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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 404142 4344 ... 173
The Flood / Re: Was the sinking of the Titanic planned?
« on: August 31, 2015, 12:09:17 AM »
The video does make it seem believable, but I'd have to read up on it from other sources and do a little research before believing it. Although admittedly, I do want to believe it.

There is a reason why I posted the debunk link in the OP. All theories of it being the Olympic have been proven false it seems, but I challenge anyone to prove me wrong.
he wouldn't be proving you wrong, though, because you've proven nothing.

Are you telling me that this isn't proof of the Titanic being under water with it's letters showing? Because it is. It's the actual fucking ship itself. If you say otherwise, I'm sorry but you didn't study your history well enough and you're an idiot for it.

Do you know how easily that could be photoshopped?

He was a great contributor to the forum community

The Flood / Re: Merlin Teddies?
« on: August 30, 2015, 12:34:11 PM »
Almost good enough to go gay for, but not quite

The Flood / Re: I don't care what you're drinking, but post it anyway.
« on: August 29, 2015, 11:15:07 PM »
KK now drinking some Ballast Point IPAs. Namely Wahoo and Sculpin

Ever had their Victory at Sea porter?

Have not, unfortunately

The Flood / Re: I don't care what you're drinking, but post it anyway.
« on: August 29, 2015, 10:55:54 PM »
KK now drinking some Ballast Point IPAs. Namely Wahoo and Sculpin

The Flood / Re: Has anyone here tried Samuel Adams Honey Queen?
« on: August 29, 2015, 10:21:35 PM »
mead is some good shit man, had this stuff in poland, the only "beer" i really enjoyed.


This is some really good mead imo

Serious / Re: Virginia News Team Killed While On the Air
« on: August 29, 2015, 10:04:52 PM »
Texas sheriff killed execution style by a black male.

Where's the riots? Where's al sharpton?

White people don't riot unless it's for a good cause, and Sharpton is probably touching himself to the idea that the oppressive whites are being murdered by innocent blacks.

The Flood / Re: When I die fuck it I wanna go to hell
« on: August 29, 2015, 09:40:27 PM »
...but aren't you already living in hell?

But I thought you believed gOD'S NOT REEL

No, that's Cheat.

Oh, well in that case


God's dead to you if you go to Hell.
Where is your God now?

What if Hell is Heaven to some?

The Flood / Re: When I die fuck it I wanna go to hell
« on: August 29, 2015, 09:36:51 PM »
...but aren't you already living in hell?

But I thought you believed gOD'S NOT REEL

No, that's Cheat.

Oh, well in that case


The Flood / Re: When I die fuck it I wanna go to hell
« on: August 29, 2015, 09:26:14 PM »
...but aren't you already living in hell?

But I thought you believed gOD'S NOT REEL

The Flood / Re: Has anyone here tried Samuel Adams Honey Queen?
« on: August 29, 2015, 09:12:23 PM »
Nah but I have some Sam Adams cherry wheat in my fridge.

Ugh, fuck that gay shit. Wayyyyy too tart.

I so far haven't had a Sam Adams that I've liked, but Honey Queen might strike me right since I like mead.

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: August 29, 2015, 09:11:26 PM »
Roman pls be alive
I was abducted. But she didn't text me at all and finally got back tonight. Wants to have a drink together first next week. I'll take it I guess. The saga continues...A New Hope

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd it's gone.

The Flood / Re: I don't care what you're drinking, but post it anyway.
« on: August 29, 2015, 09:08:41 PM »
My friend drank half a bottle of Kraken in one night a lil while back. He said he liked. Haven't had any myself yet, though



Serious / The cold hard truth that BLACKS AND LIBERALS won't admit to
« on: August 29, 2015, 04:26:21 PM »

The Flood / Re: Race war! Race war!
« on: August 29, 2015, 04:10:15 PM »

The Flood / Re: Race war! Race war!
« on: August 29, 2015, 01:21:51 PM »
I'm just waiting for this shit to kick off. Our country will be a whole lot less niggered at the end of it

I woulda' loved to fight in WWII. There would be so much killing to do

Concrete examples? Look for yourself, the world is full of 'em. It's not my job to do your research.
>says retarded shit
>expects me to buy it on face value
>"uh, do you have anything to back up or support what you're saying here?"

All right--allow me to just assume you're the raving lunatic you are, then.

This is why no one takes you seriously.

What about it is retarded, exactly? Everything I've said is infallible while, once again, you pull opinions out of your ass and tote them as solid facts. "HURRR ITS SO EASY TO TELL BAD MISTAKES FROM HONEST MISTAKES LOL", "HURRR PRIVACY ISN'T IMPORTANT FUCKING LOL THERE'S NO BAD THINGS TO WORRY ABOUT IF PEOPLE KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU DERP ROFL"

The fact that you need "substantial proof" that the world is 50 shades of grey rather than starkly black and white (which is how immature, ignorant people view it) is asinine. Try living in the real world for a few seconds and you'll see exactly how gray it is.

And lol, I'm taken very seriously. Nice try on belittling me, though

The Flood / Re: I honestly wonder sometimes
« on: August 28, 2015, 09:37:54 PM »
Well it is dispensable. If you're no use to others or even matter to others, there's no point in that person being around. They're completely dispensable and forgettable.

No shit I did, because it was a good point. It was your failure to pick up on it.
I was in the process of responding before you edited it in.

Precisely how many times were you dropped on the head as a baby?
And no, no it isn't. The world is not so black and white. There's a fuck ton of gray. Do you even go outside?
That had a lot to do with what I said. Thanks.


Concrete examples. Now.

Of course you would talk about dropping babies, you baby hater.

Concrete examples? Look for yourself, the world is full of 'em. It's not my job to do your research.

>Ignores part of my post where I point out that good people make honest mistakes
You edited that in, shithead.

It's pretty goddamn easy to tell between an accident and an actual purposeful act.

No shit I did, because it was a good point. It was your failure to pick up on it.

And no, no it isn't. The world is not so black and white. There's a fuck ton of gray. Do you even go outside?

But it's not for a corporation to decide, nor know about. Having that info stored away, ready to be pulled out and used for smear material should ever that person become a threat, is sickening.
Not really, no.

>Be a good person
>Never have to worry about being "smeared"

Yes, actually.

>Ignores part of my post where I point out that good people make honest mistakes

Oh but nah, punish them anyway. Fuck them, no forgiveness, because verbatim knows BEST

Doesn't matter, the information can change. There are countless variables at work all the time. First, it shows someone "following all the rules of society". Oh but after some time, the person fucks up. And now that appears.

There are dynamics to everything. It's not so linear as you think.
If you fuck up in life, you deserve every repercussion that would come your way.

>Entirely missing the point, again

Sure, maybe the person deserves some repercussions. But it's not for a corporation to decide, nor know about. Having that info stored away, ready to be pulled out and used for smear material should ever that person become a threat, is sickening. The fact you support this is sickening and hypocritical.

Not to mention it discounts the fact that human beings make mistakes and true accidents will happen. Punishing a person for an honest mistake is also disgusting, and I find it disgusting you support punishment for that.

It's probably one of the most malicious things, actually. Do you not understand that information is power? As in, it's a lot of power.
Not if the information boils down to, "This person follows all the rules of society."

Which it would.

Doesn't matter, the information can change. There are countless variables at work all the time. First, it shows someone "following all the rules of society". Oh but after some time, the person fucks up. And now that appears.

There are dynamics to everything. It's not so linear as you think.

And I'm done here. Continue the circle jerk of "Lol Right to Privacy" when you both know that there are plenty of methods you can do to make a difference if you so choose.

Complaining here is not one.

K bye bye, have fun shilling out to corporations and a corrupt government. They sure do love all the obedient pawns who willingly give over all their private info AND polish their shoes.
Do people shine shoes anymore?

Actually yeah, I still see shoe shiners at the mall every now and then

I mean, I fucking HATE corporations, too.

But this is the least malicious thing about them. By far.

It's probably one of the most malicious things, actually. Do you not understand that information is power? As in, it's a lot of power.

The Flood / Re: I just went to a club
« on: August 28, 2015, 08:54:47 PM »
I don't know where I am supposed to go.

In the trash

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