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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 414243 4445 ... 173
If you agree to provide information in exchange for access to the service (which is nearly always outlined in the T&C or a similarly binding agreement), then you should have no issue with it taking place. They aren't removing your right to privacy, you're selling it in the name of comfort.

Then there should be clearly a different method of exchange.

And I'm done here. Continue the circle jerk of "Lol Right to Privacy" when you both know that there are plenty of methods you can do to make a difference if you so choose.

Complaining here is not one.

K bye bye, have fun shilling out to corporations and a corrupt government. They sure do love all the obedient pawns who willingly give over all their private info AND polish their shoes.


And stop using "HURRRRR PETITION SCOTUS LOL" as if it's fucking easy for any average person to do.

But it is

If an 83 year old could do it, you have no god damn excuse.

Actually I do:

1. 83 years of life experience to use.

2. 83 year old people have literally nothing better to do.

3. My life is too busy to bother investing time in a side project when I have bills to pay.

4. Still implying it's easy.

The more someone knows about me, the more danger it means for me.
If you're insane, and paranoid. And stupid.

Just because you are all of these things doesn't mean that I am. There is no reason I should care about my privacy.

No, I am cautious and alert. The world is an insanely unpredictable place, and just because I value preparedness and value my own life doesn't make it paranoia.

I don't give a shit about how you treat your private affairs, but you sure as hell shouldn't push it for others.


So in other words, you're a corporate shill. But no matter how you twist it, it's still an invasion of privacy.

You could literally apply the "you pay for it but it's not yours" to every item you purchase in existence. It's a poor excuse to invade into private information.

It's not "private information" because you are not hosting the data. You are paying for the access, and for the ISP, to host everything you do. They host the data, they hold it's contents. As I said, if you don't like how those rules are you are always welcome to petition the Supreme Court to change the 4th Amendment:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures

None of which covers the data ISP's have control over.

Then clearly it's a broken system that needs to be changed, because much of it is private information. Like Slash stated, the fact you buy so easily into such a corrupt narrative is why our government is steadily getting away with more nefarious activities. The amendment needs to be updated to modern times.

And stop using "HURRRRR PETITION SCOTUS LOL" as if it's fucking easy for any average person to do.

>Entirely missing the point of the quote

Are you really that dense?
The meaning of the quote does not apply in a discussion of privacy. At all.

The only people who care about privacy are
1. Criminals
2. Scared children.

It has everything to do with privacy. If you actually use some critical thinking, you'll know why.

The people who care about privacy are those who do not want the world to delve into every aspect of their lives. Information is power, and in the wrong hands is dangerous. The more someone knows about me, the more danger it means for me.

I don't really care.

Apathy is a horrible trait.

The delusion that there is any sort of "right to privacy" is as well.

Oh, so because you don't believe in it means it should be irrelevant for everyone else.

That's probably one of the most retarded things I've ever heard. Just so happens being retarded is a horrible trait, too.


The only "definition" of a right to privacy in the United States judicial system is the 4th Amendment - which does not apply to data mining because that data does not belong to you - it belongs to the ISP's that provide you access.

If you are that afraid that you are being violated, the Internet is not a necessity. You chose to use it, you pay for access. What you do is not entitled to any sort of protection.

So in other words, you're a corporate shill. But no matter how you twist it, it's still an invasion of privacy.

You could literally apply the "you pay for it but it's not yours" to every item you purchase in existence. It's a poor excuse to invade into private information.

When you get in an accident with a texting teenage douchebag, you'll wish it were.
I mean it really isn't that hard. I just think the average person has shit hand eye coordination. I'm actually driving while typing this reply.

Lol woops

Man, Oklahomo looks gheyer than I thought. Can't wait for the selfie in the middle of a crash


    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

No one has any reason to "come for me".

>Entirely missing the point of the quote

Are you really that dense?

I don't really care.

Apathy is a horrible trait.

The delusion that there is any sort of "right to privacy" is as well.

Oh, so because you don't believe in it means it should be irrelevant for everyone else.

That's probably one of the most retarded things I've ever heard. Just so happens being retarded is a horrible trait, too.

It would be irrational to care about such minutiae.
do we not have a right to privacy?
You do, but I have absolutely no use for it.

Because, uh, I'm not a criminal.

    First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

I don't really care.

Apathy is a horrible trait.

Serious / Re: Looks like Camnator was right
« on: August 28, 2015, 08:23:57 PM »
Fucking LOL

That's pretty pathetic.
If you drink alcohol, you're a cunt.

If you don't drink alcohol, you're a coward.

Serious / Re: Looks like Camnator was right
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:48:31 PM »
People who are against weed have clearly have never smoked it.

I have drunk alcohol, though, and I contemplated suicide afterwards, because that's how ashamed I was.

Fucking LOL

That's pretty pathetic.

The Flood / Re: tfw you barely play video games anymore
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:47:23 PM »
Using archaic words that not even Harvard professors would casually use as much as you is the bigger sign of insecurity, IMO.

it's a common medical term
my mother's a nurse--i pick up on these things
I have never heard that word used as a medical term once in my life.

The Flood / Re: Do you try to make people happy?
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:43:38 PM »
Helicopter isn't a species

You got me

There's no coming back from this

The Flood / Re: Girl Gamer Gets Raided And Cries On Stream!
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:42:03 PM »
Ya know, after watching the video, the girl is just too sheltered and can't handle some small, irrelevant bullshit. She's wayyyyyyy too sensitive and uptight. The raiders didn't really do anything too spectacular in terms of trolling/raiding and she shed some tears? Boo fucking hoo, she needs thicker skin. She literally fed them the whole time with her controlling, triggered nature.

The Flood / Re: The LGBTQIA+ is now a thing
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:37:19 PM »
Fuck you for calling everything that is lgbt related "tumblr".

I support the folks who support folks, man. But I can smell it. That new acronym is gonna be abused like hell from the afformentioned hoards of couch potato justice fighters.
I really couldn't care less about what people think of the so called social justice warriors. If you don't like them so much then don't go to places where they hang out. They're pretty hard to find. If you started a tumblr of your own and made it entirely nazi themed, you probably wouldn't even find that much resistance within the tumblr website itself. Not saying that you would, I am just giving an example. I have never seen any actual problem with the so called social justice warriors. To me it just seems like people are very resistant to the idea of people sticking up for others. Even if you don't like the way that they're sticking up for others because they're making things out to be worse than they are, then just let them. You have no reason to get upset because people are sticking up for others, if you had someone say something you don't agree with just ignore them. They are not negatively impacting your life in any way.

I never said I was upset.
Yeah, you fucking did. Check your OP. Don't fucking be a hypocrite.

You are literally stupid

Serious / Re: How to Identify and Resist Cultural Appropriation
« on: August 28, 2015, 04:32:58 PM »

are you like the one hot chick in band that the nerdy betas, that inevitably end up in band, cuck for the rest of high school but you end up dating the captain of the football team?

gosh this post really sounds like i'm projecting.
Slash, were you that nerdy kid who played the trombone?

It sounds like it's ripped right from his high school journal. I'd guess he was a master of the skin flute, though

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: August 28, 2015, 01:20:34 PM »
Oh my cancer
The way she described the things she'd do...she said I'm going to lose my mind tomorrow night.

That could mean a lot of things


The Flood / Re: Anyone know a good way to prank text someone?
« on: August 27, 2015, 10:35:18 PM »
Keep it simple, just text

"It's done."

And wait to see how they flip out

I do it a lot. I think the most recent was a few weeks ago.

I'm waiting

Serious / Re: Virginia News Team Killed While On the Air
« on: August 27, 2015, 10:33:31 PM »
Fucking niggers gonna nig. What a coward.

This whole "loaf posting" shit is kinda boring now tbh. Don't you have any other tricks outside of acting angsty and autistic to grab attention?

The Flood / Re: Girl Gamer Gets Raided And Cries On Stream!
« on: August 27, 2015, 12:42:48 AM »
I would raid dat pussccccccccc

Serious / Re: Looks like Camnator was right
« on: August 27, 2015, 12:41:15 AM »
And Verbatim thinks weed is bad LOL
For recreational use? Yes, it is.

There is literally nothing wrong with recreational use whatsoever.

The Flood / Re: This thread has no discussion value
« on: August 26, 2015, 10:20:31 AM »
We can discuss the discussion value of this thread.
you can't discuss nonexistence though
nonexistence is the ultimate goal of all sentient life
And it's still the dumbest ideology sentient life has ever cooked up

Oh boy, the rise of the Matrix and Skynet is just around the corner

Serious / Re: These high tensions tho, this week will be interesting.
« on: August 25, 2015, 12:55:12 AM »
I'd honestly enlist if we get into a full on war

Fuck yeah, time to kill some fuckin' gooks
Chally don't like gooks

And gooks don't like nukes

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