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Messages - Tyger

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Gaming / Re: Gaming Forum: Important Threads
« on: June 20, 2015, 09:04:33 AM »
Oh my god this is so much better than 50 pinned threads

The Flood / Re: Quick type the funniest thing you can think of!
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:40:50 AM »

The Flood / Re: This is my exact facebook conversation I just had
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:34:24 AM »
I've been wanting to ask, how old are you?
I find it VERY hard to believe that you're 23 like your profile says

The Tangled sound track

The Flood / Re: Totally Worth It.
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:29:06 AM »
I got warned/banned here for being a dick to verbatim and I've been banned in bnet like 1000 times

Only 3 of my bans/warnings were unwarranted

I got warned here for literally just talking about something kiyo did

I got banned on bnet for making a thread saying we should globally mute deej

I got banned on bnet for "impersonating a bungie employee" when some dumb fuck desticle said something disappeared from his vault and I said "give me your account name, password, credit card information and social security number and I'll fix the problem"

Gaming / Re: How do you sue for false advertising?
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:10:25 AM »
3 arent.
Tomb Raider, Gigantic and Gears. right?
Tomb Raider is timed. Gigantic is on PC. Gears Ultimate  edition is on PC.
he was saying they aren't exclusive

What are we discussing here?
annoying commercials

Gaming / Re: your personal favorite game devs (individuals)?
« on: June 20, 2015, 07:04:00 AM »
it used to be this guy
cliffy b, but he's a douche now

now it's this guy
Hidetaka Miyazaki

Gaming / Re: How do you sue for false advertising?
« on: June 20, 2015, 06:49:46 AM »
Exclusive to Microsoft

Because Windows in made by MS
it's tweeted by Xbox and the picture says Xbox One and the hashtag is Xbox

Gaming / Re: How do you sue for false advertising?
« on: June 20, 2015, 06:40:27 AM »
they're exclusive alright

exclusive to faggots
omg rekt

Gaming / Re: How do you sue for false advertising?
« on: June 20, 2015, 06:38:22 AM »
3 arent.
Tomb Raider, Gigantic and Gears. right?
fable legends is on PC as well

Gaming / How do you sue for false advertising?
« on: June 20, 2015, 06:28:32 AM »

At least 4 of these aren't even Xbox exclusive

True has 15000+ posts and 99% of them are anime girls or "no"

The Flood / Re: Only 65 more posts.
« on: June 19, 2015, 10:13:26 PM »
Down votes for everyone

The Flood / Re: Do you think intelligence is determined by IQ?
« on: June 19, 2015, 09:57:34 PM »
Oh wait that's deci

The Flood / Re: Do you think intelligence is determined by IQ?
« on: June 19, 2015, 09:57:15 PM »
Loaf confirmed IQ of 76

The Flood / Re: i bet you
« on: June 19, 2015, 09:56:24 PM »
I think I peaked at 17 because all I did was play social and btb

Gaming / Re: Matrix like, Virtual reality gets invented
« on: June 19, 2015, 09:53:29 PM »
All these people picking games where they would die horrible deaths


I'm talking about the stats governed gameplay, speech checks, skill checks, et cetera. Fallout 4 has removed these and turned the gameplay into what is essentially an FPS.

Can I get a source on those claims?

Did you watch the gameplay?

So lemme get this straight;

You're taking what little gameplay we've seen so far, which has almost certainly been vetted so that no major story is plot is gathered, (e.g. the short chat with the man has been clearly cut out, while the conversation with Codsworth is hardly to going to be anything important that needs speech checks or skills required), and basing it solely off that?

C'mon man, I thought you were better than this. I'll take back what I've said if you turn out to be right, but assuming they've removed the absolute core of Fallout from what little we've garnered so far is just insane. Closer to the mark with more gameplay preview to generate hype (and to respond to accusations such as this) will hopefully quell the doubts.

Removal of stats means no speech or stat checks. If you've actually watched the gameplay (especially the power armor segment) you'll see that it basically plays like a shooter. Every conversation we've seen is a 4 choice dialogue wheel.
stats have been replaced with a more fleshed out perk system which can be seen during the crafting segment video. Instead of putting X number of points into science before you can use a laser pistol, you'll have to have taken the tier 1 Science! Perk

Your SPECIAL also has more weight on your attributes like sneak and barted now

It's safe to assume you'll need certain charisma or perks like ladykiller to accomplish certain dialog options

More numbers doesn't automatically mean it's a better system.

Care to link where Bethesda has said all of this regarding skills? Because from what I've heard they haven't said a word regarding this whole skills debacle.

Did you watch the gameplay?

Yeah, it shows the removal of the skills screen and Tod gives lip service to perks without going into any detail and absolutely nothing on SPECIAL.
just read the special descriptions. Charisma literally says that it effects dialog options and bartering In shops. Agility says it effects sneak. Strength says it effects melee damage. Clearly all those stats are still there

In the crafting system video as he upgraded the plasma rifle it went from Science! Rank 1-4 and the pistol went through Gun Nut rank 1-4


I'm talking about the stats governed gameplay, speech checks, skill checks, et cetera. Fallout 4 has removed these and turned the gameplay into what is essentially an FPS.

Can I get a source on those claims?

Did you watch the gameplay?

So lemme get this straight;

You're taking what little gameplay we've seen so far, which has almost certainly been vetted so that no major story is plot is gathered, (e.g. the short chat with the man has been clearly cut out, while the conversation with Codsworth is hardly to going to be anything important that needs speech checks or skills required), and basing it solely off that?

C'mon man, I thought you were better than this. I'll take back what I've said if you turn out to be right, but assuming they've removed the absolute core of Fallout from what little we've garnered so far is just insane. Closer to the mark with more gameplay preview to generate hype (and to respond to accusations such as this) will hopefully quell the doubts.

Removal of stats means no speech or stat checks. If you've actually watched the gameplay (especially the power armor segment) you'll see that it basically plays like a shooter. Every conversation we've seen is a 4 choice dialogue wheel.
stats have been replaced with a more fleshed out perk system which can be seen during the crafting segment video. Instead of putting X number of points into science before you can use a laser pistol, you'll have to have taken the tier 1 Science! Perk

Your SPECIAL also has more weight on your attributes like sneak and barted now

It's safe to assume you'll need certain charisma or perks like ladykiller to accomplish certain dialog options

More numbers doesn't automatically mean it's a better system.

Care to link where Bethesda has said all of this regarding skills? Because from what I've heard they haven't said a word regarding this whole skills debacle.

Did you watch the gameplay?
Sick turn around.
get it? Because he said that when asked for a source.


I'm talking about the stats governed gameplay, speech checks, skill checks, et cetera. Fallout 4 has removed these and turned the gameplay into what is essentially an FPS.

Can I get a source on those claims?

Did you watch the gameplay?

So lemme get this straight;

You're taking what little gameplay we've seen so far, which has almost certainly been vetted so that no major story is plot is gathered, (e.g. the short chat with the man has been clearly cut out, while the conversation with Codsworth is hardly to going to be anything important that needs speech checks or skills required), and basing it solely off that?

C'mon man, I thought you were better than this. I'll take back what I've said if you turn out to be right, but assuming they've removed the absolute core of Fallout from what little we've garnered so far is just insane. Closer to the mark with more gameplay preview to generate hype (and to respond to accusations such as this) will hopefully quell the doubts.

Removal of stats means no speech or stat checks. If you've actually watched the gameplay (especially the power armor segment) you'll see that it basically plays like a shooter. Every conversation we've seen is a 4 choice dialogue wheel.
stats have been replaced with a more fleshed out perk system which can be seen during the crafting segment video. Instead of putting X number of points into science before you can use a laser pistol, you'll have to have taken the tier 1 Science! Perk

Your SPECIAL also has more weight on your attributes like sneak and barted now

It's safe to assume you'll need certain charisma or perks like ladykiller to accomplish certain dialog options

More numbers doesn't automatically mean it's a better system.

Care to link where Bethesda has said all of this regarding skills? Because from what I've heard they haven't said a word regarding this whole skills debacle.

Did you watch the gameplay?

The Flood / Re: Does anyone ever . .
« on: June 19, 2015, 08:58:30 PM »
I wonder if gatsby will guess that I liked his post

Gaming / Re: What's the last true old school RPG you played?
« on: June 19, 2015, 08:55:55 PM »
Diablo 3. Playing Fallout 2 right now, so that counts. Played TES: Arena, and I suppose Runescape probably counts.
I don't think Diablo 3 really counts

Gaming / Re: What's the last true old school RPG you played?
« on: June 19, 2015, 08:42:06 PM »
Ew Why would I want to play that

Gaming / Re: What's the last true old school RPG you played?
« on: June 19, 2015, 08:28:08 PM »
Uhhhh. Define "true old school".

The Flood / Re: How many posts do you typically post in one day?
« on: June 19, 2015, 08:27:49 PM »
19 but it was like 40 at some point when I was trying to get legendary

The Flood / Re: Guys I Fucked Up
« on: June 19, 2015, 08:06:47 PM »
That's what furiously jerking it without lube will do to you

The Flood / Re: Sep7agon Themes (Xbox 360 Only)
« on: June 19, 2015, 07:39:38 PM »
This is actually pretty cool man


I'm talking about the stats governed gameplay, speech checks, skill checks, et cetera. Fallout 4 has removed these and turned the gameplay into what is essentially an FPS.

Can I get a source on those claims?

Did you watch the gameplay?

So lemme get this straight;

You're taking what little gameplay we've seen so far, which has almost certainly been vetted so that no major story is plot is gathered, (e.g. the short chat with the man has been clearly cut out, while the conversation with Codsworth is hardly to going to be anything important that needs speech checks or skills required), and basing it solely off that?

C'mon man, I thought you were better than this. I'll take back what I've said if you turn out to be right, but assuming they've removed the absolute core of Fallout from what little we've garnered so far is just insane. Closer to the mark with more gameplay preview to generate hype (and to respond to accusations such as this) will hopefully quell the doubts.

Removal of stats means no speech or stat checks. If you've actually watched the gameplay (especially the power armor segment) you'll see that it basically plays like a shooter. Every conversation we've seen is a 4 choice dialogue wheel.
stats have been replaced with a more fleshed out perk system which can be seen during the crafting segment video. Instead of putting X number of points into science before you can use a laser pistol, you'll have to have taken the tier 1 Science! Perk

Your SPECIAL also has more weight on your attributes like sneak and barted now

It's safe to assume you'll need certain charisma or perks like ladykiller to accomplish certain dialog options

More numbers doesn't automatically mean it's a better system.

> adds more complex armor system
Does that mean power armor is acting like what it does in the first two games? Which is you're basically a walking tank. Normal melee attacks do nothing to you along with small arms.
I was referencing that there's a layered armor system now. You don't just equip "raider armor" there's legs, torso, gloves, boots etc

And it seems like power armor will be its own entity. Like a customizable vehicle that you can't use all the time or some thing

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