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Messages - Tyger

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Gaming / Re: Game fatigue...
« on: March 29, 2015, 12:55:51 PM »
I felt like that for a good while and then I found new people to play with or talk about games with and its much better

Also the Xbox one has no games to be fatigued of

The Flood / Re: Why don't ants eat poo?
« on: March 29, 2015, 11:44:48 AM »
If they did they'd eat your threads
I lol'ed

Gaming / Re: Reasons Why - Bloodborne is AMAZING!
« on: March 29, 2015, 09:49:54 AM »
Beat the Father last night. Summoned a friend and we tore him up!
beating him was so satisfying!

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon March Madness Bracket Challenge
« on: March 29, 2015, 09:38:56 AM »
haha Nova

There's no way anybody can beat you. I'm pretty sure I'm secured in second and Mav is 3rd

Gaming / Re: Reasons Why - Bloodborne is AMAZING!
« on: March 29, 2015, 09:29:47 AM »
So... Was the cleric beast meant to be hard?
I think very few of the bosses are meant to be hard if you're level headed and strategize. Keep in mind it's the first boss in the game aswell

The Flood / Re: Look at the watch
« on: March 29, 2015, 09:16:22 AM »
What are you talking about

I might get back into league when I get bored of bloodborne

Gaming / Re: I really hope bloodborne gets a PC port
« on: March 28, 2015, 10:20:20 PM »

That doesn't stop it from being able to go to the PC. It's not like the Xbox where it's a direct competitor.

I never said it would go, just there was nothing that's really preventing it.
Sony Japan helped produce it, so that seems like it might be a big issue putting it on PC.

Considering that Japanese devs are starting to realize the potential of the PC market that isn't exactly a limiting factor anymore.

I know that someone is going to jump on me for saying that so I'm going to repeat myself here.

I'm not saying that it will happen, just that there's nothing actually stopping it from happening since Sony isn't competing with the PC market.
Sony IS competing with the PC market... People who play primarily on PC are buying ps4s just for Bloodborne. I'm not saying that's smart but Sony would rather be selling ps4s and Bloodborne that just Bloodborne to pc owners, even if way more people would do the latter


No they aren't. They release lots of games and software on the PC platform some of which are playstation exclusives. You also grossly overestimate the amount of PC games buying PS4s for a single game.
like what? Don't bother listing SOE games because they ditched them. And maybe you underestimate the cult following From games have. There was dozens of threads just on reddit about people buying ps4's just for this game

Gaming / Re: I really hope bloodborne gets a PC port
« on: March 28, 2015, 09:33:43 PM »

That doesn't stop it from being able to go to the PC. It's not like the Xbox where it's a direct competitor.

I never said it would go, just there was nothing that's really preventing it.
Sony Japan helped produce it, so that seems like it might be a big issue putting it on PC.

Considering that Japanese devs are starting to realize the potential of the PC market that isn't exactly a limiting factor anymore.

I know that someone is going to jump on me for saying that so I'm going to repeat myself here.

I'm not saying that it will happen, just that there's nothing actually stopping it from happening since Sony isn't competing with the PC market.
Sony IS competing with the PC market... People who play primarily on PC are buying ps4s just for Bloodborne. I'm not saying that's smart but Sony would rather be selling ps4s and Bloodborne that just Bloodborne to pc owners, even if way more people would do the latter

The Flood / Re: Kids Choice Awards is a joke.
« on: March 28, 2015, 09:09:10 PM »

Aren't you an adult?

You have no idea who I am do you?
no I really don't. It threw me off that you admired you didn't know either.
he's 12 or 13 years old

I didn't know you were here raw sugar

Gaming / Re: Reasons Why - Bloodborne is AMAZING!
« on: March 28, 2015, 12:07:48 PM »
Holy shit blood starved beast gets the title of 2nd easiest boss in souls history
THAT easy?

There's a way to cheese him, but I'm pretty sure it was intentionally put in there.

All you have to do is
thow pungent blood cocktails into the corner. He starts swiping attacking the corner and you can backstabs him. Rinse repeat

Gaming / Re: Reasons Why - Bloodborne is AMAZING!
« on: March 28, 2015, 11:47:26 AM »
Holy shit blood starved beast gets the title of 2nd easiest boss in souls history

Gaming / Re: Reasons Why - Bloodborne is AMAZING!
« on: March 28, 2015, 11:46:55 AM »
Well crap. I found Father Gascoigne and he keeps raping me with his blunderbuss.
stay reletively close and then he won't use it.

The Flood / Re: Somebody just stole a bunch of my shit *RESULTS*
« on: March 27, 2015, 09:44:58 PM »
Post their address

Gaming / Re: Reasons Why - Bloodborne is AMAZING!
« on: March 27, 2015, 09:00:38 PM »
Is anyone else unable to co op or pvp? My bells have been ringing for like an hour and nada.

Gaming / Re: recommend me an mmo
« on: March 27, 2015, 07:42:51 PM »
FF14 ARR has a 2 week free trial if you haven't tried that already

Gaming / Re: Reasons Why - Bloodborne is AMAZING!
« on: March 27, 2015, 07:41:04 PM »
this games NPCs are close to the original dark souls in how interesting they are. I'm trying to complete the crow storyline without guides (the whole game without guides of course). I've never done an npc storyline without guides

Gaming / Re: What does Bloodborne do different than Dark Souls?
« on: March 27, 2015, 02:00:18 PM »
It is pretty funny that people who shit all over Destiny, praise Bloodborne. They are the same, focused entirely on gameplay and the world. Bloodborne has little story and no character development. Yay for double standards.

As Brute said. Destiny was lobotomized game. And I played the demo when it was released, which was 25% of the retail game. So here's some key differences.

While arguably, both Bloodborne and Destiny have a central focus on the world and gameplay, those are the only similarities. And they're not even really similar.

In a dark souls-ish, spiritual successor type game, the world itself, the characters you meet, the weapons, the creatures, are the story. They all tell a fragmented story left to interpretation to the player. But the clues are all there. And one can argue that a game doesn't need to be character driven to tell a good, or interesting story. It can still be immersive without your central character having a personality.

And the souls-ish series excels at this. Destiny, on the other hand, had no interesting outside characters to even remember. Half the NPC's were just projectile vomit vendors who basically projectile vomited you quests and weapons.

And while Destiny was a pretty, beautiful well done world, it lacked something special. Atmosphere. It was like a painting with nothing in it.

Essentially, you could say Destiny and Bloodborne do focus on the same things. But Bloodborne actually knows what it's doing and plays to it's strengths, were Destiny sort of knew what it was doing and then it got lobotomized.

The difference here is the quality of the delivery.
not to mention destiny had like 6-8 hours of unique content and Bloodborne has 40-60

Gaming / Re: What does Bloodborne do different than Dark Souls?
« on: March 27, 2015, 12:37:51 PM »
It is pretty funny that people who shit all over Destiny, praise Bloodborne. They are the same, focused entirely on gameplay and the world. Bloodborne has little story and no character development. Yay for double standards.
I hope you're trolling

The Flood / Re: Snipars loses his son in Second Life
« on: March 27, 2015, 12:02:52 PM »
Haha I need more

Gaming / Re: Reasons Why - Bloodborne is AMAZING!
« on: March 27, 2015, 10:18:00 AM »
The 2nd boss is tearing me a new asshole
I thought he was easier than the cleric beast lol

Gaming / Re: Reasons Why - Bloodborne is AMAZING!
« on: March 27, 2015, 09:01:07 AM »
How do the Souls fans think the game compares to DS1 and DES? Mainly in terms of the lack of variety in environments, weapons, equipment, armor and the removal of actual magic, miracles, pyromancies and hexes? The addition of limitless healing during PVP and the removal of aspects such as equipment burden and poise?
the environments are amazing, and it might just be me but I keep noticing little nods to the past games. Sure they're (mostly) all this decrepit city but they each have their own ambiance and unique feeling. In wont comment on anything else right now becaus I'm in class but if you get shot while healing in PVP, there's a massive stun that lets you get riposted (or visceral attack)

Gaming / Re: I really hope bloodborne gets a PC port
« on: March 27, 2015, 08:43:05 AM » Just found this, could this mean that Bloodborne can go PC/Xbone?

There's nothing stopping it from going to PC already.
except for the fact that Sony would never let that happen

Also all the unrenewed trademark means is that we could make and sell Bloodborne merchandise or make a game called Bloodborne. And I'm sure the lawyers over at Sony have already taken action to have it renewed, if it hasn't been renewed already

« on: March 27, 2015, 12:45:19 AM »
I wish from would stop letting retarded fucking toddlers write their net code. I can't summon anyone yet I can see specters and messages. On top of that the insight system is fucking stupid, I used 3 insight today to not manage to get a single person to be summoned after waiting over an hour one of the times

Gaming / Re: Reasons Why - Bloodborne is AMAZING!
« on: March 26, 2015, 11:27:49 PM »
I've beaten dark souls 1 in a day
I've gotten to new game +++ in dark souls 2

I can't beat the fucking cleric demon
Strafe your way around his sides and back and get some swings. Molotov's work wonders too! Also when he jumps up into the air, sprint forward to where he was and when he lands. Smack him!

Oh, if you wait until he is just about to swing shoot him and that will stagger him. Run in and do one of those execution style hits.
I beat him the next attempt by stunning him, and almost killed the next boss the first try using the same method. I honestly didn't know the pistol did that.

Oh what's everybodys favorite weapon so far?

« on: March 26, 2015, 10:58:43 PM »
Just beat the first boss. First try too. What's funny is, one of my notes was rated good, so it gave me health. Whoever rated it, I thank you. That's the only reason I didn't die when I fought the Cleric.
Nearly had him on the first try but he got me caught on a gate. Beat his ass on the second though.
As long as you stay close and behind him cleric beast is cake. Rocking the sword hammer now :P
hahaha dude I'm on my 5th try and Ive only gotten him to half health

It's funny cuz I can plow through the souls games not but I'm getting fucked up in this game
You want to stay between his legs or behind him. Real close. He telegraphs his attacks.

Oil and molotovs are good if you still have them. Also picking up the hunter gear from the dream, upgrading your main weapon with shards, and leveling end/vit/str/skill. Should be easier with all that.

Open up the shortcut on the left side of the bridge if you haven't already.
I beat it the next attempt after posting that actually. I didn't realize you could stun him with your gun or molotovs

The Flood / Re: I turn 19 tomorrow
« on: March 26, 2015, 08:45:57 PM »
Bruh don't do steroids. They can fuck up your life man. I'm sure everyone who's taken them that you've talked to is gunna tell you how great they are. They aren't gunna tell you about their testicular atrophy or that their hair is fallout out or that their liver is destroyed
good looking out bro. Btw it's not like I suddenly thought "wow I could be buff on steroids", i'm pretty well versed roid knowledge. I've researched them for years just out of curiosity and know all about side effects, I even know most of the makeup of popular compounds and understand what they do on a chemical level. But thanks mayne :)
I just know an older gent who used to be a nationally recognized powerlifter and he regrets juicing, but then again that was like 30 years ago. The shits probably not AS bad now

« on: March 26, 2015, 08:07:34 PM »
Just beat the first boss. First try too. What's funny is, one of my notes was rated good, so it gave me health. Whoever rated it, I thank you. That's the only reason I didn't die when I fought the Cleric.
Nearly had him on the first try but he got me caught on a gate. Beat his ass on the second though.
As long as you stay close and behind him cleric beast is cake. Rocking the sword hammer now :P
hahaha dude I'm on my 5th try and Ive only gotten him to half health

It's funny cuz I can plow through the souls games not but I'm getting fucked up in this game

Gaming / Re: Reasons Why - Bloodborne is AMAZING!
« on: March 26, 2015, 08:05:28 PM »
I've beaten dark souls 1 in a day
I've gotten to new game +++ in dark souls 2

I can't beat the fucking cleric demon

Gaming / Re: GwG April
« on: March 26, 2015, 03:23:55 PM »
Child of light is a good game

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