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Messages - Tyger

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Gaming / Re: My biggest complaint with eso
« on: June 29, 2015, 08:21:50 AM »
Just hit Veteran 1 wooh!

Rocking all Blue and Purple cause now I'm getting tempers all the time :D

Got every racial thing but primal, ayleid, dwemer, and daedra.

All I want is the dwemer helmet skill but God damn their expensive.

I could just buy the pack, but that would break my stance against Ingame purchases.


I really like how the Daggerfall Covenant zones look. Really enjoying how different the quests are as well.

But Ebonheart Eastmarch and Rift were the best :D
what race and class and shit are you playing as?

Gaming / Re: What headsets do you use for gaming?
« on: June 29, 2015, 07:57:56 AM »
iPhone headphones lol

Gaming / Re: How is the co-op in ESO?
« on: June 28, 2015, 08:57:53 PM »
It works alright but as far as I know you have to manually hit "share" on every quest that requires collecting items

And everyone in the group has to talk to every NPC involved

Gaming / Re: Possible new Dragon Age Inquisition DLC leaked
« on: June 28, 2015, 08:44:49 PM »
I didn't even buy the last one even though I loved the game.

Gaming / Re: Dragon Age Inquisition?
« on: June 28, 2015, 08:42:15 PM »

Platinumed it

Also if you don't have a knight enchanter awearing heavy armor you're the worst at the game
I'm missing some. How do I get "On Burning Wings" I assumed it was a main story one that I couldn't miss, but I don't have it. Still have some side stuff to do. And I started another file.
it was a missable story one. Without being spoilery You personally have to drink from the well
I gotcha. I'll have to do so on my second file. None of the trophies look too hard. Not sure about Hard or Nightmare though. I played on Nightmare at the beginning I think. But said, fuck it. I'm just gonna play on Easy, or casual or whatever it's called and enjoy the story. Nightmare sounds like it will be a bitch to complete.
nightmare is hard at the start but once you get to sky hold and get ahold of craft able armors and weapons you can kinda steamroll through the game. With a knight enchanted and whatever class Blackwall is the game isn't very hard. Blackwall basically can't die

Gaming / Re: My biggest complaint with eso
« on: June 28, 2015, 08:35:45 PM »
eso is the problem with eso
This. I cannot play ESO when there are so many better alternatives. MMOs in general are time consuming, so free or not, I can't spend my time playing multiple MMOs.
we all know you love your weeb cat girl simulator mmo now leave our western cat-man simulator mmo alone

That being said I think 7/10 is a fair rating for the game but I think several other big mmos are ridiculously over rated. The mmo genre as a whole could learn a thing or 2 from eso
Eww, please no. The problem with most new MMOs is they're all themeparks and not sandboxes.
have you ever actually plays the game? And I was referring to the way classes and weapons work and the way combat is more than just tab and use your abilities.
I have. Another problem I have is content, without the sub, you won't be seeing much of it. Save for expansions. If those are even any decent. Every MMO I've seen gone F2P either turned to trash, turned to trash even more, or just remained decent with low amounts of new content coming in.
oh I certainly don't see it having the longevity of final fantasy 14 or wow. They should have designed the game to be buy to play from the start with paid expansions. That's what elder scrolls fans are used to and that's the model they ended up with anyway...
I think they planned on updating it frequently, but when the subs dropped, they stopped with that plan.
well it went about a year with subs and the only new content I believe they added was one endgame zone and their version of raids  and thievery that I know of. I don't think that justifies the sub
It doesn't. They've literally added barely anything in.
its certainly far from perfect but just little things about it makes it enjoyable to me

Gaming / Re: My biggest complaint with eso
« on: June 28, 2015, 08:24:41 PM »
eso is the problem with eso
This. I cannot play ESO when there are so many better alternatives. MMOs in general are time consuming, so free or not, I can't spend my time playing multiple MMOs.
we all know you love your weeb cat girl simulator mmo now leave our western cat-man simulator mmo alone

That being said I think 7/10 is a fair rating for the game but I think several other big mmos are ridiculously over rated. The mmo genre as a whole could learn a thing or 2 from eso
Eww, please no. The problem with most new MMOs is they're all themeparks and not sandboxes.
have you ever actually plays the game? And I was referring to the way classes and weapons work and the way combat is more than just tab and use your abilities.
I have. Another problem I have is content, without the sub, you won't be seeing much of it. Save for expansions. If those are even any decent. Every MMO I've seen gone F2P either turned to trash, turned to trash even more, or just remained decent with low amounts of new content coming in.
oh I certainly don't see it having the longevity of final fantasy 14 or wow. They should have designed the game to be buy to play from the start with paid expansions. That's what elder scrolls fans are used to and that's the model they ended up with anyway...
I think they planned on updating it frequently, but when the subs dropped, they stopped with that plan.
well it went about a year with subs and the only new content I believe they added was one endgame zone and their version of raids  and thievery that I know of. I don't think that justifies the sub

Gaming / Re: My biggest complaint with eso
« on: June 28, 2015, 08:19:47 PM »
eso is the problem with eso
This. I cannot play ESO when there are so many better alternatives. MMOs in general are time consuming, so free or not, I can't spend my time playing multiple MMOs.
we all know you love your weeb cat girl simulator mmo now leave our western cat-man simulator mmo alone

That being said I think 7/10 is a fair rating for the game but I think several other big mmos are ridiculously over rated. The mmo genre as a whole could learn a thing or 2 from eso
Eww, please no. The problem with most new MMOs is they're all themeparks and not sandboxes.
have you ever actually plays the game? And I was referring to the way classes and weapons work and the way combat is more than just tab and use your abilities.
I have. Another problem I have is content, without the sub, you won't be seeing much of it. Save for expansions. If those are even any decent. Every MMO I've seen gone F2P either turned to trash, turned to trash even more, or just remained decent with low amounts of new content coming in.
oh I certainly don't see it having the longevity of final fantasy 14 or wow. They should have designed the game to be buy to play from the start with paid expansions. That's what elder scrolls fans are used to and that's the model they ended up with anyway...

Gaming / Re: My biggest complaint with eso
« on: June 28, 2015, 08:04:52 PM »
eso is the problem with eso
This. I cannot play ESO when there are so many better alternatives. MMOs in general are time consuming, so free or not, I can't spend my time playing multiple MMOs.
we all know you love your weeb cat girl simulator mmo now leave our western cat-man simulator mmo alone

That being said I think 7/10 is a fair rating for the game but I think several other big mmos are ridiculously over rated. The mmo genre as a whole could learn a thing or 2 from eso
Eww, please no. The problem with most new MMOs is they're all themeparks and not sandboxes.
have you ever actually plays the game? And I was referring to the way classes and weapons work and the way combat is more than just tab and use your abilities.

Gaming / Re: My biggest complaint with eso
« on: June 28, 2015, 06:50:05 PM »
eso is the problem with eso
This. I cannot play ESO when there are so many better alternatives. MMOs in general are time consuming, so free or not, I can't spend my time playing multiple MMOs.
we all know you love your weeb cat girl simulator mmo now leave our western cat-man simulator mmo alone

That being said I think 7/10 is a fair rating for the game but I think several other big mmos are ridiculously over rated. The mmo genre as a whole could learn a thing or 2 from eso

Gaming / Re: My biggest complaint with eso
« on: June 28, 2015, 02:29:26 PM »
Wait... isn't that game a piece of shit?

That depends.

Are you a poor kid that was upset that you had to pay a subscription fee at launch and called it shit without ever playing it? Were you one of those people who nut gobbles Raging Rodriguez and took his uneducated word as fact despite the fact that this was clearly one of his first MMO games? Or did you actually play the game when it came out/know people that did?

The PC launch was actually one of the better MMO launches in history. However the game did have a lot of bugs and Zenimax wasn't able to pump out good content fast enough to justify the continued subscription fee which is why it eventually became buy to play like Guild Wars.

If you jump into it expecting Skyrim with friends you'll be disappointed as the game is an MMO first and an TES game second. The good news is that it adopts a more TES style leveling up system (although it does also include MMO like things such as a skill bar and traditional xp leveling up in addition to other levels such as two handed, bows, destruction, et cetera).

If you don't have friends to play with or aren't into MMOs I would either wait for it to go on sale or not get it at all.
this is pretty spot on. I feel like 90% of the hate it gets is either bandwagon haters, people who wanted skyrim 2, or people who wanted a world of Warcraft clone. I'm actually having more fun with it than I ever did with my short time playing ff14, neverwinter, tera and the other mmo that's name is slipping my mind. It's one of the major ones and it's getting a sequel soon.

Gaming / Re: My biggest complaint with eso
« on: June 28, 2015, 02:21:44 PM »
This is why you coordinate with your friends.
I did. My roommates and I all got it the same day and all joined the same faction. However they aren't ALWAYS on to play with. The people I'm talking about are people either on here who've messaged me or people I had no idea that they had the game until well after I made my character. I haven't played many mmos before this so I don't know if it's a common feature but I feel like it could be more user friendly.

Gaming / Re: My biggest complaint with eso
« on: June 28, 2015, 11:38:33 AM »
Factions are fucking stupid. 3 times now I've found people who have the game and want to play with me and they're in a different faction.  I know the factions are the entire basis of the story and the pvp but that doesn't make it any less annoying. And I don't feel like leveling 3 character. I barely have time to level 1
Just level up that lvl. 3 character

Gaming / Re: My biggest complaint with eso
« on: June 28, 2015, 10:44:31 AM »
It's pretty standard fare to have factions in MMOs. It'd be nice to see ESO do what WoW does and let you level up quickly to get to endgame content quickly.
that doesn't make them less annoying

And yeah that would be nice

Gaming / Re: My biggest complaint with eso
« on: June 28, 2015, 10:14:05 AM »
eso is the problem with eso

Gaming / Re: My biggest complaint with eso
« on: June 28, 2015, 10:09:38 AM »
What the fuck why is not in gaming

Gaming / My biggest complaint with eso
« on: June 28, 2015, 10:08:49 AM »
Factions are fucking stupid. 3 times now I've found people who have the game and want to play with me and they're in a different faction.  I know the factions are the entire basis of the story and the pvp but that doesn't make it any less annoying. And I don't feel like leveling 3 character. I barely have time to level 1

Gaming / Re: Why do people buy next-gen consoles?
« on: June 28, 2015, 09:46:53 AM »
Turn your brain on
I know, right? People who think the consoles are more "simple" aren't using their brains.
sure you can build A computer for 350 dollars. Not a great computer. You won't be running anything graphically intensive with on the best settings. And you'll have to upgrade it sometime in the next 10 years.
And consoles are infinitely more simple. I walked into the store, bought it, took it home and plugged it in, popped a disc in and played. When I wanted to I put it in a backpack and took it to my girlfriends house and did the same thing. I never have to upgrade or worry if my OS or gpu isn't supported with a game I want.

Show me  a pre built PC I can fit in my backpack, will never have to upgrade in the next 10 years, can play every game that comes out, that costs $350 dollars. Make sure it has a blu Ray drive and a controller too

PC and console appeal to different people for different reasons
I get the laziness of you people. You just want to play a game, and that's it. But then why bother with the current gen? Why not go back to xbox 360 and ps3? You only switch because of the games, that's why.

A person that just wants to play games doesn't think to maximize the qualities that our time has to offer. A person who doesn't upgrade in 10 years is going to be on the same level as before (unless stuff breaks), and that's just for lazy people.

In some decades PC gaming and console gaming will be rendered obsolete as VR will become a thing, but for now you will want to get the best of a system, even if it means spending time on it.
it's not laziness. Gaming is a hobby. Most play it to relieve stress. I don't want to worry about it. After a long day at work, or doing yard work, or even college classes, I don't want to worry about if my games are going to crash, if I need to upgrade it to play the witcher 4, etc etc. It's not laziness it's user friendliness. And of course it's for the games dipshit. It's a fucking game console. There's literally no other reason to buy a game console and there never has been...

What the fuck are you even talking about regular ding VR?

Also you still haven't shown me the PC I asked you to build
That's just your point of view. Gaming can be so much more than to be defined as "just a hobby". It brings you into a fantasy world where you get to experience the story of that world as a player. It let's you use your cognitive skills to best your opponents, or friends
you're so fucking gay
I fight fire with fire
did you just admit to being a flaming homosexual
and if I did? It beats being a furry
I'm not a furry good try though lol you basically just did again
  • >not >furry
  • 2015
>profile around tiger theme'
>not a furry
yeah right good try try to deflect but you're walking proof
my name is Ty and my girlfriends favorite animal is a tiger so she gave me this nickname.
My profile is Calvin and Hobbes themed because it matched my username and Calvin and Hobbes were some of my favorite things to read as a kid
but where's the proof?
elite 4 is from coming in the top 4 of the septagon Pokemon tournament. And the proof is in my profile pics being Hobbes? I didn't even make this titlebar lol

Yep, you're nothing but a shell of your former self, if I can even call it that
a shell of my former self?

You're easily our worst new poster

Gaming / Re: Why do people buy next-gen consoles?
« on: June 28, 2015, 09:42:23 AM »
Turn your brain on
I know, right? People who think the consoles are more "simple" aren't using their brains.
sure you can build A computer for 350 dollars. Not a great computer. You won't be running anything graphically intensive with on the best settings. And you'll have to upgrade it sometime in the next 10 years.
And consoles are infinitely more simple. I walked into the store, bought it, took it home and plugged it in, popped a disc in and played. When I wanted to I put it in a backpack and took it to my girlfriends house and did the same thing. I never have to upgrade or worry if my OS or gpu isn't supported with a game I want.

Show me  a pre built PC I can fit in my backpack, will never have to upgrade in the next 10 years, can play every game that comes out, that costs $350 dollars. Make sure it has a blu Ray drive and a controller too

PC and console appeal to different people for different reasons
I get the laziness of you people. You just want to play a game, and that's it. But then why bother with the current gen? Why not go back to xbox 360 and ps3? You only switch because of the games, that's why.

A person that just wants to play games doesn't think to maximize the qualities that our time has to offer. A person who doesn't upgrade in 10 years is going to be on the same level as before (unless stuff breaks), and that's just for lazy people.

In some decades PC gaming and console gaming will be rendered obsolete as VR will become a thing, but for now you will want to get the best of a system, even if it means spending time on it.
it's not laziness. Gaming is a hobby. Most play it to relieve stress. I don't want to worry about it. After a long day at work, or doing yard work, or even college classes, I don't want to worry about if my games are going to crash, if I need to upgrade it to play the witcher 4, etc etc. It's not laziness it's user friendliness. And of course it's for the games dipshit. It's a fucking game console. There's literally no other reason to buy a game console and there never has been...

What the fuck are you even talking about regular ding VR?

Also you still haven't shown me the PC I asked you to build
That's just your point of view. Gaming can be so much more than to be defined as "just a hobby". It brings you into a fantasy world where you get to experience the story of that world as a player. It let's you use your cognitive skills to best your opponents, or friends
you're so fucking gay
I fight fire with fire
did you just admit to being a flaming homosexual
and if I did? It beats being a furry
I'm not a furry good try though lol you basically just did again
  • >not >furry
  • 2015
>profile around tiger theme'
>not a furry
yeah right good try try to deflect but you're walking proof
my name is Ty and my girlfriends favorite animal is a tiger so she gave me this nickname.
My profile is Calvin and Hobbes themed because it matched my username and Calvin and Hobbes were some of my favorite things to read as a kid
but where's the proof?
elite 4 is from coming in the top 4 of the septagon Pokemon tournament. And the proof is in my profile pics being Hobbes? I didn't even make this titlebar lol

Gaming / Re: Why do people buy next-gen consoles?
« on: June 28, 2015, 09:39:44 AM »
Turn your brain on
I know, right? People who think the consoles are more "simple" aren't using their brains.
sure you can build A computer for 350 dollars. Not a great computer. You won't be running anything graphically intensive with on the best settings. And you'll have to upgrade it sometime in the next 10 years.
And consoles are infinitely more simple. I walked into the store, bought it, took it home and plugged it in, popped a disc in and played. When I wanted to I put it in a backpack and took it to my girlfriends house and did the same thing. I never have to upgrade or worry if my OS or gpu isn't supported with a game I want.

Show me  a pre built PC I can fit in my backpack, will never have to upgrade in the next 10 years, can play every game that comes out, that costs $350 dollars. Make sure it has a blu Ray drive and a controller too

PC and console appeal to different people for different reasons
I get the laziness of you people. You just want to play a game, and that's it. But then why bother with the current gen? Why not go back to xbox 360 and ps3? You only switch because of the games, that's why.

A person that just wants to play games doesn't think to maximize the qualities that our time has to offer. A person who doesn't upgrade in 10 years is going to be on the same level as before (unless stuff breaks), and that's just for lazy people.

In some decades PC gaming and console gaming will be rendered obsolete as VR will become a thing, but for now you will want to get the best of a system, even if it means spending time on it.
it's not laziness. Gaming is a hobby. Most play it to relieve stress. I don't want to worry about it. After a long day at work, or doing yard work, or even college classes, I don't want to worry about if my games are going to crash, if I need to upgrade it to play the witcher 4, etc etc. It's not laziness it's user friendliness. And of course it's for the games dipshit. It's a fucking game console. There's literally no other reason to buy a game console and there never has been...

What the fuck are you even talking about regular ding VR?

Also you still haven't shown me the PC I asked you to build
That's just your point of view. Gaming can be so much more than to be defined as "just a hobby". It brings you into a fantasy world where you get to experience the story of that world as a player. It let's you use your cognitive skills to best your opponents, or friends
you're so fucking gay
I fight fire with fire
did you just admit to being a flaming homosexual
and if I did? It beats being a furry
I'm not a furry good try though lol you basically just did again
  • >not >furry
  • 2015
>profile around tiger theme'
>not a furry
yeah right good try try to deflect but you're walking proof
my name is Ty and my girlfriends favorite animal is a tiger so she gave me this nickname.
My profile is Calvin and Hobbes themed because it matched my username and Calvin and Hobbes were some of my favorite things to read as a kid

Gaming / Re: Why do people buy next-gen consoles?
« on: June 28, 2015, 09:35:01 AM »
Turn your brain on
I know, right? People who think the consoles are more "simple" aren't using their brains.
sure you can build A computer for 350 dollars. Not a great computer. You won't be running anything graphically intensive with on the best settings. And you'll have to upgrade it sometime in the next 10 years.
And consoles are infinitely more simple. I walked into the store, bought it, took it home and plugged it in, popped a disc in and played. When I wanted to I put it in a backpack and took it to my girlfriends house and did the same thing. I never have to upgrade or worry if my OS or gpu isn't supported with a game I want.

Show me  a pre built PC I can fit in my backpack, will never have to upgrade in the next 10 years, can play every game that comes out, that costs $350 dollars. Make sure it has a blu Ray drive and a controller too

PC and console appeal to different people for different reasons
I get the laziness of you people. You just want to play a game, and that's it. But then why bother with the current gen? Why not go back to xbox 360 and ps3? You only switch because of the games, that's why.

A person that just wants to play games doesn't think to maximize the qualities that our time has to offer. A person who doesn't upgrade in 10 years is going to be on the same level as before (unless stuff breaks), and that's just for lazy people.

In some decades PC gaming and console gaming will be rendered obsolete as VR will become a thing, but for now you will want to get the best of a system, even if it means spending time on it.
it's not laziness. Gaming is a hobby. Most play it to relieve stress. I don't want to worry about it. After a long day at work, or doing yard work, or even college classes, I don't want to worry about if my games are going to crash, if I need to upgrade it to play the witcher 4, etc etc. It's not laziness it's user friendliness. And of course it's for the games dipshit. It's a fucking game console. There's literally no other reason to buy a game console and there never has been...

What the fuck are you even talking about regular ding VR?

Also you still haven't shown me the PC I asked you to build
That's just your point of view. Gaming can be so much more than to be defined as "just a hobby". It brings you into a fantasy world where you get to experience the story of that world as a player. It let's you use your cognitive skills to best your opponents, or friends
you're so fucking gay
I fight fire with fire
did you just admit to being a flaming homosexual
and if I did? It beats being a furry
I'm not a furry good try though lol you basically just did again

Gaming / Re: Why do people buy next-gen consoles?
« on: June 28, 2015, 09:14:24 AM »
Turn your brain on
I know, right? People who think the consoles are more "simple" aren't using their brains.
sure you can build A computer for 350 dollars. Not a great computer. You won't be running anything graphically intensive with on the best settings. And you'll have to upgrade it sometime in the next 10 years.
And consoles are infinitely more simple. I walked into the store, bought it, took it home and plugged it in, popped a disc in and played. When I wanted to I put it in a backpack and took it to my girlfriends house and did the same thing. I never have to upgrade or worry if my OS or gpu isn't supported with a game I want.

Show me  a pre built PC I can fit in my backpack, will never have to upgrade in the next 10 years, can play every game that comes out, that costs $350 dollars. Make sure it has a blu Ray drive and a controller too

PC and console appeal to different people for different reasons
I get the laziness of you people. You just want to play a game, and that's it. But then why bother with the current gen? Why not go back to xbox 360 and ps3? You only switch because of the games, that's why.

A person that just wants to play games doesn't think to maximize the qualities that our time has to offer. A person who doesn't upgrade in 10 years is going to be on the same level as before (unless stuff breaks), and that's just for lazy people.

In some decades PC gaming and console gaming will be rendered obsolete as VR will become a thing, but for now you will want to get the best of a system, even if it means spending time on it.
it's not laziness. Gaming is a hobby. Most play it to relieve stress. I don't want to worry about it. After a long day at work, or doing yard work, or even college classes, I don't want to worry about if my games are going to crash, if I need to upgrade it to play the witcher 4, etc etc. It's not laziness it's user friendliness. And of course it's for the games dipshit. It's a fucking game console. There's literally no other reason to buy a game console and there never has been...

What the fuck are you even talking about regular ding VR?

Also you still haven't shown me the PC I asked you to build
That's just your point of view. Gaming can be so much more than to be defined as "just a hobby". It brings you into a fantasy world where you get to experience the story of that world as a player. It let's you use your cognitive skills to best your opponents, or friends
you're so fucking gay
I fight fire with fire
did you just admit to being a flaming homosexual

The Flood / Re: If America Really Is The Best Country...
« on: June 28, 2015, 09:09:12 AM »

The Flood / Re: So it's my birthday cunts
« on: June 28, 2015, 09:06:42 AM »
Wait you're 15?

What does he say?

Gaming / Re: Why do people buy next-gen consoles?
« on: June 28, 2015, 08:49:25 AM »
Turn your brain on
I know, right? People who think the consoles are more "simple" aren't using their brains.
sure you can build A computer for 350 dollars. Not a great computer. You won't be running anything graphically intensive with on the best settings. And you'll have to upgrade it sometime in the next 10 years.
And consoles are infinitely more simple. I walked into the store, bought it, took it home and plugged it in, popped a disc in and played. When I wanted to I put it in a backpack and took it to my girlfriends house and did the same thing. I never have to upgrade or worry if my OS or gpu isn't supported with a game I want.

Show me  a pre built PC I can fit in my backpack, will never have to upgrade in the next 10 years, can play every game that comes out, that costs $350 dollars. Make sure it has a blu Ray drive and a controller too

PC and console appeal to different people for different reasons
I get the laziness of you people. You just want to play a game, and that's it. But then why bother with the current gen? Why not go back to xbox 360 and ps3? You only switch because of the games, that's why.

A person that just wants to play games doesn't think to maximize the qualities that our time has to offer. A person who doesn't upgrade in 10 years is going to be on the same level as before (unless stuff breaks), and that's just for lazy people.

In some decades PC gaming and console gaming will be rendered obsolete as VR will become a thing, but for now you will want to get the best of a system, even if it means spending time on it.
it's not laziness. Gaming is a hobby. Most play it to relieve stress. I don't want to worry about it. After a long day at work, or doing yard work, or even college classes, I don't want to worry about if my games are going to crash, if I need to upgrade it to play the witcher 4, etc etc. It's not laziness it's user friendliness. And of course it's for the games dipshit. It's a fucking game console. There's literally no other reason to buy a game console and there never has been...

What the fuck are you even talking about regular ding VR?

Also you still haven't shown me the PC I asked you to build
That's just your point of view. Gaming can be so much more than to be defined as "just a hobby". It brings you into a fantasy world where you get to experience the story of that world as a player. It let's you use your cognitive skills to best your opponents, or friends
you're so fucking gay

Gaming / Re: Why do people buy next-gen consoles?
« on: June 28, 2015, 08:14:23 AM »
Turn your brain on
I know, right? People who think the consoles are more "simple" aren't using their brains.
sure you can build A computer for 350 dollars. Not a great computer. You won't be running anything graphically intensive with on the best settings. And you'll have to upgrade it sometime in the next 10 years.
And consoles are infinitely more simple. I walked into the store, bought it, took it home and plugged it in, popped a disc in and played. When I wanted to I put it in a backpack and took it to my girlfriends house and did the same thing. I never have to upgrade or worry if my OS or gpu isn't supported with a game I want.

Show me  a pre built PC I can fit in my backpack, will never have to upgrade in the next 10 years, can play every game that comes out, that costs $350 dollars. Make sure it has a blu Ray drive and a controller too

PC and console appeal to different people for different reasons
I get the laziness of you people. You just want to play a game, and that's it. But then why bother with the current gen? Why not go back to xbox 360 and ps3? You only switch because of the games, that's why.

A person that just wants to play games doesn't think to maximize the qualities that our time has to offer. A person who doesn't upgrade in 10 years is going to be on the same level as before (unless stuff breaks), and that's just for lazy people.

In some decades PC gaming and console gaming will be rendered obsolete as VR will become a thing, but for now you will want to get the best of a system, even if it means spending time on it.
it's not laziness. Gaming is a hobby. Most play it to relieve stress. I don't want to worry about it. After a long day at work, or doing yard work, or even college classes, I don't want to worry about if my games are going to crash, if I need to upgrade it to play the witcher 4, etc etc. It's not laziness it's user friendliness. And of course it's for the games dipshit. It's a fucking game console. There's literally no other reason to buy a game console and there never has been...

What the fuck are you even talking about regular ding VR?

Also you still haven't shown me the PC I asked you to build

Gaming / Re: Why do people buy next-gen consoles?
« on: June 28, 2015, 08:03:23 AM »
Turn your brain on
I know, right? People who think the consoles are more "simple" aren't using their brains.
sure you can build A computer for 350 dollars. Not a great computer. You won't be running anything graphically intensive with on the best settings. And you'll have to upgrade it sometime in the next 10 years.
And consoles are infinitely more simple. I walked into the store, bought it, took it home and plugged it in, popped a disc in and played. When I wanted to I put it in a backpack and took it to my girlfriends house and did the same thing. I never have to upgrade or worry if my OS or gpu isn't supported with a game I want.

Show me  a pre built PC I can fit in my backpack, will never have to upgrade in the next 10 years, can play every game that comes out, that costs $350 dollars. Make sure it has a blu Ray drive and a controller too

PC and console appeal to different people for different reasons

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