speaking about how shitty they're feeling. "It's just the internet stop taking it seriously dude" only applies until somebody starts being open and talking.

Everybody's got some fake ass mask on until somebody starts talking about reality. Then the jaded internet warrior bullshit gets wiped clean.

So, go fuck yourself midge.

I don't, and I sure as fuck won't listen to your advice because you're never serious.

Sure, ignore my post and continue living a miserable, depressed life up until the moment you put the barrel of a gun to your head and your family cleans your blood and brains off the carpet and skull matter from the walls. Call me whatever you want, I have my own reasons for posting the ways I do and have stated them before. It doesn't make it a facade when I've been completely open about my habits here and why. You don't seem "built" for the internet at all, unless you quickly learn to literally think of it as a stupid, meaningless game, or a thing to burn time. That's it. Why should any of this matter when you have real life to actually worry about? Throughout my time here I've dealt with deeply personal issues, seen people die, and had my own ups and downs. I haven't mentioned them because Sep7agon is not a place to mention them and it never will be. There's too many people here who I wouldn't trust. Maybe you should start thinking of it as the same. Leave real life to the real people.

But nah, go ahead and call me a hypocrite, ignore my advice because I've offended you, or whatever. Grow the fuck up. Take it as ammunition to actually do something with yourself, get out of your depression, make a living and be happy. Or, continue as you are, and use it as ammo to blow your brains out. It's your choice. 95% posts may not be serious, but don't think for a second it means I'm not capable of making a serious post. There's a reason people are starting to get upset with your posts and it's because after a while, depressed people are a total drain. Go and change it.

I got about as far as Sure before my confidence grew exponentially and I fixed everything up. You're a miracle worker midget. You should go on tour as one of those bible thumper healers.

"Oh lord help me I'm blind!"

"Stop being blind."

You'd be a hit.

Mock me all you want, I'm actually trying to be helpful and tell you the cold, hard truth. You want a personal side to me? I've got a question for you, then. Do you know how many times I held a loaded gun to my head or my mouth, ready to squeeze the trigger? Or sat down with a knife over my wrists, with an irresistible urge to cut, to see blood start flowing?

As I said, you're not the only one who's dealt with suicidal, crippling depression. But the only way to start making progress is actually getting off your ass and trying to do something with yourself. I never fucking said it'd be easy, because it's the hardest fucking thing in the world, but you should know it's the only way. After a point in time, two options become clear: Killing yourself, or fighting your way out. The world doesn't wait for depressed people. Go and change it. Try to change it, because you and I both know how it'll end up if you don't give it a shot. The truth hurts, but the sooner you accept that the sooner you'll be ready to move forward.

But if you decide to mock this post as well, I guess I'll just go back to my usual posting style and tell you to kill yourself, faggot. I can say that I at least tried.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:11:40 PM »
You know what? Fuck it. I never came here to play ring around the fucking rosey and play fucking guessing games about who had a mask on and whether or not they were being serious or just pissing around.

I didn't come here for trivial stupid shit like this. I didn't come here to get into arguments and get involved in stupid trash and people taking things the wrong way. And most of all I didn't come here to get involved and be more open to people because apparently being more open to people makes me a fucking floodgate of negative bullshit from my difficult way of doing things and all the not cheery shit on my end.

I got along just fine and fucking dandy on my own, doing things on my own. And I came here to talk to people. Trade and swap interesting stories, listen to people of interest about their strange side of things and their particular way of life, broaden my own small perception of things.

But apparently, no.

So fuck it. Take your bullshit. Take your tripe. Take your thinly veiled insecurities or insults or whatever the fuck your kinks are that give you a raise, and do your shit and fucking choke on it.

Fucks sake, take a break. The internet is getting to you when you should know IT'S JUST THE FUCKING INTERNET. Wanna know the trick to this place? Not giving a single flying fuck about any of it.

Fuck off with your bullshit already. You're almost constantly passive aggressive doom and gloom shit and it is tiring. Take some advice and get off the internet and go try and make something of yourself. Try reallyyyyyy fucking hard, and don't give bullshit excuses like "wahhhhh i already did cities r shit wahhhh" or "nothing to do around here waahhhhh". When I hear that, I hear fucking whining. Go fucking change your life if you hate it so much. If you really want it, you'll do it, no fucking excuses. If you happen to reply to this and give me one, go FUCK yourself and fuck off. You're not the only one who's dealt with crippling depression, nor will you be the last.

Here's an interesting question then.

Why should I care? I mean, to the contrary, not one of your posts is ever serious. So why should I listen to your advice? Well, going by your history, I shouldn't.

And second. If we're all supposedly jaded internet warriors, then why would anybody care if I was bitching?

Oh, but wait. Hypocrites. That magical little word. Nobody "cares" until somebody starts speaking about how shitty they're feeling. "It's just the internet stop taking it seriously dude" only applies until somebody starts being open and talking.

Everybody's got some fake ass mask on until somebody starts talking about reality. Then the jaded internet warrior bullshit gets wiped clean.

So, go fuck yourself midge.

I don't, and I sure as fuck won't listen to your advice because you're never serious.

Sure, ignore my post and continue living a miserable, depressed life up until the moment you put the barrel of a gun to your head and your family cleans your blood and brains off the carpet and skull matter from the walls. Call me whatever you want, I have my own reasons for posting the ways I do and have stated them before. It doesn't make it a facade when I've been completely open about my habits here and why. You don't seem "built" for the internet at all, unless you quickly learn to literally think of it as a stupid, meaningless game, or a thing to burn time. That's it. Why should any of this matter when you have real life to actually worry about? Throughout my time here I've dealt with deeply personal issues, seen people die, and had my own ups and downs. I haven't mentioned them because Sep7agon is not a place to mention them and it never will be. There's too many people here who I wouldn't trust. Maybe you should start thinking of it as the same. Leave real life to the real people.

But nah, go ahead and call me a hypocrite, ignore my advice because I've offended you, or whatever. Grow the fuck up. Take it as ammunition to actually do something with yourself, get out of your depression, make a living and be happy. Or, continue as you are, and use it as ammo to blow your brains out. It's your choice. 95% posts may not be serious, but don't think for a second it means I'm not capable of making a serious post. There's a reason people are starting to get upset with your posts and it's because after a while, depressed people are a total drain. Go and change it. As a friend once told me, use your troubles to build yourself a bigger, better suit of armor, a thicker skin.

The Flood / Re: Somebody get Camnator banned from Bungie
« on: May 20, 2015, 11:47:58 AM »
You know, it'd be a whole lot easier if you just didn't give a shit about it. That's why people do it and why it gets to you.

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton had second secret email address
« on: May 20, 2015, 03:13:59 AM »
You're using that word very loosely.

More like very accurately.

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton had second secret email address
« on: May 19, 2015, 11:38:59 PM »
Who gives a shit?

>Corrupt politician running for president


How do you handle seeing people dying on you or coming to scenes where the person is already dead or there's no hope at all? I was wondering because today at work I looked up and I seen one of our workers getting CPR preformed on him. The guy ended up having it done for about an hour before the EMT's decided he was gone.He ended up having a heart attack and to make it even worse he might have been left up there for about 20 minutes before people checked out what was going on. So I was just wondering how you people handle coming to a scene trying to revive someone and having it ended up being pointless.

Forgot to ask, they worked him for an hour? That's pretty long to be on scene...

The Flood / Re: (☠) Perfect Grammar Thread
« on: May 19, 2015, 06:42:34 PM »
nUTTING iz rong wif mai GRAMER u NAYZI


  My aunt was an EMT for about a decade and she said that the first ten times it's really emotionally impacting, but that after time you become emotionally numb to other's deaths. That's why she retired. She didn't want to be emotionally numb to other's deaths, and said it was an inhuman feeling.
Did you tell her to

Nah she just did




I so far haven't had to deal with a patient passing yet, but I have dealt with seeing two of my relatives pass away in person. Given how hard those were, I feel when the inevitable comes and a patient dies during the call or transport, it may be easier to deal with, as cold as that sounds. But until it happens I'm not sure how I'll actually deal with it. A patient's death may be as hard as my relatives for all I know, but I spose' it depends on the person. It's going to happen, so it's something I'm ready to accept as part of the job. Likely put on the best game face, act professional, and wait to let it all out during a Critical Incident Stress Debriefing, if one is needed.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 19, 2015, 06:20:30 PM »

You know what? Fuck it. I never came here to play ring around the fucking rosey and play fucking guessing games about who had a mask on and whether or not they were being serious or just pissing around.

I didn't come here for trivial stupid shit like this. I didn't come here to get into arguments and get involved in stupid trash and people taking things the wrong way. And most of all I didn't come here to get involved and be more open to people because apparently being more open to people makes me a fucking floodgate of negative bullshit from my difficult way of doing things and all the not cheery shit on my end.

I got along just fine and fucking dandy on my own, doing things on my own. And I came here to talk to people. Trade and swap interesting stories, listen to people of interest about their strange side of things and their particular way of life, broaden my own small perception of things.

But apparently, no.

So fuck it. Take your bullshit. Take your tripe. Take your thinly veiled insecurities or insults or whatever the fuck your kinks are that give you a raise, and do your shit and fucking choke on it.

Fucks sake, take a break. The internet is getting to you when you should know IT'S JUST THE FUCKING INTERNET. Wanna know the trick to this place? Not giving a single flying fuck about any of it.

Fuck off with your bullshit already. You're almost constantly passive aggressive doom and gloom shit and it is tiring. Take some advice and get off the internet and go try and make something of yourself. Try reallyyyyyy fucking hard, and don't give bullshit excuses like "wahhhhh i already did cities r shit wahhhh" or "nothing to do around here waahhhhh". When I hear that, I hear fucking whining. Go fucking change your life if you hate it so much. If you really want it, you'll do it, no fucking excuses. If you happen to reply to this and give me one, go FUCK yourself and fuck off. You're not the only one who's dealt with crippling depression, nor will you be the last.
Just fuck off already, Midget

But I already masturbated for today

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 19, 2015, 03:06:13 PM »
You know what? Fuck it. I never came here to play ring around the fucking rosey and play fucking guessing games about who had a mask on and whether or not they were being serious or just pissing around.

I didn't come here for trivial stupid shit like this. I didn't come here to get into arguments and get involved in stupid trash and people taking things the wrong way. And most of all I didn't come here to get involved and be more open to people because apparently being more open to people makes me a fucking floodgate of negative bullshit from my difficult way of doing things and all the not cheery shit on my end.

I got along just fine and fucking dandy on my own, doing things on my own. And I came here to talk to people. Trade and swap interesting stories, listen to people of interest about their strange side of things and their particular way of life, broaden my own small perception of things.

But apparently, no.

So fuck it. Take your bullshit. Take your tripe. Take your thinly veiled insecurities or insults or whatever the fuck your kinks are that give you a raise, and do your shit and fucking choke on it.

Fucks sake, take a break. The internet is getting to you when you should know IT'S JUST THE FUCKING INTERNET. Wanna know the trick to this place? Not giving a single flying fuck about any of it.

Fuck off with your bullshit already. You're almost constantly passive aggressive doom and gloom shit and it is tiring. Take some advice and get off the internet and go try and make something of yourself. Try reallyyyyyy fucking hard, and don't give bullshit excuses like "wahhhhh i already did cities r shit wahhhh" or "nothing to do around here waahhhhh". When I hear that, I hear fucking whining. Go fucking change your life if you hate it so much. If you really want it, you'll do it, no fucking excuses. If you happen to reply to this and give me one, go FUCK yourself and fuck off. You're not the only one who's dealt with crippling depression, nor will you be the last.

But businesses should have the right to turn away anyone they want!

There's a restaurant I go to that has a sign near the register that says,

"We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone if we wish". And that's the way it should be.

Serious / Re: Psychedelics
« on: May 17, 2015, 05:12:26 PM »
Azu, he's trolling you.

Except I'm not. Who the hell determines what is or is not trolling? It honestly seems to be that if you hold an opinion people don't like, you're a troll. This is a very stupid thing.

Serious / Re: Should the UN have an army?
« on: May 17, 2015, 05:09:40 PM »
UN Standing Army: Angry Letter Division

Nah that doesn't sound intimidating tbh

The Flood / Re: Definitive video proof that Bush did 9/11
« on: May 17, 2015, 02:53:45 PM »
Everything seems so suddenly clear

The Flood / Re: PSA no more spamming from my end MODS LOCK
« on: May 17, 2015, 02:51:41 PM »

The Flood / Re: would you rather
« on: May 17, 2015, 02:50:21 PM »
Cute twinkish masseuse or really buff and hairy one?
Neither. Nerdy 20 year old who has Verbatim's body build.

I think the choice is clear

The Flood / Re: Leela or Amy?
« on: May 17, 2015, 02:46:30 PM »
Neither, they're both hideous

The Flood / Re: Loli is legal according to US law.
« on: May 17, 2015, 02:40:03 PM »
Drawings should never be illegal.

"oh but it normalizes child porn"

No, it gives pedophiles a safe outlet for their desires. Without that, their sexual repression would just build up and build up until they actually act on their urges in a harmful way. Pedophilia is like homosexuality or any fetish. You're born that way. You have no control over feeling that urge; all that matters is whether or not you act on it. And you're far more likely to go out and molest kids if you have no other option for release.

And just like gays, pedophiles also go to Hell.

The Flood / Re: If you post
« on: May 16, 2015, 07:56:38 PM »
>basing the standard on your own post count


Yeah duh, who else would I base it on?

The Flood / Re: If you post
« on: May 16, 2015, 05:44:31 PM »
said the faggot that drinks alone and plays skyrim on a console

Skyrim is objectively better on a console

Serious / Re: Wisconsin bans poor people from buying potatoes
« on: May 16, 2015, 03:23:47 PM »
Well it's their fault they're poor in the first place, so I'm not gonna cry a river over this. If they hadn't made terrible life decisions they wouldn't be struggling to provide for themselves.
Could have sworn this was serious

And I'm being serious. We live in a time where people are fucking morons and they're only breeding more morons, so I have no sympathy for idiots that make stupid decisions that get them nowhere. Nobody takes responsibility for themselves or their own actions anymore, even though it's exactly that that got these poor people where there are now. If this was a couple decades or longer ago, then I might sympathize, but today? You can go cry me a river for putting yourself in such a situation. Not my fault, and not my tears to shed.
please dont ever copulate

Sorry that you can't handle the truth.

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