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Pages: 1234 56 ... 14
The Flood / Re: Verbatim vs A Horse
« on: March 29, 2015, 04:07:47 PM »

Is that verby's pic? Good god...

The Flood / Sorry Vien.
« on: March 27, 2015, 10:41:04 PM »
[11:38 PM] Vien  'Quitonm: Mhm
I usually read things twice before going anal.

This shall forever be immortalized. Sorry Vien.

The Flood / Re: Dazarobbo goes to chick fil a.
« on: March 26, 2015, 05:51:06 PM »

The Flood / Re: sep7agon-make-your-own-story-time
« on: March 26, 2015, 12:01:38 PM »
The end.

The Flood / Re: Dazarobbo goes to chick fil a.
« on: March 25, 2015, 10:34:47 PM »

The Flood / Dazarobbo goes to chick fil a.
« on: March 25, 2015, 09:17:01 PM »
The wind howled like a pack of wolves, its icy turbulence threatened to freeze the skin of any fool who forgot to cover themselves. It was a chill so acidic, that it threatened to crystallize nasal mucus. Dazarobbo's car had just broken down on the expressway and even though ten minutes had just passed, he could already feel the cold seeping in. He pulled out his cell phone to call Triple-A, but being an iPhone, it had been depleted. He knew that he was screwed. He looked around for the nearest building in sight, but the closest thing he could see was a billboard that displayed pro-life propaganda. It filled his chest with fury, the way the pro-lifers showed a baby smiling. They were obviously appealing to the shallow-minded people who liked children. Seeing the sign made him wish he could strangle an infant in the name of woman's rights. But, he put the pro-lifers' duplicity out of his mind. He had a bigger problem.

If he did not get help, he would undoubtedly freeze to death due to global warming. Already the moisture on the windows was crystallizing and obscuring his view. He tried opening the door and making a run for it, but the wind chewed into his thin skin and forced him back inside of the car. After swearing profusely and blaming the republicans for the weather, he tried turning his phone on again, hoping that doing the same thing over and over again would produce different results. Meanwhile, car after car zoomed on by, not bothering to help him out. Daz knew it was dangerous to stay in the car, but it was also just as dangerous to go outside into the cold. He was trapped.

His breath turned into a fog as the degrees rapidly dropped. Curling up into a ball, he wrapped himself with ignorance and tried to get as cozy as he could, hoping that doing nothing would get him out of the situation. Some time had passed, maybe an hour, maybe two, or maybe thirty minutes. There was no way to tell the passage of time because his iPhone was dead and the clock on his car didn't work. It was an analog clock, which represented old-fashioned values. It was inapplicable for the current situation, even if still functioned. The cold began to eat into his ears and toes, causing him to tremble horribly. He yearned for some company to keep him warm, he wished somebody would stop and help him, but the lights kept zooming past his window.

Suddenly, he heard somebody slow down and pull up behind him. A door opened and shut, and Daz could see a silhouette behind the glazed glass. A gloved hand wiped away the frost and a kindly old man peered in with a flashlight.

"Do you need help?" he asked, his voice muffled by the window and by the scarf that he wore around his mouth. Daz was so grateful for  the man's presence. Shivering, he nodded.

"Ok son, I'll get somebody out here to help you out. But it will take them a while to get here and if you stay here, you'll catch a cold. I'm on my way to one of my restaurants. Why don't you come with me and we'll wait for Triple A to pick up your car. I'll even give you one free meal on the house."

Daz was moved by the man's kindness, so much that he had to wipe the tears out of his eyes before they froze on his cheeks. After struggling with the door, he managed to push it open, braking the glaze that had formed. He followed the man through the wind to his car and got in. The stranger removed his hat and scarf to reveal a partially bald head.

"Whoo! It's crazy weather huh?" the man said as he started up his car and drove off. "My name's Dan. I own a chain of restaurants around here. I'll tell my workers to give you a free meal. We've been finding a lot of stragglers in this crazy weather."

"Thank you, thank you so much." Daz said.

"Oh it's no problem. We have to support each other during these difficult times. "

Dan took the next exit and turned right at the light. He described in detail the new menu item they were creating, Cajun breaded chicken, embellished with celery and herbs. Season french fries with a hint of garlic. Daz then realized how hungry he had been. He hadn't eaten since that morning, because of the republicans. They made him forget lunch. It was Bush's fault. But now his mouth watered in anticipation. Dan seemed like an amicable fellow. Smart, yet compassionate. Good humored too. He asked Daz what he was doing and Daz said he was a student and that he was getting into programming. But he became distracted from the conversation when the man pulled into a lot in front of a restaurant whose letters glared red as if they had been spelled out with blood. They said "Chick Fil A."

Daz realized with a terrible epiphany, that the man sitting next to him looked awfully familiar. He was the CEO of the homophobic, racist, brainwashing, restaurant chain, he was Dan T. Cathy. Daz then noticed the crucifix swaying under the mirror, as if taunting him with its vitriol. Instinctively, Daz began to silently pray to Richard Dawkins and Stephen Hawking, hoping that his vibes would summon the wonders of science and logic to save him. He was about to scream at Dan when the CEO opened the door and Daz was hypnotized with a delicious aroma. Delicious fried chicken tempted him and made his mouth run. His stomach gurgled hungrily, making him feel a feral craving for food. The hunger was so overpowering it almost became a spiritual experience. He needed to eat and he needed the warmth. All the other stores around were closed, but Chick fil a glowed like a siren of doom and a sentinel of hope.  Entranced by Dan's cadence, Daz felt his feet were compelled to follow, he ignored the sting of the wind and followed.

When he pushed through the doors, he was not attacked with a wave of homophobia or brainwashing, but with warmth and fidelity. The aromas seduced his senses until he almost felt like a ravenous animal. Dan asked him to take a seat and told one of the waitresses to give him whatever he wanted. The selflessness of the CEO was a horrible duplicity, it was so obvious the man's kindness was not born out of his caring, but for a need to appear good to the public eye. It was all a publicity stunt, that's why several homeless people were in here. It did not matter that Chick Fil A was the only restaurant that took them in, the fact was the chain opposed gay rights. That trumped  any act of selflessness, it was despicable. Daz wish he were back at home with his bucket of sand, so that he could dunk his head in it and keep it there.

He summoned up the willpower to reduce the temptation to submit to Dan's wiles until a menu was placed in front of him. All the delicious food items seemed to taunt him with their succulence. It was too much, he ordered a bit of everything. When the food was brought out to him, he was horrified at its deliciousness. Tears of agony and defeat streamed down his face as he mashed chicken into his mouth and downed it with sprite and self-pity. He had submitted to the evil selflessness of religion, the flavor of the food spread through his mouth and warmed his system like a poison that could only be described as love.  Dan mistook his distress as gratefulness, but what he said next blew Daz's mind. He didn't want anything back from Daz, he didn't ask Daz to spread the word, instead Dan asked him to do the same for somebody else whenever he had a chance.

Daz's paradigms came crashing down before him, images and  preconceptions were shattered. It did not make any sense, why would the CEO of Chick Fil A ask him not to tell anybody of his publicity stunt? Why would he ask him to help somebody in need? It almost seemed like.....Daz had misjudged the man. No. That could not possibly be true, all Christians were evil and oppressive, they did not care about others, but themselves. They only wished to help people when doing so served them. And yet Dan T. Cathy rejected that paradigm. Daz was forced to accept that there was something wrong with him. It could only be one thing......he was hallucinating. George Bush and the republicans have injected him with a drug that causes dementia. He had to do something and quick, before he began to sympathize with unborn babies.

The Flood / Re: do you talk differently in person compared to on here?
« on: March 24, 2015, 06:56:09 PM »
Yes. I suffer quite a bit if word salad.

The Flood / Re: Somebody poisoned my cat
« on: March 24, 2015, 03:52:51 PM »
Read my edit made 4 seconds before your post.

Not sure what you're arguing about. Activated charcoal is supposed to be given when the cat is done vomiting, and the cat didn't ingest any acid or alkali.

If you have no idea what you are talking about, then I am going to correct you. You obviously do not know much about either activated charcoal or antifreeze. Antifreeze is not some universal chemical, there are different kinds, which can be acidic, alkaline, or neither. Sandtrap said antifreeze, he did not say what kind, whether it was pure or diluted, whether it had been in a vehicle, because he has no way of knowing those things, and all of those would factor into whether activated charcoal is the right drug to give. Before you give any drug, you have to do investigative work to find out whether it is the right thing to give or not.
I told him to go to the vet and if necessary get activated charcoal. Calm your nonexistent tits.

Hey. It don't matter now. Sent the cat out last night. She came back in at midnight. I went to sleep, woke up at 6. Noticed she was unresponsive. Went down to work, checked back up on her every hour when I could trying to pin down what it was.

Anyway. I tried driving off to the vets. Cat died on the way there.

I appreciate the attempted help though.

Thanks folks.
I'm really sorry man, that is horrible. I'm a huge animal lover as well as a lover of cats. I can't imagine what sort of depraved sack of shit would poison a cat.

The Flood / Re: I take shit from no one
« on: March 23, 2015, 02:20:51 PM »
No no no, dont take shits only give shits and see futures in balls. Ma all the gods of furious strong be with you and may you live like a windrammer as you fuck.

The Flood / Re: I'm actually starting to feel bad for this kid.
« on: March 21, 2015, 09:33:24 PM »
I never said they weren't fake either.
Are they? Seems pretty legit to me.

Oh shut up.
All he did was quote you.

Stay out of this Piglets.
You seem to think I am your enemy, but I assure you that I am not. I am simply saying that all verby did, was attempt to help you by pointing out the contradictions of your claims.

The Flood / Re: I'm actually starting to feel bad for this kid.
« on: March 21, 2015, 12:38:58 AM »
Anybody who believes these are real is a gullible idiot. Yes, that means you Decimator.

The Flood / Re: Just finished Berserk
« on: March 19, 2015, 11:56:56 PM »
Berserk is a fantastic manga, but it isn't finished yet.

The Flood / Re: what the fuck is this (answered)
« on: March 19, 2015, 12:14:19 PM »
Spending time with your vitriolic kin?

The Flood / Re: Leprechaun in Crichton.
« on: March 18, 2015, 09:08:38 PM »

These people give my kind a bad name.

The Flood / Re: forum members you would hang with irl
« on: March 12, 2015, 08:00:17 AM »
vien and nuka

The Flood / Chris Chan Trolled by "Official response from sega".
« on: March 11, 2015, 09:57:43 PM »
Chris chan just got trolled by an "official response from sega". Now a bit of backstory, sega changed  the color of sonic's arms. They used to be tan, but now they are blue. Chris chan threw a fit over this and to protest, he went to gamestop and maced an employee. (Which he spent a few nights in jail for.) Well, he started up a "boycott" sonic movement. And they finally received a "genuine response" from sega. Read and laugh:

The Flood / Re: My TV has ads built into it
« on: March 11, 2015, 07:15:29 PM »
What were they thinking? Anyway, I hope this is a bit of help:

The Flood / Re: I cant have children...
« on: March 09, 2015, 11:03:16 AM »
I'm sorry to hear that man. :(

The Flood / Re: Finished commission.
« on: March 05, 2015, 06:08:12 PM »
Hey. Wanna hear somethin' funny.

I know where you live.

Approximately 1 hour ago you favorited a picture with two turians in it.

Spooky stuff. Imma stalk you now.
luceous? Firefoxzero, or whatever his name was?

The Flood / Re: Finished commission.
« on: March 05, 2015, 05:05:09 PM »

The Flood / Re: Finished commission.
« on: March 05, 2015, 04:51:06 PM »
you may as well burn your money if you're wasting it getting furry shit drawn for you. I'm not saying it's not hot but don't pay for it
Don't worry, I didn't waste any money having this drawn. :)

The Flood / Re: If you don't like Lord of the Rings
« on: March 05, 2015, 04:26:43 PM »
LoTR bored me. It's too simple and it isn't dark enough.
check edge mcedgerson over here
It's not about edginess, I just don't feel it immersed me enough. Thomas Covenant is a much better series that covers more complex moral themes, but it can get really dark. But that also means the victories are a lot more meaningful.

The Flood / Re: If you don't like Lord of the Rings
« on: March 05, 2015, 04:23:24 PM »
I've tried to watch Fellowship on three separate occasions, but I fall asleep every single time. And I don't fall asleep during films.
Wow, something we both can agree on! You and I are more alike than I thought Verby! Perhaps there is hope for you after all!

The Flood / Re: If you don't like Lord of the Rings
« on: March 05, 2015, 04:21:52 PM »
LoTR bored me. It's too simple and it isn't dark enough.

The Flood / Re: Finished commission.
« on: March 05, 2015, 03:16:33 PM »
You actually made this?
Nah, it was a commission. The artist who I commissioned is here:

EDIT: DERP! I already replied to this comment didn't I?

The Flood / Re: Finished commission.
« on: March 05, 2015, 03:14:04 PM »
I'm not into that sort of stuff, but you do really great art.
I wish I could say I created it. But no, I had this piece commissioned. :)

The Flood / ....
« on: March 05, 2015, 02:35:50 PM »

The Flood / Re: Finished commission.
« on: March 05, 2015, 02:12:25 PM »
How much was it and why did you get it?
It was $55 and I got it because I desired art of the new Maluki.

Literally no one cares.

Noelle, have you considered that these comments are why you experience hostility from so many people?

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