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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 223224225 226227 ... 353
Gaming / Re: Anyone play FF14 ARR?
« on: March 23, 2015, 08:00:13 PM »

Question for you two or anyone else who plays, how's the customization? Like is there much armor diversity looks wise? A dye system? Anything like that? Or does every white Mage run around in the same white and red robe?
you'll have gear sets obviously but there's a dye system. Just running through towns very few people look alike.
ah okay good. I was trying to look into it and see different sets but I was just getting the same generic white Mage robe over and over and I was wondering if just the stats changed for new sets or the actual appearance.
my white mage is only at 37. Uses most of the same gear as I do as a black mage, scholar, or summoner, but that's just cuz I don't have a ton of specialized gear atm.

But ye no white mage robes for me. I look like a badass wizard most of the time. Tho goin for that ninja now.

Gear gets more diverse and detailed the higher the level.
do you think you'll get the expansion when it comes out?
dunno. I'll definitely be tempted. New race, 3 new jobs, new cities.
Just so many other games this year. I'll probably get roped in to picking it up tho.
I've just heard nothing but good things and want this game, but don't want it if I have nobody to play with
Ye solo is rough. Dunno. Don't buy based on just me cuz I'll drop sub if I get busy, and pick it up again later.
Tho can't be hard to find a free company. I get spam invites all the time.

Up to you mang.
what server do you play on? One of my friend from bungie (josh55886, not sure if you know him) says he still plays it "a lot" and that he would play with me if I got it. And this is a really nooby I question because I've only played MMOs where you could freely change servers, or there were just regional servers, but is there any way we could dungeon together if you and I were on different servers? I know we couldn't quest together
I'm on jenova. Have Josh on psn. He's always on there.

Not sure on different servers running the same dungeon. Been awhile since I ran one.
I actually got a 2 week free trail. Been playing it like half the day and I'm really enjoying it so far

Gaming / Re: EPICGiveaway! Giving away 1 Copy of Battlefield Hardline.
« on: March 23, 2015, 06:59:15 PM »
Man I did not expect to tear this game several new assholes. This is gonna be a blood bath!
give me the shitty game

Gaming / Re: Pokemon you like using that other's don't use much?
« on: March 23, 2015, 06:34:13 PM »
Cradily is actually fun to use

Scyther is my nigga

Gaming / Re: Bullshit things in games?
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:19:20 PM »
When the loading screen is up and it gives you a useless tip on the game. Like, stop.

> be 75 hours into a game

"You can shoot your weapon with the right trigger"

Gee thanks!

The Flood / Re: Im new
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:16:47 PM »
Two answers:

You can press the "quote" button underneath someone's post to address them directly and send them a notification of your response, by the way.

And it's good that you answered no to the second question. You and I can be good friends, one day.
I already told him that flee!


The Flood / Re: Im new
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:15:24 PM »
Also can someone PM me what titles mean? I am a little confused on it.
they're basically just a way of keeping track of your post count. Post more and you get a higher title.

Also remember to quote people, that's how they get a notification, and it helps us know who you're talking to and what about

Welcome to the forum

What the hell are you doing?
being nice you cock gobbler

The Flood / Re: Im new
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:14:42 PM »
Also can someone PM me what titles mean? I am a little confused on it.
they're basically just a way of keeping track of your post count. Post more and you get a higher title.

Also remember to quote people, that's how they get a notification, and it helps us know who you're talking to and what about

Welcome to the forum

Yea please don't be a verbatim
wait, are you calling me verbatim?

Gaming / Re: New Dragon Age Inquisition DLC coming tomorrow!
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:12:02 PM »
have they not said what it's about?

They haven't said anything about it, but i can assume it has something to do with the ending.
that's right bitch you best edit out that spoiler

The Flood / Re: Im new
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:10:58 PM »
Also can someone PM me what titles mean? I am a little confused on it.
they're basically just a way of keeping track of your post count. Post more and you get a higher title.

Also remember to quote people, that's how they get a notification, and it helps us know who you're talking to and what about

Welcome to the forum

Bull fucking shit thats PS4.
What, did you not see all the aliasing or something?

The PS4 is capable of good looking games you know. For example, inFAMOUS Second Son is a fantastic looking game. And its IQ is clean as fuck.
Theres too much shit on screen for me to believe this is running on a PS4
infamous had just as many if not more particles when you used smoke powers. This doesn't look THAT much better than infamous graphics wise

OT: good, delay as many games as you'd like. I just want shit finished

Gaming / Re: Game market crash when?
« on: March 23, 2015, 05:01:40 PM »

>2013: kind of an okay year
>2014: one of the shittiest years for gaming in a while
>2015: already off to a shit start with the mediocrity of The Order 1886, Dying Light, Evolve and BFH

Where were you when the game industry was kill?


Dark souls 2, dragon age inquisition, Mario kart 8, smash bros, shadow of mordor, wolfenstein, infamous second son, shovel knight, sunset overdrive....
The problemo Tyger is that people here always say 2014 was shit because they only bring the Etsbax and Praystation 4 since that's the only systems they have while us Wii U owners had a great year Hyrule Warriors, Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2, Captain Toad, SSB Wii U, and more
even the Xbox and ps4 had good games, people just only played destity and the master chef collaboration and decided the whole year was bad

Also I don't own a wii u yet

Gaming / Re: New Dragon Age Inquisition DLC coming tomorrow!
« on: March 23, 2015, 04:58:15 PM »

Gaming / Re: New Dragon Age Inquisition DLC coming tomorrow!
« on: March 23, 2015, 04:54:51 PM »
When does it come to my piss4?

Gaming / Re: Game market crash when?
« on: March 23, 2015, 04:54:08 PM »

>2013: kind of an okay year
>2014: one of the shittiest years for gaming in a while
>2015: already off to a shit start with the mediocrity of The Order 1886, Dying Light, Evolve and BFH

Where were you when the game industry was kill?


Dark souls 2, dragon age inquisition, Mario kart 8, smash bros, shadow of mordor, wolfenstein, infamous second son, shovel knight, sunset overdrive....

Presidents of the United States?
This is too convoluted, I'm just going to tittyfuck the melons and see what happens.
this is probably one of the funniest thing you've ever said. I laughed out loud and it's not even that outlandishly funny. Just unexpected

Gaming / Re: "You're breaking the meta"
« on: March 23, 2015, 08:14:58 AM »
I support with Zed, because fuck the meta!
<.< not sure if mocking me

Gaming / Re: hey faggots who play mh4u
« on: March 23, 2015, 07:52:35 AM »
How does this game work on a standard 3ds?
the right stick control is on the touch screen

Gaming / Re: Anyone play FF14 ARR?
« on: March 23, 2015, 12:44:10 AM »

Question for you two or anyone else who plays, how's the customization? Like is there much armor diversity looks wise? A dye system? Anything like that? Or does every white Mage run around in the same white and red robe?
you'll have gear sets obviously but there's a dye system. Just running through towns very few people look alike.
ah okay good. I was trying to look into it and see different sets but I was just getting the same generic white Mage robe over and over and I was wondering if just the stats changed for new sets or the actual appearance.
my white mage is only at 37. Uses most of the same gear as I do as a black mage, scholar, or summoner, but that's just cuz I don't have a ton of specialized gear atm.

But ye no white mage robes for me. I look like a badass wizard most of the time. Tho goin for that ninja now.

Gear gets more diverse and detailed the higher the level.
do you think you'll get the expansion when it comes out?
dunno. I'll definitely be tempted. New race, 3 new jobs, new cities.
Just so many other games this year. I'll probably get roped in to picking it up tho.
I've just heard nothing but good things and want this game, but don't want it if I have nobody to play with
Ye solo is rough. Dunno. Don't buy based on just me cuz I'll drop sub if I get busy, and pick it up again later.
Tho can't be hard to find a free company. I get spam invites all the time.

Up to you mang.
what server do you play on? One of my friend from bungie (josh55886, not sure if you know him) says he still plays it "a lot" and that he would play with me if I got it. And this is a really nooby I question because I've only played MMOs where you could freely change servers, or there were just regional servers, but is there any way we could dungeon together if you and I were on different servers? I know we couldn't quest together

Gaming / Re: "You're breaking the meta"
« on: March 23, 2015, 12:30:08 AM »
Metas are just the most efficient and effective way to play a game. Every game will develop some sort of meta at one point.
the problem is for so many games that's the ONLY way there's any incentive to play

Gaming / Re: "You're breaking the meta"
« on: March 22, 2015, 08:30:57 PM »
This is why I don't do competitive pokemon.

I know how contradicting that sounds
Yeah. That's why I have more fun playing NU or RU tiers.
the thing about Pokemon is the tiers are really fluid. If you're clever enough or build a good team lower teir Pokemon can work just fine. I've swept many teams with scyther or a shiftry

Gaming / Re: "You're breaking the meta"
« on: March 22, 2015, 07:58:48 PM »
so, what you're saying is you're not happy with the rock-paper-scissor thinking of mmos and mobas?
I wouldn't really call it rock paper scissors thinking, but yeah I guess so.
then i agree with you.
the best word I can think of it is cookie cutter. There's only one way or the highway.  Which is a shame because I think MOBAs and MMOs are cool concepts

Gaming / Re: "You're breaking the meta"
« on: March 22, 2015, 07:55:53 PM »
so, what you're saying is you're not happy with the rock-paper-scissor thinking of mmos and mobas?
I wouldn't really call it rock paper scissors thinking, but yeah I guess so.

Gaming / Re: Only an hour left
« on: March 22, 2015, 07:45:09 PM »
Ehh not really interested

what I am interested tho is life is strange episode 2 coming out on tuesday
shut up you spic


define please
a derogatory term for hispanics

literally never heard that
that's like the most common slur besides nigger

Gaming / Re: hey faggots who play mh4u
« on: March 22, 2015, 07:42:24 PM »
why do all my threads get derailed
neko is a pegcat

Gaming / Re: EPICGiveaway! Giving away 1 Copy of Battlefield Hardline.
« on: March 22, 2015, 07:41:45 PM »
The winner will be announced in the review.
pick me baby I'll give you ammo all day

Gaming / "You're breaking the meta"
« on: March 22, 2015, 07:41:02 PM »
Is it just me, or have Internet guides and videos made gaming less fun? Developers don't help either.  Games having established "metas" just kills fun sometimes and it seems like devs just seem to make it worse. It's most evident in MMOs and MOBAs.

It kills creativity or trying to devise new strategies. People just use what the most popular youtuber or what the pro guide says to do. For example in league of legends if you don't go tank top, burst mid, support and ad bot you get crucified. Sure this SEEMS to be the most ideal way to play but nobody bothers experimenting to see if there are any other viable combos. And God forbid you try a build that isn't the top one on mobafire.

As I said before devs facilitate this too. Look at MMOs. Basically every MMO ever is just a tank getting Aggro, a healer spamming heal and buffs, and then 2dps plinking away at their health.

This is basically a pointless rant but does anybody agree? I just wish devs would incentivize creativity

Gaming / Re: Anyone play FF14 ARR?
« on: March 22, 2015, 03:46:14 PM »

Question for you two or anyone else who plays, how's the customization? Like is there much armor diversity looks wise? A dye system? Anything like that? Or does every white Mage run around in the same white and red robe?
you'll have gear sets obviously but there's a dye system. Just running through towns very few people look alike.
ah okay good. I was trying to look into it and see different sets but I was just getting the same generic white Mage robe over and over and I was wondering if just the stats changed for new sets or the actual appearance.
my white mage is only at 37. Uses most of the same gear as I do as a black mage, scholar, or summoner, but that's just cuz I don't have a ton of specialized gear atm.

But ye no white mage robes for me. I look like a badass wizard most of the time. Tho goin for that ninja now.

Gear gets more diverse and detailed the higher the level.
do you think you'll get the expansion when it comes out?
dunno. I'll definitely be tempted. New race, 3 new jobs, new cities.
Just so many other games this year. I'll probably get roped in to picking it up tho.
I've just heard nothing but good things and want this game, but don't want it if I have nobody to play with

Gaming / Re: Anyone play FF14 ARR?
« on: March 22, 2015, 03:35:55 PM »

Question for you two or anyone else who plays, how's the customization? Like is there much armor diversity looks wise? A dye system? Anything like that? Or does every white Mage run around in the same white and red robe?
you'll have gear sets obviously but there's a dye system. Just running through towns very few people look alike.
ah okay good. I was trying to look into it and see different sets but I was just getting the same generic white Mage robe over and over and I was wondering if just the stats changed for new sets or the actual appearance.
my white mage is only at 37. Uses most of the same gear as I do as a black mage, scholar, or summoner, but that's just cuz I don't have a ton of specialized gear atm.

But ye no white mage robes for me. I look like a badass wizard most of the time. Tho goin for that ninja now.

Gear gets more diverse and detailed the higher the level.
do you think you'll get the expansion when it comes out?

Gaming / Re: Anyone play FF14 ARR?
« on: March 22, 2015, 03:18:12 PM »

Question for you two or anyone else who plays, how's the customization? Like is there much armor diversity looks wise? A dye system? Anything like that? Or does every white Mage run around in the same white and red robe?
you'll have gear sets obviously but there's a dye system. Just running through towns very few people look alike.
ah okay good. I was trying to look into it and see different sets but I was just getting the same generic white Mage robe over and over and I was wondering if just the stats changed for new sets or the actual appearance.

Gaming / Re: A Nice Video on The MCC
« on: March 22, 2015, 02:52:49 PM »
Lol 1.5 hours fuck that

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