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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 343536 3738 ... 173
The Flood / Re: Petition to ban Artica Sparkle
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:56:32 AM »
copy that

The Flood / Re: Booty Thread?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:34:56 AM »
Ass is disgusting, but feet somehow aren't?
Hmm. Shit comes out of one, the other is just skin and bones. Yeah, ass is much more disgusting.
Would you lick a floor?
No. Would you lick a toilet seat?
I never said I'd eat ass
Then there you go.
There we go what? Feet are still gross as fuck
This whole conversation started by DumbGenius is about eating out asses. You don't do it, which means this entire argument has just been to spite me. So there you go. Conversation over.
It started with how you're objectively wrong
You're the worst

At least I have taste

The Flood / Re: Booty Thread?
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:04:21 AM »
Ass is disgusting, but feet somehow aren't?
Hmm. Shit comes out of one, the other is just skin and bones. Yeah, ass is much more disgusting.
Would you lick a floor?
No. Would you lick a toilet seat?
I never said I'd eat ass
Then there you go.
There we go what? Feet are still gross as fuck
This whole conversation started by DumbGenius is about eating out asses. You don't do it, which means this entire argument has just been to spite me. So there you go. Conversation over.
It started with how you're objectively wrong

The Flood / Re: Booty Thread?
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:56:10 AM »
Ass is disgusting, but feet somehow aren't?
Hmm. Shit comes out of one, the other is just skin and bones. Yeah, ass is much more disgusting.

Have you ever heard of hygiene?

The Flood / Re: Booty Thread?
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:50:17 AM »
feet > boobs > most other body parts > ass
It's good to know nature is trying to prevent you from breeding
bro what's your fucking problem? I have different tastes than you, get over it.
Please not in the a.m
Okay...? You're the one who initiated it, lol

He's just letting you know that your tastes are objectively bad, that's all.

Which they are, btw
Tastes can't be objective, that's why they're called tastes

you dumb idiot
Subjectivity can sometimes be wrong

Liking feet is wrong.

It's not that liking feet is wrong, it's that it's the first one on the list. Ass should be first. If you wouldn't eat out a hot girl's ass, you're objectively a fag
I'm a fag, then, because I wouldn't do that in a trillion years. Why the hell would I want to put my tongue anywhere near someone's asshole? That's so nasty.

I'm not attracted to asses in the slightest.

You should consider killing yourself for being such a cuck

The Flood / Re: Booty Thread?
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:44:20 AM »
feet > boobs > most other body parts > ass
It's good to know nature is trying to prevent you from breeding
bro what's your fucking problem? I have different tastes than you, get over it.
Please not in the a.m
Okay...? You're the one who initiated it, lol

He's just letting you know that your tastes are objectively bad, that's all.

Which they are, btw
Tastes can't be objective, that's why they're called tastes

you dumb idiot
Subjectivity can sometimes be wrong

Liking feet is wrong.

It's not that liking feet is wrong, it's that it's the first one on the list. Ass should be first. If you wouldn't eat out a hot girl's ass, you're objectively a fag

The Flood / Re: Booty Thread?
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:35:59 AM »
feet > boobs > most other body parts > ass
It's good to know nature is trying to prevent you from breeding
bro what's your fucking problem? I have different tastes than you, get over it.
Please not in the a.m
Okay...? You're the one who initiated it, lol

He's just letting you know that your tastes are objectively bad, that's all.

Which they are, btw

Gaming / Re: So what's the verdict on Battlefront (if there is one, yet)?
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:19:52 AM »
Looks like Battlefront but plays nothing like it
So it doesn't play like a Battlefield clone?

It does, that's why I said it looks like BattleFRONT but plays nothing like it. It plays like Starwars: BattleFIELD, though
Battlefront was Star Wars: Battlefield

No it wasn't
It was, though

Literally never was, though
It's pretty well known that the first Battlefront games were earlier Battlefield clones.
The games took the basic design of the Battlefield games and slapped a Star Wars skin on top.

I don't know why people get offended by this. It isn't being used as a criticism.

Except that's a totally inaccurate description of the first SW:BF games

Gaming / Re: So what's the verdict on Battlefront (if there is one, yet)?
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:08:58 AM »
Looks like Battlefront but plays nothing like it
So it doesn't play like a Battlefield clone?

It does, that's why I said it looks like BattleFRONT but plays nothing like it. It plays like Starwars: BattleFIELD, though
Battlefront was Star Wars: Battlefield

No it wasn't
It was, though

Literally never was, though

Gaming / Re: So what's the verdict on Battlefront (if there is one, yet)?
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:07:25 AM »
Looks like Battlefront but plays nothing like it
So it doesn't play like a Battlefield clone?

It does, that's why I said it looks like BattleFRONT but plays nothing like it. It plays like Starwars: BattleFIELD, though
Battlefront was Star Wars: Battlefield

No it wasn't

Gaming / Re: So what's the verdict on Battlefront (if there is one, yet)?
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:05:01 AM »
Looks like Battlefront but plays nothing like it
So it doesn't play like a Battlefield clone?

It does, that's why I said it looks like BattleFRONT but plays nothing like it. It plays like Starwars: BattleFIELD, though

Gaming / Re: So what's the verdict on Battlefront (if there is one, yet)?
« on: October 09, 2015, 12:02:52 AM »
Looks like Battlefront but plays nothing like it

sometimes i startle myself with how much better i am than the average human being
Delusions are a sign of schizophrenia and possibly other mental disorders

The Flood / Re: JIM
« on: October 08, 2015, 01:15:21 AM »
Murder yourselves, please

The Flood / Re: ITT: Serious circa 10,000 BC
« on: October 08, 2015, 01:13:10 AM »


The Flood / Re: What the fuck, why am I even here?
« on: October 08, 2015, 01:11:40 AM »
Who the fuck are YOU to come storming in here asking who the fuck I am?! I'm that guy, motherfucker, now who the fuck are you?

The Flood / Re: Names you hate
« on: October 07, 2015, 12:12:41 AM »
any nigger name etc

The Flood / Re: petition to ban anime images on the forum
« on: October 06, 2015, 11:51:30 PM »

Gaming / Re: Halo universe vs Mass Effect universe
« on: October 05, 2015, 03:32:08 AM »
ME, easily. I don't know why this is even up for debate. With all ME races included the UNSC and Covies would be horribly overwhelmed.

>TFW no number of Ass Effect's pea shooters will do sugnifigant dammage to a ship like Mantle's aproach
>TFW a UNSC friggate could tear Harbiger in half with a single shot
>TFW the UNSC is specialized in ROFLSTOMPING larger armies
>TFW losing the relays causes Mass Effect to autolose
>TFW Mass Effect has leadership as efficient as potato batteries
>TFW you coulld literally run over a Sovereign class reaper with a Guardian
>TFW you could literally run over the Citadel and it's fleet with High Charity alone
>TFW you're up against a race who's factories are the sizes of entire gas giant planets or entire solar systems
>TFW the forerunners could just blow up your sun if hey wanted to
>TFW the forerunners could just kill everyone in the galaxy if they wanted
>TFW Neural Physics
>TFW you have the lolQuarians on your side
>TFW your most effective fighting force is a bunch of frogs
>TFW said frogs are going extinct anyway
>TFW you decieded we have to fight together but when your superfleet exited the relay the enemy detonated a nuke on said relay.
>TFW the mass Relay explosion annihilates you and your entire fleet
>TFW any potential survivors are now stranded

>TFW the ME navy flies so close together that they'll ram allied ships if they try to avoid incoming fire
>TFW the ME navy places itself in a position where every missed shot will impact the earth when fighting the reapers
>TFW they fire randomly at the reapers anyway and miss half their shots
>Literally believing a dramatic cinematic sequence curtails exactly how the battle would play out

Also the Reapers purposely positioned themselves with their backs to Earth. The fuck else was the fleet suppose to do you fucking inbred retard

You can be dramatic without being retarded.

Yeah sure, then the Reapers would just move in correspondence to the fleet. It's literally not as simple as you make it out to be.

Gaming / Re: Halo universe vs Mass Effect universe
« on: October 05, 2015, 03:15:52 AM »
Oh look

it's getting angry
LC's a faygut

Gaming / Re: Halo universe vs Mass Effect universe
« on: October 05, 2015, 03:05:51 AM »
ME, easily. I don't know why this is even up for debate. With all ME races included the UNSC and Covies would be horribly overwhelmed.

>TFW no number of Ass Effect's pea shooters will do sugnifigant dammage to a ship like Mantle's aproach
>TFW a UNSC friggate could tear Harbiger in half with a single shot
>TFW the UNSC is specialized in ROFLSTOMPING larger armies
>TFW losing the relays causes Mass Effect to autolose
>TFW Mass Effect has leadership as efficient as potato batteries
>TFW you coulld literally run over a Sovereign class reaper with a Guardian
>TFW you could literally run over the Citadel and it's fleet with High Charity alone
>TFW you're up against a race who's factories are the sizes of entire gas giant planets or entire solar systems
>TFW the forerunners could just blow up your sun if hey wanted to
>TFW the forerunners could just kill everyone in the galaxy if they wanted
>TFW Neural Physics
>TFW you have the lolQuarians on your side
>TFW your most effective fighting force is a bunch of frogs
>TFW said frogs are going extinct anyway
>TFW you decieded we have to fight together but when your superfleet exited the relay the enemy detonated a nuke on said relay.
>TFW the mass Relay explosion annihilates you and your entire fleet
>TFW any potential survivors are now stranded

>TFW the ME navy flies so close together that they'll ram allied ships if they try to avoid incoming fire
>TFW the ME navy places itself in a position where every missed shot will impact the earth when fighting the reapers
>TFW they fire randomly at the reapers anyway and miss half their shots
>Literally believing a dramatic cinematic sequence curtails exactly how the battle would play out

Also the Reapers purposely positioned themselves with their backs to Earth. The fuck else was the fleet suppose to do you fucking inbred retard

Gaming / Re: Halo universe vs Mass Effect universe
« on: October 05, 2015, 01:09:01 AM »
Oh yeah, don't forget - Activate the Crucible, bye-bye Halo. ME wins.

Gaming / Re: Halo universe vs Mass Effect universe
« on: October 05, 2015, 01:02:35 AM »
ME, easily. I don't know why this is even up for debate. With all ME races included the UNSC and Covies would be horribly overwhelmed.
Tell that to the Aztec when the Spanish rolled over them.

Better tech = a significant advantage

Tell that to Germany when Russia drowned them in hordes of men.

Quantity beats quality, every time.
Germany was also fighting a war on two fronts, so yeah.

The massive ships and men the Covvie and Humans have would easily win I would wager.

Yeah, so? Germany's main focus was the Eastern front. That's where they sent the vast majority of their forces and where the biggest and bloodiest battles occurred. So really the point of them fighting on two fronts is moot.

"Easily win" LOL. Just like the fearsome Ferdinand in the Battle of Kursk, right? The new Nazi death machine, toppled by some slavs with little training and poorly equipped. 

Gaming / Re: Halo universe vs Mass Effect universe
« on: October 05, 2015, 12:59:23 AM »
ME, easily. I don't know why this is even up for debate. With all ME races included the UNSC and Covies would be horribly overwhelmed.
Tell that to the Aztec when the Spanish rolled over them.

Better tech = a significant advantage

Tell that to Germany when Russia drowned them in hordes of men.

Quantity beats quality, every time.

Gaming / Re: Halo universe vs Mass Effect universe
« on: October 05, 2015, 12:57:50 AM »
ME, easily. I don't know why this is even up for debate. With all ME races included the UNSC and Covies would be horribly overwhelmed.

The Flood / Re: The Forerunner Ecumene vs Imperium of Man
« on: October 05, 2015, 12:47:40 AM »
And then the Xeelee come in and ROFLSTOMP everybody back into non-existence, the end.
Xeelee vs High-End Doctor Who

(reality implodes, flooding and overloading other realities)
Idk, I don't really like Doctor Who sci-fi tbh. It's just a bunch of space magic crap to me. At least the Xeelee universe is based on very hard science fiction, with real scientific ideas behind the physics.

The Flood / Re: The Forerunner Ecumene vs Imperium of Man
« on: October 05, 2015, 12:42:30 AM »
And then the Xeelee come in and ROFLSTOMP everybody back into non-existence, the end.

Serious / Re: America's unique problem with gun violence
« on: October 05, 2015, 12:26:37 AM »
Like Stephen Colbert said

"The definition of insanity is not changing anything, and expecting anything to change."
i wish i watched a single episode of his show
There is a reason to now, don't you think?
i have a bad case of archive panic

but yeah, the guy seems brilliant

Brilliant, if you're a horribly biased leftist ideologue

The Flood / Re: What do you want most in life?
« on: October 05, 2015, 12:19:23 AM »
A significant other. But with recent events, things are headed in that direction. Other than that? Possibly becoming a full fledged paramedic. Just gotta' put more time in the field before that though.

The Flood / Re: /r9k/ is snapping again
« on: October 04, 2015, 07:43:31 PM »
Can't wait for the next civil war, I'm dying to kill people

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