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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 313233 3435 ... 353
The Flood / Re: Favorite cancer?
« on: August 14, 2016, 10:14:24 PM »
honestly only faggots smoke

that was MY poll

I deserve recognition
i am hearing you and i am recognizing you
omg thank you

I literally need validation for my e persona
ill validate you so hard if you make that thread

Door > Jive > Challenger

in terms of worst members here
wrong thread

The Flood / Re: just got in a bloody fist fight
« on: August 14, 2016, 10:09:26 PM »
every time i see this thread i imagine the thread title is meant to be said in a stereotypical british accent

The Flood / Re: "A1"
« on: August 14, 2016, 09:52:27 PM »
have an A1 day, pal
YES someone understands the genesis of A1
its not like breaking bad is some obscure show

it's just going to be like me sol and loaf

what's the point lol
i mean obviously dont include loaf or other people that are intentionally hated

that was MY poll

I deserve recognition
i am hearing you and i am recognizing you

where you picked like 3 favorites or something?

somebody should do that for least favorites, this forum needs some ~spice~

Don't even give him a (You) guys, this bait belongs in the dumpster.
you know you're in a shitty community when saying "men and women are equal" is considered bait
yeah it's totally not the title of the thread
And the title of my thread is just as fucking true.

Look at that "I got in a fight today" thread, for fuck's sake.
everyone that posted in that thread is retarded but okay
I thought we had a connection
I'm not inviting you to my birthday party

Don't even give him a (You) guys, this bait belongs in the dumpster.
you know you're in a shitty community when saying "men and women are equal" is considered bait
yeah it's totally not the title of the thread
And the title of my thread is just as fucking true.

Look at that "I got in a fight today" thread, for fuck's sake.
everyone that posted in that thread is retarded but okay
I thought we had a connection

The Flood / Re: just got in a bloody fist fight
« on: August 14, 2016, 08:49:05 PM »
So, he punched you in the face and that's it? How is that a fight?


he got a good hit in but there were plenty of punches thrown.

also, a good hit would mean you go unconscious due to a concussion.
If your perception of reality wasn't altered a little, then your brain didn't shake, and if it didn't shake then it was a bad hit tbh. Yes, you might leave with a broken nose, but trust me, brain injury is worse. A broken nose is only painful.

my nose and teeth were p bloody so id count that as a good hit. but by all means, call it a bad hit.
you can't try to explain anything to him his doesn't function on a high enough plane to comprehend logic and reason.

no destys actually really smart he just has troubled processing his thoughts sometimes
>he's smart
>thinking is hard for him

English is like his third language dude get a grip.

The way he talks is actually very normal for Farsi/Dari, and then the Swedish mixes things up even more. A little compassion never hurt anyone.
lol sorry I insulted your boyfriend

The Flood / Re: "A1"
« on: August 14, 2016, 08:48:12 PM »
A1 thread

The Flood / Re: Preseason Football Thread
« on: August 14, 2016, 05:22:01 PM »
I made 100 bucks betting on the Thurdsay games but yesterday and friday every single team I bet lost

gee thanks its almost like i don't know that

but there are acceptable limits to sexual deviancy

fyi bringing up my parents doing something as an example is the last way you're going to convince me of anything.
your parents probably had sex  too those scum

The Flood / Re: just got in a bloody fist fight
« on: August 14, 2016, 05:06:15 PM »
Also, where did you get the idea that you're smart? You strike me as mediocre
you strike me as brain dead
I'm smarter than that bum Diogenes, and not as narrowminded as you. My thought process works at a higher level than yours, and I'm able to understand things better than you. What can you do that's smarter than me?
literally everything
Okay, kiddo
you wouldn't even be able to fathom my accomplishments especially because you're from a 3rd world country

The Flood / Re: just got in a bloody fist fight
« on: August 14, 2016, 05:05:14 PM »
The bigger I get the more people instigate things and try to fight me. I just wanna party maynnnneee
especially black guys smh

i wanna party

I dont wanna hurt nobody i wanna party



The Flood / Re: My pig is fucking retarded
« on: August 14, 2016, 05:04:16 PM »
Give us pics.

Pet pigs are cute.

The Flood / Re: just got in a bloody fist fight
« on: August 14, 2016, 04:58:16 PM »
Also, where did you get the idea that you're smart? You strike me as mediocre
you strike me as brain dead
I'm smarter than that bum Diogenes, and not as narrowminded as you. My thought process works at a higher level than yours, and I'm able to understand things better than you. What can you do that's smarter than me?
literally everything

The Flood / Re: My pig is fucking retarded
« on: August 14, 2016, 04:50:21 PM »
he found a sour cream container and stuck his nose in it

on his 3rd birthday

with my blind cat

The Flood / Re: just got in a bloody fist fight
« on: August 14, 2016, 04:48:32 PM »
Also, where did you get the idea that you're smart? You strike me as mediocre
you strike me as brain dead

The Flood / Re: just got in a bloody fist fight
« on: August 14, 2016, 04:46:10 PM »
So, he punched you in the face and that's it? How is that a fight?


he got a good hit in but there were plenty of punches thrown.

also, a good hit would mean you go unconscious due to a concussion.
If your perception of reality wasn't altered a little, then your brain didn't shake, and if it didn't shake then it was a bad hit tbh. Yes, you might leave with a broken nose, but trust me, brain injury is worse. A broken nose is only painful.

my nose and teeth were p bloody so id count that as a good hit. but by all means, call it a bad hit.
you can't try to explain anything to him his doesn't function on a high enough plane to comprehend logic and reason.

no destys actually really smart he just has troubled processing his thoughts sometimes
>he's smart
>thinking is hard for him

Well, think about the Diogenes case. You admire him, and I don't. I used to when I was 14, but I stopped because I realized how lame he is. You haven't realized how lame he is, but everyone else has. In this instance the rest of us are at a higher level of intelligence than you. You are stupid.
I'm objectively smarter than you and the fact that you ever admired Diogenes is just further proof
the heck does that mean?

If you shit your pants you can't say that me shitting my diapers as a baby is further proof of you being smart. That makes no sense.
I was born potty trained

The Flood / Re: just got in a bloody fist fight
« on: August 14, 2016, 04:43:59 PM »
So, he punched you in the face and that's it? How is that a fight?


he got a good hit in but there were plenty of punches thrown.

also, a good hit would mean you go unconscious due to a concussion.
If your perception of reality wasn't altered a little, then your brain didn't shake, and if it didn't shake then it was a bad hit tbh. Yes, you might leave with a broken nose, but trust me, brain injury is worse. A broken nose is only painful.

my nose and teeth were p bloody so id count that as a good hit. but by all means, call it a bad hit.
you can't try to explain anything to him his doesn't function on a high enough plane to comprehend logic and reason.

no destys actually really smart he just has troubled processing his thoughts sometimes
>he's smart
>thinking is hard for him

Well, think about the Diogenes case. You admire him, and I don't. I used to when I was 14, but I stopped because I realized how lame he is. You haven't realized how lame he is, but everyone else has. In this instance the rest of us are at a higher level of intelligence than you. You are stupid.
I'm objectively smarter than you and the fact that you ever admired Diogenes is just further proof

The Flood / Re: Diogenes is easily the coolest person in history
« on: August 14, 2016, 04:42:09 PM »
By the way Diogenes didn't exist
I'll be sure to tell my proffesors that
And Xenophon was a cooler philosopher if we're just looking at the Greeks
he was a legitimate badass but I just think Diogenes is funny because he was a nuts freak

The Flood / Re: just got in a bloody fist fight
« on: August 14, 2016, 04:39:44 PM »
So, he punched you in the face and that's it? How is that a fight?


he got a good hit in but there were plenty of punches thrown.

also, a good hit would mean you go unconscious due to a concussion.
If your perception of reality wasn't altered a little, then your brain didn't shake, and if it didn't shake then it was a bad hit tbh. Yes, you might leave with a broken nose, but trust me, brain injury is worse. A broken nose is only painful.

my nose and teeth were p bloody so id count that as a good hit. but by all means, call it a bad hit.
you can't try to explain anything to him his doesn't function on a high enough plane to comprehend logic and reason.

no destys actually really smart he just has troubled processing his thoughts sometimes
>he's smart
>thinking is hard for him


Porn made me gay

The Flood / Re: just got in a bloody fist fight
« on: August 14, 2016, 04:35:14 PM »
So, he punched you in the face and that's it? How is that a fight?


he got a good hit in but there were plenty of punches thrown.

also, a good hit would mean you go unconscious due to a concussion.
If your perception of reality wasn't altered a little, then your brain didn't shake, and if it didn't shake then it was a bad hit tbh. Yes, you might leave with a broken nose, but trust me, brain injury is worse. A broken nose is only painful.

my nose and teeth were p bloody so id count that as a good hit. but by all means, call it a bad hit.
you can't try to explain anything to him his doesn't function on a high enough plane to comprehend logic and reason.

The Flood / Re: Diogenes is easily the coolest person in history
« on: August 14, 2016, 04:34:05 PM »
Diogenes is cringey and unwise tbh

He says he's looking for an honest man, he says that he would wish he was himself if he were someone else, and he jerks off in public.

Sounds to me like he's a drunk with a brain. Come back in 10 years when you've found someone who isn't beneath me, Desty.
literally everyone on the planet is better than you. Youre extbook autistic and Swedish

The Flood / Re: Diogenes is easily the coolest person in history
« on: August 14, 2016, 04:30:19 PM »
normie scum
go eat some candy fatass
>thinking he can get me with that now that I've been eating clean and workout again
that's exactly what a fatass meatball like yourself would say

The Flood / Re: Diogenes is easily the coolest person in history
« on: August 14, 2016, 04:28:31 PM »
I too check out reddit
I've literally never seen a Reddit thread about him wtf

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