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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 248249250 251252 ... 353
I have perfected my technique, let's play!

Battle me

Anyone else down to battle?
lol I thought you were mega sceptile

Gaming / Re: Thel 'Vadam vs Garrus Vakarian
« on: February 03, 2015, 07:25:24 PM »
Garrus because he's cooler and everyone knows rule of cool reigns supreme

The Flood / Re: What do you think about this?
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:37:35 PM »
I laughed way too hard

The Flood / Re: 10 posts to go until I am UNSTOPABLE
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:34:16 PM »
lol unstoppable
When you came back I had 300 on you. Gone like that.  :'(
can't stop won't stop
why did it take you so many posts for super sand legend?

The Flood / Re: Destiny 2 Gameplay Video
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:28:40 PM »
This was fucking hilarious

Gaming / Re: 18 minutes of Dark So... I mean BloodBorne
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:22:22 PM »
b-but bloody werewolf waifu LC.  :(

I found Dark Souls to be tedious, not hard. Which was a shame because I kind of got hyped for this game that people were telling me was supposed to be truly challenging. I should probably take another crack at it to see if I can derive enough enjoyment to finish it, but at the moment I just don't really feel like going through a tedious slog of a game.
According to a couple interviews they were supposed to be toning down the punishment in this game, but it still looks fairly challenging from this clip. Considering you die out the gate  ;).
I think they wanted to make it  challenging while being less, as LC put it, tedious. It seems you'll no longer be chinking away at enemies and waiting for one perfect moment to strike. Everything hits hard and fast including you, maintaining a better flow of combat. You also don't have an estus flask anymore, you regain health from countering and enemy that damaged you or from collectibles
I need to stop being in this thread.
I like to go into games completely blind.
get the fuck out of here

But I'm probably gunna stop reading the ign first articles. The one I posted today has mild story spoilers about a boss and I like finding that stuff out myself

Gaming / Re: 18 minutes of Dark So... I mean BloodBorne
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:12:57 PM »
b-but bloody werewolf waifu LC.  :(

I found Dark Souls to be tedious, not hard. Which was a shame because I kind of got hyped for this game that people were telling me was supposed to be truly challenging. I should probably take another crack at it to see if I can derive enough enjoyment to finish it, but at the moment I just don't really feel like going through a tedious slog of a game.
According to a couple interviews they were supposed to be toning down the punishment in this game, but it still looks fairly challenging from this clip. Considering you die out the gate  ;).
I think they wanted to make it  challenging while being less, as LC put it, tedious. It seems you'll no longer be chinking away at enemies and waiting for one perfect moment to strike. Everything hits hard and fast including you, maintaining a better flow of combat. You also don't have an estus flask anymore, you regain health from countering and enemy that damaged you or from collectibles
I need to stop being in this thread.

The Flood / Re: If you can't afford to have a kid, stop having kids
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:12:00 PM »
I think people who have problems reproducing and had past pregnancies that result in disabled or dead babies shouldn't be legally allowed to have kids.

Gaming / Re: 18 minutes of Dark So... I mean BloodBorne
« on: February 03, 2015, 02:10:08 PM »
b-but bloody werewolf waifu LC.  :(

I found Dark Souls to be tedious, not hard. Which was a shame because I kind of got hyped for this game that people were telling me was supposed to be truly challenging. I should probably take another crack at it to see if I can derive enough enjoyment to finish it, but at the moment I just don't really feel like going through a tedious slog of a game.
According to a couple interviews they were supposed to be toning down the punishment in this game, but it still looks fairly challenging from this clip. Considering you die out the gate  ;).
I think they wanted to make it  challenging while being less, as LC put it, tedious. It seems you'll no longer be chinking away at enemies and waiting for one perfect moment to strike. Everything hits hard and fast including you, maintaining a better flow of combat. You also don't have an estus flask anymore, you regain health from countering and enemy that damaged you or from collectibles

Gaming / Re: 18 minutes of Dark So... I mean BloodBorne
« on: February 03, 2015, 01:56:59 PM »
it seems like in dark souls getting the biggest fucking shield and hiding behind it was the best strategy, but in this game dodge is love dodge is life.
I honestly can't play DS with a shield anymore.
I've done too many runs where I'm really aggressive and flippy, it's now easier for me to rely on invincibility frames than a shield.
I only played one run with a shield

Now I'm fashion souls to the core and literally just use what looks cool which is usually magic or 2 handing a curved sword/katana

Interesting note, instead of a bloodstain to recover your lost souls, you now have to kill the enemy that killed you or one near where you died

Gaming / Re: 18 minutes of Dark So... I mean BloodBorne
« on: February 03, 2015, 01:44:53 PM »
A few things I'm noticing:

The player usually fights multiple enemies simultaneously and you can regain health by attacking within a time-frame from being hit. This encourages more offensive playstyles and is a massive difference from Dark Souls where defensive playstyles in PvE usually work.
Themes relating to blood and plague give a different story feel than Dark Souls' message about futility. It implies degradation of systemic function, but I don't know if they'll exploit this path for story telling.

Weapon morphing seems to take place of heavy attacks, but the combos achieved by weapons may have more variety like when the character uses heavy side slices to knock shields away, then finishes with light overhead slashes. If weapon variability in moveset is greater than in souls games we might see less weapons (which is a shame personally because I'm not big on pistols and meat cleavers).

It might be harder. The Cleric beast fight was reminiscent of Taurus Demon but the moveset incorporated attacks with limited player visibility. Motherfucker also has reach.

it seems like in dark souls getting the biggest fucking shield and hiding behind it was the best strategy, but in this game dodge is love dodge is life.

I'm very interested in what exactly a hunter is and what is this dream state they can enter

Also how am I gunna play the game on easy mode aka spamming magic :(

Noodles should get the award for most MLG team with diglet, phanpy, cubone, dugtrio, donphan, and something else I forget

Gaming / Re: This hit anyone else in the feels? ;-;
« on: February 03, 2015, 10:26:36 AM »
A lot of the dark souls lore in general hits me in the feels

It's the only game that made be feel conflicted or sad about killing bosses
I remember fighting Sif  during my first playthrough.
It seemed like he had everything, agility, damage, health, and for a a few hours I couldn't best him. But I had a kind of fascination with him, whose grave was he guarding, and why? There was something noble about the entire experience, and despite dying curiosity drove me forward.
Eventually I mastered dodging his attacks just from experimenting and observing. Then he started limping. This mighty beast that kicked my ass for hours reduced to its death throes fought on regardless. He reminded me about myself as a player. Why was I there? To get an awesome sword. In the context of the game, however, Sif guarded the last morbid memento of his best friend, and now this noble guardian was lain low by some sunburned douchebag. I felt guilty about the fight, justifying my actions as a player because I needed to progress through the game and survive.  Sif taught me something about what it takes to win and some of what you lose to get there.
He's the reason I'm under the impression Dark Souls is a good game, it's larger than itself.   

Sif taught me something about videogaming and probably life.

I killed sif on my first try.
well you guys could have been at wildly different soul levels/time spent in the game

Or you're just better than him

Either one

Gaming / Re: This hit anyone else in the feels? ;-;
« on: February 03, 2015, 10:07:40 AM »
tfw gravelord nito is a good guy

and you murdered him
And Sif :"(

When the hell is killing a dog a good thing?
it's not. You kill him to rob the grave of his best friend . It's awful

Players with at least nine battles logged will have their top three most frequently used Pokémon displayed at the top of their replays page. Mostly for decoration.

I just realized how disgusting this thread must look on Tapatalk...
lol my 3 walls

The Flood / Re: Serious™ proposal
« on: February 02, 2015, 09:06:29 PM »
I think we should be able to like if someone doesn't like a post

Gaming / Re: This hit anyone else in the feels? ;-;
« on: February 02, 2015, 08:12:09 PM »
I really need to play these fucking games.

Isn't DS2 coming to current gen?
Yeah it is 2nd of April

Heh, that's right around my birthday. I love planning out my gaming schedule in advance, and there's pretty much nothing coming out around April (although I was planning on buying a Wii U then...)

But the first DS is better, no?
The first one has better variety of bosses, and the world all links back into itself with secret shortcuts. Doesn't do that nearly as much in the second game. But I still like 2 a lot as well. Some people don't though.

Well, just in case, if I play DS2 before DS1, would I be ruining anything? Story moments, or gameplay improvements? [Kind of like if you went from Arkham City to Asylum, how relearning the outdated combat system would be tedious.]
Dark Souls 1 definitely plays more clunky, but you would get used to it pretty quickly. It's mostly the same with minor changes on the mechanics side of things.

And since the way Dark Souls story works you wont really spoil anything because you have to be reading all the item descriptions and listening to character dialogue, so you wouldn't know a reference if you saw one.

Would you recommend I play the first one before I purchase the second one, though?
Yeah it would make for a better experience overall.

I'll probably end up doing that, then.
Plus if you're going in fresh to Dark Souls 1 you will have something to do for awhile till 2 comes out on 8th gen hah.

I have so many games to play in so little time, though.

I have to finish Witcher 2, Jet Set Radio Future (? I think that's what it's called, Gatsby told me to try it), Dark Souls... I need to finish these before Dragon Ball Xenoverse comes out (which I might not get depending on reviews.)

I mean, it's better than the alternative of not having any games to play. Looking forward to the following months.
hey what if I disconnected all my credit cards/person information from my Xbox live account and then let you liscsense transfer? I downloaded dark souls 1 on 360

Gaming / Re: Any You-Gay-Ho players on Sep7agon?
« on: February 02, 2015, 07:06:28 PM »
I haven't played that since I was in 4th grade.

Gaming / Re: 18 minutes of Dark So... I mean BloodBorne
« on: February 02, 2015, 05:52:58 PM »
Looks a lot like Dark Souls, though it looks fun, too bad it's a ps4 exclusive.

You should get PS4, tho...

I will buy any game if it means the 3 of us could play together lmao

Gaming / Re: SOE ditches Sony
« on: February 02, 2015, 05:51:58 PM »
Lol Sony sold them

This thread is bunk

Gaming / Re: SOE ditches Sony
« on: February 02, 2015, 05:20:18 PM »

Well they'll never make anything good again

The Flood / Re: Best YouTuber of all time
« on: February 02, 2015, 05:12:04 PM »
It is, of course, Jaakko Jarvinen, the true Angry Video Game Nerd. This guy is probably the best thing on Youtube.


that was the single most disappointing video I've ever watched

Does he even speak English

The Flood / Re: Best YouTuber of all time
« on: February 02, 2015, 04:53:25 PM »
Critical and dunkey

Gaming / Re: 18 minutes of Dark So... I mean BloodBorne
« on: February 02, 2015, 04:33:31 PM »
Am I missing something? It looks like a Dark Souls reskin to me.

Someone explain the big deal

Halo Reach is a Halo 3 reskin

The Flood / Re: Worst youtuber of all time
« on: February 02, 2015, 04:32:17 PM »
Who gives a fuck. Honestly.

We all know Dunkey is the best YouTuber, who ruins other channels for us.
holy shit my suite mates and I quote dunkey every day

James and I's conversations are literally only Dunkey talk. My voicemail on my phone is from his Papa John's prank call vid.
the best one is when he calls the spaghetti factory twice at the same time and the peeople talk to each other and he's like "you're in love now"

"Is this John?"



"Can I help you today, sir?"

"Yeah, is this John?"

"JOSH. J-O-S-H."

"Oh, okay.

*hangs up*

Still gets me.
his halo videos are hilarious


The Flood / Re: Worst youtuber of all time
« on: February 02, 2015, 04:17:58 PM »
Who gives a fuck. Honestly.

We all know Dunkey is the best YouTuber, who ruins other channels for us.
holy shit my suite mates and I quote dunkey every day

James and I's conversations are literally only Dunkey talk. My voicemail on my phone is from his Papa John's prank call vid.
the best one is when he calls the spaghetti factory twice at the same time and the peeople talk to each other and he's like "you're in love now"

"Is this John?"



"Can I help you today, sir?"

"Yeah, is this John?"

"JOSH. J-O-S-H."

"Oh, okay.

*hangs up*

Still gets me.
his halo videos are hilarious

The Flood / Re: Worst youtuber of all time
« on: February 02, 2015, 04:03:49 PM »
Who gives a fuck. Honestly.

We all know Dunkey is the best YouTuber, who ruins other channels for us.
holy shit my suite mates and I quote dunkey every day

James and I's conversations are literally only Dunkey talk. My voicemail on my phone is from his Papa John's prank call vid.
the best one is when he calls the spaghetti factory twice at the same time and the peeople talk to each other and he's like "you're in love now"

The Flood / Re: Worst youtuber of all time
« on: February 02, 2015, 03:51:47 PM »
Who gives a fuck. Honestly.

We all know Dunkey is the best YouTuber, who ruins other channels for us.
holy shit my suite mates and I quote dunkey every day

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