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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 251252253 254255 ... 353
*pant*... *pant*...


if you see any mistakes, please, point them out and i shall rectify it immediately
fuck the records for now; i'll deal with that shit later
dude you're awesome


Hey, still up to battle tonight?

I'd rather not, considering I just got wrecked 4 timesin a row. I need to refine my team.

Should be good to go tomorrow, though.
one thing it seems like a lot of people ARENT doing is is adjusting their team based on who they're facing

Might wanna check your opponents type and tweak a bit before battling them
I think that's one reason why I've been so successful. I see what type my opponent has, see what Pokemon will possibly be used, and make my adjustments accordingly.
Heh, I'll say...
(why did I not bring a damn smash omastar or some kind of water type wall to our match...)
too afraid of Tropius


Hey, still up to battle tonight?

I'd rather not, considering I just got wrecked 4 timesin a row. I need to refine my team.

Should be good to go tomorrow, though.
one thing it seems like a lot of people ARENT doing is is adjusting their team based on who they're facing

Might wanna check your opponents type and tweak a bit before battling them

I need to battle

GreyValkrie (Mega Sceptile)
Valentimes (Prime Meridia)

I never really outlined what to do in the event of a disconnect.

Basically... just... do it over. lol

If whoever disconnected refuses to battle again, then they forfeit the match.
i disconnected before the battle even started so i didnt think it mattered

so tyger kinda just left me
dont forget round 2

so tyger kinda just left me
I got disconnected. I tried challenging you again

The Flood / Re: Wanna Join the Pokémon Tourney? (ONE MORE SPOT!)
« on: January 31, 2015, 04:42:43 PM »
Well then, more competition.
battle me

so here's me getting absolutely wrecked

and simseo already posted it

i just cant win today can i
so here's me getting absolutely wrecked

and simseo already posted it

i just cant win today can i
we need another battle, it's best 2 out of 3

will either of you battle me?

I think if you can't naturally have a baby you shouldn't because you're clearly genetically inferior

Gaming / Re: my six year old cousin is playing Persona 4
« on: January 31, 2015, 06:33:37 AM »
I hope he beats it and proves all you fags are just casul

The Flood / Re: Why don't anime characters look Japanese?
« on: January 31, 2015, 06:31:41 AM »

Lol look at Yesman (far right)

The Flood / Philosophical question
« on: January 31, 2015, 06:29:05 AM »
"Do the ends justify the memes?"

Gaming / Re: If TLOU isn't one of the best games of all time...
« on: January 31, 2015, 06:15:50 AM »
I like when people say the gameplay isn't unique so that's why they don't like it

Unless you're playing fucking octodad no games gameplay is unique

Literally my only complaint about the game is the fact that Ellie could fucking stitch up Joel when he was impaled.

The Flood / Re: I wear socks to bed
« on: January 31, 2015, 12:12:22 AM »
I can't. If I do I wake up with bare feet and my socks thrown randomly about the room

Gaming / Re: If TLOU isn't one of the best games of all time...
« on: January 31, 2015, 12:10:02 AM »
Ladder sim lol I'm soooo clever because the game has 3 ladders in it

Steel was exactly what I was hoping for.
Congrats on bascially winning...
I have Fire  8)
come watch me and das play

Steel was exactly what I was hoping for.
Congrats on bascially winning...
I haven't played enough to adjust to the resistance nerfs, but don't they mean he can't just stall everyone to death?

And ayyyy faggots let's get some battle going.
oi battle me
Alright son, let's go.
whats your name on showdown?

Steel was exactly what I was hoping for.
Congrats on bascially winning...
I haven't played enough to adjust to the resistance nerfs, but don't they mean he can't just stall everyone to death?

And ayyyy faggots let's get some battle going.
oi battle me

The Flood / Re: When the hell did I hit legendary?
« on: January 30, 2015, 05:57:06 PM »
I quickly made this one. If you had something else in mind just tell me and I'd be glad to make it.

Edit: Here's a couple more.
Awww shit thanks dog, I'll use that last one once I get back to a computer

The Flood / Re: When the hell did I hit legendary?
« on: January 30, 2015, 04:30:34 PM »
Give me a sec! I've prepare a nameplate specifically for this occasion.
u srs m8

The Flood / Re: Show me your desktop, Flood!
« on: January 30, 2015, 04:29:57 PM »

Tyger, you're nothing to me now. You're not a brother, you're not a friend. I don't wanna know you or what you do. I don't want to see you on the forums, I don't wanna see you on my friends list. When you join a party, I wanna know a day in advance so I won't be there. You understand?

The Flood / When the hell did I hit legendary?
« on: January 30, 2015, 04:23:40 PM »

Im super sand legend now

somebody pls make me a nameplate

The Flood / Re: Last thing you bought?
« on: January 30, 2015, 04:22:58 PM »
college books

The Flood / Re: Show me your desktop, Flood!
« on: January 30, 2015, 04:19:35 PM »

News / Re: Anarchy? Anarchy.
« on: January 30, 2015, 03:38:00 PM »
Let me in

The Flood / Re: Now that Anarchy has started.
« on: January 30, 2015, 03:36:34 PM »
I'm relatively new to the forums, this is the first time I'm experiencing Anarchy.

Why isn't it always there? Why is it a temporary thing?
I'm not sure. I think its because cheats a nazi tho.
advertising + it'd kill the flood overnight.

I don't know about that. I think it would divide the forums, though. Then again, there is a pretty big difference between Serious, The Flood and Gaming anyways.

Just realized ur prehistoric btw.

Yup. And you're Keyu. How are you?
Eh, I've been good. Catzilla keeps giving me away with teh Keyu  ;)

The thing is we don't run advertising on Anarchy because most advertisers won't support that kind of content. Flood usually slows to a crawl during anarchy weekend. Plus it'd kinda lose some of the appeal if it was a constant thing. Not to mention all the trouble and extra work it'd cause for the mods.

Ah, that makes sense. I suppose it's a good thing, though. Anarchy is The Flood 10x and I don't know how much of that I could take before I lose it lol.
hey you should join the monotype Pokemon tournament. We have a couple spots left

Is it on ORAS, or Showdown?

Link me.

When is it?
All is explained here
It's a month long play at your leisure type thing

We'll see if I get in.

Crossing my fingers for steel-type.
you get 1 reroll as well so you have a pretty good chance. Steel normal and water are all pretty good

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