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Messages - Tyger

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The Flood / Re: TBlocks
« on: March 19, 2015, 03:04:20 PM »


Maybe I should have picked UCI to take it all.
watch Kentucky and Villanova lose too

The Flood / Re: When I was young, 5, 6 or 7, my parents..
« on: March 19, 2015, 02:58:51 PM »
Why did they even let you handle guns when you were that young? I didn't shoot my first gun until I was 17. And even then, I never really got into shooting guns. Never clicked for me.
That's because you started to so late! :D

My parents wanted to teach me while I was young so I could defend them if something ever happened in which they could not use it themselves.
Unless you train with a gun a lot and know exactly what you're doing, pulling a gun out at a burglar or armed intruder actually increases your likelihood of being fatally shot.

Too many unknowns for guns to be good for self-defense.
That was funny. It sounds like you said if I picked up a gun as a kid, the bullet would do a 180 and hit me in the face, right?


I mean it'd cause the burglar to shoot you before you get the chance to open fire. Cause you holding the gun is an unknown factor from his perspective, so he'd react to it by simply shooting you before you can aim the gun at him.
If a burglar breaks into your house, with a gun, their intention is to rob and shoot you and must be treated as such. He could have kidnapped me, raped me or shoot me if I didn't have that gun or know how to use it.
The shooting you part isn't true.

Sometimes that's his intention, sometimes it's not. But if you pull a gun on him, then his intention will sure as hell be to shoot you, cause now his life is on the line regardless of whether he planned to shoot you or not before.
And once justice catches up with him, it'll be murder of a miner. So the criminal doesn't care if he is or isn't following the law. Why should I ever have my right to defend myself lost, just because I am young?
There's a big difference between armed robbery and murder. And let's say I'm doing heroin or vandalizing something. Would this mean I'd go straight to murder just because I'd already be breaking the law?

Armed robbers, assuming they're carrying guns, do so pretty much solely for the reason that it'd scare you enough to comply with their demand, whether it's giving them your possessions/money, or whatever.
Lol, and all that is okay for the reason why I shouldn't know how to defend myself? Also, you can't plead insanity if you are drugs.
Because not everybody has the time to learn how to use guns properly. Chances are, they will be working a 9-5 job, and will be too exhausted once they return home to even think about learning how to use a gun. And you're getting confused by what defending yourself means.

Defending yourself would be hiding, or trying to stay away from the burglar. Pulling a gun out at a person who already has a gun pulled out is just idiocy which will get yourself killed.
Sounds like an excuse to me. There is always time to learn! Fight or Flight brah
How about you get a 9-5 job, and see how much energy you have left by the end of the day. And there always is time, but why should you prioritize trying to learn to handle a gun for a what-if situation rather than trying to connect with friends, or going out to eat, or vacationing?
Lol.. Are you serious!? Ever heard of weekends? Kids make friends at school or take trips on vacations. Being a parent is a JOB!
Yeah, and that's the stuff you'll be doing on weekends. Why should someone learn how to use guns when they can do all of those things I mentioned earlier?
Because making friends and going on vacations don't teach you how to defend yourself, it teaches you how to have fun, goof off and live a little. And if too excessive with those careless activities, it could lead to bad parenting.
Very few people actively think about what would be the best for them in the sole case of a burglar breaking into the house over trying to have a life. Like, I'm not gonna go back home from classes tomorrow thinking "Hey, what could I do today to learn more about self-defense and how to handle guns!". And if you're a parent, you'll have even less time to learn how to practice self-defense cause most of the free time you spend home is going towards raising your kid.
And teaching your kid proper defense of a life is RAISING YOUR KID! That and teaching a life is prescious and shouldn't be taken too lightly.
Which is something very few parents have the time, let alone desire for.
Then they shouldn't be a parent if they can't take the time to sit down, talk with their kids and raise them! Parents don't talk to their kids. They just assume they'll learn common sense all on their own.
Why should a parent teach something to a kid that has only a 1 in 1,000 chance in happening?

And honestly, just locking your doors and windows is a more effective way to stop burglaries than is learning how to handle a gun. And it takes like 5 minutes to explain to a child how to lock windows and doors. While it would take months, if not years to properly train a kid how to use a gun.
1 out of a 1,000?.. Nah, that could never happen to me. Just like texting and driving won't ver get me into a wreck.

Criminals can shoot out locks on doors, smash in windows. My parents taught me that too.. Wow.. those defenses stopped the seriously dangerous crimminal
And why would the criminal go through all that trouble to shoot the lock or smash the window, both which are extremely loud and would probably wake up the entire neighborhood, when he could just go nextdoor to the house whose doors and windows are unlocked so he could waltz right in.

And even if he were dumb enough to smash the window or shoot the lock, it would wake you up and give you enough time to hide somewhere safe where he won't see you.

Not to mention that texting and driving is a stupid comparison to make, since that is something you are doing. While a criminal seeking out your house is a random chance. Unless he's a hitman,
not everyone lives in a neighborhood...

Also burglars don't randomly just decide to break Into a house they usually choose a house that has a predictable pattern of people leaving and turning the lights out at night

Also you can wrap your hand in a towel and break a small window relatively quietly

Gaming / Re: Battlefield Harline - Surpised Impressions!
« on: March 19, 2015, 02:36:57 PM »
You get those kind of players everywhere.  In BF4, they were mostly the kids who ran support and never knew how to drop ammo, because they just wanted to use the big shiny atatatatata gun, sit in the corner, and never help anyone.
I always spammed ammo because I suck and that's the best way for me to get easy points

The Flood / Re: TBlocks
« on: March 19, 2015, 02:27:01 PM »
I also just kinda closed my eyes and picked random teams seeing as I have no clue about College basketball.
haha your bracket is like 70% upsets

The Flood / Re: TBlocks
« on: March 19, 2015, 02:17:01 PM »
what the actual fuck

Gaming / Re: Star Wars Battlefront to debut in April
« on: March 19, 2015, 02:06:16 PM »
I'm not sure how I feel about SWBF.

On one hand it's fucking SWBF, but on the other hand it's EA.


DICE were given access to these builds and have said they want to take what was introduced here and expand on it.
Yeah but EA
they handled dragon age origins launch excellently, no EA like dlc, and they lifted the review embargo well before the game came out. Hardline seems to be going well too and it's servers aren't broken...

Ea is becoming slightly less shitty lately

Gaming / Re: Hideo Kojima to leave Konami :(
« on: March 19, 2015, 01:50:58 PM »
He should go to From software and make the Armor Core games

The Flood / Re: Best fan remixes?
« on: March 19, 2015, 01:19:59 PM »

Gaming / Re: Finally 'beat' the ffxv demo
« on: March 19, 2015, 01:11:42 PM »
It has literally zero AF, AA
I dont see anything wrong with that. It sucks up resources a lot with really no massive impact on visuals <.<
Umm, no?
Do you know what Anisotropic Filtering does? It's not a very demanding thing and makes quite a difference.
Look at the ground texture and how it turns to shit a few feet away from the character. That's what having no AF will do
Even trilinear AF is better than none.

AA has quite a big impact on visuals too, depending on which type is being used.
I know what anti-aliasing is but what's anisotropic filtering?

I thought you left

Gaming / Re: How much did ign get paid...
« on: March 19, 2015, 12:58:36 PM »
What on earth are they still talking about?
shit that people have already talked to death since the alpha.

Gaming / Re: Star Wars Battlefront to debut in April
« on: March 19, 2015, 12:42:19 PM »
I don't like Star Wars but battlefront is fun

Gaming / How much did ign get paid...
« on: March 19, 2015, 12:41:41 PM »
They still post 3 destiny articles or podcasts a week

The Flood / Re: I Have to be Mouse Moses
« on: March 19, 2015, 12:39:29 PM »
They're are things you can plug into outlets that emit a frequency that humans and dogs and cats can't hear but rodents can, and it annoys the fuck out of them so they run away. You can get them at hardware stores and some places like Walmart. Don't use it if you have a pet guinea pig or hamster though

The Flood / Re: How bad is Divergent
« on: March 19, 2015, 12:37:29 PM »
The book was decent, I hated the movie. Not because it didn't stay true to the book but because it was lame with bland acting

The Flood / Re: WHAT THE FUCK
« on: March 19, 2015, 12:24:08 PM »
That was fucking stupid

The Flood / Re: What Drug is Sep7?
« on: March 19, 2015, 12:19:52 PM »
Any of the drugs that people stick in their butts

The Flood / Re: what the fuck is this (youtube)
« on: March 19, 2015, 12:16:56 PM »


The Flood / Re: what the fuck is this (youtube)
« on: March 19, 2015, 12:03:43 PM »

The Flood / Re: Grandma LC
« on: March 19, 2015, 09:30:37 AM »
Tyger and I request cookies as well.


The Flood / Re: Combine 2 random words off the top of your head.
« on: March 19, 2015, 09:19:48 AM »
Two Words

The Flood / Re: Ancient bone armor discovered in Sibera
« on: March 19, 2015, 09:18:48 AM »
The Greeks had bone helmets

The Flood / Re: applying for student loans and i wanna cry
« on: March 19, 2015, 09:05:10 AM »
FAFSA covers everything for me.
The free syria army is funding your university education? wtf bro

Government aid, that I don't have to pay back Gats.
but aren't tuition fees crazy in the US? I hear they are, and that the repayment plans aren't are very kind either.
I go to school for free :)

One of my friends is going to a school that's $60,000 a year. Most schools are closer to $30,000 per year though

The Flood / Re: Describe your first sexual experience
« on: March 19, 2015, 09:01:37 AM »
So many betas

First "sexual" experience was a hand job while watching titanic my sophomore year

Since then I've done a lot. Like a lot of different shit....

A lot
Holy shit, you're such a badass. Can I have your autograph?
sure, should I make it out to "jealous beta" or "sad virgin"

Gaming / Re: Finally 'beat' the ffxv demo
« on: March 19, 2015, 08:50:35 AM »
Fuck me there's to many games I want to buy

Have any tips for an actual skinny fuck like me? Not making the gains I want, can't bench press of do pull-ups because of nerve damage in wrist but most other things are good to go. I have great Legs (or so I'm told) from years of soccer in track but my shoulders and arms are what I'm unhappy with
Yeah man I love giving tips

For arms, triceps take up 2/3s of it so building up triceps will help with making them appear a lot bigger. Stuff that is good for triceps are the cable pushdowns, any kind of close grip stuff like pushups or close bench(lol @ my reading comprehension), and overhead movements that stretch it like this


for biceps i like to do something heavy, like barbell curls 6-10 reps, then something that pumps a lot of blood into them like sitting on a bench and using dumbbels to curl, and then something that stretches them like concentration curls

Shoulders can be tricky. The main thing you want is for the side and back part of the shoulder to pop out. For the side I do dumbbell side raises, lightish weight 15 reps for a couple sets, then I up the weight and do 10 or 8 reps. tilt the front of the dumbbell slightly down, like you're pouring water out of a cup

For the back of the shoulders doing things like facepulls
and bent over raises
will make them pop out. Rear shoulders are probably the most important part of the shoulder, and most people skip out on them completely but they really make them pop especially from the back

Focus on squeezing and stretching the muscle, instead of worrying about the weight number. Shorten your rest times a bit, add more intensity(there's always room for more intensity) and eat up and you'll build up them musclez in no time  :)
thanks mang!

The Flood / Re: Describe your first sexual experience
« on: March 19, 2015, 12:08:35 AM »
So many betas

First "sexual" experience was a hand job while watching titanic my sophomore year

Since then I've done a lot. Like a lot of different shit....

A lot
Eww, you're into shit.

Didn't think we had a scatophile in this forum...
I'm not a scatophile but I've eaten ass before right after a shower... No scat involved pls

The Flood / Re: Describe your first sexual experience
« on: March 19, 2015, 12:04:49 AM »
So many betas

First "sexual" experience was a hand job while watching titanic my sophomore year

Since then I've done a lot. Like a lot of different shit....

A lot

Have any tips for an actual skinny fuck like me? Not making the gains I want, can't bench press of do pull-ups because of nerve damage in wrist but most other things are good to go. I have great Legs (or so I'm told) from years of soccer in track but my shoulders and arms are what I'm unhappy with

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