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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 282930 3132 ... 353
The Flood / Re: Need Surgery After All
« on: August 15, 2016, 05:11:33 PM »
I'll just stay here and enjoy my perfect teeth, 20/20 vision, and legs that stay built and toned no mater how often I skip leg day.

Git rekt normies.

>20/20 vision

Fuck you I have 20/10

The Flood / Re: Need Surgery After All
« on: August 15, 2016, 05:08:30 PM »
Hey I had orthognathic maxiofacial surgery AMA

The Flood / Re: VERY important discussion thread
« on: August 15, 2016, 05:05:29 PM »

Gaming / Re: The memories
« on: August 15, 2016, 05:04:14 PM »
Rockstar can make some pretty quality games. GTA V's multiplayer would have been nearly perfect if they didn't focus on microtransactions.
it was great when every lobby you got in people give you 100 million and eveyone lived in the same house

This is because you didn't vote for me


you got me
I'm sorry I'm not familiar with that show it seems very obscure

I'm not the one who brought up my girlfriend history lmao

but keep trying to look cool with your cringy Breakfast Club gifs prehistoric
you just did stop talking about your non existent girlfiends
you literally brought up how I supposedly have zero relationship experience, was I supposed to lie and say "yep lol, you're right"? I've had girlfriends before, but like I said, it has no bearing on the conversation at all.
wow stop bringing up your ex's you're obsessed

The Flood / Re: guess who just got a job, gents
« on: August 15, 2016, 04:50:23 PM »
I was totally gonna post "yo should buy that Walkman to celebrate" when I read the title

The Flood / Re: What is your personality type?
« on: August 15, 2016, 04:49:27 PM »
Most of psychology in general isn't scientifically valid

I don't understand

I'm not the one who brought up my girlfriend history lmao

but keep trying to look cool with your cringy Breakfast Club gifs prehistoric
you just did stop talking about your non existent girlfiends

The Flood / Re: What is your personality type?
« on: August 15, 2016, 04:37:01 PM »

The Flood / Re: What is your personality type?
« on: August 15, 2016, 04:32:53 PM »
No personality test is scientific valid

Most of psychology in general isn't scientifically valid

Wait why am I discussing how relationships should work with you

You'll never be in one because you hate yourself and wish you were a woman
I've had plenty of girlfriends, lol. Not that that matters at all.

They all got stolen because you wouldn't defend them
actually not why but whatever lol
" I've had tons of girlfiends" -every lonely guy on the Internet

The Flood / Re: What is your personality type?
« on: August 15, 2016, 04:27:22 PM »
You're the Stalin to my Putin

Our Jaeger can weild a sickle and hammer

The Flood / Re: What is your personality type?
« on: August 15, 2016, 04:26:09 PM »
mine also said Harrison ford
I think they just have a generic list of celebrities it cycles through to make you buy their 40 dollar book about your personality

You may be right, Ford isn't on my link here.

He's here on the ISTP list, along with Steve Jobs, whom I also got.

My guess is the two personality types are pretty similar? My original link literally has a Steve Jobs quote to start, lol.
that's weird mine had a Harrison Ford quote

guess that means we're drift-compatible

-Ron Paul

My personality is a meme

The Flood / Re: What is your personality type?
« on: August 15, 2016, 04:24:25 PM »
mine also said Harrison ford
I think they just have a generic list of celebrities it cycles through to make you buy their 40 dollar book about your personality

You may be right, Ford isn't on my link here.

He's here on the ISTP list, along with Steve Jobs, whom I also got.

My guess is the two personality types are pretty similar? My original link literally has a Steve Jobs quote to start, lol.
that's weird mine had a Harrison Ford quote

The Flood / Re: What is your personality type?
« on: August 15, 2016, 04:20:05 PM »
I took this last year, 6 months ago and just before July and got INTJ.

Now I got ENTJ-A.

Good. Glad to see some growth on my part.

>Harrison Ford
>Tony Soprano
>Julius Caesar

Fuck yeah.
mine also said Harrison ford
I think they just have a generic list of celebrities it cycles through to make you buy their 40 dollar book about your personality

Serious / Re: Black woman cusses out BLM
« on: August 15, 2016, 04:14:25 PM »
I cringe that you're NOT on Instagram

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: August 15, 2016, 04:11:52 PM »
* Competetive Points multiplied by 10, You will be rewarded 5 Points for a tie.

About ti-

(Golden gun costs upped by the same amount.)

In about 15 years I might get one
I was thinking 'maybe at the end of season 2' if they didn't change anything, i've got 30 something points and i'll be getting 80 as a reward (I was so close to the 120 though ;-;) but if that 30 doesn't turn into 300 and the 80 in 800

and i'm left with 100/3000 to go
i'll probably give up tbh
I'm fairly certain they're going to multiply what we have by 10

This just did this so they could reward a tie and psychologically 10 or 5 points feels more rewarding than 1 or 1/2 a point

The Flood / Re: What is your personality type?
« on: August 15, 2016, 04:08:12 PM »



Like Clint Eastwood and Michael Jordan apparently

This test is dumb

Wait why am I discussing how relationships should work with you

You'll never be in one because you hate yourself and wish you were a woman
I've had plenty of girlfriends, lol. Not that that matters at all.

They all got stolen because you wouldn't defend them

Wait why am I discussing how relationships should work with you

You'll never be in one because you hate yourself and wish you were a woman

How the fuck is defending somebody who's been insulted overly-protective

I'm pretty sure that's just called protective

Also how the fuck can you white knight for your spouse
Because there comes a point where it stops being protective and starts being sexism, the implication being that women need a man to defend them.
how is it sexist to protect your love ones you have to be kidding
If a man gets insulted, and a women stands up for him, the man is belittled and made fun of for needing "his woman" to protect him.

If a woman gets insulted, it's the man's duty to stand up for her, or else he's just a fucking coward.

When in reality, people should just handle their own problems.
people should defend their loved ones regardless of gender
People should defend themselves.
I understand why you would feel this way since because nobody loves you

How the fuck is defending somebody who's been insulted overly-protective

I'm pretty sure that's just called protective

Also how the fuck can you white knight for your spouse
Because there comes a point where it stops being protective and starts being sexism, the implication being that women need a man to defend them.
how is it sexist to protect your love ones you have to be kidding
If a man gets insulted, and a women stands up for him, the man is belittled and made fun of for needing "his woman" to protect him.

If a woman gets insulted, it's the man's duty to stand up for her, or else he's just a fucking coward.

When in reality, people should just handle their own problems.
people should defend their loved ones regardless of gender

The Flood / Re: Rank your bottom five users
« on: August 15, 2016, 03:43:35 PM »
i didnt even vote luciana and i openly express my dislike for her

who else would vote her wtf

and why does jim have 10, his mildly obnoxious mom fetish posting is rarely present outside of anarchy and he barely posts altogether
I didn't vote him but I can see why

he's so elitist and condescending about music
Jim is just verb-lite when it comes to music.

For a while I thought he was JimmyJewLord but I learned better later.

Of all the Jims from we got him.
Uh, I am Jimmy Jew Lord lol

You're jimmy Jew lord?

I'm jimmy Jew lord
Look at me, I'm woody, howdy howdy howdy
fuck off mr shark

Gaming / Re: Overwatch
« on: August 15, 2016, 03:41:09 PM »
* Competetive Points multiplied by 10, You will be rewarded 5 Points for a tie.

About ti-

(Golden gun costs upped by the same amount.)

In about 15 years I might get one

The Flood / Re: Rank your bottom five users
« on: August 15, 2016, 03:40:00 PM »
i didnt even vote luciana and i openly express my dislike for her

who else would vote her wtf

and why does jim have 10, his mildly obnoxious mom fetish posting is rarely present outside of anarchy and he barely posts altogether
I didn't vote him but I can see why

he's so elitist and condescending about music
Jim is just verb-lite when it comes to music.

For a while I thought he was JimmyJewLord but I learned better later.

Of all the Jims from we got him.
Uh, I am Jimmy Jew Lord lol

You're jimmy Jew lord?

I'm jimmy Jew lord

« on: August 15, 2016, 03:36:32 PM »
so basically theyre delaying the game because the dev doesn't want a day 1 patch?
yeah they want the game to be "optimized and finished" before its on shelves

i mean, i doubt that takes 2 months but kudos, i suppose

day 1 patches shouldn't be a thing, the director is right
on top of that I think one of the main reasons is they don't want to fuck over people who don't have their consoles connected to Internet

If a woman insulted my wife, I'm beating the fuck out of her.
it would be sexist not to

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