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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 555657 5859 ... 173
Serious / Re: Hypothetically, if humans were carnivorous...
« on: July 05, 2015, 10:37:49 PM »
midget is a known troll; don't bother

Just because I have differing opinions doesn't mean I'm a troll. Just because I'm also right doesn't mean I'm a troll.

Really, man? This is worse than PSU.

But the hard truth is just because I have a differing opinion doesn't make me a troll. I have no idea why that's become a thing - people vary in their ideals.

No one is implying you are a troll BECAUSE you have a different opinion.

Then there's no point in discussing this then. I'm not a troll.

Your actions indicate otherwise.

That makes no sense. If my actions of defending my opinions makes me a troll, then sure, I guess I'm the biggest troll there is.

Serious / Re: Hypothetically, if humans were carnivorous...
« on: July 05, 2015, 10:16:45 PM »
midget is a known troll; don't bother

Just because I have differing opinions doesn't mean I'm a troll. Just because I'm also right doesn't mean I'm a troll.

Really, man? This is worse than PSU.

But the hard truth is just because I have a differing opinion doesn't make me a troll. I have no idea why that's become a thing - people vary in their ideals.

No one is implying you are a troll BECAUSE you have a different opinion.

Then there's no point in discussing this then. I'm not a troll.

Serious / Re: Hypothetically, if humans were carnivorous...
« on: July 05, 2015, 10:11:03 PM »
midget is a known troll; don't bother

Just because I have differing opinions doesn't mean I'm a troll. Just because I'm also right doesn't mean I'm a troll.

Really, man? This is worse than PSU.

But the hard truth is just because I have a differing opinion doesn't make me a troll. I have no idea why that's become a thing - people vary in their ideals.

The Flood / Re: Best Grindcore album
« on: July 05, 2015, 09:59:57 PM »
No such thing

The Flood / Re: Women are inferior to men
« on: July 05, 2015, 09:29:30 PM »
If anything, it's the opposite.

To prove your point you usually need evidence to support it.

Serious / Re: Hypothetically, if humans were carnivorous...
« on: July 05, 2015, 09:23:50 PM »
midget is a known troll; don't bother

Just because I have differing opinions doesn't mean I'm a troll. Just because I'm also right doesn't mean I'm a troll.

Serious / Re: Hypothetically, if humans were carnivorous...
« on: July 05, 2015, 08:28:34 PM »
This thread...


Yet literally no one has been able to best him.
Really the only fault I've found so far is that you guys think too much. >.>

Come now, T. You know that's a cop-out response because you don't have a legitimate one.

You've known me for awhile, and the one thing I've always wanted is kids. But I just can't. There's no justifying it. It's wrong to impose life on anyone.

LOL you're as cringe worthy as verbatim. There's nothing wrong with having kids.

Considering life is an imposition, and impositions are wrong...

Considering life is a proposition, not an imposition, and considering impositions aren't wrong either.

Serious / Re: Hypothetically, if humans were carnivorous...
« on: July 05, 2015, 08:27:13 PM »
This thread...


Yet literally no one has been able to best him.

He's really easy to best, he just usually brings people down to his level of stupid to drive them away. That, or he doesn't quote people, so they don't even know he's replied and then he declares he "wins".
If someone is that interested in ending his career (for lack of a better term) you'd think they'd follow up to see if he has replied. But, no one is interested in trying because they know subconsciously they can't.

Oh, and the fact he says stupid shit as if it's fact, like "HURRR PAIN IS BAD". Literally wrong on every level.
Wait... what? How is pain NOT bad?

Or "negative" shit, like his view is the only view.
Well, obviously he believes his view is the only correct view. Otherwise, why would he believe in that view? That's like an atheist thinking Christianity is the only correct view. Makes no sense.

That's probably the dumbest excuse I've ever heard for not quoting people and why they may not reply. Literally fucking retarded to the point you're a fucking retard. Maybe people have better things to do than reply to an edgy autistic teenager on a backwater forum who thinks its a better idea to kill off humanity rather than let humans evolve to a state of peace and happiness?

How is pain bad? You have yet to say how it is bad. There is nothing to define it as bad because it isn't.

Except his view is wrong, simple as that.

Serious / Re: Hypothetically, if humans were carnivorous...
« on: July 05, 2015, 08:24:15 PM »
This thread...


Yet literally no one has been able to best him.
Really the only fault I've found so far is that you guys think too much. >.>

Come now, T. You know that's a cop-out response because you don't have a legitimate one.

You've known me for awhile, and the one thing I've always wanted is kids. But I just can't. There's no justifying it. It's wrong to impose life on anyone.

LOL you're as cringe worthy as verbatim. There's nothing wrong with having kids.

Serious / Re: Hypothetically, if humans were carnivorous...
« on: July 05, 2015, 08:19:59 PM »
This thread...


Yet literally no one has been able to best him.

He's really easy to best, he just usually brings people down to his level of stupid to drive them away. That, or he doesn't quote people, so they don't even know he's replied and then he declares he "wins".

Oh, and the fact he says stupid shit as if it's fact, like "HURRR PAIN IS BAD". Literally wrong on every level. Or "negative" shit, like his view is the only view.

Serious / Re: Hypothetically, if humans were carnivorous...
« on: July 05, 2015, 08:09:47 PM »
This thread...


Serious / Re: Let's get something straight.
« on: July 05, 2015, 06:56:34 PM »
Also it has less to do with "hurr, I wish I had a penis" and "I wanna be a big strong man" and more to do with the chemical makeup of your brain. Social climate can play a large role, but there are more biological/psychological roots.

But then again, this is purely talking about people with dysphoria. There are people who identify as transgender who have never experienced dysphoria and simply enjoy playing around with gender and breaking the societal expectations. Which to me is perfectly fine, there's nothing wrong with challenging the status quo.

When I put it in the "I wish I had a penis" terms, it's just a very basic way to word it. I know the actual feeling and whatever goes on is much more complex than just such a short, non-critical sentence, but it was easiest, especially for those of us who aren't in the same shoes.

That is another angle entirely - some do just want to challenge the status quo, which is fine of course. I am speaking for those who have real dysphoria. Even if there was an option, those who have it may be against it simply because they could feel the dysphoria more truly defines them as an individual than anything else.

Serious / Re: Let's get something straight.
« on: July 05, 2015, 06:04:32 PM »
The 'detrimental' aspect is entirely due to social climate.
Pure horseshit speculation. I'm pretty damn sure even without social climate that if you were born a girl but felt like you needed a penis (looool), you would still be pretty confused and probably feel a lot of undue pressure.

The Flood / Re: Ideal mod list
« on: July 05, 2015, 06:02:47 PM »


I knew you secretly loved me  :P <3  8)  :-*

Serious / Re: Let's get something straight.
« on: July 05, 2015, 05:59:30 PM »
I think you're mistaken, it's more of a push for social acceptance so that people can live normal lives. There's nothing inherently wrong with allowing a transgender individual live their lives like everyone else without the massive amount of discrimination and roadblocks that have to be overcome in day to day life.

The social acceptance I'm absolutely for, but there's also this trend along with it that transgenderism is natural, or normal, or w/e. But when something as significant as gender dysphoria is fucked up, that's far from normal.

I would like to ask you your thoughts on this. If there was an option for you to no longer have the gender identity issues you have, would you take that option? Or would you rather stay as you are?

Serious / Re: Let's get something straight.
« on: July 05, 2015, 05:54:27 PM »
Abnormal =/= wrong.

adjective: abnormal

    deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.
    "the illness is recognizable from the patient's abnormal behavior"
    synonyms:   unusual, uncommon, atypical, untypical, nontypical, unrepresentative, rare, isolated, irregular, anomalous, deviant, divergent, aberrant, freak, freakish;

It doesn't need to be "wrong" to be considered a detriment.

The Flood / Re: 45 shot in Chicago over the 4th of July weekend
« on: July 05, 2015, 05:53:17 PM »
They were white, so no one cares.
Uh, no. They were more than likely all black, or the majority were black.

The gang violence in Chicago is extreme.

Chicago is becoming the new Detroit

Serious / Let's get something straight.
« on: July 05, 2015, 05:51:09 PM »
Transgenderism is not normal. It's the opposite of normal, something's in fact very wrong with it. There is no way you could ever somehow say it's normal for someone born a male to feel like they're in the wrong body or need to be female - clearly something is wrong, the wiring got mixed up or some shit and now there's the wrong signals being sent. It's detrimental for the individual to endure such a confusing fuck up, let alone the rest of society to understand it. So why is transgenderism slowly being pushed as a normal thing when something clearly went wrong? Do you see it happening in nature? Do we ever see a lion trying to bite it's own balls off because it'd rather be a lioness? No. So why are we pushing this idea it's okay?

It should be noted I have nothing against transgender people. I empathize for them because it would definitely be a scary thing to be born a dude or girl but feel like it's the wrong body. So why isn't something like transgenderism being studied to look for causes or cures? If a cure could be found and the gender identity issue resolved, wouldn't that be the best option? It would allow an avenue for those afflicted with the dysphoria.

In short, I absolutely believe it should be studied, and without vilification. Transgender people should be allowed to do as they please, but let's not fool ourselves into believing it's normal or okay, when the cold hard truth is that it isn't. The closer we could get to ending it, the better. It would mean less and less people would have to deal with such a controversial hardship.

Have you tried killing yourself?

The Flood / Re: How do you truly piss people off online?
« on: July 04, 2015, 07:02:07 PM »
You just gotta be yourself
This is true. Fuck people.

Or maybe people are great and it's fuck you

The Flood / Re: I just watched...
« on: July 04, 2015, 05:39:34 PM »
2001 is outdated, Interstellar is much better.
I actually saw Interstellar about a week ago. Also fantastic.
B-but it's not realistic!!!

Naw, seriously though it was a fantastic movie, 2001 was pretty good too, but yeah it's kinda outdated now

still something you gotta watch
the only thing really that bad aside from the ending(although I guess you could argue "muh godlike 5th dimensional entities") was the ice planet where the ice floats above gas or something. . .

Someone failed deformable bodies.
the last bit of insterstellar very nearly ruined the rest of the film

luckily it was good enough to still be a 7 at the end of the day
the only thing that really bothered me was the improbability of Murph noticing the watch message and the sappy "love is the fifth dimension" angle(although maybe that was just Hathaway's character being irrational).

The rest of it including the tesseract and it's appearance can be handwaved with Clarke's 3rd law, which as a sci-fi fan I'm kind of used to.

FOR FUCKS SAKE LOVE IS NOT THE FIFTH DIMENSION. The only part where "love" falls into play is the fact it was Cooper's love for his daughter that kept him going. There was no implication anywhere that love was the fifth dimension, that is asinine bullshit.

Hathaway's character went on the love rant because she was desperate for love again, a connection with someone. Did you notice how in the scene before her rant she was watching a video message from her father? Her father wasn't giving any love or support, just lessons. Cold, emotionless, monotone. Like a professor to a student. Kinda loveless. She's in the middle of deep space in another galaxy, the furthest away from human population anyone has ever been and is, for the most part, alone. With that in perspective you can understand why she suddenly went on an irrational "love is the answer" rant because she was so desperate to see her lover again on the planet he was sent to.
She literally said it and if you'll noticed I said it could've just been her being irrational. The sappiness still got on my nerves but that's a subjective appraisal.

No shit she literally said it, because she's desperate. It doesn't mean it was the case. She was being irrational, I thought her crying her fucking eyes out would have made that obvious to anyone. Guess that's just me though.

Though I never heard her say "love is the fifth dimension" at all. Just that it was a "quantum connection" or some IRRATIONAL bullshit
Quantum connection = Irrational?
eh I disagree with the notion that love isn't the 5th dimension or whatever. But I'll chalk that up to my spiritual belief.

The Fifth Dimension is the next dimension after the 4th (Time).
Which is likely something totally beyond comprehension.

A fourth dimensional being sees all time at one moment, a fifth dimensional being sees all possible timelines at every possible moment.
oh true. Like they showed when Cooper was accessing each moment individually. Although that was being shown in the 3D world so.

That's what a tesseract is - a higher dimensional cube. They built it for him so he could accomplish his mission. Without it, he wouldn't have had the ability to communicate with Murph.

The Flood / Re: I just watched...
« on: July 04, 2015, 05:31:26 PM »
2001 is outdated, Interstellar is much better.
I actually saw Interstellar about a week ago. Also fantastic.
B-but it's not realistic!!!

Naw, seriously though it was a fantastic movie, 2001 was pretty good too, but yeah it's kinda outdated now

still something you gotta watch
the only thing really that bad aside from the ending(although I guess you could argue "muh godlike 5th dimensional entities") was the ice planet where the ice floats above gas or something. . .

Someone failed deformable bodies.
the last bit of insterstellar very nearly ruined the rest of the film

luckily it was good enough to still be a 7 at the end of the day
the only thing that really bothered me was the improbability of Murph noticing the watch message and the sappy "love is the fifth dimension" angle(although maybe that was just Hathaway's character being irrational).

The rest of it including the tesseract and it's appearance can be handwaved with Clarke's 3rd law, which as a sci-fi fan I'm kind of used to.

FOR FUCKS SAKE LOVE IS NOT THE FIFTH DIMENSION. The only part where "love" falls into play is the fact it was Cooper's love for his daughter that kept him going. There was no implication anywhere that love was the fifth dimension, that is asinine bullshit.

Hathaway's character went on the love rant because she was desperate for love again, a connection with someone. Did you notice how in the scene before her rant she was watching a video message from her father? Her father wasn't giving any love or support, just lessons. Cold, emotionless, monotone. Like a professor to a student. Kinda loveless. She's in the middle of deep space in another galaxy, the furthest away from human population anyone has ever been and is, for the most part, alone. With that in perspective you can understand why she suddenly went on an irrational "love is the answer" rant because she was so desperate to see her lover again on the planet he was sent to.
She literally said it and if you'll noticed I said it could've just been her being irrational. The sappiness still got on my nerves but that's a subjective appraisal.

No shit she literally said it, because she's desperate. It doesn't mean it was the case. She was being irrational, I thought her crying her fucking eyes out would have made that obvious to anyone. Guess that's just me though.

Though I never heard her say "love is the fifth dimension" at all. Just that it was a "quantum connection" or some IRRATIONAL bullshit
Quantum connection = Irrational?
eh I disagree with the notion that love isn't the 5th dimension or whatever. But I'll chalk that up to my spiritual belief.

The Fifth Dimension is the next dimension after the 4th (Time).
Which is likely something totally beyond comprehension.

A fourth dimensional being sees all time at one moment, a fifth dimensional being sees all possible timelines at every possible moment.

The Flood / Re: I just watched...
« on: July 04, 2015, 05:27:07 PM »
2001 is outdated, Interstellar is much better.
I actually saw Interstellar about a week ago. Also fantastic.
B-but it's not realistic!!!

Naw, seriously though it was a fantastic movie, 2001 was pretty good too, but yeah it's kinda outdated now

still something you gotta watch
the only thing really that bad aside from the ending(although I guess you could argue "muh godlike 5th dimensional entities") was the ice planet where the ice floats above gas or something. . .

Someone failed deformable bodies.
the last bit of insterstellar very nearly ruined the rest of the film

luckily it was good enough to still be a 7 at the end of the day
the only thing that really bothered me was the improbability of Murph noticing the watch message and the sappy "love is the fifth dimension" angle(although maybe that was just Hathaway's character being irrational).

The rest of it including the tesseract and it's appearance can be handwaved with Clarke's 3rd law, which as a sci-fi fan I'm kind of used to.

FOR FUCKS SAKE LOVE IS NOT THE FIFTH DIMENSION. The only part where "love" falls into play is the fact it was Cooper's love for his daughter that kept him going. There was no implication anywhere that love was the fifth dimension, that is asinine bullshit.

Hathaway's character went on the love rant because she was desperate for love again, a connection with someone. Did you notice how in the scene before her rant she was watching a video message from her father? Her father wasn't giving any love or support, just lessons. Cold, emotionless, monotone. Like a professor to a student. Kinda loveless. She's in the middle of deep space in another galaxy, the furthest away from human population anyone has ever been and is, for the most part, alone. With that in perspective you can understand why she suddenly went on an irrational "love is the answer" rant because she was so desperate to see her lover again on the planet he was sent to.
She literally said it and if you'll noticed I said it could've just been her being irrational. The sappiness still got on my nerves but that's a subjective appraisal.

No shit she literally said it, because she's desperate. It doesn't mean it was the case. She was being irrational, I thought her crying her fucking eyes out would have made that obvious to anyone. Guess that's just me though.

Though I never heard her say "love is the fifth dimension" at all. Just that it was a "quantum connection" or some IRRATIONAL bullshit
Quantum connection = Irrational?
eh I disagree with the notion that love isn't the 5th dimension or whatever. But I'll chalk that up to my spiritual belief.

The Fifth Dimension is the next dimension after the 4th (Time).

The Flood / Re: I just watched...
« on: July 04, 2015, 05:07:41 PM »
2001 is outdated, Interstellar is much better.
I actually saw Interstellar about a week ago. Also fantastic.
B-but it's not realistic!!!

Naw, seriously though it was a fantastic movie, 2001 was pretty good too, but yeah it's kinda outdated now

still something you gotta watch
the only thing really that bad aside from the ending(although I guess you could argue "muh godlike 5th dimensional entities") was the ice planet where the ice floats above gas or something. . .

Someone failed deformable bodies.
the last bit of insterstellar very nearly ruined the rest of the film

luckily it was good enough to still be a 7 at the end of the day
the only thing that really bothered me was the improbability of Murph noticing the watch message and the sappy "love is the fifth dimension" angle(although maybe that was just Hathaway's character being irrational).

The rest of it including the tesseract and it's appearance can be handwaved with Clarke's 3rd law, which as a sci-fi fan I'm kind of used to.

FOR FUCKS SAKE LOVE IS NOT THE FIFTH DIMENSION. The only part where "love" falls into play is the fact it was Cooper's love for his daughter that kept him going. There was no implication anywhere that love was the fifth dimension, that is asinine bullshit.

Hathaway's character went on the love rant because she was desperate for love again, a connection with someone. Did you notice how in the scene before her rant she was watching a video message from her father? Her father wasn't giving any love or support, just lessons. Cold, emotionless, monotone. Like a professor to a student. Kinda loveless. She's in the middle of deep space in another galaxy, the furthest away from human population anyone has ever been and is, for the most part, alone. With that in perspective you can understand why she suddenly went on an irrational "love is the answer" rant because she was so desperate to see her lover again on the planet he was sent to.
She literally said it and if you'll noticed I said it could've just been her being irrational. The sappiness still got on my nerves but that's a subjective appraisal.

No shit she literally said it, because she's desperate. It doesn't mean it was the case. She was being irrational, I thought her crying her fucking eyes out would have made that obvious to anyone. Guess that's just me though.

Though I never heard her say "love is the fifth dimension" at all. Just that it was a "quantum connection" or some IRRATIONAL bullshit

The Flood / Re: I just watched...
« on: July 04, 2015, 05:02:16 PM »
2001 is outdated, Interstellar is much better.
I actually saw Interstellar about a week ago. Also fantastic.
B-but it's not realistic!!!

Naw, seriously though it was a fantastic movie, 2001 was pretty good too, but yeah it's kinda outdated now

still something you gotta watch
the only thing really that bad aside from the ending(although I guess you could argue "muh godlike 5th dimensional entities") was the ice planet where the ice floats above gas or something. . .

Someone failed deformable bodies.
the last bit of insterstellar very nearly ruined the rest of the film

luckily it was good enough to still be a 7 at the end of the day
the only thing that really bothered me was the improbability of Murph noticing the watch message and the sappy "love is the fifth dimension" angle(although maybe that was just Hathaway's character being irrational).

The rest of it including the tesseract and it's appearance can be handwaved with Clarke's 3rd law, which as a sci-fi fan I'm kind of used to.

FOR FUCKS SAKE LOVE IS NOT THE FIFTH DIMENSION. The only part where "love" falls into play is the fact it was Cooper's love for his daughter that kept him going. There was no implication anywhere that love was the fifth dimension, that is asinine bullshit.

Hathaway's character went on the love rant because she was desperate for love again, a connection with someone. Did you notice how in the scene before her rant she was watching a video message from her father? Her father wasn't giving any love or support, just lessons. Cold, emotionless, monotone. Like a professor to a student. Kinda loveless. She's in the middle of deep space in another galaxy, the furthest away from human population anyone has ever been and is, for the most part, alone. With that in perspective you can understand why she suddenly went on an irrational "love is the answer" rant because she was so desperate to see her lover again on the planet he was sent to.

The Flood / Re: I just watched...
« on: July 04, 2015, 04:57:51 PM »
2001 is outdated, Interstellar is much better.
I actually saw Interstellar about a week ago. Also fantastic.
B-but it's not realistic!!!

Naw, seriously though it was a fantastic movie, 2001 was pretty good too, but yeah it's kinda outdated now

still something you gotta watch
the only thing really that bad aside from the ending(although I guess you could argue "muh godlike 5th dimensional entities") was the ice planet where the ice floats above gas or something. . .

Someone failed deformable bodies.
the last bit of insterstellar very nearly ruined the rest of the film

luckily it was good enough to still be a 7 at the end of the day

No it didn't. You're just another one of those idiot sheep who likes to ride the band wagon of hate. The ending was fine and made perfect sense, but people don't like to lend any critical thought into movies anymore.

The Flood / Re: I just watched...
« on: July 04, 2015, 04:26:39 PM »
2001 is outdated, Interstellar is much better.

2001 > Interstellar

Opinions disregarded.
i feel so bad for you tbh

I don't know why you would, 2001 is shitty, old, long, and boring.
if you have the attention span of a goldfish and 6 working brain cells, maybe

but i mean, hey, if the glove fits..

I'm sorry to hear that, maybe you should get larger gloves.

The Flood / Re: I just watched...
« on: July 04, 2015, 04:22:18 PM »

The Flood / Re: I just watched...
« on: July 04, 2015, 04:20:57 PM »
2001 is outdated, Interstellar is much better.

2001 > Interstellar

Opinions disregarded.
i feel so bad for you tbh

I don't know why you would, 2001 is shitty, old, long, and boring.

The Flood / Re: I just watched...
« on: July 04, 2015, 04:18:11 PM »

Pages: 1 ... 555657 5859 ... 173