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Messages - aREALgod

Pages: 1 ... 333435 3637 ... 173
Serious / Sociopaths and psychopaths.
« on: October 18, 2015, 04:32:16 PM »
Sociopaths and psychopaths are dangerous and sneaky. They're manipulative, lack emotion, and don't care what damage they do. They're unfit for society. There should be a law to eliminate sociopaths and psychopaths at birth, once detected. A simple brain scan can determine this, since it's well known their brains have a different blueprint than normal people. With this ability, babies and people should be scanned and, if found to be either of the outliers, removed from society. Adults who made it by though should be given a chance to successfully integrate into society without acting on their urges, but if they fail, should be executed.

Why isn't this a thing already? We know what kind of evil people these "people" can be (if you can call them that). They lack the thing that makes us most human - emotion. We've already seen, for hundreds of years, the effects of lacking emotion. Why do the rest of us tolerate this?

Gaming / Re: What game should I play next? (Xbox 360)
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:24:15 PM »
How about you buy a next gen console instead

Serious / Re: Do you vote?
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:01:37 PM »
The only people you should be voting for are Republicans, anyway
And here we see an example of why our government turned to shit.

Voting just because of party and not actual candidate. Good job!

Midget isn't being serious. He's just being him.

Um, what?

The whole reason this country became a shitty mess is BECAUSE of Democrats.
Careful, some people might not know you're joking

Do you say that to try and make yourself feel better about being a Democrap?

I'm not joking. Most things that have put this country and track to being a first world shit hole (soon to be 3rd world, at this rate) can be traced back to the Democrats. Don't believe me? Look it up yourself. But you won't, because you're afraid of having your precious little bubble burst.
I'm sorry

I can't take any of your opinions seriously because you think there is nothing wrong with the Mass Effect series.

But there isn't. Maybe if you didn't jump on the ME hate bandwagon like the rest of the sheep, you'd see that
To think your precious series is above any wrong doings or bad decisions is laughable. Fanboys really are a cancer on the world.

What's cancer is jumping on bandwagons without your own critical thought. Do you enjoy going with the herd?

The Flood / Re: What's the point in having Flee as a moderator?
« on: October 18, 2015, 12:31:01 PM »
Has it really been THAT long since I've parodied. Some things really have knocked all the fun out of me :3

Where's the joke? This is some pretty bad damage control tbh

The Flood / Re: Do you have a right to be upset?
« on: October 18, 2015, 03:07:05 AM »
Sure you do, but if you choose not to go on your own volition, the only person you have to blame for being upset is yourself. Remember, it's your choice to be offended

Gaming / Re: TotalBiscuit is diagnosed with incurable cancer
« on: October 18, 2015, 03:03:42 AM »
Could be worse, he could've had ass cancer instead

The Flood / Re: I saw somebody get shot tonight
« on: October 18, 2015, 02:39:52 AM »
Did you get on TV? This is the perfect opportunity to bring more peeps to Sep7agon

Serious / Re: What kind of alimony you want fam?
« on: October 17, 2015, 05:53:07 PM »
Mothers inherently deserve the kid more than fathers, unless they've proven to be bad at parenting.

It's already been proven, statistically, that single-mother parenting is very damaging to the upbringing of kids. It's been proven a single father parent would be better, and the absolute best would be to have a stable, mother-father parenting in a healthy marriage. But like your fucking cuck of a generation thinks, marriage is worthless and we have people divorcing all over the fucking place, devaluing marriage at every turn and churning out GENERATIONS worth of damaged kids. Fuck you, you cuck

Why would you ever group those savages into the same category of civilized whites in the first place?

Gaming / Re: Minecraft Story Mode scores are in...
« on: October 17, 2015, 05:34:05 PM »
Quick Time Events: The Game

The Flood / Re: You are in a prison shower...
« on: October 17, 2015, 04:58:56 PM »
I'd tell him yes, then offer to show him how I did it

The Flood / Re: Most unfunny comedians?
« on: October 17, 2015, 02:09:22 PM »
Louis C.K.

Serious / Re: Do you vote?
« on: October 17, 2015, 01:57:25 PM »
The only people you should be voting for are Republicans, anyway
And here we see an example of why our government turned to shit.

Voting just because of party and not actual candidate. Good job!

Midget isn't being serious. He's just being him.

Um, what?

The whole reason this country became a shitty mess is BECAUSE of Democrats.
Careful, some people might not know you're joking

Do you say that to try and make yourself feel better about being a Democrap?

I'm not joking. Most things that have put this country and track to being a first world shit hole (soon to be 3rd world, at this rate) can be traced back to the Democrats. Don't believe me? Look it up yourself. But you won't, because you're afraid of having your precious little bubble burst.
I'm sorry

I can't take any of your opinions seriously because you think there is nothing wrong with the Mass Effect series.

But there isn't. Maybe if you didn't jump on the ME hate bandwagon like the rest of the sheep, you'd see that

Serious / Re: Do you vote?
« on: October 16, 2015, 10:41:21 AM »
The only people you should be voting for are Republicans, anyway
And here we see an example of why our government turned to shit.

Voting just because of party and not actual candidate. Good job!

Midget isn't being serious. He's just being him.

Um, what?

The whole reason this country became a shitty mess is BECAUSE of Democrats.
Careful, some people might not know you're joking

Do you say that to try and make yourself feel better about being a Democrap?

I'm not joking. Most things that have put this country and track to being a first world shit hole (soon to be 3rd world, at this rate) can be traced back to the Democrats. Don't believe me? Look it up yourself. But you won't, because you're afraid of having your precious little bubble burst.

Serious / Re: Do you vote?
« on: October 15, 2015, 11:52:26 PM »
The only people you should be voting for are Republicans, anyway
And here we see an example of why our government turned to shit.

Voting just because of party and not actual candidate. Good job!

Midget isn't being serious. He's just being him.

Um, what?

The whole reason this country became a shitty mess is BECAUSE of Democrats.
midge just stop

Who the hell are you?
Your mother

My mom is dead
I don't blame her for choosing suicide

You should join her then, fag

Serious / Re: Do you vote?
« on: October 15, 2015, 11:50:04 PM »
The only people you should be voting for are Republicans, anyway
And here we see an example of why our government turned to shit.

Voting just because of party and not actual candidate. Good job!

Midget isn't being serious. He's just being him.

Um, what?

The whole reason this country became a shitty mess is BECAUSE of Democrats.
midge just stop

Who the hell are you?
Your mother

My mom is dead

Serious / Re: Do you vote?
« on: October 15, 2015, 11:48:33 PM »
The only people you should be voting for are Republicans, anyway
And here we see an example of why our government turned to shit.

Voting just because of party and not actual candidate. Good job!

Midget isn't being serious. He's just being him.

Um, what?

The whole reason this country became a shitty mess is BECAUSE of Democrats.
midge just stop

Who the hell are you?

Serious / Re: Do you vote?
« on: October 15, 2015, 11:38:33 PM »
The only people you should be voting for are Republicans, anyway
And here we see an example of why our government turned to shit.

Voting just because of party and not actual candidate. Good job!

Midget isn't being serious. He's just being him.

Um, what?

The whole reason this country became a shitty mess is BECAUSE of Democrats.

The Flood / Re: Yo Slash
« on: October 15, 2015, 07:42:04 PM »

Hey Slash

Don't reply if you're gaaaaaaay

Serious / Re: Do you vote?
« on: October 15, 2015, 07:07:43 PM »
The only people you should be voting for are Republicans, anyway

Serious / Re: So, I read George Orwell's 1984 last week...
« on: October 15, 2015, 03:10:05 PM »
Here's a thought Verb, would you be comfortable giving me the passwords to your Sep7 and email accounts? After all, if you have no problem abdicating your privacy to the state, then you should have no problem abdicating your privacy to me.

You have nothing to hide, after all, right?
I'd have no problem with that at all, no. I'd need a good reason, though.
I want to see if you really do believe any of this anti natalist crap.

PM me your details when your ready.
Actually, no, I'd be against that--because you could read the PMs that I've received.

That crosses a line, because now you're invading other people's privacy, as well.

So... on second thought, no, I'd be against that.
But only because it imposes on other people who might not agree with me.
So I guess privacy is important then.

This simple fact alone under-minded Verbatim's vehemently stupid argument of "fuck privacy". I think he means "fuck privacy for everyone but me"

Also, this is just another clickbait post with Verbatim parading around how right he is with absolutely NO evidence to back up his claims and ignoring all reasons against his own, no matter how clearly substantial they are. Remember, arguing with Verbatim is like arguing with a child - he has a tantrum and says you're wrong, but fails to show why. But he'll continue to say he's right until you're brain dead, because you can't beat stupid, especially if stupid is determined.

For example, taken from the OP directly -

"Assuming the government has good intentions (and why in the fuck wouldn't they)"

LOL. Verbatim is so out of touch with reality. Ever heard of the Soviet Union, dipshit? Yeah, I'm sure they really had good intentions in mind when they were slaughtering millions of their own and sending innocent people to the gulag. How about North Korea? Yeah, they had good intentions for their people, right? Public executions, torture, poverty, but YEAH! THE GOVERNMENT TOTALLY HAS GOOD INTENTIONS LOL

You fucking dolt. You're pathetically out of touch with reality. I almost pity it, but then I remember you CHOOSE to be so delusional.

The Flood / Re: The lightning is getting closer
« on: October 15, 2015, 01:58:42 AM »
Ayyyy you in SoCal? I'm getting tonsa lightning not far off in the distance, BUT WHERE'S THE FUCKING THUNDER?

Anybody who voted yes is just a fedora-tipping le edgy try hard. Of course death isn't the end of your experience.

Gaming / Re: R.I.P Battlefront
« on: October 12, 2015, 02:43:54 AM »
Can't say I'm surprised to hear how shitty Battlefront is. I mean it is DICE and EA, they took Battlefield and rammed it into the ground, why not take other once popular series and do the same?

Serious / Re: NASA set to announce another discovery. This time, Pluto
« on: October 10, 2015, 06:13:48 PM »

kill yourself

The Flood / Re: Some of you guys are alright.
« on: October 10, 2015, 02:28:38 AM »

Serious / Re: El Chapo put a $100 Million contract on Trump
« on: October 10, 2015, 02:25:54 AM »
I don't think you two should start this argument at all, and simply discuss the OP.

Sound good? Good.

How about you SHUT THE FUCK UP and actually fuck off for two seconds rather than chime in like a whiny little BITCH every time there's a slight amount of friction in a thread?

The Flood / Re: ITT: Characters who did literally nothing right
« on: October 10, 2015, 01:36:16 AM »
Irish from BF4. Fuck that faggot

"Get the elevator, Wrecker"
[one eternity later]
still waiting


"These guys are dead, they're corpses by the time we cut 'em out"

"NO WE GOTTA SAVE EM LOOOL" *autistically hits CIA guy*

If that was real life, Irish woulda' been shot. I woulda' shot him. Irish made the campaign nearly unplayable with his stupidly cliche and terribly written "super moral good guy" attitude

The Flood / Re: ITT: Characters who did literally nothing right
« on: October 10, 2015, 01:17:40 AM »
Irish from BF4. Fuck that faggot

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