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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 238239240 241242 ... 353
psychic is too fucking op, and fire-psychic is fucking ridiculous. I forfeit against simseo
rock bug exists
Metagross still destroys that.
shhh I was just messing with him

psychic is too fucking op, and fire-psychic is fucking ridiculous. I forfeit against simseo
rock bug exists

Hammer of dawn gg

Gaming / Re: Favorite girls?
« on: February 22, 2015, 10:20:11 AM »
lightning from FF

the new Lara Croft

The Flood / Re: Green/Blue eyes > every other trait in a girl
« on: February 22, 2015, 09:52:15 AM »
Big booty

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 22, 2015, 09:50:12 AM »
Lol my girlfriend was super hardcore religious when we met, head of the fellowship of Christian athletes, went to church on Sunday's, was afraid of going to hell for shit like sex, didn't believe in evolution...

After 3 years of dating me she's now skeptically agnostic

to me the only things that are non negotiable are
1) physical attraction: a relationship just won't work if you think they're ugly
2)non-sexual emotion attraction: you should want to be around the person. Talk to them, learn about them, connect with them and not just want to bang them
3)willingness to compromise, this is a must for both people

Those are pretty generic, eh..?

The reason I put stuff like religious philosophy and such is because if the partner's have conflicting ideologies than it creates a negative atmosphere for raising children, which I view to be the most important part of being in a marriage. That sort of thing should be hammered out beforehand.
well that was kinda the point. I don't think there's a set of criteria for s relationship. If you have the 3 things I said you'll be okay.  What if you meet the love of your life only to find out she's allegic to dogs? You just gunna dump her for one thing she has no control over?

The dog shit was just to fit the 3 limit. Besides, you can love dogs without having one. Obviously if I meet the love of my life, a dog won't come between us. Unless I already have a dog, then it's just not in the cards.

But the other two? Yeah, those would be deal breakers.


So Canada

I had to edit this part out because it made absolutely no sense. It's late.

But in all honesty, I hear a lot of international people use "eh" the way Canadians stereotypically do.
I was just messing with ya, I actually hear Americans from the north use eh way more than I've ever heard Canadians use it, but I only know like... 5 Canadians

But back on topic, what if she was religious but didn't try to push her beliefs on you or your theoretical kids? Like she believed in God, maybe said a quick prayer before meals, occasionally went to church, but didn't try to push that on you?
Yeah, I knew you were joking. I just didn't have a clever response at 5 AM in the morning lol.

But on-topic...
It goes deeper than that, though. A lot of my views on life are extremely non-religious, and I just don't see a religious person holding those views. Things like anti-natalism or evolution really change how you see the world.

I mean, if by the slightest chance a potential (for example) Christian female subscribed to evolution, and said that Genesis wasn't literal, that would make her an idiot, and I wouldn't be attracted to her. She allows the Bible to dictate her life but she doesn't take the entire religion's catalyst literally? That makes no sense.

It's not so much "Oh, you're religious? I don't like you." that's the problem. It's that being religious by default, is typically an indication to a lack of intelligence or critical-thinking.

I'm not saying that all religious people = idiots, obviously. Turkey and Goji are both far smarter than I and they're religious. But the chances that a teenage girl can defend her beliefs as well as experienced, nerdy male keyboard warriors like the two I just brought up are slim to none. Not to mention, the chances that I'm attracted to girls in general to the point of considering a relationship are slim to none.

In conclusion:

It's not that I don't let myself get involved romantically with religious people, it's that I don't want to. Being religious is inherently unattractive to me.
ah I see what you're saying

Yeah I could not deal with my gf not believing in evolution. I had to fix that shit ( our high school advances bio teacher helped too, she literally laughed at people who didn't believe in evolution)

Also just a side bar about one of your comments, the catholic church recognizes evolution and the Big Bang as real

The Flood / Re: I miss TopWargamer
« on: February 22, 2015, 09:44:05 AM »
Ch33zy burrito
Porsche 914
Big Boss

I'm sure there's more but that's all I got

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 22, 2015, 09:31:59 AM »
Lol my girlfriend was super hardcore religious when we met, head of the fellowship of Christian athletes, went to church on Sunday's, was afraid of going to hell for shit like sex, didn't believe in evolution...

After 3 years of dating me she's now skeptically agnostic

to me the only things that are non negotiable are
1) physical attraction: a relationship just won't work if you think they're ugly
2)non-sexual emotion attraction: you should want to be around the person. Talk to them, learn about them, connect with them and not just want to bang them
3)willingness to compromise, this is a must for both people

Those are pretty generic, eh..?

The reason I put stuff like religious philosophy and such is because if the partner's have conflicting ideologies than it creates a negative atmosphere for raising children, which I view to be the most important part of being in a marriage. That sort of thing should be hammered out beforehand.
well that was kinda the point. I don't think there's a set of criteria for s relationship. If you have the 3 things I said you'll be okay.  What if you meet the love of your life only to find out she's allegic to dogs? You just gunna dump her for one thing she has no control over?

The dog shit was just to fit the 3 limit. Besides, you can love dogs without having one. Obviously if I meet the love of my life, a dog won't come between us. Unless I already have a dog, then it's just not in the cards.

But the other two? Yeah, those would be deal breakers.


So Canada

I had to edit this part out because it made absolutely no sense. It's late.

But in all honesty, I hear a lot of international people use "eh" the way Canadians stereotypically do.
I was just messing with ya, I actually hear Americans from the north use eh way more than I've ever heard Canadians use it, but I only know like... 5 Canadians

But back on topic, what if she was religious but didn't try to push her beliefs on you or your theoretical kids? Like she believed in God, maybe said a quick prayer before meals, occasionally went to church, but didn't try to push that on you?

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 22, 2015, 02:25:30 AM »
Lol my girlfriend was super hardcore religious when we met, head of the fellowship of Christian athletes, went to church on Sunday's, was afraid of going to hell for shit like sex, didn't believe in evolution...

After 3 years of dating me she's now skeptically agnostic

to me the only things that are non negotiable are
1) physical attraction: a relationship just won't work if you think they're ugly
2)non-sexual emotion attraction: you should want to be around the person. Talk to them, learn about them, connect with them and not just want to bang them
3)willingness to compromise, this is a must for both people

Those are pretty generic, eh..?

The reason I put stuff like religious philosophy and such is because if the partner's have conflicting ideologies than it creates a negative atmosphere for raising children, which I view to be the most important part of being in a marriage. That sort of thing should be hammered out beforehand.
well that was kinda the point. I don't think there's a set of criteria for s relationship. If you have the 3 things I said you'll be okay.  What if you meet the love of your life only to find out she's allegic to dogs? You just gunna dump her for one thing she has no control over?


So Canada

The Flood / Re: I miss TopWargamer
« on: February 22, 2015, 02:10:44 AM »

Serious / Re: 3, non-negotiable things you look for in a spouse
« on: February 22, 2015, 02:09:24 AM »
Lol my girlfriend was super hardcore religious when we met, head of the fellowship of Christian athletes, went to church on Sunday's, was afraid of going to hell for shit like sex, didn't believe in evolution...

After 3 years of dating me she's now skeptically agnostic

to me the only things that are non negotiable are
1) physical attraction: a relationship just won't work if you think they're ugly
2)non-sexual emotion attraction: you should want to be around the person. Talk to them, learn about them, connect with them and not just want to bang them
3)willingness to compromise, this is a must for both people

Gaming / Re: Rise of the Tomb Raidrr images.
« on: February 22, 2015, 12:44:42 AM »
It'll look even better on ps4

The Flood / Re: When you to the mall
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:40:53 PM »
So this is the female equivalent of the plaid button up shirt.
that would be chinos
what if I wear both of those things
then you should probably kill yourself
British lemon more like fuckboy lemon

The Flood / Re: Do you feel bad for psychology and history majors?
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:10:51 PM »
I go by the principle, "if you do what you love, you won't work a day in your life".
because that field isn't hiring

The Flood / Re: Do you feel bad for psychology and history majors?
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:10:00 PM »
goes to show you how broken society is when you are essentially forced to study something you have no actual interest in, just to get some shitty dumb cunt job that you don't want, just to make a living

why give in to that when i can do something that i like doing instead
like half of all engineer majors wash out anyway and what are we gunna do in 5-10 years when everybody and they're brother has a mechanical engineer degree

The Flood / Re: When you to the mall
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:05:48 PM »
So this is the female equivalent of the plaid button up shirt.
that would be chinos
what if I wear both of those things

The Flood / Re: Dirtbikers/ATVers/Offroaders of Sep7agon
« on: February 21, 2015, 08:49:47 PM »
I used to have a Polaris trailblazer 400 and some other big ass green Polaris that's model I forget

Gaming / Re: tfw your adc doesn't help you while you support
« on: February 21, 2015, 07:45:35 PM »
I just got into league

Show is very meh
It's probably too high brow for you, then. It's very similar to Archer, the jokes and references come super quickly, and you'll miss most of them if you're not perceptive.

Also, the first half of season 1 is largely just a great kids show, but after that it gets really amazing.
I don't think it's possible for a kids cartoon to be too high brow for me...

Show is very meh

Gaming / Re: ming = blown
« on: February 21, 2015, 02:54:06 PM »

The Flood / Re: post pets you would want to have
« on: February 21, 2015, 10:14:04 AM »
I have a bearded dragon, but I've always thought the Armadillo girdled lizard was cool, so is the one you posted. I think a blue-tongued skink would be cool too

Holy shut that's weird
They have a good temperament though. And they're fat, so pretty cute.

they do seem pretty cute, are lizards smart? I might get one if I have the time
my dragon would sit on my shoulder for hours on end and just chill. If you buy one, but as young as possible and do your research

Gaming / Re: Official Sep7agon RS thread
« on: February 21, 2015, 10:10:48 AM »
Played it for the first time yesterday, holy shit I could sleep.
what does that mean

The Flood / Re: post pets you would want to have
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:37:50 AM »

you need a special license to have a monkey as a pet

The Flood / Re: You have died in a toast accident
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:27:26 AM »
Hopefully no one, because that would be obnoxious.
so you would just be perpetually off?

Inb4 somebody, probably Ryle, makes a joke about "turning you on"

The Flood / Re: Proof Obama is a shapeshifting reptilian
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:24:36 AM »
Having eyes and cheeks is indeed a dead give-away for being a shapeshifting reptilian.

This prophet of Satan has both of those features

Not gunna lie, I cracked up

The Flood / Re: You have died in a toast accident
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:22:59 AM »
An off-button that only I can press, probably.
who will turn you back on?

Gaming / Re: 2015
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:19:22 AM »
and refusing to use logic

turn your brain on and then read my post about Pokemon
Just because Nintendo devs haven't screwed customers over by releasing a bad game does not mean it can't happen. It just means they are good devs and care about their customers but they are a minority of the gaming industry. Just because a small part is alright does not mean everything else is fine.
that's my entire point, pre ordering can be fine. If they make a bad Pokemon game I'll be like well that sucks, sell it, and stop playing Pokemon but in 18 years I haven't played one bad  main series pokmeon  game. I'm pre ordering blood borne too. I have hundreds of hours in dark souls 1 and 2. Bloodborne looks like more of the same and they're allowing pretty extensive media coverage

Now I'll give an example of a bad pre order. I pre ordered destiny after e3
That was just stupid. I knew next to nothing about the game. What's worse is I never canceled my pre order after we were repeatedly showed the same area over and over and over. Then the game released unfinished. There's a difference between trust and blind faith. I had blind faith in bungie, I trust game freak and From.

Gaming / Re: Official Sep7agon RS thread
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:09:38 AM »
I've never played this. Are you guys just running on pure nostalgia or is it actually good

Gaming / Re: 2015
« on: February 21, 2015, 09:06:04 AM »
and refusing to use logic

turn your brain on and then read my post about Pokemon

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