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Messages - aREALgod

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The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 12:13:08 PM »
LOL I understand what depression is, and it's the opposite of happy.
you're probably the worst troll ever

The fuck? I'm not trolling, and depression IS the opposite of being happy. I can tell you're defeated because you're back peddling to throwing out insults rather than addressing my points and using evidence to support your own claims (which you never do in the first place).

But sure, just call me a troll because I've proved you wrong.
I think that depression is the lack of drive, not feelings.

Depression is a lot of things mixed into one, but not one of them is happiness.

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 12:10:50 PM »
LOL I understand what depression is, and it's the opposite of happy.
you're probably the worst troll ever

The fuck? I'm not trolling, and depression IS the opposite of being happy. I can tell you're defeated because you're back peddling to throwing out insults rather than addressing my points and using evidence to support your own claims (which you never do in the first place).

But sure, just call me a troll because I've proved you wrong.

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 12:08:55 PM »
It's not about solving problems
Then it's bad, and idiotic. You should only ever be happy for, I don't know, a good reason. If you're happy for no reason, that's a waste of time.

If you're not happy for any real reason, then you're not genuinely happy. You're only happy because you forced dopamine to be released--that's it. You didn't accomplish anything.

And yes, it's most definitely artificial happiness.

Actually there's nothing artificial about it. It's as natural as any source of happiness - pot comes from nature, humans use natural things to help themselves in multiple ways. Pot giving happiness is one of them.

Oh, and so are the things humans create. Humans are nature, so therefore any of our actions are a natural act. LSD is a natural as it's made by us and we have natural tendencies to create things that please us. Since humans naturally do and make things to make them happy, ingesting substances to help accomplish that and creating substances to help reach that are all very natural occurrences.

So no, you're wrong, again. There's nothing unnatural about pot, or any other drugs for that matter, especially in terms of reaching or making more happiness. It's an additional resource and you're a fool for thinking it's not smart to use all the resources we can.
Yes it is.

It's basically taking a pill labeled happiness. It's pointless to just be happy for no reason. You're missing the point here. It's not about natural or not, it's about reason and purpose. To smoking pot there isn't one that's genuine.

He's saying it's artificial. I just told him why he's wrong.

Wait, fucking LOL it's pointless to be happy for no reason? Oh sure, let's all just be depressed and suicidal until we can find a reason to be happy. Fucking retard.

If being happy just for the sake of being happy isn't good enough for either of you, both of you should just kill yourselves.
Why!? Why do you HAVE to be happy? Stop following norms where if someone isn't smiling they're sad. Occasional happiness and occasional everything is how it's supposed to be. You don't become depressed just because you're not happy.

Christ you're a casual.

Why does there have to be a reason to be happy? WHY? WHY CAN'T SOMEONE JUST BE HAPPY? OH NOOOOO HAPPINESS IS BAD ;_;

God you sound like an intellectual try hard. Get the fuck outta' here.
Remove feelings and what do you have? In your case nothing, because you rely on feelings for no reason. What's the point to being happy for no reason? What does that achieve?

Thanks, I'm trying to think like an intellectual, and not someone who follows their "heart" and thinks that feeling happy is the answer when it is a byproduct.

False. Happiness is essential for a healthy state of being. To argue otherwise is ignorance of the highest degree. To argue it's pointless is ignorance of the highest degree. Your fedora tipping skills are mediocre and need practice.

No, you're trying to think like an intellectual try hard and asking stupid questions that already have answers. Happiness is an important part of life and is, in no small way, just a "byproduct".
"for a healthy state of being" No shit.

I've read some books about stuff like that, so I know. Remove the reward system in mice, and they'll starve to death.

We're above that though. We can think. Just because you were raised in the ghettos with an abusive dad doesn't mean that it's okay for you to be a burglar. Do something with yourself. Use your mind and say "no". We're not slaves to our programming.

Now THERE'S the fedora-tipping skills I was looking for. "Don't be a slave anymore! Free yourself! Don't be happy, it's apart of the ILLUMINERTI !!!111!!!11! I'M TRYING TO SAVE YOU SHEEPLE WITH THE GOSPEL OF TRUE FREEEEEEDOMMMM!!!!1"
Yeah, what's wrong with that though? Do you want to be a slave? Go ahead then.

Happiness = slavery. Gotchya. I can now discount your future opinions and posts in their entirety.

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 12:08:02 PM »
Before this thread I was pretty much a nihilist, but now I prefer whatever you call trying to be productive.

I'm not quite a utilitarian, but I believe that life doesn't hold a purpose, so you should make the purpose to produce as much as you can. Be evil, be good, it doesn't matter. Be producitve in the way that you think is the best.

"I can't think of any real reasons to choose a moral path in life and defend it, so I'll just say be productive. God I sound so smart!"
You can be productive by doing moral things like buying ice cream for children to make them happy, or to help an old person across the street.

If you think it's insulting to the old man, then you're smart. The old man in this scenario is fully capable of doing it himself, and asking to help him will make him think that he's losing his abilities, which will kill him faster according to Psychology.

Same thing goes for offering your seat on the bus. A guy has gray hair, and I'm thinking should I offer my seat? Then I think no, because I realize that he can't be more than 60, so it'd be an insult to him.

There's nothing wrong with morality, but don't do a task blindly and call it moral, because the truth is more important. Would you rather feel like you helped someone but actually screwed them over, or actually help them by not doing anything directly, or at all?


The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 12:05:49 PM »
It's not about solving problems
Then it's bad, and idiotic. You should only ever be happy for, I don't know, a good reason. If you're happy for no reason, that's a waste of time.

If you're not happy for any real reason, then you're not genuinely happy. You're only happy because you forced dopamine to be released--that's it. You didn't accomplish anything.

And yes, it's most definitely artificial happiness.

Actually there's nothing artificial about it. It's as natural as any source of happiness - pot comes from nature, humans use natural things to help themselves in multiple ways. Pot giving happiness is one of them.

Oh, and so are the things humans create. Humans are nature, so therefore any of our actions are a natural act. LSD is a natural as it's made by us and we have natural tendencies to create things that please us. Since humans naturally do and make things to make them happy, ingesting substances to help accomplish that and creating substances to help reach that are all very natural occurrences.

So no, you're wrong, again. There's nothing unnatural about pot, or any other drugs for that matter, especially in terms of reaching or making more happiness. It's an additional resource and you're a fool for thinking it's not smart to use all the resources we can.
Yes it is.

It's basically taking a pill labeled happiness. It's pointless to just be happy for no reason. You're missing the point here. It's not about natural or not, it's about reason and purpose. To smoking pot there isn't one that's genuine.

He's saying it's artificial. I just told him why he's wrong.

Wait, fucking LOL it's pointless to be happy for no reason? Oh sure, let's all just be depressed and suicidal until we can find a reason to be happy. Fucking retard.

If being happy just for the sake of being happy isn't good enough for either of you, both of you should just kill yourselves.
Why!? Why do you HAVE to be happy? Stop following norms where if someone isn't smiling they're sad. Occasional happiness and occasional everything is how it's supposed to be. You don't become depressed just because you're not happy.

Christ you're a casual.

Why does there have to be a reason to be happy? WHY? WHY CAN'T SOMEONE JUST BE HAPPY? OH NOOOOO HAPPINESS IS BAD ;_;

God you sound like an intellectual try hard. Get the fuck outta' here.
Remove feelings and what do you have? In your case nothing, because you rely on feelings for no reason. What's the point to being happy for no reason? What does that achieve?

Thanks, I'm trying to think like an intellectual, and not someone who follows their "heart" and thinks that feeling happy is the answer when it is a byproduct.

False. Happiness is essential for a healthy state of being. To argue otherwise is ignorance of the highest degree. To argue it's pointless is ignorance of the highest degree. Your fedora tipping skills are mediocre and need practice.

No, you're trying to think like an intellectual try hard and asking stupid questions that already have answers. Happiness is an important part of life and is, in no small way, just a "byproduct".
"for a healthy state of being" No shit.

I've read some books about stuff like that, so I know. Remove the reward system in mice, and they'll starve to death.

We're above that though. We can think. Just because you were raised in the ghettos with an abusive dad doesn't mean that it's okay for you to be a burglar. Do something with yourself. Use your mind and say "no". We're not slaves to our programming.

Now THERE'S the fedora-tipping skills I was looking for. "Don't be a slave anymore! Free yourself! Don't be happy, it's apart of the ILLUMINERTI !!!111!!!11! I'M TRYING TO SAVE YOU SHEEPLE WITH THE GOSPEL OF TRUE FREEEEEEDOMMMM!!!!1"

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 12:04:20 PM »

That's retarded and wrong, but okay.

Nope. It doesn't. As you pointed out, everything that is man-made is still natural. But the definition of "artificial" is "man-made". So, obviously, there are things that are both artificial and natural. By your logic.

Because it doesn't accomplish anything. Being happy over absolutely nothing is retarded. Insane.

Not by my own volition. There's a difference between choosing to do drugs yourself, and being affected by drugs without even knowing it.

Just because I'm depressed doesn't mean I can't be happy. You don't understand what depression is.

It's correct and you haven't proven me wrong in any way, but okay. Tell yourself whatever your self-serving bias needs to think you're right.

Nope. By my logic there is NO artificiality. So once again, you're wrong.

Wrong again, being happy over nothing has the benefits of being happy and producing a healthy state of being. To argue otherwise is insane ignorance of the highest degree.

You choose every day to ingest drugs that cause happiness. EVERYTHING is within your control - don't try to dodge responsibility for your actions. You can choose not to be "artificially" happy at any time, since "real" happiness is unachievable, apparently.

LOL I understand what depression is, and it's the opposite of happy. So once again, you're wrong. You're not happy, you're depressed. That's why it's called DEPRESSION. I'm so glad I've got a depressed boy trying to tell me how to be "truly" happy. I see it's really working out. Come back and give advice on happiness once you're "truly" happy and not depressed. It defeats your whole argument.

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 11:57:16 AM »
It's not about solving problems
Then it's bad, and idiotic. You should only ever be happy for, I don't know, a good reason. If you're happy for no reason, that's a waste of time.

If you're not happy for any real reason, then you're not genuinely happy. You're only happy because you forced dopamine to be released--that's it. You didn't accomplish anything.

And yes, it's most definitely artificial happiness.

Actually there's nothing artificial about it. It's as natural as any source of happiness - pot comes from nature, humans use natural things to help themselves in multiple ways. Pot giving happiness is one of them.

Oh, and so are the things humans create. Humans are nature, so therefore any of our actions are a natural act. LSD is a natural as it's made by us and we have natural tendencies to create things that please us. Since humans naturally do and make things to make them happy, ingesting substances to help accomplish that and creating substances to help reach that are all very natural occurrences.

So no, you're wrong, again. There's nothing unnatural about pot, or any other drugs for that matter, especially in terms of reaching or making more happiness. It's an additional resource and you're a fool for thinking it's not smart to use all the resources we can.
Yes it is.

It's basically taking a pill labeled happiness. It's pointless to just be happy for no reason. You're missing the point here. It's not about natural or not, it's about reason and purpose. To smoking pot there isn't one that's genuine.

He's saying it's artificial. I just told him why he's wrong.

Wait, fucking LOL it's pointless to be happy for no reason? Oh sure, let's all just be depressed and suicidal until we can find a reason to be happy. Fucking retard.

If being happy just for the sake of being happy isn't good enough for either of you, both of you should just kill yourselves.
Why!? Why do you HAVE to be happy? Stop following norms where if someone isn't smiling they're sad. Occasional happiness and occasional everything is how it's supposed to be. You don't become depressed just because you're not happy.

Christ you're a casual.

Why does there have to be a reason to be happy? WHY? WHY CAN'T SOMEONE JUST BE HAPPY? OH NOOOOO HAPPINESS IS BAD ;_;

God you sound like an intellectual try hard. Get the fuck outta' here.
Remove feelings and what do you have? In your case nothing, because you rely on feelings for no reason. What's the point to being happy for no reason? What does that achieve?

Thanks, I'm trying to think like an intellectual, and not someone who follows their "heart" and thinks that feeling happy is the answer when it is a byproduct.

False. Happiness is essential for a healthy state of being. To argue otherwise is ignorance of the highest degree. To argue it's pointless is ignorance of the highest degree. Your fedora tipping skills are mediocre and need practice.

No, you're trying to think like an intellectual try hard and asking stupid questions that already have answers. Happiness is an important part of life and is, in no small way, just a "byproduct".

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 11:50:28 AM »
Before this thread I was pretty much a nihilist, but now I prefer whatever you call trying to be productive.

I'm not quite a utilitarian, but I believe that life doesn't hold a purpose, so you should make the purpose to produce as much as you can. Be evil, be good, it doesn't matter. Be producitve in the way that you think is the best.

"I can't think of any real reasons to choose a moral path in life and defend it, so I'll just say be productive. God I sound so smart!"

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 11:49:02 AM »
Come on Verb, can't you see that weed is natural? I see at least five chipmunks a day putting leaves in some paper, rolling it up, and lighting it on fire while it's in their mouth.

Really though, just because it's a plant doesn't make it natural to get high off it.

Actually it's one of the most natural acts there is to do - using your environment.

Smoke weed and/or tobacco - that's natural.

Cook and eat meat and plants - that's natural.

Eat poisonous berries and die - that's natural.

Create items to stimulate happiness - that's natural.

There's nothing unnatural about what weed is or does or how humans go about sustaining happiness.

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 11:46:16 AM »
It's not about solving problems
Then it's bad, and idiotic. You should only ever be happy for, I don't know, a good reason. If you're happy for no reason, that's a waste of time.

If you're not happy for any real reason, then you're not genuinely happy. You're only happy because you forced dopamine to be released--that's it. You didn't accomplish anything.

And yes, it's most definitely artificial happiness.

Actually there's nothing artificial about it. It's as natural as any source of happiness - pot comes from nature, humans use natural things to help themselves in multiple ways. Pot giving happiness is one of them.

Oh, and so are the things humans create. Humans are nature, so therefore any of our actions are a natural act. LSD is a natural as it's made by us and we have natural tendencies to create things that please us. Since humans naturally do and make things to make them happy, ingesting substances to help accomplish that and creating substances to help reach that are all very natural occurrences.

So no, you're wrong, again. There's nothing unnatural about pot, or any other drugs for that matter, especially in terms of reaching or making more happiness. It's an additional resource and you're a fool for thinking it's not smart to use all the resources we can.
Yes it is.

It's basically taking a pill labeled happiness. It's pointless to just be happy for no reason. You're missing the point here. It's not about natural or not, it's about reason and purpose. To smoking pot there isn't one that's genuine.

He's saying it's artificial. I just told him why he's wrong.

Wait, fucking LOL it's pointless to be happy for no reason? Oh sure, let's all just be depressed and suicidal until we can find a reason to be happy. Fucking retard.

If being happy just for the sake of being happy isn't good enough for either of you, both of you should just kill yourselves.
Why!? Why do you HAVE to be happy? Stop following norms where if someone isn't smiling they're sad. Occasional happiness and occasional everything is how it's supposed to be. You don't become depressed just because you're not happy.

Christ you're a casual.

Why does there have to be a reason to be happy? WHY? WHY CAN'T SOMEONE JUST BE HAPPY? OH NOOOOO HAPPINESS IS BAD ;_;

God you sound like an intellectual try hard. Get the fuck outta' here.

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 11:44:52 AM »
Oh, and so are the things humans create. Humans are nature, so therefore any of our actions are a natural act.
So nothing is artificial. Okay.

My point still stands that doing drugs for fun is a waste of time that accomplishes nothing.
There's nothing unnatural about pot, or any other drugs
Except I never used the word "unnatural".
Wait, fucking LOL it's pointless to be happy for no reason? Oh sure, let's all just be depressed and suicidal until we can find a reason to be happy. Fucking retard.
You realize it's possible to be happy without drugs, right?

I do it every day.

Every single day, I don't do drugs. And I'm still relatively happy.

Correct. There is no such thing as artificial, at all.

Well hmm, "artificial" implies "unnatural", doesn't it? You idiot.

Oh sure it's possible, but why forgo a chance to increase it even more, or just stimulate happiness. Plus, all your "non-artificial" happiness is from drugs, every day. Do you know that? So by your argument, you're "artificially happy".

And LOL BS you're happy. I see you post all the time about how seriously depressed you are. Man, it sure is great hearing a depressed man trying to giving advice on how to be "legitimately happy". How's that coming along?

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 11:38:09 AM »
It's not about solving problems
Then it's bad, and idiotic. You should only ever be happy for, I don't know, a good reason. If you're happy for no reason, that's a waste of time.

If you're not happy for any real reason, then you're not genuinely happy. You're only happy because you forced dopamine to be released--that's it. You didn't accomplish anything.

And yes, it's most definitely artificial happiness.

Actually there's nothing artificial about it. It's as natural as any source of happiness - pot comes from nature, humans use natural things to help themselves in multiple ways. Pot giving happiness is one of them.

Oh, and so are the things humans create. Humans are nature, so therefore any of our actions are a natural act. LSD is a natural as it's made by us and we have natural tendencies to create things that please us. Since humans naturally do and make things to make them happy, ingesting substances to help accomplish that and creating substances to help reach that are all very natural occurrences.

So no, you're wrong, again. There's nothing unnatural about pot, or any other drugs for that matter, especially in terms of reaching or making more happiness. It's an additional resource and you're a fool for thinking it's not smart to use all the resources we can.
Yes it is.

It's basically taking a pill labeled happiness. It's pointless to just be happy for no reason. You're missing the point here. It's not about natural or not, it's about reason and purpose. To smoking pot there isn't one that's genuine.

He's saying it's artificial. I just told him why he's wrong.

Wait, fucking LOL it's pointless to be happy for no reason? Oh sure, let's all just be depressed and suicidal until we can find a reason to be happy. Fucking retard.

If being happy just for the sake of being happy isn't good enough for either of you, both of you should just kill yourselves.

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 11:34:12 AM »
It's not about solving problems
Then it's bad, and idiotic. You should only ever be happy for, I don't know, a good reason. If you're happy for no reason, that's a waste of time.

If you're not happy for any real reason, then you're not genuinely happy. You're only happy because you forced dopamine to be released--that's it. You didn't accomplish anything.

And yes, it's most definitely artificial happiness.

Actually there's nothing artificial about it. It's as natural as any source of happiness - pot comes from nature, humans use natural things to help themselves in multiple ways. Pot giving happiness is one of them.

Oh, and so are the things humans create. Humans are nature, so therefore any of our actions are a natural act. LSD is a natural as it's made by us and we have natural tendencies to create things that please us. Since humans naturally do and make things to make them happy, ingesting substances to help accomplish that and creating substances to help reach that are all very natural occurrences.

So no, you're wrong, again. There's nothing unnatural about pot, or any other drugs for that matter, especially in terms of reaching or making more happiness. It's an additional resource and you're a fool for thinking it's not smart to use all the resources we can.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 13, 2015, 11:27:32 AM »
Post-War UNSC wins by a landslide.
Pre-Schism Covenant curbstomps.
Forerunners would swat the Mass Effect Universe like a fly.
Precursors are basically Gods, and essentially unkillable unless they allow it (see: Forerunners killing Precursors, because they didn't stop them from killing them)

Mass Effect is quite a weak Universe. The strongest force in that Universe is The Reapers, which really aren't that powerful.

God you're retarded. Yeah let's just forget that ME has trillions of soldiers available, vastly outnumbering both the UNSC and Covenant, who ONLY occupy a small PART of the Orion Arm while ME occupies ALL of the Milky Way.

This is like Germany fighting the USSR during WWII, but multiplied by a hundred. And unless you're also retarded to how history went, Germany lost. Halo doesn't have enough to fight and defeat ME.

You wank the ME's power like all hell. Those "trillions" of soldiers mean nothing when they're getting incinerated by covenant glassing beams.

That's implying the Covenant could surprise attack every ME world with enough force to destroy all opposing forces quick enough before the planet and every systems react, which is impossibly stupidly retarded, for a few reasons:

This implies the Covenant know the location of all ME worlds.

The Covenant have enough forces to attack all said worlds, all at once (which they don't and can't).

This implies the ME military forces would sit back and watch themselves die.

None of those are realistic in any sense. You put too much faith in Halo's capabilities.

Taken the situation that the UNSC (with their AI capabilities) are working with the Covenant, its possible that the UNSC ai's can hack the ME ships' databases. And seeing as the ME races seem to dislike the idea of AIs, they're at quite the disadvantage.

The covenant may not know where every world is, but whatever world they find is royally screwed.

Then you also have to take into consideration of the covie battleship that completely wrecked a fleet (killed 13 vessels of a fleet of 40 that were all firing on it). The covenant more than likely has more than just one of these ships.

Now realistically, the Supercarrier probably has much more firepower and shield power than this ship. And the Covenant undoubtedly has a few more than just the Long Night of Solace.

In space, ME is pretty screwed. On the ground they may have the advantage.

Except once again, ME has numbers beyond the Halo verse by a HUGE amount. The Quarians have a fleet of 50,000 alone. Plus, AI wise, the Geth more than make up for the AI issue ME has, with millions of units and thousands of ships - all equipped with hacking devices and hacking defenses. The Covenant doesn't have enough to combat 50,000 plus ships and win. This is also discounting the VI abilities ME has, which are capable enough to do the duty of absent AIs.

Lol the quarian fleet could be rolled over by one supercarrier
One supercarrier. And the only known amount of firepower that can take one out is a slipspace portal's worth. Which is a "kill all things that gets 'bit' in half by one"

God help any ME ship that follows a covie vessel into slipspace. Because their heat/radiation handling is piss poor. A plasma torpedo bypassing an ME ship would probably melt it in half.

LOL if you think a super carrier would beat 50,000 ships alone. Oh sure, a Tiger Tank racked up a high kill count, but would be overwhelmed in the end. That, and LOL BULLSHIT that only a slipspace rupture is the "only" known thing to kill one. Horseshit, since we saw them killed all the time outside of that with super mac guns.

Actually the heat and radiation handling of ME ships is great, because it's realistic. The heat you build up on a ship has to go somewhere.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 13, 2015, 11:23:33 AM »
Also, mass effect is reliant on the relays for interstellar travel.

In a neutral galaxy, me would not have the ability to travel that far, whereas the UNSC and Covenant does.

Actually the two would be equal.

Halo vs mass effect war

Serin Osman to Prophet of Truth: hey you wanna see something funny.
Covenant: what?
UNSC: just follow us lol

Halo universe sends brunt of force to some important mass effect planet right next to a mass relay and takes their time wiping everyone out.

Meanwhile at the citadel:
Shepard to the council: bla bla bla we have to work together, bla bla uninteresting paragon speech so let's assemble the frets to fight them mass effect 3 style

Shepard assembles his mass effect 3 supper fleet again to take on the halo verse

Shepard: we're here for the final battle
Lord hood: lolnope

All the halo ships slip-space out and the havoc nukes strapped to the Mass Relay detonates. Ensuing mass relay explosion solos the entire solar system along with the entirety of the Mass Effect military force. Anyone left is stranded


Stupid AND unrealistic. Try again.

Serious / Re: Women have always been the primary victim of war
« on: July 13, 2015, 03:14:15 AM »
>listening to Shillary Clinton
living in an echo chamber doesnt help you in any way.

Living in a libtard chamber doesn't help you in any way.

Who cares?
People who don't want religious shit lining the walls of their public buildings, perhaps?
How does it hurt you?
It compromises the integrity of our public institutions. We are not a theocracy. Religion has no place in our government.
How does it hurt you?
Is that how we measure things? If it physically hurts me or not?

Fuck off.
that's what i thought
So we should do whatever we want as long as we're not physically injuring someone? What a dumbass thing to say.
How does it hurt you?
What a dumbass thing to say.

"hurr durr i'm only trolling!"

Seriously shut the fuck up.
pretty sad if you're really not trolling

you're just another overly sensitive fedora tipper that gets his feelings hurt over words on a public building

let me direct you to the website you're looking for:
Well I'm not a fucking troll, so I'm not sure why I would troll about why religious shit doesn't belong on government buildings.

Get the fuck outta here.
can you actually give a good reason why it shouldn't be there?

other than that it hurts your feelings
Because we're not a fucking theocracy, you fucking retard. Keep your fucking religion to yourself, it doesn't belong on our fucking buildings.
but what are the actual negative effects of it?

LOL he can't state any. Except for "HURRR MUH FEELINGS, SILENCE THE OPPOSITION" since it's Mad Max the Libtard Wonder.

I see nothing wrong with this. Especially since I may be moving to Irvine shortly. In fact, this is a great thing.

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 02:52:15 AM »
Once again, Verbatim has the skull a mile wide and claims victory because of his extreme self-serving bias and narrow mindedness.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 13, 2015, 02:39:40 AM »
Also, mass effect is reliant on the relays for interstellar travel.

In a neutral galaxy, me would not have the ability to travel that far, whereas the UNSC and Covenant does.

Actually the two would be equal.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 13, 2015, 02:38:59 AM »
Post-War UNSC wins by a landslide.
Pre-Schism Covenant curbstomps.
Forerunners would swat the Mass Effect Universe like a fly.
Precursors are basically Gods, and essentially unkillable unless they allow it (see: Forerunners killing Precursors, because they didn't stop them from killing them)

Mass Effect is quite a weak Universe. The strongest force in that Universe is The Reapers, which really aren't that powerful.

God you're retarded. Yeah let's just forget that ME has trillions of soldiers available, vastly outnumbering both the UNSC and Covenant, who ONLY occupy a small PART of the Orion Arm while ME occupies ALL of the Milky Way.

This is like Germany fighting the USSR during WWII, but multiplied by a hundred. And unless you're also retarded to how history went, Germany lost. Halo doesn't have enough to fight and defeat ME.

You wank the ME's power like all hell. Those "trillions" of soldiers mean nothing when they're getting incinerated by covenant glassing beams.

That's implying the Covenant could surprise attack every ME world with enough force to destroy all opposing forces quick enough before the planet and every systems react, which is impossibly stupidly retarded, for a few reasons:

This implies the Covenant know the location of all ME worlds.

The Covenant have enough forces to attack all said worlds, all at once (which they don't and can't).

This implies the ME military forces would sit back and watch themselves die.

None of those are realistic in any sense. You put too much faith in Halo's capabilities.

Taken the situation that the UNSC (with their AI capabilities) are working with the Covenant, its possible that the UNSC ai's can hack the ME ships' databases. And seeing as the ME races seem to dislike the idea of AIs, they're at quite the disadvantage.

The covenant may not know where every world is, but whatever world they find is royally screwed.

Then you also have to take into consideration of the covie battleship that completely wrecked a fleet (killed 13 vessels of a fleet of 40 that were all firing on it). The covenant more than likely has more than just one of these ships.

Now realistically, the Supercarrier probably has much more firepower and shield power than this ship. And the Covenant undoubtedly has a few more than just the Long Night of Solace.

In space, ME is pretty screwed. On the ground they may have the advantage.

Except once again, ME has numbers beyond the Halo verse by a HUGE amount. The Quarians have a fleet of 50,000 alone. Plus, AI wise, the Geth more than make up for the AI issue ME has, with millions of units and thousands of ships - all equipped with hacking devices and hacking defenses. The Covenant doesn't have enough to combat 50,000 plus ships and win. This is also discounting the VI abilities ME has, which are capable enough to do the duty of absent AIs.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 12, 2015, 07:45:56 PM »
Post-War UNSC wins by a landslide.
Pre-Schism Covenant curbstomps.
Forerunners would swat the Mass Effect Universe like a fly.
Precursors are basically Gods, and essentially unkillable unless they allow it (see: Forerunners killing Precursors, because they didn't stop them from killing them)

Mass Effect is quite a weak Universe. The strongest force in that Universe is The Reapers, which really aren't that powerful.

God you're retarded. Yeah let's just forget that ME has trillions of soldiers available, vastly outnumbering both the UNSC and Covenant, who ONLY occupy a small PART of the Orion Arm while ME occupies ALL of the Milky Way.

This is like Germany fighting the USSR during WWII, but multiplied by a hundred. And unless you're also retarded to how history went, Germany lost. Halo doesn't have enough to fight and defeat ME.

You wank the ME's power like all hell. Those "trillions" of soldiers mean nothing when they're getting incinerated by covenant glassing beams.

That's implying the Covenant could surprise attack every ME world with enough force to destroy all opposing forces quick enough before the planet and every systems react, which is impossibly stupidly retarded, for a few reasons:

This implies the Covenant know the location of all ME worlds.

The Covenant have enough forces to attack all said worlds, all at once (which they don't and can't).

This implies the ME military forces would sit back and watch themselves die.

None of those are realistic in any sense. You put too much faith in Halo's capabilities.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 12, 2015, 04:20:03 PM »
Post-War UNSC wins by a landslide.
Pre-Schism Covenant curbstomps.
Forerunners would swat the Mass Effect Universe like a fly.
Precursors are basically Gods, and essentially unkillable unless they allow it (see: Forerunners killing Precursors, because they didn't stop them from killing them)

Mass Effect is quite a weak Universe. The strongest force in that Universe is The Reapers, which really aren't that powerful.

God you're retarded. Yeah let's just forget that ME has trillions of soldiers available, vastly outnumbering both the UNSC and Covenant, who ONLY occupy a small PART of the Orion Arm while ME occupies ALL of the Milky Way.

This is like Germany fighting the USSR during WWII, but multiplied by a hundred. And unless you're also retarded to how history went, Germany lost. Halo doesn't have enough to fight and defeat ME.
Since when we're we only talking about UNSC vs Systems Alliance?

This is Universe vs Universe, meaning all forces, past and present.

Except you're wrong, dipshit. Read the OP and the rules - No Flood, Forerunners, Protheans, etc. This is about Halo UNSC and Covenant against ME races, not a Universe vs. Universe all in slugging match.

The Flood / Re: So I'm new here
« on: July 12, 2015, 02:15:31 PM »
This is one of the most mature, critical thinking, debateful, thought provoking forums you'll find anywhere. It is truly a place to share your ideas with others who are equally as willing to share ground-breaking theories and have them critically analyzed and praised.

Gaming / Re: Hey, remember when Bungie Day was actually great?
« on: July 12, 2015, 01:56:12 PM »
Our obsession is pathetic.

It's only natural for an offsite to have an interest in the goings-on of the website that "birthed" them.

It's happened before.

Doesn't make it any less pathetic, though.

Only retards like yourself with narrow minds could think that.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 12, 2015, 01:32:30 PM »
Post-War UNSC wins by a landslide.
Pre-Schism Covenant curbstomps.
Forerunners would swat the Mass Effect Universe like a fly.
Precursors are basically Gods, and essentially unkillable unless they allow it (see: Forerunners killing Precursors, because they didn't stop them from killing them)

Mass Effect is quite a weak Universe. The strongest force in that Universe is The Reapers, which really aren't that powerful.

God you're retarded. Yeah let's just forget that ME has trillions of soldiers available, vastly outnumbering both the UNSC and Covenant, who ONLY occupy a small PART of the Orion Arm while ME occupies ALL of the Milky Way.

This is like Germany fighting the USSR during WWII, but multiplied by a hundred. And unless you're also retarded to how history went, Germany lost. Halo doesn't have enough to fight and defeat ME.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 12, 2015, 01:29:24 PM »
>Post-War UNSC
ME already lost
>Pre-War Covenant
ME was revived just so it could be killed again
>Prometheans machines

Seriously though, I love both franchises, but ME is severely underpowered for a reason. It's like pitting cavemen against the U.S. Navy.

You seriously underestimate the capabilities of ME, and calling ME "cavemen" is beyond arrogant. You forgot the abilities ME also has AND their vast numbers. The fight is not so simple. Don't be such a retard.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 11, 2015, 11:25:59 PM »

The UNSC didn't expect too much from the NOVA bomb, but it did so.

By destroying half the surface of said planet and shattering it's moon. Take into consideration that prothean's power is non-existent and that all that's left of them are their relics.

But the UNSC and covenant. ME may have their number, but the unsc + covenant carry bigger punches.

Lets remember that this is post war UNSC, meaning they ships are refitted with shield tech and probably stronger weaponry. The UNSC's Infinity has gigaton yield MACs, making the ME magnetic accelerators look like peashooters (they're double-digit to low triple digit kiloton rated)

Why are you stuck on the Protheans? They got all their tech from the Reapers anyway, as every other advanced race before them in the cycles. It doesn't matter that their civilization and power is gone - the weapon they designed is powerful, so you're missing the point.

Oh well Germany packed a larger punch in WWII but Russia had the numbers. Can you guess how that turned out? And between Halo and ME, we're talking a numbers difference in the trillions, not just hundreds of thousands or millions. Halo would be fucked.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 10, 2015, 10:17:31 AM »
Mass Effect would probably have an even chance in infantry combat; it's weaponry is much more advanced than the UNSC (lolnatorounds) and their armour for their standard infantry seems to be actual armour rather than something barely better than today. their vehicles also come fulyl armoured (See: Mako, Hammerhead, that Krogan troop transport thing) whereas both the UNSC and Covenant's main tanks and recon vehicles are all lightly armoured/ not at all armoured and don't really reach that high a speed. A Scarab tank would probably be the deciding factor (Alongside the lekgolo as a whole) due to their unique forms and combat that isn't really matchedby any ME species like
Turians = Elites
Krogan = Brutes and so forth

However, mass effect ultimately fails in it's naval and air force capabilities; their ships have many weak points that could easily be blasted (Thank you aesthetic design) to sever a ship and they seem to have CIC and bridge with only windows to space. In this regard, the Geth would be the best option for space combat here, as they explicitly build their ships for combat (Alongside having massive infantry capabilities). However, the Mass Effect has something that Halo does not; Mass Relays; these things allow much faster interstellar travel, and Mass effect has colonised their entire galaxy, whereas Halo only has a bit of the Orion Arm. (Note- if this were in a neutral galaxy with no relays, then Halo still wins on the interstellar travel part, I believe)

So in reality, mass effect could swarm Halo with superior numbers of infantry that are all better equipped than in Halo (Well, beter than the UNSC, anyway) and a multi-million unit army comprised of a networked intelligence that is able to utilise entire planets for resources if necessary. If Mas Relays are in play, then ME could easily conduct fast attack raids on a Halo planet/ fleet, doing a medium amount of damage and running off to the other side of the galaxy where they can't be followed. If in a neutral galaxy, then Halo is able to utilise slipsace travel to a greater effect than ME's interstellar travel (The type you use in  a star cluster) as it is longer-ranged, and Halo's fleets typically bear much heavier firepower, and a CSO-class supercarrier could quite easily #rek a mass effect fleet, not including the many thousands of ships assigned to defend the Covenant's 3,000 light-year territory and the human armada.

So, if on ME's terms (Mass Relays available), they have a chance. On Halo's/ Neutral terms, Halo roflstomps.

Actually if on ME's terms ME would easily ROFLSTOMP, considering they have trillions compared to Halo's only billions. This is huge - UNSC would be so vastly outnumbered and outgunned they wouldn't know how to play with themselves even if there was a booklet with directions and pop out pictures. It would be like how the Covenant attacked Reach is overwhelming force, but everywhere. They would not have a chance.
But of course, Halo play that. They (especially the Covies) prefer a game of "the floor is lava."

Don't forget the NOVA bomb either. One of those being blown up on an ME planet would probably scare the absolute flying fuck outta them. That is more firepower than what the planet with the "Prothean caused" scar was dished with.

Oh, and like Reapers harvesting the entire galaxy at once didn't scare the shit outta' them? Yeah that went well, it made them unite and attack in force. Detonating a NOVA bomb might scare 'em, but also piss 'em off and rally them together. Plus, destroying a relay causes the destruction of an entire star system, so it's not like witnessing the kind of destruction is a new thing.

Another note. The Prothean device has much more firepower considering it wasn't directed at blowing up planets AND it had the range of, ya know, the entire galaxy. If that thing could be dialed in for specifics, that would not be good for the Halo verse.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 09, 2015, 11:33:06 PM »
Mass Effect would probably have an even chance in infantry combat; it's weaponry is much more advanced than the UNSC (lolnatorounds) and their armour for their standard infantry seems to be actual armour rather than something barely better than today. their vehicles also come fulyl armoured (See: Mako, Hammerhead, that Krogan troop transport thing) whereas both the UNSC and Covenant's main tanks and recon vehicles are all lightly armoured/ not at all armoured and don't really reach that high a speed. A Scarab tank would probably be the deciding factor (Alongside the lekgolo as a whole) due to their unique forms and combat that isn't really matchedby any ME species like
Turians = Elites
Krogan = Brutes and so forth

However, mass effect ultimately fails in it's naval and air force capabilities; their ships have many weak points that could easily be blasted (Thank you aesthetic design) to sever a ship and they seem to have CIC and bridge with only windows to space. In this regard, the Geth would be the best option for space combat here, as they explicitly build their ships for combat (Alongside having massive infantry capabilities). However, the Mass Effect has something that Halo does not; Mass Relays; these things allow much faster interstellar travel, and Mass effect has colonised their entire galaxy, whereas Halo only has a bit of the Orion Arm. (Note- if this were in a neutral galaxy with no relays, then Halo still wins on the interstellar travel part, I believe)

So in reality, mass effect could swarm Halo with superior numbers of infantry that are all better equipped than in Halo (Well, beter than the UNSC, anyway) and a multi-million unit army comprised of a networked intelligence that is able to utilise entire planets for resources if necessary. If Mas Relays are in play, then ME could easily conduct fast attack raids on a Halo planet/ fleet, doing a medium amount of damage and running off to the other side of the galaxy where they can't be followed. If in a neutral galaxy, then Halo is able to utilise slipsace travel to a greater effect than ME's interstellar travel (The type you use in  a star cluster) as it is longer-ranged, and Halo's fleets typically bear much heavier firepower, and a CSO-class supercarrier could quite easily #rek a mass effect fleet, not including the many thousands of ships assigned to defend the Covenant's 3,000 light-year territory and the human armada.

So, if on ME's terms (Mass Relays available), they have a chance. On Halo's/ Neutral terms, Halo roflstomps.

Actually if on ME's terms ME would easily ROFLSTOMP, considering they have trillions compared to Halo's only billions. This is huge - UNSC would be so vastly outnumbered and outgunned they wouldn't know how to play with themselves even if there was a booklet with directions and pop out pictures. It would be like how the Covenant attacked Reach is overwhelming force, but everywhere. They would not have a chance.

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