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Messages - aREALgod

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Serious / Re: Anders Breivik to study Oslo classes from his jail cell
« on: July 18, 2015, 11:28:13 AM »
Max has the right idea. Executing him or keeping him in deplorable conditions would just make us as bad as him.

Bullshit. Justice being served is never bad, plus executing one man is nowhere near the damage he caused. Don't be so foolish and sentimental.
>calling execution justice


Get back on your PSU alt and support me you shill

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 18, 2015, 11:27:01 AM »
Fools. You underestimate Mass Effect by a huge margin. I'm glad none of you are in positions of power, your arrogance would be your downfall.

I think you forget that it all comes down to who has the most firepower. And Halo has a big fucking sword.

Except it doesn't. Germany had the most firepower and they lost. Retard.
They lost because their tactics were absolute fucking garbage. Good tactics and better firepower always  win. Compare the war tactics used in Halo lore to the giant mob that the earth fleet in mass effect was. They had no strategy and they started firing wildly (In Earth's direction I may add) before the Reapers were even in Range, and look what happens if you don't activate the crucible and deal with the Reapers yourself: they get lolroflstomped an everyone fucking dies.

The pillar of autumn could Keyes loop the entire quarian flotilla with how plebby the mass effect leadership is.

Oh right, because that can be discerned so easily from a cinematic cutscene at the climax of the game where the purpose was to show an epic, desperate, final battle. And no, they were well within range. If you even bothered to look up the ranges they fight at it was easily within that. Get out of here, you retard.

This whole thread is Halo fanboys sucking on it's flaccid penis. You people are pathetic.

Always a nigger causing trouble

Serious / Re: Anders Breivik to study Oslo classes from his jail cell
« on: July 18, 2015, 01:47:51 AM »
Max has the right idea. Executing him or keeping him in deplorable conditions would just make us as bad as him.

Bullshit. Justice being served is never bad, plus executing one man is nowhere near the damage he caused. Don't be so foolish and sentimental.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 18, 2015, 01:37:22 AM »
Fools. You underestimate Mass Effect by a huge margin. I'm glad none of you are in positions of power, your arrogance would be your downfall.

I think you forget that it all comes down to who has the most firepower. And Halo has a big fucking sword.

Except it doesn't. Germany had the most firepower and they lost. Retard.

Serious / Re: You're made dictator for a day
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:30:39 AM »
Raise taxes for everything

Rebellion ensues

Execute all digressors

Impose law that effectively seals my position as dictator for life and death

Do whatever the fuck I want

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:19:25 AM »
Welcome brother, to the realm of the holy and pure MASS EFFECT

Is this your first journey on the path?


Serious / Re: A robot just passed the self-awareness test
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:16:41 AM »
You could write a java program to do this in like 5 minutes. This is just another example of programs designed to replicate what a self-aware response would be.

Negative Nancy

The Flood / Re: I saw Ant-Man
« on: July 17, 2015, 12:47:59 AM »
After Avengers 2 I really don't want to watch another Marvel movie

>Implying anything was wrong with Avengers 2

Serious / Re: Hillary Clinton's economic plan
« on: July 16, 2015, 01:23:45 AM »
A woman should never be president - they're generally too stupid and weak to run a country. Decisions would be based off emotion and not logic.

Also going to add in that the AT-AT was only on two maps ever, both of which were corridor maps so you would realistically only be moving in one direction anyway.

And if the AT-AT even made it to the other side, the Empire probably already had the CPs taken so there were no enemies there. I dunno why people talk it up like it was the best feature in the game.

Jesus, never thought you'd be such a corporate shill.

The Flood / Re: Fear The Walking Dead actually looks pretty cool
« on: July 14, 2015, 10:35:09 AM »
Seeing how the other Walking Dead show sucks balls, this one may make up for it.

The Flood / Re: What happened to Gojira and Lord of Admirals?
« on: July 14, 2015, 01:35:53 AM »
Maybe they're dead

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 13, 2015, 08:40:04 PM »
Fools. You underestimate Mass Effect by a huge margin. I'm glad none of you are in positions of power, your arrogance would be your downfall.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 13, 2015, 07:17:36 PM »
Post-War UNSC wins by a landslide.
Pre-Schism Covenant curbstomps.
Forerunners would swat the Mass Effect Universe like a fly.
Precursors are basically Gods, and essentially unkillable unless they allow it (see: Forerunners killing Precursors, because they didn't stop them from killing them)

Mass Effect is quite a weak Universe. The strongest force in that Universe is The Reapers, which really aren't that powerful.

God you're retarded. Yeah let's just forget that ME has trillions of soldiers available, vastly outnumbering both the UNSC and Covenant, who ONLY occupy a small PART of the Orion Arm while ME occupies ALL of the Milky Way.

This is like Germany fighting the USSR during WWII, but multiplied by a hundred. And unless you're also retarded to how history went, Germany lost. Halo doesn't have enough to fight and defeat ME.

You wank the ME's power like all hell. Those "trillions" of soldiers mean nothing when they're getting incinerated by covenant glassing beams.

That's implying the Covenant could surprise attack every ME world with enough force to destroy all opposing forces quick enough before the planet and every systems react, which is impossibly stupidly retarded, for a few reasons:

This implies the Covenant know the location of all ME worlds.

The Covenant have enough forces to attack all said worlds, all at once (which they don't and can't).

This implies the ME military forces would sit back and watch themselves die.

None of those are realistic in any sense. You put too much faith in Halo's capabilities.

Taken the situation that the UNSC (with their AI capabilities) are working with the Covenant, its possible that the UNSC ai's can hack the ME ships' databases. And seeing as the ME races seem to dislike the idea of AIs, they're at quite the disadvantage.

The covenant may not know where every world is, but whatever world they find is royally screwed.

Then you also have to take into consideration of the covie battleship that completely wrecked a fleet (killed 13 vessels of a fleet of 40 that were all firing on it). The covenant more than likely has more than just one of these ships.

Now realistically, the Supercarrier probably has much more firepower and shield power than this ship. And the Covenant undoubtedly has a few more than just the Long Night of Solace.

In space, ME is pretty screwed. On the ground they may have the advantage.

Except once again, ME has numbers beyond the Halo verse by a HUGE amount. The Quarians have a fleet of 50,000 alone. Plus, AI wise, the Geth more than make up for the AI issue ME has, with millions of units and thousands of ships - all equipped with hacking devices and hacking defenses. The Covenant doesn't have enough to combat 50,000 plus ships and win. This is also discounting the VI abilities ME has, which are capable enough to do the duty of absent AIs.

Lol the quarian fleet could be rolled over by one supercarrier
One supercarrier. And the only known amount of firepower that can take one out is a slipspace portal's worth. Which is a "kill all things that gets 'bit' in half by one"

God help any ME ship that follows a covie vessel into slipspace. Because their heat/radiation handling is piss poor. A plasma torpedo bypassing an ME ship would probably melt it in half.

LOL if you think a super carrier would beat 50,000 ships alone. Oh sure, a Tiger Tank racked up a high kill count, but would be overwhelmed in the end. That, and LOL BULLSHIT that only a slipspace rupture is the "only" known thing to kill one. Horseshit, since we saw them killed all the time outside of that with super mac guns.

Actually the heat and radiation handling of ME ships is great, because it's realistic. The heat you build up on a ship has to go somewhere.

The quarian fleet could barely do anything agaisnt the geth dreadnought and that thing is still weaker than anything halo has.

The quarians have numbers but it'd be like throwing eggs at a wall.

A covie supercarrier would roll over the quarian fleet.

Not before the covie carrier cooks itself to death, lol

They've never cooked themselves to death before though soooooo your point is inconsequential.

Except it isn't, because in ME terms they would. So your point is moot.

But in Halo's terms, you know the universe the covie ships were made in, they wouldn't obviously. The science of one universe isn't going to affect the other.

Because I can just turn that around and say that pretty much everything in ME wouldn't work because the "Mass effect" is complete bullshit.

So is controllable/guided plasma, slipspace travel, shields, etc, pretty much everything that is Halo. So no, once again your point it moot.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 13, 2015, 07:15:53 PM »
People are also neglecting to mention the fact that when it comes to space combat the ME universe has no idea what it's doing.

See the final battle of ME3 where their giant ass fleet isn't even aiming and they're shooting randomly in the general direction of the Reapers despite the fact that Earth is right behind them.

Also they're flying so close to each other that they have zero room to maneuver and anyone trying to avoid incoming enemy fire is going to be ramming a friendly ship.

That was just there for cinematic spark. If they went with the more realistic route of combat that final battle would have been a whole lot more boring to watch. If you take that cinematic sequence seriously and as the only judge of "ME competence", then you truly are a fool and full of self-serving bias.

Plus, their shots sure as hell weren't random - they were aimed at Reapers. But sure, just call it "random".

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 13, 2015, 07:12:56 PM »
Mass Effect is hardly more realistic than halo. They just get around the laws of physics with made up elements and space magic. What about that artificial gravity? I see no centrifuge. The mass effect Railguns are nothing compared to a MKII MAC, let alone a MKV MAC. And those are nothing compared to pulse lasers and plasma torpedoes.

If a Supercarrier can take on a relatively decently sized fleet from ME, then several of them can solo the entire thing.

What space magic? The artificial gravity is produced by ME fields, so centrifuges aren't needed. Except for element zero (which is realistic enough for being a made up element), everything in ME is explained. They have a realistic sense about them and how the science works, unlike Halo's space magic bullshit like controllable plasma weapons and neural physics bullshit.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 13, 2015, 02:39:42 PM »
Post-War UNSC wins by a landslide.
Pre-Schism Covenant curbstomps.
Forerunners would swat the Mass Effect Universe like a fly.
Precursors are basically Gods, and essentially unkillable unless they allow it (see: Forerunners killing Precursors, because they didn't stop them from killing them)

Mass Effect is quite a weak Universe. The strongest force in that Universe is The Reapers, which really aren't that powerful.

God you're retarded. Yeah let's just forget that ME has trillions of soldiers available, vastly outnumbering both the UNSC and Covenant, who ONLY occupy a small PART of the Orion Arm while ME occupies ALL of the Milky Way.

This is like Germany fighting the USSR during WWII, but multiplied by a hundred. And unless you're also retarded to how history went, Germany lost. Halo doesn't have enough to fight and defeat ME.

You wank the ME's power like all hell. Those "trillions" of soldiers mean nothing when they're getting incinerated by covenant glassing beams.

That's implying the Covenant could surprise attack every ME world with enough force to destroy all opposing forces quick enough before the planet and every systems react, which is impossibly stupidly retarded, for a few reasons:

This implies the Covenant know the location of all ME worlds.

The Covenant have enough forces to attack all said worlds, all at once (which they don't and can't).

This implies the ME military forces would sit back and watch themselves die.

None of those are realistic in any sense. You put too much faith in Halo's capabilities.

Taken the situation that the UNSC (with their AI capabilities) are working with the Covenant, its possible that the UNSC ai's can hack the ME ships' databases. And seeing as the ME races seem to dislike the idea of AIs, they're at quite the disadvantage.

The covenant may not know where every world is, but whatever world they find is royally screwed.

Then you also have to take into consideration of the covie battleship that completely wrecked a fleet (killed 13 vessels of a fleet of 40 that were all firing on it). The covenant more than likely has more than just one of these ships.

Now realistically, the Supercarrier probably has much more firepower and shield power than this ship. And the Covenant undoubtedly has a few more than just the Long Night of Solace.

In space, ME is pretty screwed. On the ground they may have the advantage.

Except once again, ME has numbers beyond the Halo verse by a HUGE amount. The Quarians have a fleet of 50,000 alone. Plus, AI wise, the Geth more than make up for the AI issue ME has, with millions of units and thousands of ships - all equipped with hacking devices and hacking defenses. The Covenant doesn't have enough to combat 50,000 plus ships and win. This is also discounting the VI abilities ME has, which are capable enough to do the duty of absent AIs.

Lol the quarian fleet could be rolled over by one supercarrier
One supercarrier. And the only known amount of firepower that can take one out is a slipspace portal's worth. Which is a "kill all things that gets 'bit' in half by one"

God help any ME ship that follows a covie vessel into slipspace. Because their heat/radiation handling is piss poor. A plasma torpedo bypassing an ME ship would probably melt it in half.

LOL if you think a super carrier would beat 50,000 ships alone. Oh sure, a Tiger Tank racked up a high kill count, but would be overwhelmed in the end. That, and LOL BULLSHIT that only a slipspace rupture is the "only" known thing to kill one. Horseshit, since we saw them killed all the time outside of that with super mac guns.

Actually the heat and radiation handling of ME ships is great, because it's realistic. The heat you build up on a ship has to go somewhere.

The quarian fleet could barely do anything agaisnt the geth dreadnought and that thing is still weaker than anything halo has.

The quarians have numbers but it'd be like throwing eggs at a wall.

A covie supercarrier would roll over the quarian fleet.

Not before the covie carrier cooks itself to death, lol

They've never cooked themselves to death before though soooooo your point is inconsequential.

Except it isn't, because in ME terms they would. So your point is moot.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 13, 2015, 02:39:06 PM »
Also, mass effect is reliant on the relays for interstellar travel.

In a neutral galaxy, me would not have the ability to travel that far, whereas the UNSC and Covenant does.

Actually the two would be equal.

Halo vs mass effect war

Serin Osman to Prophet of Truth: hey you wanna see something funny.
Covenant: what?
UNSC: just follow us lol

Halo universe sends brunt of force to some important mass effect planet right next to a mass relay and takes their time wiping everyone out.

Meanwhile at the citadel:
Shepard to the council: bla bla bla we have to work together, bla bla uninteresting paragon speech so let's assemble the frets to fight them mass effect 3 style

Shepard assembles his mass effect 3 supper fleet again to take on the halo verse

Shepard: we're here for the final battle
Lord hood: lolnope

All the halo ships slip-space out and the havoc nukes strapped to the Mass Relay detonates. Ensuing mass relay explosion solos the entire solar system along with the entirety of the Mass Effect military force. Anyone left is stranded


Stupid AND unrealistic. Try again.

In what way? Shepard would definitely try to assemble a massive super fleet just like he did in ME3 to fight the super fleet of comparatively overpowered ships and probably try to use the Halo array/composer combination (read escalation) like he did with the crucible.

On the flip side, the UNSC is nowhere near uncomfortable with dirty tactics and would have no reservations using the mass relays as the solar system obliteraters that we know they are from the arrival DLC.

 In fact, Even more likely they would just go arround and detonate all of the mass Relays, and there would be no war to fight

That's a whole lot of assumptions you got going, there. Like the biggest assumption that the UNSC would make the first strike, and not ME.

It's a safe assumption given that you specified post-war UNSC. ONI are fucking nuts post war and even tried to stab the Arbiter in the back even though he did nothing wrong. They have no moral qualms with anything and even if they didn't strike first the war could still easily come to my presented situation, Earth wasn't the first place struck by the Reapers, but it was where they chose to have the final engagement since that's where the reapers were particularly bearing down on.
All the haloverse would need do is create a simmilar situation in which Mass effect would respond with the super fleet, which would not be hard at all since a devided mass effect Galaxy has not the firepower to beat halo's ships

I'm not talking about the morals of post-war UNSC, I'm talking about who finds who first and makes the first attack. Given that ME has the entire galaxy, it's more than likely they'll find the UNSC first and assault first with overwhelming force before the UNSC can hatch your stupidly unrealistic little plan. Game over UNSC - overwhelmed by a galaxy's worth of starships and infantry. Trillions of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of ships. Halo doesn't stand a chance against those odds.

Once again, this is like Germany against the Soviet Union in WWII, and Germany lost. And this time, the numbers are slanted way beyond the odds of WWII.

Serious / Re: What do I have to fear if I have nothing to hide?
« on: July 13, 2015, 02:13:30 PM »
Anyone and everyone could be your enemy. Assume everyone is your enemy, or has the ability to be. Life is unpredictable.

Arrogance will be the death of you.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 13, 2015, 02:12:50 PM »
Post-War UNSC wins by a landslide.
Pre-Schism Covenant curbstomps.
Forerunners would swat the Mass Effect Universe like a fly.
Precursors are basically Gods, and essentially unkillable unless they allow it (see: Forerunners killing Precursors, because they didn't stop them from killing them)

Mass Effect is quite a weak Universe. The strongest force in that Universe is The Reapers, which really aren't that powerful.

God you're retarded. Yeah let's just forget that ME has trillions of soldiers available, vastly outnumbering both the UNSC and Covenant, who ONLY occupy a small PART of the Orion Arm while ME occupies ALL of the Milky Way.

This is like Germany fighting the USSR during WWII, but multiplied by a hundred. And unless you're also retarded to how history went, Germany lost. Halo doesn't have enough to fight and defeat ME.

You wank the ME's power like all hell. Those "trillions" of soldiers mean nothing when they're getting incinerated by covenant glassing beams.

That's implying the Covenant could surprise attack every ME world with enough force to destroy all opposing forces quick enough before the planet and every systems react, which is impossibly stupidly retarded, for a few reasons:

This implies the Covenant know the location of all ME worlds.

The Covenant have enough forces to attack all said worlds, all at once (which they don't and can't).

This implies the ME military forces would sit back and watch themselves die.

None of those are realistic in any sense. You put too much faith in Halo's capabilities.

Taken the situation that the UNSC (with their AI capabilities) are working with the Covenant, its possible that the UNSC ai's can hack the ME ships' databases. And seeing as the ME races seem to dislike the idea of AIs, they're at quite the disadvantage.

The covenant may not know where every world is, but whatever world they find is royally screwed.

Then you also have to take into consideration of the covie battleship that completely wrecked a fleet (killed 13 vessels of a fleet of 40 that were all firing on it). The covenant more than likely has more than just one of these ships.

Now realistically, the Supercarrier probably has much more firepower and shield power than this ship. And the Covenant undoubtedly has a few more than just the Long Night of Solace.

In space, ME is pretty screwed. On the ground they may have the advantage.

Except once again, ME has numbers beyond the Halo verse by a HUGE amount. The Quarians have a fleet of 50,000 alone. Plus, AI wise, the Geth more than make up for the AI issue ME has, with millions of units and thousands of ships - all equipped with hacking devices and hacking defenses. The Covenant doesn't have enough to combat 50,000 plus ships and win. This is also discounting the VI abilities ME has, which are capable enough to do the duty of absent AIs.

Lol the quarian fleet could be rolled over by one supercarrier
One supercarrier. And the only known amount of firepower that can take one out is a slipspace portal's worth. Which is a "kill all things that gets 'bit' in half by one"

God help any ME ship that follows a covie vessel into slipspace. Because their heat/radiation handling is piss poor. A plasma torpedo bypassing an ME ship would probably melt it in half.

LOL if you think a super carrier would beat 50,000 ships alone. Oh sure, a Tiger Tank racked up a high kill count, but would be overwhelmed in the end. That, and LOL BULLSHIT that only a slipspace rupture is the "only" known thing to kill one. Horseshit, since we saw them killed all the time outside of that with super mac guns.

Actually the heat and radiation handling of ME ships is great, because it's realistic. The heat you build up on a ship has to go somewhere.

The quarian fleet could barely do anything agaisnt the geth dreadnought and that thing is still weaker than anything halo has.

The quarians have numbers but it'd be like throwing eggs at a wall.

A covie supercarrier would roll over the quarian fleet.

Not before the covie carrier cooks itself to death, lol

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 13, 2015, 01:35:01 PM »
Post-War UNSC wins by a landslide.
Pre-Schism Covenant curbstomps.
Forerunners would swat the Mass Effect Universe like a fly.
Precursors are basically Gods, and essentially unkillable unless they allow it (see: Forerunners killing Precursors, because they didn't stop them from killing them)

Mass Effect is quite a weak Universe. The strongest force in that Universe is The Reapers, which really aren't that powerful.

God you're retarded. Yeah let's just forget that ME has trillions of soldiers available, vastly outnumbering both the UNSC and Covenant, who ONLY occupy a small PART of the Orion Arm while ME occupies ALL of the Milky Way.

This is like Germany fighting the USSR during WWII, but multiplied by a hundred. And unless you're also retarded to how history went, Germany lost. Halo doesn't have enough to fight and defeat ME.

You wank the ME's power like all hell. Those "trillions" of soldiers mean nothing when they're getting incinerated by covenant glassing beams.

That's implying the Covenant could surprise attack every ME world with enough force to destroy all opposing forces quick enough before the planet and every systems react, which is impossibly stupidly retarded, for a few reasons:

This implies the Covenant know the location of all ME worlds.

The Covenant have enough forces to attack all said worlds, all at once (which they don't and can't).

This implies the ME military forces would sit back and watch themselves die.

None of those are realistic in any sense. You put too much faith in Halo's capabilities.

Taken the situation that the UNSC (with their AI capabilities) are working with the Covenant, its possible that the UNSC ai's can hack the ME ships' databases. And seeing as the ME races seem to dislike the idea of AIs, they're at quite the disadvantage.

The covenant may not know where every world is, but whatever world they find is royally screwed.

Then you also have to take into consideration of the covie battleship that completely wrecked a fleet (killed 13 vessels of a fleet of 40 that were all firing on it). The covenant more than likely has more than just one of these ships.

Now realistically, the Supercarrier probably has much more firepower and shield power than this ship. And the Covenant undoubtedly has a few more than just the Long Night of Solace.

In space, ME is pretty screwed. On the ground they may have the advantage.

Except once again, ME has numbers beyond the Halo verse by a HUGE amount. The Quarians have a fleet of 50,000 alone. Plus, AI wise, the Geth more than make up for the AI issue ME has, with millions of units and thousands of ships - all equipped with hacking devices and hacking defenses. The Covenant doesn't have enough to combat 50,000 plus ships and win. This is also discounting the VI abilities ME has, which are capable enough to do the duty of absent AIs.

Lol the quarian fleet could be rolled over by one supercarrier
One supercarrier. And the only known amount of firepower that can take one out is a slipspace portal's worth. Which is a "kill all things that gets 'bit' in half by one"

God help any ME ship that follows a covie vessel into slipspace. Because their heat/radiation handling is piss poor. A plasma torpedo bypassing an ME ship would probably melt it in half.

LOL if you think a super carrier would beat 50,000 ships alone. Oh sure, a Tiger Tank racked up a high kill count, but would be overwhelmed in the end. That, and LOL BULLSHIT that only a slipspace rupture is the "only" known thing to kill one. Horseshit, since we saw them killed all the time outside of that with super mac guns.

Actually the heat and radiation handling of ME ships is great, because it's realistic. The heat you build up on a ship has to go somewhere.
Realistic? Lol you must be trolling.

The UNSC Commonwealth had a torpedo miss and it still boiled its plasma and wrecked a large number of decks alongside other things. Look it up.

A Covenant supercarrier is a vessel that is 27 km long and bristling with weapons. It was also the ship sliced in half by a slipspace rupture in Halo: Reach.

And you're right. There was another incident of the destruction of another Supercarrier. It was by the NOVA Bomb.

Now perhaps it would be taken out if all 50,000 of those ships were dreadnoughts. But realistically, that is not true. Also, realistically, the supercarrier will be supported by around 300 or so still superior-to-ME-ships. Which means that the fleet of 50,000 ships would possibly be pasted.

Yes, realistic. Did you ever bother going through the ME codex to see how the ship systems/gear/lore even worked? It's based around real ideas.

" Starships: Heat Management Edit

Dispersal of heat generated by onboard systems is a critical issue for a ship. If it cannot deal with heat, the crew may be cooked within the hull.

Radiation is the only way to shed heat in a vacuum. Civilian vessels utilize large, fragile radiator panels that are impossible to armor. Warships use Diffuse Radiator Arrays (DRA), ceramic strips along the exterior of the armored hull. These make the ship appear striped to thermographic sensors. Since the arrangement of the strips depends on the internal configuration of the ship, the patterns for each vessel are unique and striking. On older ships, the DRA strips could become red- or white-hot. Dubbed "tiger stripes" or "war paint" by humans, the glowing DRA had a psychological impact on pirates and irregular forces.

Strip radiators are not as efficient as panels, but if damaged by enemy fire, the ship only loses a small portion of its total radiation capacity. In most cases, a vessel's DRA alone allows it to cruise with no difficulties. Operations deep within solar systems can cause problems.

A ship engaged in combat can produce titanic amounts of heat from maneuvering burns and weapons fire. When fighting in a high heat environment, warships employ high-efficiency "droplet" heat sinks.

In a droplet system, tanks of liquid sodium or lithium absorb heat within the ship. The liquid is vented from spray nozzles near the bow as a thin sheet of millions of micrometer-scale droplets. The droplets are caught at the stern and recycled into the system. A droplet system can sink 10-100 times as much heat as DRA strips.

Droplet sheets resemble a surface ship's wake through water. The wake peels out in sharp turns, spreading a fan of droplets as the ship changes vectors and leaves the coolant behind. "

UNSC and Covie ships don't have this. So in ME terms, they've already lost because they'll cook themselves alive without dispensing that built up heat. It's an inherent flaw in the Halo verse that is NEVER addressed.

Gaming / Re: Halo vs Mass Effect (Goddamnit)
« on: July 13, 2015, 01:25:47 PM »
Also, mass effect is reliant on the relays for interstellar travel.

In a neutral galaxy, me would not have the ability to travel that far, whereas the UNSC and Covenant does.

Actually the two would be equal.

Halo vs mass effect war

Serin Osman to Prophet of Truth: hey you wanna see something funny.
Covenant: what?
UNSC: just follow us lol

Halo universe sends brunt of force to some important mass effect planet right next to a mass relay and takes their time wiping everyone out.

Meanwhile at the citadel:
Shepard to the council: bla bla bla we have to work together, bla bla uninteresting paragon speech so let's assemble the frets to fight them mass effect 3 style

Shepard assembles his mass effect 3 supper fleet again to take on the halo verse

Shepard: we're here for the final battle
Lord hood: lolnope

All the halo ships slip-space out and the havoc nukes strapped to the Mass Relay detonates. Ensuing mass relay explosion solos the entire solar system along with the entirety of the Mass Effect military force. Anyone left is stranded


Stupid AND unrealistic. Try again.

In what way? Shepard would definitely try to assemble a massive super fleet just like he did in ME3 to fight the super fleet of comparatively overpowered ships and probably try to use the Halo array/composer combination (read escalation) like he did with the crucible.

On the flip side, the UNSC is nowhere near uncomfortable with dirty tactics and would have no reservations using the mass relays as the solar system obliteraters that we know they are from the arrival DLC.

 In fact, Even more likely they would just go arround and detonate all of the mass Relays, and there would be no war to fight

That's a whole lot of assumptions you got going, there. Like the biggest assumption that the UNSC would make the first strike, and not ME.

Serious / Re: What do I have to fear if I have nothing to hide?
« on: July 13, 2015, 01:17:51 PM »
The less your enemy knows about you, the better.
Who is my enemy?

Anyone and everyone could be your enemy. Assume everyone is your enemy, or has the ability to be. Life is unpredictable.

.234567987485234694576873265232 nanometers

Serious / Re: What do I have to fear if I have nothing to hide?
« on: July 13, 2015, 01:11:03 PM »
The less your enemy knows about you, the better.

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 12:17:35 PM »
It's not about solving problems
Then it's bad, and idiotic. You should only ever be happy for, I don't know, a good reason. If you're happy for no reason, that's a waste of time.

If you're not happy for any real reason, then you're not genuinely happy. You're only happy because you forced dopamine to be released--that's it. You didn't accomplish anything.

And yes, it's most definitely artificial happiness.

Actually there's nothing artificial about it. It's as natural as any source of happiness - pot comes from nature, humans use natural things to help themselves in multiple ways. Pot giving happiness is one of them.

Oh, and so are the things humans create. Humans are nature, so therefore any of our actions are a natural act. LSD is a natural as it's made by us and we have natural tendencies to create things that please us. Since humans naturally do and make things to make them happy, ingesting substances to help accomplish that and creating substances to help reach that are all very natural occurrences.

So no, you're wrong, again. There's nothing unnatural about pot, or any other drugs for that matter, especially in terms of reaching or making more happiness. It's an additional resource and you're a fool for thinking it's not smart to use all the resources we can.
Yes it is.

It's basically taking a pill labeled happiness. It's pointless to just be happy for no reason. You're missing the point here. It's not about natural or not, it's about reason and purpose. To smoking pot there isn't one that's genuine.

He's saying it's artificial. I just told him why he's wrong.

Wait, fucking LOL it's pointless to be happy for no reason? Oh sure, let's all just be depressed and suicidal until we can find a reason to be happy. Fucking retard.

If being happy just for the sake of being happy isn't good enough for either of you, both of you should just kill yourselves.
Why!? Why do you HAVE to be happy? Stop following norms where if someone isn't smiling they're sad. Occasional happiness and occasional everything is how it's supposed to be. You don't become depressed just because you're not happy.

Christ you're a casual.

Why does there have to be a reason to be happy? WHY? WHY CAN'T SOMEONE JUST BE HAPPY? OH NOOOOO HAPPINESS IS BAD ;_;

God you sound like an intellectual try hard. Get the fuck outta' here.
Remove feelings and what do you have? In your case nothing, because you rely on feelings for no reason. What's the point to being happy for no reason? What does that achieve?

Thanks, I'm trying to think like an intellectual, and not someone who follows their "heart" and thinks that feeling happy is the answer when it is a byproduct.

False. Happiness is essential for a healthy state of being. To argue otherwise is ignorance of the highest degree. To argue it's pointless is ignorance of the highest degree. Your fedora tipping skills are mediocre and need practice.

No, you're trying to think like an intellectual try hard and asking stupid questions that already have answers. Happiness is an important part of life and is, in no small way, just a "byproduct".
"for a healthy state of being" No shit.

I've read some books about stuff like that, so I know. Remove the reward system in mice, and they'll starve to death.

We're above that though. We can think. Just because you were raised in the ghettos with an abusive dad doesn't mean that it's okay for you to be a burglar. Do something with yourself. Use your mind and say "no". We're not slaves to our programming.

Now THERE'S the fedora-tipping skills I was looking for. "Don't be a slave anymore! Free yourself! Don't be happy, it's apart of the ILLUMINERTI !!!111!!!11! I'M TRYING TO SAVE YOU SHEEPLE WITH THE GOSPEL OF TRUE FREEEEEEDOMMMM!!!!1"
Yeah, what's wrong with that though? Do you want to be a slave? Go ahead then.

Happiness = slavery. Gotchya. I can now discount your future opinions and posts in their entirety.
But it literally is though.

But it literally isn't.
Then explain its existence.

First you must establish your base more clearly. "Happiness = slavery" is not clear, but a general and vague statement. Explain how it is slavery.

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 12:15:14 PM »
LOL I understand what depression is, and it's the opposite of happy.
you're probably the worst troll ever

The fuck? I'm not trolling, and depression IS the opposite of being happy. I can tell you're defeated because you're back peddling to throwing out insults rather than addressing my points and using evidence to support your own claims (which you never do in the first place).

But sure, just call me a troll because I've proved you wrong.
I think that depression is the lack of drive, not feelings.

Depression is a lot of things mixed into one, but not one of them is happiness.
Do you know what'd happen if you'd have "a lot of things mixed into one" for a prolonged period of time- say 1 month? You'd fucking explode m8 dead

The mind can't keep up with that.

Duh, that's why depressed people are the way they are.

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 12:14:40 PM »
depression IS the opposite of being happy
No, I'm pretty sure that being sad is the opposite of happiness. There is much more to depression.

I just said that above. It's a mix of things.

The Flood / Re: when you first did drugs
« on: July 13, 2015, 12:13:28 PM »
It's not about solving problems
Then it's bad, and idiotic. You should only ever be happy for, I don't know, a good reason. If you're happy for no reason, that's a waste of time.

If you're not happy for any real reason, then you're not genuinely happy. You're only happy because you forced dopamine to be released--that's it. You didn't accomplish anything.

And yes, it's most definitely artificial happiness.

Actually there's nothing artificial about it. It's as natural as any source of happiness - pot comes from nature, humans use natural things to help themselves in multiple ways. Pot giving happiness is one of them.

Oh, and so are the things humans create. Humans are nature, so therefore any of our actions are a natural act. LSD is a natural as it's made by us and we have natural tendencies to create things that please us. Since humans naturally do and make things to make them happy, ingesting substances to help accomplish that and creating substances to help reach that are all very natural occurrences.

So no, you're wrong, again. There's nothing unnatural about pot, or any other drugs for that matter, especially in terms of reaching or making more happiness. It's an additional resource and you're a fool for thinking it's not smart to use all the resources we can.
Yes it is.

It's basically taking a pill labeled happiness. It's pointless to just be happy for no reason. You're missing the point here. It's not about natural or not, it's about reason and purpose. To smoking pot there isn't one that's genuine.

He's saying it's artificial. I just told him why he's wrong.

Wait, fucking LOL it's pointless to be happy for no reason? Oh sure, let's all just be depressed and suicidal until we can find a reason to be happy. Fucking retard.

If being happy just for the sake of being happy isn't good enough for either of you, both of you should just kill yourselves.
Why!? Why do you HAVE to be happy? Stop following norms where if someone isn't smiling they're sad. Occasional happiness and occasional everything is how it's supposed to be. You don't become depressed just because you're not happy.

Christ you're a casual.

Why does there have to be a reason to be happy? WHY? WHY CAN'T SOMEONE JUST BE HAPPY? OH NOOOOO HAPPINESS IS BAD ;_;

God you sound like an intellectual try hard. Get the fuck outta' here.
Remove feelings and what do you have? In your case nothing, because you rely on feelings for no reason. What's the point to being happy for no reason? What does that achieve?

Thanks, I'm trying to think like an intellectual, and not someone who follows their "heart" and thinks that feeling happy is the answer when it is a byproduct.

False. Happiness is essential for a healthy state of being. To argue otherwise is ignorance of the highest degree. To argue it's pointless is ignorance of the highest degree. Your fedora tipping skills are mediocre and need practice.

No, you're trying to think like an intellectual try hard and asking stupid questions that already have answers. Happiness is an important part of life and is, in no small way, just a "byproduct".
"for a healthy state of being" No shit.

I've read some books about stuff like that, so I know. Remove the reward system in mice, and they'll starve to death.

We're above that though. We can think. Just because you were raised in the ghettos with an abusive dad doesn't mean that it's okay for you to be a burglar. Do something with yourself. Use your mind and say "no". We're not slaves to our programming.

Now THERE'S the fedora-tipping skills I was looking for. "Don't be a slave anymore! Free yourself! Don't be happy, it's apart of the ILLUMINERTI !!!111!!!11! I'M TRYING TO SAVE YOU SHEEPLE WITH THE GOSPEL OF TRUE FREEEEEEDOMMMM!!!!1"
Yeah, what's wrong with that though? Do you want to be a slave? Go ahead then.

Happiness = slavery. Gotchya. I can now discount your future opinions and posts in their entirety.
But it literally is though.

But it literally isn't.

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