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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 495051 5253 ... 173
The Flood / Bad drivers
« on: July 26, 2015, 04:47:25 PM »
I've noticed something about bad drivers, particularly asians at that. You can spot a bad driver by the way they walk. I was at a Japanese market earlier today walking normally around the store observing how these gooks walk. Walking can be considered a very mild form of driving, in a way, since it holds the same concepts in mind. But while watching these squints walking around, they would cut you off, walk in front of you, walk too slow or walk on the wrong side of the aisle, nearly run into to you, and overall have no concept of proper walking/driving etiquette. It was pretty eye opening, and when I was driving through the parking lot it definitely showed. Asians are shit drivers AND shit walkers. I've noticed the same for spics and niggers, too. I honestly feel like only white people know how to drive and walk, while all other races act like it's still the 1800s and being dangerous and shitty on the road is still the norm.

The Flood / Re: I'm pooping AMA
« on: July 26, 2015, 04:29:20 PM »

« on: July 26, 2015, 04:17:58 PM »
Which account? Bungie account, or sep7ashit account? Because my bungie account is 6+ years old

The Flood / Re: God tier fight scenes ITT
« on: July 26, 2015, 04:16:52 PM »
Anime fight scenes literally don't count. Animated shit is stupidly easy to make fight scenes, at least make an effort and post some REAL movie fight scenes

It does not matter. Still you can stop it from happening.
I mean, I can try, but it won't accomplish anything. This is a very religious city dominated by conservatives.

There's a reason Irvine is one of the nicest and safest cities in the US.
Iraq is also very religious and conservative.

You're never safe with sand niggers, did you miss where I said "nice" and "safe"?
You said it's nice and safe because it's religious and conservative. Baghdad is very religious and very conservative.


Nope, I only said there was a reason. Islam is not peaceful OR safe
Christianity isn't peaceful or safe either. The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition was done in the name of it and when it comes down to your extremist a radical Muslim is no different than a Christian extremist.   

LOL go fuck yourself, those are moot points considering they happened a thousand years ago. The thing is about these Muslim "extremists" is that they're not extremists - they're fundamentalists, they're literally doing EXACTLY as the Quran says to do.
If I'm not mistaken, the Quran says something about killing all Infidels, correct?
It also says respect all animals, treat women well, and to not kill.

It's full of contradictions like every other religion. Why they focus on the "kill nonbelievers" part more than Christians and Jews I don't know or really care. Religion is garbage. Simple as that. So is being socially conservative.
Thing is when it comes to the Bible, all the barbaric shit is in the Old Testament. When the New Testament (and Jesus) comes around, Jesus says to disregard that crap and The New Testament is what should be followed (the loving, peaceful one). The Quran has NOTHING like that, and at no point ever says to disregard it's savage outlines, so the fundamentalists follow it just like they're suppose to.
Y'all motherfuckers need to make up your mind.

You can't hate gays citing Leviticus, then bitch when people point out all the terrible thing in the Old Testament. Either embrace the OT, or drop it entirely.

Christians who hate on gays are doing it wrong, Christians aren't suppose to judge

(rather than trying to help them cure it)
I'm not sure what you classify hormone replacement therapy and such if it isn't helping their condiditon.

What "cures" should transgender people be seeking, O Wise One?

A cure for their dysphoria, you fuckwit. Yeah, it's easier said than done, which is why it should be studied so it can be adequately treated. But you let political correctness halt the march of progress.

It does not matter. Still you can stop it from happening.
I mean, I can try, but it won't accomplish anything. This is a very religious city dominated by conservatives.

There's a reason Irvine is one of the nicest and safest cities in the US.
Iraq is also very religious and conservative.

You're never safe with sand niggers, did you miss where I said "nice" and "safe"?
You said it's nice and safe because it's religious and conservative. Baghdad is very religious and very conservative.


Nope, I only said there was a reason. Islam is not peaceful OR safe
Christianity isn't peaceful or safe either. The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition was done in the name of it and when it comes down to your extremist a radical Muslim is no different than a Christian extremist.   

LOL go fuck yourself, those are moot points considering they happened a thousand years ago. The thing is about these Muslim "extremists" is that they're not extremists - they're fundamentalists, they're literally doing EXACTLY as the Quran says to do.
If I'm not mistaken, the Quran says something about killing all Infidels, correct?
It also says respect all animals, treat women well, and to not kill.

It's full of contradictions like every other religion. Why they focus on the "kill nonbelievers" part more than Christians and Jews I don't know or really care. Religion is garbage. Simple as that. So is being socially conservative.
Thing is when it comes to the Bible, all the barbaric shit is in the Old Testament. When the New Testament (and Jesus) comes around, Jesus says to disregard that crap and The New Testament is what should be followed (the loving, peaceful one). The Quran has NOTHING like that, and at no point ever says to disregard it's savage outlines, so the fundamentalists follow it just like they're suppose to.

It does not matter. Still you can stop it from happening.
I mean, I can try, but it won't accomplish anything. This is a very religious city dominated by conservatives.

There's a reason Irvine is one of the nicest and safest cities in the US.
Iraq is also very religious and conservative.

You're never safe with sand niggers, did you miss where I said "nice" and "safe"?
You said it's nice and safe because it's religious and conservative. Baghdad is very religious and very conservative.


Nope, I only said there was a reason. Islam is not peaceful OR safe
Christianity isn't peaceful or safe either. The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition was done in the name of it and when it comes down to your extremist a radical Muslim is no different than a Christian extremist.   

LOL go fuck yourself, those are moot points considering they happened a thousand years ago. The thing is about these Muslim "extremists" is that they're not extremists - they're fundamentalists, they're literally doing EXACTLY as the Quran says to do.
If I'm not mistaken, the Quran says something about killing all Infidels, correct?

Gaming / Re: How do you set your camera controls?...
« on: July 26, 2015, 12:37:04 PM »
If you play with inverted controls (like me), you are a superior human being.

It does not matter. Still you can stop it from happening.
I mean, I can try, but it won't accomplish anything. This is a very religious city dominated by conservatives.

There's a reason Irvine is one of the nicest and safest cities in the US.
Iraq is also very religious and conservative.

You're never safe with sand niggers, did you miss where I said "nice" and "safe"?
You said it's nice and safe because it's religious and conservative. Baghdad is very religious and very conservative.


Nope, I only said there was a reason. Islam is not peaceful OR safe
Christianity isn't peaceful or safe either. The Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition was done in the name of it and when it comes down to your extremist a radical Muslim is no different than a Christian extremist.   

LOL go fuck yourself, those are moot points considering they happened a thousand years ago. The thing is about these Muslim "extremists" is that they're not extremists - they're fundamentalists, they're literally doing EXACTLY as the Quran says to do.

The Flood / Re: I missed out on going to a lake with friends today
« on: July 26, 2015, 01:31:46 AM »
"Marc you are in college, you can't just stay in your dorm and play video games"

Didn't listen. Now my best friend lives halfway across the state with his girlfriend and I haven't seen him for thirteen months. Video games did cause me to lose close friends. We grew up playing them, but I never realized there was more than just them.

Stop playing them and get your shit in order

The fact that transgender people being praised for carrying through with what is clearly a disorder (rather than trying to help them cure it) tells a lot about society today. Cuddle the wound, but never suture it.

Edit - Oh what the FUCK is that bullshit that Zoe Tur said - "Being transgender is the bravest thing you can do." WHAT THE FUCK, I didn't know being born with a disorder against your will counts as being "brave". I guess if you're born with cystinosis or Harlequin-type ichthyosis is also brave then, right?

The Flood / Re: Attn: Meta
« on: July 25, 2015, 04:07:25 PM »
Daily reminder that if you don't eat meat, you've made the animal's death entirely pointless. Assholes.

It does not matter. Still you can stop it from happening.
I mean, I can try, but it won't accomplish anything. This is a very religious city dominated by conservatives.

There's a reason Irvine is one of the nicest and safest cities in the US.
Iraq is also very religious and conservative.

You're never safe with sand niggers, did you miss where I said "nice" and "safe"?
You said it's nice and safe because it's religious and conservative. Baghdad is very religious and very conservative.


Nope, I only said there was a reason. Islam is not peaceful OR safe

The Flood / Re: What'd I miss?
« on: July 25, 2015, 04:58:17 AM »
Meh. Doesn't really sound like a big deal. It's only a brush fire after all.

The Flood / Re: Do not enter this thread if you have peasant internet
« on: July 25, 2015, 04:53:09 AM »
What is happening

It does not matter. Still you can stop it from happening.
I mean, I can try, but it won't accomplish anything. This is a very religious city dominated by conservatives.

There's a reason Irvine is one of the nicest and safest cities in the US.
Iraq is also very religious and conservative.

You're never safe with sand niggers, did you miss where I said "nice" and "safe"?

It does not matter. Still you can stop it from happening.
I mean, I can try, but it won't accomplish anything. This is a very religious city dominated by conservatives.

There's a reason Irvine is one of the nicest and safest cities in the US.

« on: July 23, 2015, 01:23:27 AM »
It was quite the PIECEful gathering it was made out to be

The Flood / Re: So apparently 50pc of men wipe while sitting down
« on: July 22, 2015, 11:04:17 AM »
fun fact: in medieval japan they shoved sticks into their asses to clean themselves following defecation, a custom which was brought with the rise of buddhism

Brb buying sticks

The Flood / Re: men get paid on average 243% more than women
« on: July 21, 2015, 11:22:02 PM »
The day that women make up the 80% of workplace fatalities each year (as opposed to men) is the day I'll be glad to see them paid a little more. Otherwise, LOL@WOMEN4WHINING
People like you hold back our society.

Kill yourself

The Flood / Re: Who's your favorite super hero?
« on: July 21, 2015, 10:04:04 PM »

The Flood / Re: men get paid on average 243% more than women
« on: July 21, 2015, 09:35:28 PM »
The day that women make up the 80% of workplace fatalities each year (as opposed to men) is the day I'll be glad to see them paid a little more. Otherwise, LOL@WOMEN4WHINING

Serious / Re: National Republican Primary Polls
« on: July 20, 2015, 11:56:38 PM »
I hope Trump wins. I'd rather have him in office than a politician.
you're the ann coulter of sep7agon

Ann is a tough woman who's not afraid to speak the truth, so I'm flattered.
Confirmed for lol.
Dunno why you're laughing, especially when you're the Piers Morgan/Michael Moore of sep7agon.
even lol-er

I know, you're a walking joke
Your butthurt is visible from space. If you think I'm such a joke you wouldn't waste your time on me.
>Implying I'm remotely butthurt

I guess you don't know how much fun running jokes are
You would know.

The fuck is that suppose to mean? Of course I know. That's the whole point of this.
I think the best part about this is how oblivious you are
I didn't realize that not giving a fuck meant I was oblivious. I genuinely don't care about a single post I've made on this site.

Does it look like I'm an invested user of this site?

Invested enough

Serious / Re: National Republican Primary Polls
« on: July 20, 2015, 11:53:37 PM »
I hope Trump wins. I'd rather have him in office than a politician.
you're the ann coulter of sep7agon

Ann is a tough woman who's not afraid to speak the truth, so I'm flattered.
Confirmed for lol.
Dunno why you're laughing, especially when you're the Piers Morgan/Michael Moore of sep7agon.
even lol-er

I know, you're a walking joke
Your butthurt is visible from space. If you think I'm such a joke you wouldn't waste your time on me.
>Implying I'm remotely butthurt

I guess you don't know how much fun running jokes are
You would know.

The fuck is that suppose to mean? Of course I know. That's the whole point of this.
I think the best part about this is how oblivious you are
I didn't realize that not giving a fuck meant I was oblivious. I genuinely don't care about a single post I've made on this site.


Serious / Re: National Republican Primary Polls
« on: July 20, 2015, 11:41:15 PM »
I hope Trump wins. I'd rather have him in office than a politician.
you're the ann coulter of sep7agon

Ann is a tough woman who's not afraid to speak the truth, so I'm flattered.
Confirmed for lol.
Dunno why you're laughing, especially when you're the Piers Morgan/Michael Moore of sep7agon.
even lol-er

I know, you're a walking joke
Your butthurt is visible from space. If you think I'm such a joke you wouldn't waste your time on me.
>Implying I'm remotely butthurt

I guess you don't know how much fun running jokes are
You would know.

The fuck is that suppose to mean? Of course I know. That's the whole point of this.
I think the best part about this is how oblivious you are

Serious / Re: National Republican Primary Polls
« on: July 20, 2015, 11:38:02 PM »
I hope Trump wins. I'd rather have him in office than a politician.
you're the ann coulter of sep7agon

Ann is a tough woman who's not afraid to speak the truth, so I'm flattered.
Confirmed for lol.
Dunno why you're laughing, especially when you're the Piers Morgan/Michael Moore of sep7agon.
even lol-er

I know, you're a walking joke
Your butthurt is visible from space. If you think I'm such a joke you wouldn't waste your time on me.
>Implying I'm remotely butthurt

I guess you don't know how much fun running jokes are
You would know.

The fuck is that suppose to mean? Of course I know. That's the whole point of this.

Serious / Re: National Republican Primary Polls [UPDATE]
« on: July 20, 2015, 11:29:40 PM »
Why do you guys take Midge seriously or acknowledge his existence at all?

Oh, so people can't hold differing opinions anymore without being taken seriously?

Serious / Re: National Republican Primary Polls
« on: July 20, 2015, 11:28:38 PM »
I hope Trump wins. I'd rather have him in office than a politician.
you're the ann coulter of sep7agon

Ann is a tough woman who's not afraid to speak the truth, so I'm flattered.
Confirmed for lol.
Dunno why you're laughing, especially when you're the Piers Morgan/Michael Moore of sep7agon.
even lol-er

I know, you're a walking joke
Your butthurt is visible from space. If you think I'm such a joke you wouldn't waste your time on me.
>Implying I'm remotely butthurt

I guess you don't know how much fun running jokes are

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