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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 267268269 270271 ... 353
I googled that and everything

The Flood / Re: Should I skip college tomorrow?
« on: January 21, 2015, 04:08:51 PM »

Just read the book and you'll be fine

Gaming / Re: TESO drops sub fee
« on: January 21, 2015, 04:08:17 PM »
You've been shadowscaled

I think that cringe made my neck snap
"Mission statement:

To be awesome at everything and destroy eso when is hits"

Damn this seems like a quality clan.
it's not as good as grey warden
holy shit lemon please please please dig that up

The Flood / Re: Whats wrong with being a "dudebro"?
« on: January 21, 2015, 04:06:53 PM »
It's a kewl buzzword like casual

The Flood / Re: Flood Royalty
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:59:29 PM »
Ryle, Ryle and Ryle
thats fucking hot
can i watch?
if you vote for me you get a free pass to my next cam show
shoop crowns into your avatars
how about crayons
If you say crowns instead of crayons you have become autism destroyer of words

The Flood / Re: Flood Royalty
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:58:02 PM »

The Flood / Re: i cant stop laughing at this
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:56:17 PM »
You're such a meme

The Flood / Re: Flood Royalty
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:55:15 PM »
BC because he's the richest and that's how government works

Gaming / Re: TESO drops sub fee
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:50:31 PM »
When's the X1 release?
june 9th

I'm strongly considering getting it. I loved skyrim, and I won't have anything to play on my XB1 until Falllout 4 or TESVI is released.
You won't like it at all.

It plays nothing like skyrim.

It's just an MMORPG with first person combat, really.

Huh. My fried was in the beta and said it was like skyrim, but with a ton of people. I'd just plnned to stay out of Cyrodiil because I don't care for PvP.

I'll still get it.
I would watch gameplay or try to play your friends. The combat is totally different than skyrims

The Flood / Re: ember i need cleansing for i have sinned
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:40:21 PM »
Embed I don't like scrafty I'm sorry pls clense
wait you mean renamon

thats renamon right
no it's allomon you fucking casuals jesus christ
allomon aka niggersauras flex

Gaming / Re: TESO drops sub fee
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:32:04 PM »

The Flood / Re: ember i need cleansing for i have sinned
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:31:31 PM »
Embed I don't like scrafty I'm sorry pls clense

The Flood / Re: Why are bisexuals their own group in the LGBT?
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:27:30 PM »
Well because they're bisexual.

But I seriously haven't seen anybody really go after bisexual people so I don't know why they're in the #struggle group in the first place.

Well, I've been pretty open about my bisexuality.  A co-worker of mine cornered me in the break room once and told me "Bisexuality isn't even a real thing you moron.  You either like girls or you're a faggot.  Make up your mind!"

And now she doesn't have a job : ^)
she probably wanted to fuck you so bad

The Flood / Re: r8 my animation
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:20:12 PM »
Dank meme in the making

Such vampire

The Flood / Re: How successful do you think you will be?
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:11:22 PM »
I doubt it, but I don't really care. As long as I get a decent science or computer related career I'll be happy.

What would be your preference

Biology or astronomy related for science and just your standard office job for computers.
astrobiology/xenobiology actually a perfectly legitimate field to be in. Biology  AND astronomy

the study of possible life off of earth. Probably the most notable thing they've done is take a bunch of stuff found on an asteroid or comet (don't remember which) put it under extreme pressure and it formed amino acids

this rap that you guys are posting is a total non sequitor.

Faggot, you're less than nothin'
I just had to get that stress off my chest like breast reduction
posting musical lyrics isn't against the rules
non sequitor. I was talking about how you called me a faggot and said I am nothing.
those were musical lyrics, representing the difference in cognition between the artistic and logical sides of the brain.
non sequitior. you called a me a faggot.
you choose to belive I called you a faggot

The Flood / Re: How successful do you think you will be?
« on: January 21, 2015, 03:05:23 PM »
I doubt it, but I don't really care. As long as I get a decent science or computer related career I'll be happy.

What would be your preference

Biology or astronomy related for science and just your standard office job for computers.
astrobiology/xenobiology actually a perfectly legitimate field to be in. Biology  AND astronomy

this rap that you guys are posting is a total non sequitor.

Faggot, you're less than nothin'
I just had to get that stress off my chest like breast reduction
posting musical lyrics isn't against the rules
non sequitor. I was talking about how you called me a faggot and said I am nothing.
those were musical lyrics, representing the difference in cognition between the artistic and logical sides of the brain.

this rap that you guys are posting is a total non sequitor.

Faggot, you're less than nothin'
I just had to get that stress off my chest like breast reduction
posting musical lyrics isn't against the rules

The Flood / Re: How successful do you think you will be?
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:47:14 PM »
Hopefully very

this rap that you guys are posting is a total non sequitor.

Faggot, you're less than nothin'
I just had to get that stress off my chest like breast reduction

I once knew a nigga whose real name was William
His primary concern, was making a million
Being the illest hustler, that the world ever seen
He used to fuck movie stars and sniff coke in his dreams
A corrupted young mind, at the age of thirteen
Nigga never had a father and his mom was a fiend
She put the pipe down, but for every year she was sober
Her son's heart simultaneously grew colder
He started hanging out, selling bags in the projects
Checking the young chicks, looking for hit-and-run prospects
He was fascinated by material objects
But he understood money never bought respect
He built a reputation 'cause he could hustle and steal
But got locked once and didn't hesitate to squeal
So criminals he chilled with didn't think he was real
You see, me and niggas like this have never been equal
I don't project my insecurities on other people
He fiended for props like addicts with pipes and needles
So he felt he had to prove to everyone he was evil
A feeble-minded young man with infinite potential
The product of a ghetto-bred capitalistic mental
Coincidentally dropped out of school to sell weed
Dancing with the devil, smoked until his eyes would bleed
But he was sick of selling trees and gave in to his greed

Everyone trying to be trife never face the consequences
You probably only did a month for minor offences
Ask a nigga doing life if he had another chance
But then again there's always the wicked that knew in advance
Dance forever with the devil on a cold cell block
But that's what happens when you rape, murder and sell rock
Devils used to be gods angels that fell from the top
There's no diversity because we're burning in the melting pot

So Billy started robbing niggas, anything he could do
To get his respect back, in the eyes of his crew
Starting fights over little shit, up on the block
Stepped up to selling mothers and brothers the crack rock
Working overtime for making money for the crack spot
Hit the jackpot and wanted to move up to cocaine
fulfilling the Scarface fantasy stuck in his brain
Tired of the block niggas treating him the same
He wanted to be major like the cut-throats and the thugs
But when he tried to step to 'em, niggas showed him no love
They told him any motherfucking coward can sell drugs
Any bitch nigga with a gun can bust slugs
Any nigga with a red shirt can front like a blood
Even Puffy smoked a motherfucker up in a club
But only a real thug can stab someone till they die
Standing in front of them, staring straight into their eyes
Billy realized that these men were well-guarded
And they wanted to test him before business started
Suggested raping a bitch to prove he was cold-hearted
So now he had a choice between going back to his life
Or making money with made men, up in the cife
His dreams about cars and ice made him agree
A hardcore nigga is all he ever wanted to be
And so he met them Friday night at a quarter to three

Everyone trying to be trife never face the consequences
You probably only did a month for minor offences
Ask a nigga doing life if he had another chance
But then again there's always the wicked that knew in advance
Dance forever with the devil on a cold cell block
But that's what happens when you rape, murder and sell rock
Devils used to be gods angels that fell from the top
There's no diversity because we're burning in the melting pot

They drove around the projects slow while it was raining
Smoking blunts, drinking and joking for entertainment
Until they saw a woman on the street walking alone
Three in the morning, coming back from work, on her way home
And so they quietly got out the car and followed her
Walking through the projects, the darkness swallowed her
They wrapped her shirt around her head and knocked her onto the floor
"This is it kid, now you got your chance to be raw."
So Billy yoked her up and grabbed the chick by the hair
And dragged her into a lobby that had nobody there
She struggled hard but they forced her to go up the stairs
They got to the roof and then held her down on the ground
Screaming, "Shut the fuck up and stop moving around!"
The shirt covered her face, but she screamed and clawed
So Billy stomped on the bitch, 'til he broken her jaw
Them dirty bastards knew exactly what they were doing
They kicked her until they cracked her ribs and she stopped moving
Blood leaking through the cloth, she cried silently
And then they all proceeded to rape her violently
Billy was made to go first, but each of them took a turn
Ripping her up, and choking her until her throat burned
Her broken jaw mumbled for God but they weren't concerned
When they were done and she was lying bloody, broken and bruised
One of them niggas pulled out a brand new twenty-two
They told him that she was a witness for what she'd gone through
And if he killed her he was guaranteed a spot in the crew
He thought about it for a minute, she was practically dead
And so he leaned over and put the gun right to her head

I'm falling and I can't turn back
I'm falling and I can't turn back

Right before he pulled the trigger, and ended her life
He thought about the cocaine with the platinum and ice
And he felt strong standing along with his new brothers
Cocked the gat to her head, and pulled back the shirt cover
But what he saw made him start to cringe and stutter
'Cause he was staring into the eyes of his own mother
She looked back at him and cried, 'cause he had forsaken her
She cried more painfully, than when they were raping her
His whole world stopped, he couldn't even contemplate
His corruption had successfully changed his fate
And he remembered how his mom used to come home late
Working hard for nothing, 'cause now what was he worth
He turned away from the woman that had once given him birth
And crying out to the sky 'cause he was lonely and scared
But only the devil responded, 'cause god wasn't there
And right then he knew what it was to be empty and cold
And so he jumped off the roof and died with no soul
They say death takes you to a better place but I doubt it
After that they killed his mother, and never spoke about it
And listen 'cause the story that I'm telling is true
'Cause I was there with Billy Jacobs and I raped his mom too
And now the devil follows me everywhere that I go
In fact, I'm sure he's standing among one of you at my shows
And every street cypher listening to little thugs flow
He could be standing right next to you, and you wouldn't know
The devil grows inside the hearts of the selfish and wicked
White, brown, yellow and black color is not restricted
You have a self-destructive destiny when you're inflicted
And you'll be one of god's children that fell from the top
There's no diversity because we're burning in the melting pot
So when the devil wants to dance with you, you better say never
Because a dance with the devil might last you forever

Oh y'all motherfuckers thought it was over, huh? Well it's not.
You didn't count on a fallen angel getting back into the grace of god and coming after you.
Ya'll niggas ain't shit
Your producers ain't shit. Your fuckin' A & R ain't shit.
I'll fuckin' wipe my ass with your demo deal.
Yo, Diabolic, take this motherfucker's head off!

Go 'head and grip Glocks
I'll snap your trigger finger in six spots
You'll have to lip lock with hypodermic needles to lick shots
I'll watch you topple flat
Put away your rings and holla back
Can't freestyle, you're screwed off the top like bottle caps
Beneath the surface
I'm overheatin' your receiving circuits by unleashin' deeper verses than priests speak in churches
What you preach is worthless
Your worship defeat the purpose
Like President Bush takin' bullets for the secret service

Beyond what y'all fathom
I shit on cats and jaw tap 'em
Show no compassion like havin' a straight-faced orgasm
Tour jack 'em
Have his half-a-ten bitch suck my friend's dick
In the mean time, you can french kiss this clenched fist
A one-man brigade spreading cancer plague
This fuckin' a pussy's face
Holdin' a hand grenade
So if I catch you bluffin'
Faggot, you're less than nothin'
I just had to get that stress off my chest like breast reduction

You motherfuckers are nothing, you cannot harm me
I'll resurrect every aborted baby and start an army
Storm the planet huntin' you down, 'cause I'm on a mission
To split your body into a billion one-celled organisms
Immortal Technique'll destroy your religion, you stupid bitch
You're faker than blue-eyed crackers nailed to a crucifix
I'm 'bout to blow up like NASA Challenger computer chips
Arsenic language transmitted revolutionarily
I'm like time itself, I'm gonna kill you inevitably
Chemically bomb you, fuck usin' a chrome piece
I'm illmatic, you won't make it home like Jerome's niece
I'll sever your head diagonally for thinkin' of dissin' me
And then use your dead body to write my name in calligraphy
This puppet democracy brain-washed your psychology
So you're nothing, like diversity without equality
And your crew is full of more faggots than Greek mythology
Usin' numerology to count the people I sent to Heaven
Produces more digits than 22 divided by 7
You're like Kevin Spacey, your style is usually suspect
You never killed a cop, you not a motherfuckin' thug yet
Your mind is empty and spacious
Like the part of the brain that appreciates culture and erases
Face it, you're too basic
You're never gonna make it
Like children walking through Antarctica, butt naked

The Flood / Re: CMANO DAR: Raid on Kismayo 2013
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:41:05 PM »
Raids are against te rules, please read the rules before you post

Even against terrorists...wait does this site actually SUPPORT terrorism?

The Flood / Re: CMANO DAR: Raid on Kismayo 2013
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:28:09 PM »
Raids are against te rules, please read the rules before you post

The Flood / Official name change thread
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:15:26 PM »
Tits for refs

The Flood / Re: Hello Furfriends
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:10:25 PM »

The Flood / Re: hey guys look at this funny website
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:07:55 PM »
I'm dying

The Flood / Re: Moot is stepping down from 4chan
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:03:56 PM »
Long live teh 8chan.

>thinking 8chan is superior to 4chan

I prefer 4gag

The Flood / Re: fuck all dat shit
« on: January 21, 2015, 02:01:39 PM »
Goodnight fantastic mr fox

The Flood / Re: >Chemistry 111
« on: January 21, 2015, 01:51:16 PM »
I thought this would actually be interesting
I updated OP.

My Chem class was $60, my calc class was 90 and my fucking french 101 class has 2 that add up to like 150 bucks

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