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Messages - Tyger

Pages: 1 ... 192193194 195196 ... 353
The Flood / Re: Do you have a day one?
« on: June 20, 2015, 10:53:22 PM »
I just met my best friend at college last august so no not really

All my good friends from elementary school became losers

I'll probably talk to him which is more than I usually do

Gaming / Re: I need a good RTS game
« on: June 20, 2015, 09:12:55 PM »

Guys this thread is over

The Flood / Re: So I looked up the definition of autism
« on: June 20, 2015, 09:11:38 PM »
medical : a condition or disorder that begins in childhood and that causes problems in forming relationships and in communicating with other people

This is the real definition

Gaming / Re: My bros didn't like the last guardian
« on: June 20, 2015, 09:09:45 PM »
more like the lame guardian hahah
halo 5: lame guardians


The Flood / Re: boycott jurassic world
« on: June 20, 2015, 09:02:49 PM »
That's hilarious and I'm 99% sure he was joking deci

Gaming / Re: i am roleplaying as a black man in Fallout New Vegas
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:58:29 PM »
I made a big black guy character on my friends Elder Scrolls Online yesterday, I named him Shaquille of Neal
I made a Fatass orc bitch with a tiara and ran around naked doing emotes to people

The Flood / Re: Verbatim was right.
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:50:37 PM »
I don't know if weed makes you stupid but a lot of fucking retards smoke weed

Gaming / Re: I need a good RTS game
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:36:08 PM »
Does XCOM count?

It's the only thing I know that's on sale now, anyways.
I didn't count it but I've played that

Gaming / Re: i am roleplaying as a black man in Fallout New Vegas
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:35:33 PM »
I chuckled

Gaming / Re: My bros didn't like the last guardian
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:34:56 PM »
Have they shown any gameplay of the Last Gaurdian. Have not seen it, but must say the worst thing is that it has been in the works for ages it is kind of sad that it may fall into memory.
yeah Sony opened with it at e3

Gaming / Re: I need a good RTS game
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:20:12 PM »
There aren't any.
Oh piss off
no fighting in this thread we all love each other here

Gaming / Re: I need a good RTS game
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:02:18 PM »
I think I'll go for age of mythology there's fucking dinosaurs and shit and it's cheap and the graphics fucking suck so my laptop can run it on highest settings  thanks lads

Gaming / Re: I need a good RTS game
« on: June 20, 2015, 08:01:06 PM »
Starcraft: Brood War is the best RTS game ever. You can get it for $10
yeah I'm not paying 10 bucks for a 17 year old game when I already have Starcraft 2

Gaming / Re: I need a good RTS game
« on: June 20, 2015, 07:49:32 PM »
Europa Universalis IV

get rekt
im scared based on psy's thread

Plus I don't like just looking at maps I like building units and commanding them about a smaller battlefield a la Starcraft or halo wars

Gaming / I need a good RTS game
« on: June 20, 2015, 07:47:14 PM »
For some reason I'm hankering to play a good RTS game. Can anyone reccomend one that's especially awesome. If it's on sale on steam than even better

Preferably either fantasy or scifi but I'll play any theme as long as it's good.  The only RTS games I've thoroughly played are halo wars, Starcraft 2, and EndWar

Gaming / Re: Anyone want to play ESO on the Xbox One?
« on: June 20, 2015, 07:04:27 PM »
I thought you were rich? Why are you not playing it on PC too?
Because he knows PCs miss out on fantastic console exclusives.
If you are rich though, you'd own everything and have everything because of it. There a lot of games on PC, you can't or never will get on consoles. So is he not the rich boy he proclaims himself to be?
just because your rich doesn't mean you have to buy anything and everything you can afford
But if you are rich and a TRUE gamer, you'd have all the popular, mainstream systems so you wouldn't be missing out on anything. So yes.. Yes you should buy everything
what is a TRUE gamer? That's fucking dumb. if he enjoys his Xbox and never feel like "damn I really need a wider variety of games" why should he buy a gaming PC and play station and a wii u just so they can collect dust?

The Flood / Re: new nameplate
« on: June 20, 2015, 06:13:36 PM »
Because fuck you

Gaming / Re: New fallout 4 article
« on: June 20, 2015, 06:02:01 PM »
I was already pleased about this game, but what I know about it now makes it even better.

I think it's great that the mod platform is finally coming to console, as I spent a lot of time on  PC making mods for skyrim, and always wished I could use them on Xbox.

Not that it mattered, because I know how to move saves between 360 and PC anyway, but it will be nice.

Bethesda has always had trouble with Sony devices, because they build in a DOS base for PC primarily, so I'm not surprised they won't talk about his soon mods will be on PS4. Anybody remember what a wreck Skyrim was on PS3?
PS3 was also a piece of shit platform in terms of ease of development. Many developers said it was harder to make games run on and Bethesda games are buggy as fuck anyway.
Allegedly, making game on ps4 is super easy (comparably) and it's hard ware is much closer to te Xboxs this time around. I think the mods coming to Xbox one first has more to do with money and Spencer's openness to let it happen

Gaming / Re: How do you sue for false advertising?
« on: June 20, 2015, 04:10:25 PM »
This shit needs to stop.

literally cannot stop playing this song

The Flood / Re: Favorite Tarantino movie?
« on: June 20, 2015, 02:59:59 PM »
Django and Basterds are both amazing

The Flood / Re: TBlocks is abusing his power as monitor
« on: June 20, 2015, 02:42:38 PM »
I though we all went to noelle's.
noelles daughter hates me

Gaming / Re: New fallout 4 article
« on: June 20, 2015, 02:37:26 PM »
-V.A.T.S. has received some slight overhauls. It no longer completely pauses the action, and critical shots are no longer random. If you look at the videos, you'll notice a "critical" bar on the bottom of the screen that the player fills. Once it is fully filled you can decide when to use it. Your luck skill determines how fast the bar increases, and there are perks that dig into how criticals work and how you use them.
Interesting. I wonder how this will apply to sneak kills... no more OHK Crit-kills from high powered weapons?
It probably works like elder scrolls in that unaware bonus and crit bonus are separate things

I couldn't platinum Tomb raider

Fuck it's broken matchmaking and online specific trophies

The Flood / Re: We live in a computer simulated world!
« on: June 20, 2015, 11:54:04 AM »
This is the problem with trying to understand the world.

If you spent your life looking at the shadows of puppets on a cave wall, wouldn't you think that those shadows were the world?

And if one day you turned around and saw the puppets, wouldn't you think that they were the world?

How would you eventually keep trying to find your way out of the cave and into the world, if you had no idea there was an outside of the cave?

We really never can be certain of it.

Is this the real life?
Or is this just fantasy?
It's like were caught in a landslide,
With no escape from "reality".
bitch you aren't Plato

Gaming / Re: New fallout 4 article
« on: June 20, 2015, 10:12:50 AM »
Fallout 4 has a full weather system that sends radiation storms across the world. 


Radstorms could be brilliant if done right >_>

Bethesda is tweaking the way auto-scaling works for Fallout 4 to create more challenge. "We call it rubberbanding; we'll have an area [where enemies scale from] level 5 to 10, and then this area will be level 30 and above," Howard says. "You'll run into stuff that will crush you, and you will have to run away."
I hope this applies to loot as well, making high risk high reward rather than skyrim's dungeon crawl shopping list <_<

Bethesda's proprietary Radient A.I. and story system are also being used for your settlements to drive random encounters. It will determine if someone should be sent to your town, if raiders should attack the settlement or abduct your caravan, etc.


If it's done well, great otherwise this might be another endless fetchquest/ganksquad shit.

Dugmeat; who Howard confirmed will not be killed off in a cruel fashion

The mod community has always been strong with Bethesda games. With Fallout 4 their creative ideas will reach beyond PC and into consoles. Modding tools are expected to become available on PC in early 2016, with Xbox One owners getting access to their creations shortly thereafter. Once the modding is thriving on these two platforms, Bethesda hopes to work on extending this content to PlayStation 4 as well, but Howard wasn't comfortable putting a timetable on that.
I appreciate their honesty over it, if they haven't made a deal with sony yet then that's fine but at least they aren't bullshitting and saying 'Yeah it's all good' or 'Wait and see Fellow Gourdion :^)'

Howard says Bethesda has been advocating to get mods on Microsoft consoles since 2001. Its hope is to not curate the content much at all but have its ecosystem stay as close to the PC experience as possible.
When you play a modded version, the game will make a copy of your save file so your pure state game will be preserved.

Oh Nyeeeeeesssssssss

Great article, thanks for the link e.e
anything for you psy

Gaming / Re: Sell my vita?
« on: June 20, 2015, 10:05:32 AM »
Sell it

Gaming / New fallout 4 article
« on: June 20, 2015, 09:29:04 AM »

Not to much new information besides weather and the confirmation of a branching story

I also noticed there's both a charisma and barter bobble head even though the barter skill seems to be removed from the game

Gaming / Re: whoever invited me to the xboner preview program
« on: June 20, 2015, 09:07:41 AM »
You're welcome

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