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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 231232233 234235 ... 353
Gaming / Re: Making accomplishments in Dank Souls
« on: March 13, 2015, 09:20:39 PM »
Downloading it again as we speak. I haven't played dark souls 1 in years

The Flood / I hate midgets
« on: March 13, 2015, 08:33:17 PM »
We should kill them before they can breed

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls: Who do you praise?
« on: March 13, 2015, 02:07:53 PM »
I fancy jolly cooperation

Gaming / Re: Why PC is objectively better than consoles
« on: March 13, 2015, 10:30:20 AM »
I was actually going to post this video in the thread as soon as I saw the title lmfao I love dunkey

Gaming / Re: ITT we name our favorite video game of all time
« on: March 13, 2015, 08:01:54 AM »

The Flood / Re: Add "Twerk" to a username
« on: March 13, 2015, 12:50:58 AM »
Mr. Twerkologist

Gaming / Re: Making accomplishments in Dank Souls
« on: March 13, 2015, 12:49:38 AM »
If I'm using a Claymore does that mean I'm bad

no claymore is mlg
What if I'm one handing it?
one handing requires more strength which means more mlg
goddammit I've been putting it all in dex and endurance
you damn fig claymore is strength weapon
level strength for more damage off strength scaling
It's when you look at a weapons stats and there is 4 images of a Fist, an open Hand, a Wand and a Star.
Fist is Strength, open hand is Dexterity, Wand is Intelligence, Star is Faith. The letter next to it indicates how much bonus damage you got get from that skill on that weapon.

Claymore does have C scaling on both Strength and Dexterity so at least it's not a complete waste

but it does mean you aren't mlg
>not going dual whips with poison enchant

Gaming / Re: Making accomplishments in Dank Souls
« on: March 12, 2015, 05:30:06 PM »
What would you all rate this game? There's so much talk about it that I'm considering buying it.
its my favorite game

The Flood / Re: Her pussy bald, like Caillou
« on: March 12, 2015, 10:32:20 AM »

oh lord
yo that was literally up there for half a second how did you catch that you fucking hacker

The Flood / Re: Her pussy bald, like Caillou
« on: March 12, 2015, 10:28:48 AM »
Hahaha fucking retard can't even link

The Flood / Her pussy bald, like Caillou
« on: March 12, 2015, 10:02:20 AM »

Bad bitch, she sucks dick, need 30 minutes like caillou

Post ignorant freestyles or something

Gaming / Re: Making accomplishments in Dank Souls
« on: March 12, 2015, 09:55:36 AM »
when have i ever talked like that
It just caught on from RC and Ryle.
Actually I used verbatim's avatar and posted like him for a few hours then RC started doing it.
I got IP banned for doing that...

Good thing I know a workaround

Gaming / Re: Sega and GameFreak (Pokemon) making a game.
« on: March 12, 2015, 09:45:43 AM »
Coming to android and iOS devices near you

Gaming / Re: Uncharted 4 delayed
« on: March 11, 2015, 02:01:29 PM »

UC 1-3 Remaster for Fall 2015.
I've thought this for a while

The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 10, 2015, 11:48:40 PM »

EA should buy bungie

The Flood / Re: before i was born
« on: March 10, 2015, 04:30:20 PM »
I was a Tygamete

The Flood / Re: >tfw philosophy teacher thinks suicide is cowardly
« on: March 10, 2015, 04:06:02 PM »
Most cases of suicide are not only cowardly, but selfish as well.

Come at me
If you want my comeback you'll need to scrape it off your mom's tits.
my mom had them removed after a battle with beast cancer
which beast had cancer? Her dog?
good meme

The Flood / Re: If this doesn't promot it, nothing does
« on: March 10, 2015, 04:05:12 PM »

The Flood / Re: >tfw philosophy teacher thinks suicide is cowardly
« on: March 10, 2015, 03:58:58 PM »
Most cases of suicide are not only cowardly, but selfish as well.

Come at me
If you want my comeback you'll need to scrape it off your mom's tits.
my mom had them removed after a battle with breast cancer

The Flood / Re: >tfw philosophy teacher thinks suicide is cowardly
« on: March 10, 2015, 03:57:16 PM »
Most cases of suicide are not only cowardly, but selfish as well.

Come at me

The Flood / Re: How can entropy be reversed?
« on: March 10, 2015, 03:11:04 PM »
What a dank meme

Gaming / Re: Making accomplishments in Dank Souls
« on: March 09, 2015, 11:38:31 PM »
If I played the game again, there's obviously two things that I would never do.
Invade people, or set up false hints. Ever. I would NEVER do it. Because I'm not an apecunt.

And apparently that's what the fun of the game is. So I wouldn't have fun at all.

Well you could always join a co-op covenant. Remember. Whole game isn't expressly about invading people. You can be jolly too. And to be fair, while the hint system exists, most learned quickly not to take it seriously. Especially in the second dark souls.

And naturally, the game has an opposing balancing factor. You can choose to invade people. Or if you're crafty, you can choose to have people invade you, people with the intent of fucking you over, and flip the tables.

Most people only see invaders as a "fuck the player" system with no downside. But they forget that an invader puts things on the line too. Some days they're stepping into somebody's world who's ready for them. They want them to invade.

Let's also not forget just how many options you have in Dark Souls II for turning the tables. A rare, one time use item that turns your world's enemies against invaders.

A spell that disguises you as an object.

Despawning enemies so that you can clear an area of the game and essentially use that entire portion of the map as your hunting grounds.

A spell that detonates dead enemy corpses.

But, I suppose this doesn't mean much if you don't enjoy the game because it's designed to trick players. It's not for everybody. No game is. But some, like me, enjoy fighting a human player. Seeing if you can use real time psychology  to fuck with them.

Seeing if they're clever and smart enough to outwit you. The game is, always, what you make of it. I'm not a fan of general, boring old pvp. I'm not a fan of showing up and ruining somebody's day as a red phantom invader, or a justice based phantom to counter a red phantom's douchbaggery.

And certainly not a co-op ganker.

But there is something satisfying about watching somebody come into your world with the intent of being a douchbag, and getting a surprise.

But, not for everyone I suppose.

Tongue but hole
Great chest ahead
Try fisting

Gaming / Re: Making accomplishments in Dank Souls
« on: March 09, 2015, 08:46:41 PM »
Psy died in the tutorial

Gaming / Re: Making accomplishments in Dank Souls
« on: March 09, 2015, 07:23:32 PM »
or for the rest of the game

because why would i ever want to deal with that shit

avoiding the aspect doesn't change the fact that it IS an aspect, however
and i don't think it should be

and the fact that it is makes it a shitty fucking game
your logic is hilarious

And she has a British accent in the commercials here in the UK.

yeh but women with a "proper" accent is hot af
Ew no.
Most British women make my ears bleed.
Stop listening to Scouse and Geordie accented women then
Motherfucker you all sound the same.
dude no

that's like every American sounds like people from Boston
There are two accents in my state, not counting nigger talk. How can an island nation with a mere 4k square mile land difference have eight fucking accents?
You all sound the same weather you like it or not.
Probably because the USA is lacking in a lot of things.


Good accents
Proper English
London Accent (Upper Class)
South-Eastern (Non-Inbred)
Midlands (Non-Brummie)
(Space for a few others)

Tolerable accents
Midlander (Peasantry/Non-Brummie)

Disgusting accents
Pretty much anything north of Worcester.
Anything on the east coast.
Peasant accents
Kiddy (Absolute worst, think brummie but even more inbred *local one*)

I want to die when these people talk

Now I hold nothing against people from these places, but it's best if they don't talk to me with their retch inducing accents.

Point is Das, there are so many forms of britbong dialect that ^this is just a vague list off the top of my head.
but you all sound the same soooooo

Gaming / Re: Making accomplishments in Dank Souls
« on: March 09, 2015, 07:03:24 PM »
guys games shouldn't have traps or suprised. All games should take place in a single linear hallway so nothing can pop out at you. Pokemon is shit because some trainers are hidden and just out as you pass by
if you knew how to read, you would realize that my issue doesn't lie with the traps themselves (you fucking idiot)

it lies with the fact that OTHER PLAYERS ARE SETTING THEM

pokemon may just be the worst fucking example ever
the trap you fell for is in an area that players can't leave messages, beause you were still in the tutorial.

Also players can't set traps, they can only leave a set of pre made messages (which are optional to view). It's the equivalent of you falling for something somebody posts on an Internet forum

Gaming / Re: Making accomplishments in Dank Souls
« on: March 09, 2015, 06:58:37 PM »
If you actually fell for a sign that said "try jumping" next to a cliff, then I worry for you.

Did you read any fucking post that I fucking typed? For FUCK's sake.

I didn't even play the game up until that point. The first trap that I saw, I knew it was a fucking trap, because the first time I ever saw the game being played, I remembered the traps. And I remember thinking, "Wow, what a retarded game mechanic." Two years later, I'm playing the game, and then I remembered--"Is this the game with the traps? That's a trap right there, right?" So I walked over to confirm if it was a trap. It was a staircase with a message saying to go up it. I fucking knew that it was a trap, but I went up it just to see what kind of trap it could possibly be. And when I found out that I was right, I stopped playing, because I wasn't going to play some dumbcunt game made for dumbcunts.

Fuck you for assuming I would fall for something that obvious. Seriously. Fuck you.
That's not the FUCKING point.

I don't care if it's the most OBVIOUS TRAP EVER.

My point of view on it is that yes, there are dicks, but there are also people trying to help. It's like a common struggle against the world and all players grow and help one another out, or hamper the other.
And that's fucking bullshit. I already deal with that shit in real life. Why do I want to play a stupid fucking shitty ass game and do a dumbcunt version of the same dumbcunt game?

I get you don't agree with it, but don't say the game is shit because of it. Someone could easily say they enjoy it because of that, ya know?
If they actually ENJOY that? They should probably be euthanized.

Yes, the game is SHIT because of it. Deal with it.
guys games shouldn't have traps or suprised. All games should take place in a single linear hallway so nothing can pop out at you. Pokemon is shit because some trainers are hidden and just out as you pass by

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