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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 646566 6768 ... 173
Serious / Re: A future without fear for a lack of money?
« on: May 26, 2015, 09:36:27 PM »
There was a German guy starting a Kickstarter, in which the funds are used to pay someone everyday for a year

The chosen person was required to be unemployed however
I could pull that off.. $1,000 a month would be $300 more than I make now and it'd be more consistent. I'd probably take College classes or do a couple more things around town than I do now.

Dude, you make 700 a month? How do you manage?

  • There is no god (obligatory).
Except there is literally nothing factual about this and you're fucking retarded beyond belief if you believe this and try to instill this poisonous line of thought in others.
enjoy your schizophrenia

Too bad I'm not a schizo

"guys archery in skyrim is hard! i swear! sneaking isnt easy as shit and the enemy AI is complex and nuanced!"

Do you naturally just sound like a retard or do you have to try?
youre my favorite member of this forum, truly

I'm flattered

Fallout 3 is shit but Skyrim is objectively amazing
What's Skyrim amazing at? Holding your hand the whole time while you're playing a game that has as much depth as a small puddle on the sidewalk?

Sorry you must have Fallout 3 mistaken for Skyrim
Nope, I'm sure I'm talking about the game where every guild has the exact same story setup with no choices and the game that is holding your hand the whole time you are playing it. How can you find Fallout 3 shitty but for Skyrim it's amazing when it's just as bad? They are both have the same faults.

Except you're wrong
What's amazing is that the series is about magical shit and you can't even make your own spells in that game.

LMFAO that's why you hate it so much? Because of one stupid gripe? Now I get it, you're a magefag. I hardly use magic because fucking swords and getting in people's faces and cutting off their heads is where it's at, not using some pussy magic shit. Fuck outta' here
swordplay is the least mechanically and intellectually intensive mechanic in the game. im about [ ] this close to rewarding you with a dunce cap.

Except you're wrong again. Skyrim has pretty good sword mechanics (like Dark Souls) and I don't see how it's lacking in intellectual "intensity". Just like Dark Souls, Skyrim's magic is stupid BS that allows you to cheese your way through the game. Getting into the thick of it is much harder, and planning out attacks with bows and being stealthy is also hard. To say otherwise is ignorant.

You're also forgetting that it's an overall fun game, and if a game is fun it's successful and good. There's no disputing this. Skyrim is one of the funnest games I've played.
you might be the funniest person on this forum

Nothing to counter my points? Looks like I'm right, again.
go ahead and tell yourself that buddy

skyrim's melee combat is so fucking one dimensional its hilarious. spam attack, shield bash every once in a while, gg. easy as fuck. archery is even easier. you have to actively ignore all the free shit the game gives you to succeed in order to make it difficult at all. alchemy/enchanting make the already extremely shallow combat so much easier, only a child could struggle in that game. there's nothing remotely challenging about skyrim. if you had a hard time in skyrim, it's not because the game is difficult, it's because you're a fucking moron without working hands.

it is a fun game, because i can mindlessly walk around killing shit in a high fantasy setting with a pretty atmosphere and nice music. beyond that, it has little to no merit and is one of the worst "RPGs" ever released.

Sounds like your wrongful opinion of Skyrim is shoved so far up your ass your brain is drowning in shit and giving out shit opinions. Archery is easy? LOL idiot alert. Shield bash and win? LOL retard alarm. Literally upping the difficulty solves ALL those problems and makes the game more challenging and interesting. That's why difficulty settings are there, to be USED. If you don't use them, you're a shit-for-brains - oh wait.

The funny thing is Skyrim is praised as one of the best RPGs of recent times, and it is.
It doesnt solve anything moron, it just drags out the fights even more

Don't talk to me, you clearly don't have the level of understanding capable enough to enter this conversation.
Im sorry what? Youre the one with a mental capacity of a 5 year old. Comparing Skyrim to Dark Souls, youre something man.

Looks like you're dumber than 5 years olds then, dipshit

"guys archery in skyrim is hard! i swear! sneaking isnt easy as shit and the enemy AI is complex and nuanced!"

Do you naturally just sound like a retard or do you have to try?

Fallout 3 is shit but Skyrim is objectively amazing
What's Skyrim amazing at? Holding your hand the whole time while you're playing a game that has as much depth as a small puddle on the sidewalk?

Sorry you must have Fallout 3 mistaken for Skyrim
Nope, I'm sure I'm talking about the game where every guild has the exact same story setup with no choices and the game that is holding your hand the whole time you are playing it. How can you find Fallout 3 shitty but for Skyrim it's amazing when it's just as bad? They are both have the same faults.

Except you're wrong
What's amazing is that the series is about magical shit and you can't even make your own spells in that game.

LMFAO that's why you hate it so much? Because of one stupid gripe? Now I get it, you're a magefag. I hardly use magic because fucking swords and getting in people's faces and cutting off their heads is where it's at, not using some pussy magic shit. Fuck outta' here
swordplay is the least mechanically and intellectually intensive mechanic in the game. im about [ ] this close to rewarding you with a dunce cap.

Except you're wrong again. Skyrim has pretty good sword mechanics (like Dark Souls) and I don't see how it's lacking in intellectual "intensity". Just like Dark Souls, Skyrim's magic is stupid BS that allows you to cheese your way through the game. Getting into the thick of it is much harder, and planning out attacks with bows and being stealthy is also hard. To say otherwise is ignorant.

You're also forgetting that it's an overall fun game, and if a game is fun it's successful and good. There's no disputing this. Skyrim is one of the funnest games I've played.
you might be the funniest person on this forum

Nothing to counter my points? Looks like I'm right, again.
go ahead and tell yourself that buddy

skyrim's melee combat is so fucking one dimensional its hilarious. spam attack, shield bash every once in a while, gg. easy as fuck. archery is even easier. you have to actively ignore all the free shit the game gives you to succeed in order to make it difficult at all. alchemy/enchanting make the already extremely shallow combat so much easier, only a child could struggle in that game. there's nothing remotely challenging about skyrim. if you had a hard time in skyrim, it's not because the game is difficult, it's because you're a fucking moron without working hands.

it is a fun game, because i can mindlessly walk around killing shit in a high fantasy setting with a pretty atmosphere and nice music. beyond that, it has little to no merit and is one of the worst "RPGs" ever released.

Sounds like your wrongful opinion of Skyrim is shoved so far up your ass your brain is drowning in shit and giving out shit opinions. Archery is easy? LOL idiot alert. Shield bash and win? LOL retard alarm. Literally upping the difficulty solves ALL those problems and makes the game more challenging and interesting. That's why difficulty settings are there, to be USED. If you don't use them, you're a shit-for-brains - oh wait.

The funny thing is Skyrim is praised as one of the best RPGs of recent times, and it is.
It doesnt solve anything moron, it just drags out the fights even more

Don't talk to me, you clearly don't have the level of understanding capable enough to enter this conversation.

Fallout 3 is shit but Skyrim is objectively amazing
What's Skyrim amazing at? Holding your hand the whole time while you're playing a game that has as much depth as a small puddle on the sidewalk?

Sorry you must have Fallout 3 mistaken for Skyrim
Nope, I'm sure I'm talking about the game where every guild has the exact same story setup with no choices and the game that is holding your hand the whole time you are playing it. How can you find Fallout 3 shitty but for Skyrim it's amazing when it's just as bad? They are both have the same faults.

Except you're wrong
What's amazing is that the series is about magical shit and you can't even make your own spells in that game.

LMFAO that's why you hate it so much? Because of one stupid gripe? Now I get it, you're a magefag. I hardly use magic because fucking swords and getting in people's faces and cutting off their heads is where it's at, not using some pussy magic shit. Fuck outta' here
swordplay is the least mechanically and intellectually intensive mechanic in the game. im about [ ] this close to rewarding you with a dunce cap.

Except you're wrong again. Skyrim has pretty good sword mechanics (like Dark Souls) and I don't see how it's lacking in intellectual "intensity". Just like Dark Souls, Skyrim's magic is stupid BS that allows you to cheese your way through the game. Getting into the thick of it is much harder, and planning out attacks with bows and being stealthy is also hard. To say otherwise is ignorant.

You're also forgetting that it's an overall fun game, and if a game is fun it's successful and good. There's no disputing this. Skyrim is one of the funnest games I've played.
you might be the funniest person on this forum

Nothing to counter my points? Looks like I'm right, again.
go ahead and tell yourself that buddy

skyrim's melee combat is so fucking one dimensional its hilarious. spam attack, shield bash every once in a while, gg. easy as fuck. archery is even easier. you have to actively ignore all the free shit the game gives you to succeed in order to make it difficult at all. alchemy/enchanting make the already extremely shallow combat so much easier, only a child could struggle in that game. there's nothing remotely challenging about skyrim. if you had a hard time in skyrim, it's not because the game is difficult, it's because you're a fucking moron without working hands.

it is a fun game, because i can mindlessly walk around killing shit in a high fantasy setting with a pretty atmosphere and nice music. beyond that, it has little to no merit and is one of the worst "RPGs" ever released.

Sounds like your wrongful opinion of Skyrim is shoved so far up your ass your brain is drowning in shit and giving out shit opinions. Archery is easy? LOL idiot alert. Shield bash and win? LOL retard alarm. Literally upping the difficulty solves ALL those problems and makes the game more challenging and interesting. That's why difficulty settings are there, to be USED. If you don't use them, you're a shit-for-brains - oh wait.

The funny thing is Skyrim is praised as one of the best RPGs of recent times, and it is.
i played on the highest difficulty setting. 1000+ hours. lol.

i genuinely pity you if a game like skyrim actually challenges you. you must be one of the most incompetent gamers that ever lived

Too bad I know you're lying. You've used excuses like that before.


  • There is no god (obligatory).

Except there is literally nothing factual about this and you're fucking retarded beyond belief if you believe this and try to instill this poisonous line of thought in others.

Fallout 3 is shit but Skyrim is objectively amazing
What's Skyrim amazing at? Holding your hand the whole time while you're playing a game that has as much depth as a small puddle on the sidewalk?

Sorry you must have Fallout 3 mistaken for Skyrim
Nope, I'm sure I'm talking about the game where every guild has the exact same story setup with no choices and the game that is holding your hand the whole time you are playing it. How can you find Fallout 3 shitty but for Skyrim it's amazing when it's just as bad? They are both have the same faults.

Except you're wrong
What's amazing is that the series is about magical shit and you can't even make your own spells in that game.

LMFAO that's why you hate it so much? Because of one stupid gripe? Now I get it, you're a magefag. I hardly use magic because fucking swords and getting in people's faces and cutting off their heads is where it's at, not using some pussy magic shit. Fuck outta' here
swordplay is the least mechanically and intellectually intensive mechanic in the game. im about [ ] this close to rewarding you with a dunce cap.

Except you're wrong again. Skyrim has pretty good sword mechanics (like Dark Souls) and I don't see how it's lacking in intellectual "intensity". Just like Dark Souls, Skyrim's magic is stupid BS that allows you to cheese your way through the game. Getting into the thick of it is much harder, and planning out attacks with bows and being stealthy is also hard. To say otherwise is ignorant.

You're also forgetting that it's an overall fun game, and if a game is fun it's successful and good. There's no disputing this. Skyrim is one of the funnest games I've played.
you might be the funniest person on this forum

Nothing to counter my points? Looks like I'm right, again.
go ahead and tell yourself that buddy

skyrim's melee combat is so fucking one dimensional its hilarious. spam attack, shield bash every once in a while, gg. easy as fuck. archery is even easier. you have to actively ignore all the free shit the game gives you to succeed in order to make it difficult at all. alchemy/enchanting make the already extremely shallow combat so much easier, only a child could struggle in that game. there's nothing remotely challenging about skyrim. if you had a hard time in skyrim, it's not because the game is difficult, it's because you're a fucking moron without working hands.

it is a fun game, because i can mindlessly walk around killing shit in a high fantasy setting with a pretty atmosphere and nice music. beyond that, it has little to no merit and is one of the worst "RPGs" ever released.

Sounds like your wrongful opinion of Skyrim is shoved so far up your ass your brain is drowning in shit and giving out shit opinions. Archery is easy? LOL idiot alert. Shield bash and win? LOL retard alarm. Literally upping the difficulty solves ALL those problems and makes the game more challenging and interesting. That's why difficulty settings are there, to be USED. If you don't use them, you're a shit-for-brains - oh wait.

The funny thing is Skyrim is praised as one of the best RPGs of recent times, and it is.

Serious / Re: Russia prosecutes 'undesirable' NGOs
« on: May 26, 2015, 07:27:55 PM »
Russia sounds free as fuck, I'm glad RT is reporting on this progressive freedom

Fallout 3 is shit but Skyrim is objectively amazing
What's Skyrim amazing at? Holding your hand the whole time while you're playing a game that has as much depth as a small puddle on the sidewalk?

Sorry you must have Fallout 3 mistaken for Skyrim
Nope, I'm sure I'm talking about the game where every guild has the exact same story setup with no choices and the game that is holding your hand the whole time you are playing it. How can you find Fallout 3 shitty but for Skyrim it's amazing when it's just as bad? They are both have the same faults.

Except you're wrong
What's amazing is that the series is about magical shit and you can't even make your own spells in that game.

LMFAO that's why you hate it so much? Because of one stupid gripe? Now I get it, you're a magefag. I hardly use magic because fucking swords and getting in people's faces and cutting off their heads is where it's at, not using some pussy magic shit. Fuck outta' here
swordplay is the least mechanically and intellectually intensive mechanic in the game. im about [ ] this close to rewarding you with a dunce cap.

Except you're wrong again. Skyrim has pretty good sword mechanics (like Dark Souls) and I don't see how it's lacking in intellectual "intensity". Just like Dark Souls, Skyrim's magic is stupid BS that allows you to cheese your way through the game. Getting into the thick of it is much harder, and planning out attacks with bows and being stealthy is also hard. To say otherwise is ignorant.

You're also forgetting that it's an overall fun game, and if a game is fun it's successful and good. There's no disputing this. Skyrim is one of the funnest games I've played.
you might be the funniest person on this forum

Nothing to counter my points? Looks like I'm right, again.

Fallout 3 is shit but Skyrim is objectively amazing
What's Skyrim amazing at? Holding your hand the whole time while you're playing a game that has as much depth as a small puddle on the sidewalk?

Sorry you must have Fallout 3 mistaken for Skyrim
Nope, I'm sure I'm talking about the game where every guild has the exact same story setup with no choices and the game that is holding your hand the whole time you are playing it. How can you find Fallout 3 shitty but for Skyrim it's amazing when it's just as bad? They are both have the same faults.

Except you're wrong
What's amazing is that the series is about magical shit and you can't even make your own spells in that game.

LMFAO that's why you hate it so much? Because of one stupid gripe? Now I get it, you're a magefag. I hardly use magic because fucking swords and getting in people's faces and cutting off their heads is where it's at, not using some pussy magic shit. Fuck outta' here
swordplay is the least mechanically and intellectually intensive mechanic in the game. im about [ ] this close to rewarding you with a dunce cap.

Except you're wrong again. Skyrim has pretty good sword mechanics (like Dark Souls) and I don't see how it's lacking in intellectual "intensity". Just like Dark Souls, Skyrim's magic is stupid BS that allows you to cheese your way through the game. Getting into the thick of it is much harder, and planning out attacks with bows and being stealthy is also hard. To say otherwise is ignorant.

You're also forgetting that it's an overall fun game, and if a game is fun it's successful and good. There's no disputing this. Skyrim is one of the funnest games I've played.

Serious / Re: Wisconsin bans poor people from buying potatoes
« on: May 26, 2015, 07:14:27 PM »
Well it's their fault they're poor in the first place, so I'm not gonna cry a river over this. If they hadn't made terrible life decisions they wouldn't be struggling to provide for themselves.
Could have sworn this was serious

And I'm being serious. We live in a time where people are fucking morons and they're only breeding more morons, so I have no sympathy for idiots that make stupid decisions that get them nowhere. Nobody takes responsibility for themselves or their own actions anymore, even though it's exactly that that got these poor people where there are now. If this was a couple decades or longer ago, then I might sympathize, but today? You can go cry me a river for putting yourself in such a situation. Not my fault, and not my tears to shed.
thanks cunt.

I take it that you're poor and spending outside your means and therefore blame the system rather than taking responsibility for yourself?

Serious / Re: Boy Scouts of America fucking ban water gun fights
« on: May 25, 2015, 04:23:13 PM »
What a bunch of pussies. I'm just waiting for the day where any kind of game or sport with physical contact is banned because it'd be "too aggressive".

Serious / Re: Is peace attainable?
« on: May 23, 2015, 10:46:44 PM »
Maybe if everyone stopped reproducing...

HURRRR get the fuck outta' here

Dragging your bullshit into every thread

The Flood / Re: Free Jim
« on: May 23, 2015, 06:28:11 PM »
If you get banned you should probably kill yourself

The Flood / Re: Happy EMS Week!!!!
« on: May 23, 2015, 03:28:42 PM »
PSU's plot line is better

Uh, care to elaborate?
It's not my fault you aren't well read.

I'm asking you to elaborate what you mean, faggot. You sayin' this is just a ploy by me?

What if I told you I have photographic proof of me working as an EMT?
What if I told you that you're a faggot?

Then I'd tell you you're wrong lol
Prove it lol

That I work as an EMT?
That you're not a faggot

You can't

But I can.

I'm not you so LOOOOOL

The Flood / Re: Happy EMS Week!!!!
« on: May 23, 2015, 03:18:25 PM »
PSU's plot line is better

Uh, care to elaborate?
It's not my fault you aren't well read.

I'm asking you to elaborate what you mean, faggot. You sayin' this is just a ploy by me?

What if I told you I have photographic proof of me working as an EMT?
What if I told you that you're a faggot?

Then I'd tell you you're wrong lol
Prove it lol

That I work as an EMT?

The Flood / Re: Happy EMS Week!!!!
« on: May 23, 2015, 03:14:05 PM »
PSU's plot line is better

Uh, care to elaborate?
It's not my fault you aren't well read.

I'm asking you to elaborate what you mean, faggot. You sayin' this is just a ploy by me?

What if I told you I have photographic proof of me working as an EMT?
What if I told you that you're a faggot?

Then I'd tell you you're wrong lol

The Flood / Re: Happy EMS Week!!!!
« on: May 23, 2015, 03:09:02 PM »
PSU's plot line is better

Uh, care to elaborate?
It's not my fault you aren't well read.

I'm asking you to elaborate what you mean, faggot. You sayin' this is just a ploy by me?

What if I told you I have photographic proof of me working as an EMT?

The Flood / Re: Happy EMS Week!!!!
« on: May 23, 2015, 02:36:05 PM »
PSU's plot line is better

Uh, care to elaborate?
It's not my fault you aren't well read.

I'm asking you to elaborate what you mean, faggot. You sayin' this is just a ploy by me?

The Flood / Re: Happy EMS Week!!!!
« on: May 23, 2015, 01:46:32 PM »

The Flood / Re: Happy EMS Week!!!!
« on: May 23, 2015, 01:12:13 PM »
Never heard of this before.

Aren't Emergency Medical Services called EMS for short in Europe Land, too?

The Flood / Re: Happy EMS Week!!!!
« on: May 23, 2015, 01:11:24 PM »
PSU's plot line is better

Uh, care to elaborate?

The Flood / Re: Happy EMS Week!!!!
« on: May 23, 2015, 12:52:59 PM »
kill yourself

I can't, it's still EMS Week

The Flood / Happy EMS Week!!!!
« on: May 23, 2015, 12:37:09 PM »
Hooray!! Happy EMS Week to all you guys and any other EMTs/Firefighters/Paramedics who might be on here!

I got a free cooler from work lol. Anybody else here work in EMS too?

The Flood / Re: Remember to carry balloons on you at all times.
« on: May 23, 2015, 12:27:15 PM »
instructions not clear, I made a foxe

Fuck off

Serious / Re: Michael Brown is getting a sidewalk memorial
« on: May 23, 2015, 12:25:19 PM »
Sure, let them.

Literally memorializing a criminal is not something that should be done. It will help perpetuate the crime of black culture and give the black community a criminal martyr to follow, rather than dig themselves out of the shit they're in.

Serious / Re: Michael Brown is getting a sidewalk memorial
« on: May 23, 2015, 12:23:58 PM »
I don't really trust any of these sources on these things.

They've all lies about autopsies on soldiers, police officers, and everybody else.
The fact that you mistrust the autopsies--even the independent one--isn't good enough to establish either Wilson's racism or the claim that he was shot in the back.

The best you can say is "The Ferguson police dept. has issues with racism, which ought to be addressed, but we can't speak specifically about the shooting of Brown".
I can say whatever the fuck I want to because I know about unarmed people shot and the police department covering it up completely, bullshit autopsy and all.
You usually need something called evidence to back up your claims, you know

Serious / Re: We can all agree that Ricky Gervais is a cunt, right?
« on: May 23, 2015, 12:07:26 PM »
Look at all you "holier than thou" puritans, so quick to berate a hunter but going to eat the food of the hunted. Fucking hypocrites.

I say good for her, she's proud of a rare kill and it went to help the locals. I'd kill it too, pose with it, and eat it. I'm not some pussified bitch who balls up from being offended by a little hunting.
Take these


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