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Topics - o______________o

Pages: 123
I try to create good topics and share my ideas in #destiny.I put a lot of work into elaborating my visions of what would make Destiny really cool, in hopes of starting a dialogue with the other posters. Yet somehow, every single one of my ideas have been lambasted and attacked. And now I am supposedly the greatest troll on #destiny. It is infuriating because nobody takes me seriously. I mean come on.....look at all these topics I've posted:

Fee for kids under 17
Exotic weapon: True Death
Waypoints in PvP to prevent camping.
Interrogation in Destiny
Product Placement
Bring Armor lock to Destiny.
Destiny should have lock-on targeting.
Should destiny have a daily time limit?
Users should be required to use their real names.
Players should be penalized for bad language.
Idlers and quitters should be fined.
Weapon redistribution to make things fair.
Should bungie get rid of respawning?
Traveler's Boon
Exotic weapons should be available as microtransactions.
Destiny is a rip-off of Call Of Duty, Halo, etc
Raids should be a subscription service
Should timed exclusivity be retracted?
We should have the option to purchase raid awards.
Instant Super activation using microtransactions?
Ammo pickups should be more realistic
Thread replies should be turned into glimmer.

I know I have more topics out there, but I lost them when the site updated again. But this goes to show how immature and paranoid the Destiny forum is. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

EDIT: BTW, feel free to go and show your support in these threads. If they are kept on the front page, Bungie may see how much traction they are gaining. Perhaps they'll take some of my advice.

The Flood / Which OFFSITE admins should I feature in a story?
« on: August 10, 2014, 12:53:42 PM »
I feel like writing a romance. Which offsite admins should be in it?

The Flood / Deej goes to McDonald's.
« on: August 09, 2014, 07:04:52 PM »
Carla had been working at McDonald's for a week and she was doing a very good job taking orders at the drive-thru. She always put the needs of the customer first before her own. Little did she know that her day would start off with the worst customer in the world. As the car pulled up to the microphone, Deej began to place his order, along with a side of frustration.

Carla: Welcome to McDonald's. What would you like today?

Deej: I would like some stuff.

Carla: Excuse me?

Deej: I would like some stuff.

Carla: I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are saying. Could you speak a little bit more clearly?

Deej: Yes, sorry. I would like the item I am pointing to.

Carla: um.....sir, I can't see what you are pointing at. Did you need help reading the menu?

Deej: Do unicorns like lollipops?

Carla: .... ......... You said you wanted a pop?

Deej: That is not what I said. I asked if unicorns like lollipops.

Carla: uh....I'm not sure I'm following what you are saying. Is this some sort of joke? Like is this one of those pranks that people put on youtube?

Deej: This is not a prank. I just want to order breakfast. jib-jub BAPPITY FLAP!

Carla: Ok. Well go ahead and order something on the menu. We are having a sausage mcmuffin special today. Would you be interested in that? It comes with a side of hash browns and a medium orange juice.

Deej: Nobody ever knows for sure about what they really want. Sometimes the winds of time take us to strange and wondrous places young one. Our interests vary from day to day. Life is a mysterious thing.

Carla: Is that a yes or a no?

At this point, Carla doesn't hear Deej's response because just then the car behind him honked impatiently.

Carla: I didn't catch that. Could you repeat that?

Deej: (silence)

More car horns begin to honk as Carla waits for Deej's order. But it never comes. Meanwhile people can be heard swearing "DUDE, HURRY THE -blam!- UP OR GET THE -blam!- OUT OF OUR WAY!" followed by more angry beeping. Eventually the manager asks Carla to see what is going on. So she goes outside and finds Deej still parked at the drive-thru menu, with his window rolled up. Confused, Carla walks over and gently raps on his window.

Carla: Excuse me sir?

Deej: (muffled speech)

Carla: (yelling) Sir, I can't hear you. Could you roll your window down?

Deej writes something down on a piece of paper and holds it up to the window. It reads "They are being rude, so I muted them."


Deej rolls down his window.

Deej: You know what I want.

Carla: No....I have no idea what you want. I haven't understood a thing you said today. Now would you please tell me what you want to order?

Deej: I would love one of your delicious flippity goos.

Carla: What?!

Deej: I'm being clever.

Carla: Um........what?

At this point the manager comes out to see why the line hasn't moved. Carla explains to him that she cannot get a coherent answer out of Deej. The manager begins to tell Deej that he needs to order something or else move so that he doesn't hold up the other customers. But as he is talking, Deej rolls his window back up and plugs his ears. The manager sighs and pulls out his cell phone and dials the police. Suddenly Deej slams the pedal to the floor and screeches out of the drive thru, hitting both the manager and Carla on the back, breaking both of their hips and leaving them extremely butthurt.

Septagon / Will we have the ability to edit our posts soon?
« on: July 31, 2014, 03:14:18 PM »
It drives me crazy when I post a topic then spot a glaring typo I missed. I would love to have the ability to edit our posts soon.

The Flood / The PAX disaster: A floodian epic.
« on: July 31, 2014, 03:11:15 PM »
Since this is the new flood, I may as well post the story I've been (slowly) working on. This is the first part of the PAX disaster, which will be told from 3 POVs.  For faster navigation, chapters will be listed below.  Chapter one is also below.

Chapter 2: Vien's great journey
Chapter 3: Verbatim's nightmare
Chapter 4: The message
Chapter 4.5: The phone call
Chapter 5: PAX
Chapter 6: The queen of sapphire
Chapter 7: Porch day incarnate
Chapter 8: Mute and corrupted
Chapter 9: Cena
Chapter 10: Porch Lord
Chapter 11: The Bane
Chapter 12: High mind
Chapter 13: Vien remembers

Chapter 1- Camnator's trek.

Camnator slowly awoke from his slumber. The first thing he noticed was the stench: a mixture of rotting food, vomit, and other foul odors. He also couldn't see anything. For a second, he thought he had a blanket over his head but when he moved, he felt a sharp pain pierce his right hand. "shit!" he uttered in the darkness, as something cut him. It felt like a razor or a piece of sharp glass slicing into his palm. Camnator jumped up and hit his head on a hard surface with a loud "thwump!", and almost knocked himself unconscious again. He uttered another profanity and massaged his throbbing head as tears rolled down his cheeks in the darkness.

     When the pain subsided, he noticed a crack of light a few above him on the wall. He reached for it and felt along the wall and realized that the light was coming through a sliding metal door. Camnator realized he was in a dumpster. He had no memory of how he got there, but it wasn't the first time he woke in a place of no recollection. Camnator slid the door open and was temporarily blinded by the light. He let his eyes adjust, he climbed out of the dumpster. He looked around ans saw he was in an alleyway. He had no idea where he was, so he got out his phone and turned it on. The GPS told him he was in Seattle, Washington.
   "Seattle....what the..." Camnator began to say, but then it started coming back to him. "OH SHIT!" he exclaimed. He remembered that he was attending the Penny Arcade Expo. He is supposed to meet up with some other members. Camnator checked his text messages and saw a text from Vien that said "Where are you? We have been waiting for 45 minutes. There are children around here, Verbatim will be ill if we do not move soon." It was sent 20 minutes ago.
      Camnator texted "Sorry, I got lost. I'll be there soon. My head is foggy, I didn't smoke enough weed last night."  He put his phone in his pocket and checked inside the dumpster for his backpack and took it out. After brushing off a scraps of food and a dead rat, he opened his back pack and took out a blunt. Camnator lit up and took a puff. His head immediately began to clear. A path began to illuminate itself in front of him, almost like the paths you found in fables 2 and three. He began to follow the path towards
his destination. The sounds of the traffic began to transform into something else. Instead of the harsh chugging of engines, there were drums. Instead of car horns and people swearing, there was singing. The world began to morph into a world of 80's rock. Even the birds were singing in the trees, like a scene you'd find in a disney film.

      Camnator saw the world for what it was, and what it was, is beautiful. He saw auras emanating from every life form. He listened to the squirrels as he walked, chatting about politics. He picked one up and pet it, then let it crawled up his shoulder, give him a kiss on the cheek, and scurry along it's way. The flowers on the sidewalk waved to him as he passed. Everything was connected, everything made sense. His head was clear, the world is heaven...yet he knew the government wanted to destroy it. The thought made him sad, and diamond tears rolled down his cheeks, turned into corn, and scurried into the sidewalk cracks.

       After 30 minutes, Camnator began to suspect that he had been walking in circles inside of the park. He vaguely knew he was very very late to the meeting place, but his head wasn't clear enough. He needed to clear it even more. So he found a table and got out his packed lunch: a BWT sandwich: Brocolli, weed, and tomato. He quickly munched the sandwich and downed it with a thermos full of juiced weed. The glowing path grew brighter and he continued to follow it. The path lead him to a glowing gold car. He driver asked him "where would you like to go?" Camnator giggled and said "To the Penny arcade expo. Do you know where that is?" The driver nodded and started to drive.

A few minutes went by, but the driver started asking questions, trying to strike up a conversation. But Camnator was too busy pondering the meaning of the universe, so he mumbled "You've gone incoherent." The driver looked puzzled, but continued to drive in silence. Soon the driver stopped and told Camnator the price. Camnator took out his wallet and dumped a wad of cash and some zig zags into the driver's hand. He got out of the car and picked up the glowing trail again. That's all he could focus on, the yellow trail. The rest of the world was blurry, but the trail was as clear as anything. RIght now, it was the meaning of the universe. Soon, he saw 2 shapes at the end of the trail, a tall deformed giant, and a vicious looking teenager, vomiting into a garbage can. He had found Vien and Verbatim.

The Flood / Rap or music?
« on: July 30, 2014, 11:14:22 PM »
I usually prefer to listen to music, but once in every few years, I will get a craving for rap.

Septagon / Idea to raise money for this forum: ban fees.
« on: July 30, 2014, 11:12:37 PM »
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right forum, but considering there are only 3 topics, this one seemed to be the most appropriate place to post this in. I have disabled my ad-blocker because you asked nicely. With that being said, I feel it would be more efficient to implement a ban fee. I don't know the first thing about coding, but I'm sure somebody competent enough could create a system that forces you to link a credit card to your account. Every time a ban is issued, a $10 fee is charged to the account. This money will go towards funding the website. Thoughts?

The Flood / This forum just got better because I'm here.
« on: July 27, 2014, 09:32:25 PM »
Now this is a true imitation of the flood. Without me, you guys are incomplete. I'm curious as to how long this will last....

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